Peter Dutton has the charisma of a potato and yesterday he tried to take the leadership of the current party in power, the Liberals, which would have made him PM and he lost by 7 votes. Today he has introduced his alternative policy outline which includes reduced immigration intake. Our current jew puppet PM Malcolm Turnbull who is a former banker is trying hard to find any excuse not to reduce immigration.
AUS/POL/ Globalist Banker PM challenged by anti immigration Minister for Leadership
Other urls found in this thread:
* Reduce the annual permanent migration intake.
"I think we do have to cut the numbers back."
* Push newly-arrived migrants towards Western Australia, South Australia and regional areas.
"At the moment we've got huge congestion in capital cities … we need to allow our infrastructure to catch up. We (also) need to rebuild many of our rural towns who are suffering."
* Lower power prices by removing the GST on household electricity bills.
"I think that is important for pensioners, for self-funded retirees, for people that are finding it difficult to pay the bills each month."
* Establish a royal commission into the fuel and energy sectors.
"There's something that's not right, something that stinks about some of these electricity and fuel companies, and if we can get to the bottom of it I think we can get a better outcome for consumers."
* Potentially withdraw Australia from its Paris agreement climate change targets.
"My judgment is that we do whatever reduces power prices."
* Abandon corporate tax cuts and deliver more relief to wage earners and small businesses instead.
"I would support that money being applied either to households or to a tax cut for small and micro-businesses so we can allow them to grow, because they really are the lifeline of the economy."
* Deliver more water to drought-stricken farmers.
* "We need to invest more in water to get farmers out of drought so they do not go through what they go through at the moment."
(SOURCE: Radio interview, 3AW, 22/08/2018)
Yeah no thanks Dutton, Shorten is a piece of shit but at least he's stupid enough to not have ideas. If I could vote Katters in my state I fucking would. Also his """reduced""" immigration is still over 100k so big fucking woop, it's literally nothing
Shorten is against reducing immigration. Dutton might be a cuck but at least he wants to reduce the number. Obviously Fraser Anning would make the best PM but an improvement is better than nothing
Immigration needs to be reduced below 50k and it will deflate the housing market too which is absolutely necessary. Those immigrants need to be sourced from white countries too.
do anti immigration voters think dutton is the hardest on immigration?
perhaps a line up of policies from dutton, hanson, bernadi, anning, etc is in order
i'd post katter's australian party immigration policies if it were written on their page, but we'll assume it's in line with anning's speech
As an Ausfag I can say immigration is starting to fail and collapse here. Muslims have taken over neighborhoods and are treating the area like its under sharia law, police are discouraging even pleading with Aussies to stay away. The African youths are causing crime at an enormous rate despite their smaller numbers and everyone's too chicken shit except for Abo's to call them ungrateful Niggers. Our tax dollars are spent keeping broadcast ABC and SBS alive that runs nothing but anti family feminist propaganda and they will waste more tax payer funding to make internet rebuttal videos to being called feminist propaganda. Also they do everything possible to not talk about the joys radical Islam has bought us with concrete barriers everywhere because of two Islamic terror attacks using a car. It's a fucking joke.
Anyone is better than that Goldman Sachs Jew banker globalist cuck. As long as they stop this ridiculous immigration, I'm happy.
So let me try and understand your reasoning. You have a choice between Dutton, Turnbull and Shorten. Dutton advocates reducing immigration; Turnbull and Shorten want to keep it the same (or potentially increase it in Shorten's case). But while Dutton's policy amounts to a reduction, it doesn't fall below your (completely arbitrary) standard of 100k; disqualifying it as "good enough". Therefore it is not worthy of support. So we've ruled out Dutton and have two remaining options: Turnbull or Shorten. Where do we go now, genius?
Not many Aussies want to vote them in. Where is the third option? It’s not fair on them to force them to vote someone that they don’t want to rule.
Don't forget the Asians isolating themselves in their own hoods. And none of them speak English. They literally couldn't give a fuck about Aus. Their behaviour informs us that they're only here because their countries suck so much. If theirs were better, there would be no reason to come here.
I'm so tired of having to deal with all of them. Diversity has turned me into the biggest racist. I hate listening to their droning subhuman garble. I'm at the point now where I'd happily drown them all in the fucking ocean. Fuck them. And fuck everyone who supports them. They've destroyed this Anglo country and the days of our parents are gone. They are completely gone. The only repayment acceptable is their warm blood.
Nope. Fraser Anning is the only one we should support
katter's australian party seems to be the only party that understands the national question and sees how nationalism, sovereignty, and limited regulation coincide
We should campaign for everyone to donkey vote this year. Voted for One Nation last time and Pauline cucked hard the other day, so she's lost my vote. Don't think Katter will run a candidate in my electorate, and I'm not voting for Palmer.
The sooner we can bring this shit down the better tbh. We've ceded control to women and Jews, we've basically made ourselves useless through decades of innovation and outsourcing. Our boys are being psyop'd into being weak bitches who won't cause a stir (can't upset the status quo) and our country is going to continue being flooded with Asians and poos.
Majority of Immigrants have been white. Only in the past 3-4 years thats changed.
Controlled immigration is fine. What we have isn't controlled, and we're handing 457 visas out like candy, Then wondering where the jobs are. They get underpaid and overworked, while Australians dont work because we cant get the jobs or contract. The money they earn is sent overseas, reducing the impact our economy has.
Basically they fucked the younger generation, unless you see major change there. Look to get out of Australia j the next 10 years. Infrastructure will start failing.
Cos donkey voting works?
Those votes put the libs in for another 4 fucking years.
Thanks for being apart of the issue.
There's no viable option.
Mass immigration (muh economy)
Mass immigration with more shitskin refugees
Useless fat cunt who's trying to copy Trump's campaign but doesn't realise that he's universally hated. Will get
I hate to say this but this is how the liberal and labor managed to stay in power for many years. Just vote the right wing parties to the top while vote the harmful parties to the bottom.
I wonder why they refuse to push on Queensland? It’s like that they are afraid of pissing the Queenslanders off and get hang by them
This. There's enough minor parties that aren't cucked like the big two. Look to them, even if they're single issue. Every vote away from the cunts running the show can only help their increasing destabilisation.
Based Abo's.
Here is the link for everyone.
It is a list of registered political parties.
I'd say vote Katter if he's got a candidate in your area, otherwise vote for the Conservatives. Bernardi hits the nail on the head 75% of the time which is better than pretty much anyone else.
You tried and failed u big rude bum head. I'm not voting for any of those cucks, I'll go minor party. The ideal immigration amount is Japan-tier, ie next to none. The libs want to spread out the coloured cancer all over the country rather than the localised spot it's in now, which labor opposes. Shorten is pretty much guaranteed to get the PM job. That means more immigrants keep going to the same place, and people keep getting angrier and the heat turns up. The national conversation is going to continue being about immigration and when it blows up under this scenario, it's easier to round up and remove the cancer because it hasn't spread as much.
Start with One Nation, then your favorite meme parties (leyonhjelm, bernardi, palmer, etc) AND PUT THE MAJOR PARTIES LAST
Queen Pauline may have been led astray by her (((advisors))) but she forced Dutton hand by introducing her immigration plebiscite right after Anning's speech.
Fuck off shitskin. It was letting wogs that fucked this country. We need to go back to our Anglo-Celtic roots.
Bad advice. Pauline is no friend to Nationalists.
And go where, pray tell? Everywhere else is equally fucked. No, white man, you must stay and fight or die. The kikes have made sure there is nowhere for you to run, no path to survival that doesn't involve mass-ovening the yids once and for all. The will never let you go, you must take them out first.
He is friend with the Jews so no vote for him.
I have some respect for the man since he wished to relocate White South Africans to Australia to farm, but the rest of the Australian government kiked him. It seems as though the entire Anglosphere is kiked.
dude just wait for hitler
Hitler is dead, though we do need a new Hitler-like figure. For fuck's sake, I'd be happy with another Franco or Salazar type of )))dictatorship((( at this point.
Nah I am not waiting for him because he is dead or too old to fight.
Donkey voting is the absolute worst thing you can do since that means the only votes left that mean anything will be for the big three.
If you hate the system and you're too apathetic to care about who you vote for then at least cast it to some random third party so it can be weighed against the big three.
Dick Smith is goodest goy, but the major policy of the party is reducing immigration to near zero. They also want to process natural resources over here too, rather than mine them here, send them overseas to be processed, then buy them back. Otherwise they're centrist faggots and greenies that are fed up with commie bullshit.
Vote according to who is most against immigration, and put them in order. It's that simple.
I'd probably do something like: Sustainable Australia, One Nation, Conservatives, Leyonhelm, Family First (? they're a bit multiculti for me), …, Liberals, faggot parties.
It's not much, but it's all the political power we have.
Even if a staunch anti immigration bloke got in like Dutton whoever gets voted in after him in 202x would just roll back the changes.
We Need to Ned Kelly to kick every corrupt cunt polly out of office and start from scratch.
Normies and normalfags are waking up thankfully and if Blair cottrel fizzles out there will be more
LNP are handing us over to UN Federally
ALP are working at the Local Gov level. Our only hope is to vote Bernardi but he has to make sure NO votes go to the 2 Main parties
I believe Hansen is contriollednoppisition.
Shooters party 2nd option
Bogus surveillance laws
Who else gonna donkey vote?
If any user has not read the full transcript of martin bryant's final interview with police, or was unaware of how disgustingly mishandled port arthur was, heres the "full (incoherent, redacted)" 142 pages. in the case of tl.dr just read the last 50. The print is large
Remember to vote katter party and all minor right parties before any big three or sex party. Make sure your preferred parties arene't pissing their votes to labor or lib as well.
Reducing and stopping immigration is a 1990s talking point. Mass expulsion is whats needed.
where do you think you are you fucking retard?
He probably means White only. But unless Australia really puts their backs into desal, and foresting up the place and building man made lakes and rivers, then Australia has hit carrying capacity.
The sustainability party is pretty much my only hope and its not much
I'm not sure how long they can keep going considering corporations are trying push Dick's stores out of business
I think it was in the news sometime recently that Aldi's basically destroyed his Fresh fruit and vegetable stores that i didn't even know existed
I don't understand how thats even possible, as the fresh fruit at Aldi's tastes like shit, passable mention to their bananas that taste all taste the same to me regardless of where they came from
The vegetables are ok on the other hand and i dont even want to start on how terrible the frozen stuff was
Unless we start deporting people, any amount of immigration is bad
I can't wait until we have another great drought and get turned into a desert wasteland within the span of a few years
Because supposedly the next time one comes its going to be even worse
I mean i know we operate on a dry season and wet season, but the 2000s drought was a result of several weather patterns coming together to fuck our day
Think "The Perfect Storm", except the opposite, a combination of the dry season, an abnormal el-nino event as well as a few other things culminated in having shit all water, this happens every few decades
And instead of the government thinking we need to reduce water-use, they instead increase immigration to absurd levels and Julia Gillard decides it would be great to over fill our dams past their safety regulations before the next wet season so it would burst flooding Melbourne even more than it already was
I hate our politicians
Thing is, with extreme amounts of desalination, and massive projects to build artificial rivers and lakes everywhere along with foresting up everything that isnt farmland and constructing large scals forests, and increasing the vegetation density of the outback, again along with massive artificial lakes and rivers/canals, it would alter the desert state of the geography. And work to increase natural rain fall year after year.
Im talking 30x as many reservoirs and linking them with man made rivers and canals.
Sounds like she hates Melbourne.
I can see that, but it would take a lot of time and money, something our government wouldn't support
Not to mention the changes to the ecosystem it might bring as well as the areas that need to be forested already being owned
Its simply to much time with too little return for people who are only concerned about only care about their own concerns for their election year
They're the kind of people that make technocracies look like good things
Nah, shes just a bint cunt who thought it would made her more popular if it looked like she was doing something for Melbourne, completely ignoring what the people, who actually know about the dam, have to say
Suffice to say, she isn't even that bad compared to a lot of the cunts we get as PM
Its like they're getting worse and worse
Fuck my grammar is shit, I really need to go to bed
He is friend with Jews so vote him to the bottom along with Lib/Lab parties.
Can I get a quick rundown on Dutton, Turnbull, and the state of australian politics?
turnbull is left leaning masquerading as a conservative. Open borders, gay marriage etc. Dutton is a kosher conservative who wants to cut back immigration & maybe bring in white south africans, though even duttons immigration reductions will not be enough by a long shot. both in the liberal party which is a cesspit of corruption
No one rabbi. I am going to pick the most anti immigrant person
Donkey voting is what the Jews want us to do
I don't want some preferences going to either lnp or alp fuck both of them what do?
Pick the most anti immigration person. They have to preference one or the other and libs are slightly better than Labor.
Hopefully Dutton becomes PM. As Trump has shown you have to push the electorate gradually to the right.
Look at how much kvetching there was when Trump said he would ban muslims and Mexicans. Now normies are used to that language and it no longer shocks people and the jews cannot shame people anymore for expressing the idea America need to ban beaners and muslims
We have to aim for the long plan. The first part is reducing immigration. Expulsion comes later. It took the jews 70 years to go from ww2 generation to modern degeneracy. If we can reverse it in half the time that would be best option possible IMO
Vote minor parties to the top and vote major parties to the bottom. More chaos for the politics!
He has done neither and people still lose their jobs, livelihood and continue to be deplatformed.
Social media is dying
Like I give a fuck
Katter and Anning are the last hope. If Dutton takes over at least it will be perfect timing for the SA farmers to come on over and do more the country in a week than any Muslim has in a year. I feel like more then half this country is too brainwashed to listen to real facts anymore.
Are you really that dense? The point was not about what Trump has done but that he has moved the acceptable conversation rightward. People are now more openly anti-immigration and anti-islam than they were because Trump has made it ok to be.
Right now the parliament is broken so that means e will get another pm again soon.
Pauline is a lying populist snake, she completely backflipped when Fraser Anning made his speech.
Be ready for the early election. I know we don’t have enough time to research the right political parties but like the anons said that we should vote minor parties to the top to shake the things up for lolz.
The rule for voting is
Try to do this. Focus on below the line parties eve if they are meme parties.
Everyone read because it is a important list link of the political parties.
Fair enough. But suppose potato head Dutton gets himself elected and reduces immigration by ~50k. On the surface that doesn't look like much; and you're right to think so, because it's a drop in the bucket. But what you need to realise is that reducing that 50k is all gain for zero cost as far as Australia's immigration is concerned. Do you think the international conversation is going to change around immigration because Australia reduced its intake by 25%? I don't. In fact, I reckon the opposite is true: other countries see that we reduced our immigration intake, and use it as precedent to reduce their own, which other nations use them as a precedent to reduce theirs, and so on. Just look at the "Trump effect" for example, that has made waves throughout the Western world, drastically changing the conversation. The result of this is even though we would reduce our intake by only 25%, the pressure to reduce it further does not go away because the international sentiment against immigration in White countries is still on the rise.
That's why I reckon we need to do away with the "all or nothing" mentality and seize these small victories whenever we can. The fucking left are masters of this, and they'll take any win they can get. No victory is too small, because they understand that the sum of consistent small shifts results in a landslide. Each small shift against immigration might not seem like much in the moment, but every small victory adds to the international backlash against the jews' immigration machine.
Shit. Was meant for: .
Even the far left acknowledge that Australia's ideal population is around 15million.
There needs to be a grass roots campaign for a Sustainable Australia that all the people can agree on.
A drastic reduction in immigration would also mean a deflation of the housing bubble.
A bunch of chinky bugs and self absorbed, nigger loving boomers would lose out big time and I'm fine with that because it means we get lots of young, wealthy couples into affordable housing and having white babies.
ABS numbers show over 1 million homes in Australia are currently empty.
Do you really want 85% of these homes full of poos, chinks and niggers? Because that's currently the state of migration in Australia.
Approximately 160k migrants per annum are shitskins:
They're okay, but far from perfect. Hit a few good notes on things like immigration, foreign investment and multinationals. Seems like they're trying to pull people away from the Greens, too. The foreign aid and Arts stuff is a bit of a turn off, though.
Cory Bernardi met up with Trump Team just before or after election. There's a pic if him with the campaign manager. ? Kerry.
I'll have to get some info for you. He's anti UN.
The UN was created by the Bankers and owned by them. International laws are Cabsl Rothschild Khazarian laws.
I've been on this a long time.
I'll send you a few articles and you'll
Definitely know who to vote for.
The OIC is overseeing the takeover of every council Mayors, WW. They have internationalised municipal police. Shariah Compliant. The UN has 2 sets of Human Rights. They and the Pope are accepting Noahide laws. They are openly telling you Basl is their God. See UN Lucus Trust. They have alteady accepted these laws in the US School Bill.
That's all BS they're feeding you. We're all going into SmartCities human Enslavement. Hello, that's what Dick smith was fighting but he still wasn't sure what it was.
India & China's are finished. We atill have a chance to get out of this
These are the quickest way to explain what's happening and where the Khazarian Cabal is taking us using THEIR UN, abusing treaties , thereby bypassing Legislature! They own the weather, the skies, the oceans, World Heritage Sites, Forests, Land, they've stolen under the guise if SUSTAINABILITY code word for MARXISM. If I see that word, Resillient or Concensus I want to scream. These are the Cabal's CODE WORDS.
The Cabal's immigration that Only send a certain Group is to bring Shariah Law in!
The UN is already Shariah Compliant. They're making all our councils and police as well.
Why do u think they kerp
Mentioning 2030? Robots will replace 80% of our jobs. Robots don't discrimminate. How will we pay our mortgage? Hiw will we prove ww have a bank account? Cashless Society.
They won't need humans anymore. Wr'd all better wake up real fast.
Your Julia Gillard ys a criminal and In cahoots with her BFF Hillary Clinton and CF her Education Which us in joint Global education from Qatar UNICEF, dumbing every country down, So they're too dumb ro know what the Cabal has in store for them. Your children. They don't need humans. They have rogue scientists who claim they can already produce a baby without both parents! They also claim they can make artificial semen,
See Technocracy News Website. Why are all those house standing empty nut there are do many homeless. Getting rid if Single family homes. No more families. Every country has tons of empty houses. Out if teach of ordinary people. Deliberate planned. See David Icke.
Sovereignty us a GIFT of the United Nations !!!
Arts industry in aus completely destroyed.
It will never recover, leftists and marxists have destroyed it.
I work in film.
Oh so they've fucked up their side of the country with migrants and instead of turning them back, they'll send them to W.A? They can fuck right off back to Canberra with that idea.
The eastern states have been ripping us off for a long time. Now they want to ship their immigrant problem here too?
Get stuffed!
Lmao nice
What's planned for us