Israel’s Prime Minister “Will Be Called Mohammed” Soon

Trump reportedly then replied, “What you say makes sense. … [In a one-state scenario,] the prime minister of Israel in a few years will be called Mohammed.”
Trump’s reported remark was detailed on Sunday night by Israel’s Channel 10 news, which described it as “sarcastic” and “semi-jocular,” but also as containing a grain of truth. The TV channel said its report had been confirmed by an Israeli and a former US official who had both been briefed on the White House meeting, but that the White House and the Jordanian Embassy in Washington, DC, have refused to comment on it.


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LMAO that may just be the jews biggest fear in a one-state democratic israel with equal citizenship for all the muslims living in that country.

Trump only cares about himself, and that's a good thing!

Trump will be going with the "two state solution," as Bibi tells him to do. I actually would bet that any proposal will be written directly by likud, and Trump will just deliver it.


>Israeli Prime Minister Mohammed

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So zognald recognizes what third worlder scum will do to change the demographics. Odd that he can't realize that at home.

Trump also left out one key fact: Can't get citizenship without dna tests or proof of being a kike.

You're not that stupid are you?

Hey POTUSanon, you might want to take a break from this board until the final solution goes through.
Stay focused nigger!

This is literally why "left wing" Jews support a two state solution. They know that a pluralistic Israel will not end well for Jews

Don't forget Israel's anti-miscegenation laws.

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Go to bed you have school in the morning.


The lowest effort filename I've seen since shareblue, cadre. What's it like to get paid to insult your own race all day?

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((( )))
it would be better

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Look at all this damage control for the biggest shabbos goy in the world.

He does you stupid fuck, you realize the entire left is obstructing him, right. We don’t live in a benevolent dictatorship, and democracy is a pretty kiked system.

my shitposting folder is closing in on 1tb
tbqh i simply can't take the time to get creative anymore. all the good names are taken.
I thought my meme was funny, though. I giggled

Nobody cares about muh democracy or muh contitution anymore. If drumpf doesn't have the moral courage to gas the kike he'll be pushed aside for someone who does.

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No one believes you, redditor. Trump lied. He has no intention of deporting anyone or helping whites in any way.

Saging won't delete the thread, you know.

You guys realize you're dealing with Mattis, right? I mean, it's fun to bash trump and all, he's an easy target, but really Mattis is what you have to worry about. Your King Nigger fucked with the wrong Marine and now you idiots are paying for it.
Anytime I even remotely feel bad for what's coming your way I just think of the Palestinians that were stomped into the dirt by your bulldozers. You deserve whats coming and so much more.

Thanks for asserting something no one questioned, moishe. Fellate trump back on reddit.

not you user, the jew nigger here

1s are dubs of falsehood, user.

Trump was a stepping stone. He made normalfags realize they weren't alone in their thinking when it came to pointing out how stupid the shaming tactics of the left really were. 'I love being white', is no longer a ban-worthy offense on most social media platforms where normies flock. The left has also been getting a massive dose of their own poison as 'conservatives/alt-righters/etc…' are now getting them fired from their jobs, and using every single one of their own tactics against them. Facebook has been quietly bending to the people who actually do make up the majority of their userbase.

Like 'em or not, the 'voices of the alt-right', have been useful in getting the ball rolling. They may be controlled, but the more the kikes push and brazenly display their hypocrisy by banning their puppets, the angrier it's making people. It's having the opposite effect than what they were intending. They hoped to silence their dissenters by using fear tactics to force them back in line. It isn't working.

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That's why a one-state plan would see Israel strip the Muslims of citizenship and deport or massacre them. The Jews aren't nice when they have power and prosperity, they'll be vicious if the prospect of Israel drowning in Islam comes to pass.

How does it make you feel knowing the future generation espouses the ideals of National Socialism, Schlomo?

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Yep, some of us knew that that was the endgame when Trump moved the embassy. The more recent moves to end the UN recognition of Palestinian refugees is playing into the same game. Do the math … forcing Yidsnotreal to absorb the Palestinians would be equivalent to the USA annexing Mexico and making their states into the US' 51st through 80th States.

Found the shill. Hello Jossel! Say hi to Levi and Moishe and the gang!

Try harder, Aron.

Hi Aron, I recognized your ID from above. Don't think you can confuse anons with bullshit about Right of Return legislation, which doesn't apply to non-Jews already living in the territory.

Are you guys all in the same row of cubicles?

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We don’t give a fuck about your civic nationalism, you cocksucking faggot. Trump loves kikes. Period. Trump hates whites. Period. Public disavowal of white nationalism means you need to get the fuck out.

Call me when it happen because for now white white kid are in drag and plastered on building via video and trump doing nothing to stop that.

Go back to Zig Forums, kid. You've failed today, go home and be a family man.

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well yeah.

the whole conflict there is over the Israelis trying to maintain racial purity.

everyone understands that except for brainwashed boomer civnats that think Pallys hate the Jews for their freedoms.

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We don’t give a fuck about your civic nationalism, you cocksucking faggot. Trump loves kikes. Period. Trump hates whites. Period. Public disavowal of white nationalism means you need to get the fuck out. Go back to reddit. You are exposed.

what else is there to care about , there is only trump … The only good thing in this world that delivers

not even 5 guys is better than him

I was motivated to vote for drumpf in 2016.
I'm not motivated to vote in the primaries.
I'm not motivated to vote for a ziocohen again.

If no one votes for Trump, he loses. What radical change from white genocide has he offered me to campaign on?

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Go. back. to. reddit.

Your PR mentality is why the "alt-right" even exists. Kill yourself.

Good. At least (((they))) are rotting from the same poison that they feed us. Hopefully, it kills them completely first.

Trump's just some neocon kike-puppet along with Reagan and Goldwater. The whole fucking GOP is as kiked as the Democrats. How the fuck do you fags find out about this place and you're not even redpilled?

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stop crying and chill bro

Death to all lies!
Death to all jews!

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I dont agree with your political stance


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Are you referring to your own shilling? lol


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War is politics by other means.

Bro? Are you the jewish version of a Chad?

You're as bad a Clinton supporter, if not worse.

For every one degenerate there are 100 redpilled Gen Z.

Sounds like wishful thinking.

This is spam. Knock it off.

No one believes your lies.

Be Rational.
Even if Trump were Kike controlled He's not He is the perfect cover for our growth and subversion, as well as red-pilling. Don't be nigger-tier emotional or JIDF tier shilled. We are winning, do not slow down.

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Yeah, on your part.
This chart is based on their interpretation of Trump being literally the second Hitler, as propagated by the media.

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I never made a claim you could refer to as "wishful thinking". People thinking Trump is actually right-wing is sad and pathetic, like you.

Gas the kikes, JIDF.

for any non-kike reading, read my post below.

You're either a sap or you know how full of shit you are and don't care.

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bluepilled redditors need to fuck off and die

I literally am not implying.

You literally are.


Honestly, what do you have to gain from shilling Trump and make believing he isn't a complete Zionist? Honest question.

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Well, they’re paid to do it, so they gain currency.

He's done more good than bad. Overton window. Better than Hillary. What should we do? I don't see anyone picking up a gun and leading the revolution.

He hasn't done anything so fuck him.

You're right, it's not like Hitler was democratically elected!

Then why is the (((media))) (((hollywood))) and the (((left))) so desperately trying to get rid of him?

Do you really need to ask this question?

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Well, objectively speaking Trump is neither Hitler nor is he a kike. He is a Zionist and a kike enabler.

Yeah. Though Israeli kikes seem to love Trump. Perhaps Trump has caused a civil war among the kikes.

To be fair, Hitler gave jews a country and let them sit out the war in three star resorts. If anything, Zig Forums is too radical for National Socialism.

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ZOG kikes and israel kike have always been at odds. They're ultimately still part of the same tree, but they work against each other at times.I think jews just can't help but jew each other.

Zig Forums is unfiltered. Lots of emotions talk here. Remove the hedge and see if the barking dog bites.


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If you think this is even comparable to previous presidents, you're either an idiot or you're extremely young. I'm guessing you're extremely young.

I'm going to take a second for you. There has never been this level of opposition in modern history. Not ever. Not Bush, not even Nixon was hated as much as Trump by the kikes, the left, the media and all their many faces.

That means something.

Even here there are anti-Trump shills.

You weren't here during the election. This is how we know you're new. Lurk 2 years.

holy trips of truth

There is nothing emotional whatsoever about our desire to commit genocide on the entire jewish race down to the last unborn child. Emotions don’t even enter into the discussion. It’s an objective matter, based entirely in dispassionate fact.

Hitler was a softie. That's why he lost. Probably because he was raised (((christian))). We will not repeat his mistakes.

I'm in my 20s and I remember the Bush administration well. He was the subject of propaganda films and constant ridicule despite being a pro-Israel neocon (as is Trump).

I've been here since 2014 faggot, 2016 was the year this board mostly went to shit due to r/thedonald shills such as yourself.


Dear Diary,
Today, OP was not a faggot. Shills out in full force.

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Then you have also figured out that Khazarian converts arose 8 centuries after practically all kikes had been genocided.

Ackshually, the CIA by way of William Regenry II created the alt-kike and is Spencer's handler, and he doesn't have the service record of Old Bob (Gods rest his soul). Of course, you're an obvious shill or newfag, so it figures that you don't know anything and just incoherently yell whatever vapid thoughts enter your tiny little mind for over (10) posts, as you also have no respect nor understanding for user culture. Perhaps you should kill YOUR self instead of the normal user with insight and a valuable post. Sage for doublepost, but magical jebuz fucking christ, this shilling–it's all so tiresome.

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^ fake

Remember, Trump was pro-kike before the primaries. The guy is pretending like it was some fucking surprise, but it wasn't. tbqf it's just irritating when kikes lie so fucking bad.

Israel kikes are deluded. having a nationstate with actual responsabilities, work, limited resources etc is precisely the opposite of the eternal parasitic jew. it is the end of the jew in itself. of course so far it is only a leech on the nations and a haven for all pedophiles and crooks, but dialectically the idea (that it's a dead end for them) still stands.

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Don't forget the Germans and the communist regime of the Soviet Union that was created to kill them all prior to WWII.

Look at Germany, France, Italy, Sweden and the UK now. This is how Jews have thanked England and the USA for helping them create Israel.

So the orange kike states that if he doesn't get his own way the future prime minister of temporary kike central will be mohammed.

then all the fashy based cartoon frog posting MAGApede spastics use that as evidence the orange kike, isn't kiked?

The sooner Amerca falls the sooner the European tribes can begin to fightback against the American/israeli JWO