Operation Alicia Mk7 - Greg Aouizerate Edition

ITT: We fuck with porn kikes for great justice and the salvation of a literally-retarded waifu.

CAUTION: A massive shill wave has been detected in response to a magnitude 6.oyvey kvetchquake generated by the content of this operation.

You have been warned.

From the first thread:
>(((Mods))) on cuckchan are deleting threads about this.
Quick rundown from cuckchan thread

Here is a video of her saying they wouldn't let her have her comfort animal with her at a shoot and she had to be hospitalized because of an anxiety attack.

Video with her being on drugs

Thread 1

Thread 2

Thread 3

Thread 4

Thread 5:

Thread 6:


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Other urls found in this thread:


get rid of the waifu in the OP, you beta orbiter, the other thread is better

Just to repeat

Attached: Greg Aouizerate.jpg (2686x1510, 191.14K)

worst thread 2018

We both made threads at the same time. I found Lansky's contact info and put it in the OP:

Dumping clips as I make them

Attached: 4.0GPA.mp4 (640x360, 5.43M)

be warned, if his number get's out and he starts getting calls from anons calling him a filthy kike at 4am, he is going to go into shut it down mode and clean up all his foot prints.

Maybe repost that stuff here. This one seems to be taking off and is in previous OP's style I just copy pasta'd.
I have to go to sleep so won't be able to delete if this one doesn't take off.


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Attached: LANSKYSinfo.png (1045x506, 40.73K)

I wonder if JF will leave her FRENCHED.

Has ANYTHING come of this yet?


He just wants to focus on the girl. What angle is best? What makes her smile? What unironically makes her produce noise? That's all these beta orbiters do.

She loved pleasuring niggers…and she enjoys it when they fuck her…
kek! I told you guys that she was an adult woman who was totally playing all of you. Look at her stupid 12 year old 'my mommy dressed me outfits'…my god this is just sick.

improved thread archive list:
Thread 1


Thread 2


Thread 3


Thread 4


Thread 5:


Thread 6:


It's about taking down Jews, you cuckold faggot. Right now, we have the contact info of the BLACKED producer and creator himself.


Based disabled user explains how the government kikes can be manuvered against the porn kikes. CALL THEM. EMAIL THEM.

MAKE IT A POINT TO CONTACT THEM EVERY DAY FOR THE NEXT TEN DAYS telling them about this. If we amass only one wave, we will be forgotten about and this whole thing will be swept under the rug.


Some wordsmith user needs to create a formletter/copypasta we can submit to them. Can you do it?

Attached: 19b32a7e8f3d7d8acf38d986d7180fc7bc3b788c798c91a6950448c5fa5a3678.png (3068x2002 292.41 KB, 4.67M)

Literally raising the next mandingo wrestler, except this time she's white and not Kim Kardashian. nu/pol/ 2018 R.I.P

She has confirmed on livestream with JF Gariepy himself that she received no brain trauma from the incident, you useless fucking retard.

See here:

(1) Where a person is incapable, because of a mental disorder or developmental or physical disability, of giving legal consent, and this is known or reasonably should be known to the person committing the act. Notwithstanding the existence of a conservatorship pursuant to the provisions of the Lanterman-Petris-Short Act (Part 1 (commencing with Section 5000) of Division 5 of the Welfare and Institutions Code), the prosecuting attorney shall prove, as an element of the crime, that a mental disorder or developmental or physical disability rendered the alleged victim incapable of giving consent


Basically anyone in the state of California who fucked Alicia can be charged with rape, since she can’t legally consent cuz of mental disability. Those kikes and niggers should worry now

It literally does you stupid cunt.

2 days in and we are on thread 7
Good work anons, we are getting close and really progressing now.

I'll have this skype's current seaside location in few hours.

Not in California, goy. What else you got?

LARP as a detective and shit, give the kike a good scare before you start blasting Fuhrer's speeches at him.

This is a good idea. Hey, give us the number so we can all spam our own text boards. Maybe we can make one of Hannah Hays.


You can find out someone’s personal information through a license plate search too, didn’t we get a picture of his motorcycle? I can dig if anyone’s interested.

This was posted in last thread.

Attached: 4805905a1565ea7c693025af44cc45d83492eae0108137c2be636e3b7e1e3aeb.png (741x3012 6.08 MB, 123.71K)

Plenty of his office and business numbers are doxed but not his personal cell.

818-667-9448 is his wireless. One of you niggers do it.


Someone needs to make an infographic of the blacked houses/location addresses, and the above studio addresses, that can be spread around

FInd other possible homes of Greg Lansky aka Greg Aouizerate but DO NOT POST THEM IN INFOGRAPHICS. keep them ITT for the anons that might want to blow off steam (that's not what you think it means FBI)

faggot, she sounds straight up retarded, are you going to believe what she says when if it's true she is brain damaged she would have to stop?

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-08-21 at 7.51.16 PM.png (1183x600 702.27 KB, 273.1K)

Filtered :^)

Found it.

Attached: D8F98877-CED0-4387-ABBD-B6782B0D8A00.jpeg (1073x1080, 291.51K)

a couple of Greg Lansky/Aouizerate's addresses can be found here


Attached: Screenshot_2018-08-22_12-53-49.png (1366x768 1.27 MB, 1.3M)

more porn dens

Attached: 90e050d7553c3adc68093a50052ec7eff6bd9f1b5d5e8fe1ebfd16a8843cb6c3.png (2718x1522 4.8 MB, 3.42M)

(note: deleting small rectangles to get past duplicate image bullshit

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Never mind.

Whats wrong with all these whore's asses? A license check should turn up more matching phone numbers.

She makes massive grammar, pronunciation, and conceptual errors in every single reply. "Drugs is bad"

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Oh what, when did JF jump on this? How come he was able to talk to her, but not us.

This is a train wreck I can’t say I’m not enjoying.

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Plastic ass injections and fake prosthetic nigger dicks.
I’d be careful, see:

Attached: wearethelaw.jpeg (1200x796, 80.27K)

oh no no no, user
she left HS as a JUNIOR to LA 14 months ago

Now, 14 months and 1400 dicks later, she has graduated HS with a 4.0 AVERAGE and finished 2 years of college.

So, what? Should we fuck her heroin ass? What's up, nigger? Apparently, Aryan women are retarded and by a staple, so are the user.

He probably just called her agent. 5 mins of search and you can find the number.

Fuck off kike, no one gives a shit about her outside of a vector of attack.

Mia Malkova. Actually seems like an attractive girl (skin deep). It does seem like Blacked are able to get all of the more attractive pornstars. I wonder how they do it.

Attached: match.png (1114x1368, 1.2M)

Was just wondering that. He reached out to her agent and her handler was cool with some obscure Frenchie "Alt Right" YouTuber interviewing her?

What the fuck, I know I filtered your ID. This keeps happening.

Make people care. How? Spread the first pic, it's a great emotional appeal. Remember, this girl is a lost cause and was retarded even before her accident. DO NOT FALL FOR HER BEING INNOCENT, MAKE OTHERS DO THAT. She is lost and is useful solely as a propaganda piece. I'm sick of you cucks calling her waifu like the copypasted OPs. You guys should have taken time to edit them but you sperged out. Somebody also created something like what pic two was talking about.

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-08-21 at 8.02.00 PM.png (1201x155 393.85 KB, 132.99K)

They specifically target blondes and youthful looks because their demographic is pedophile niggers.

The simple way then. Reminds me of Trump telling the story about Obama reporting that NK was a big threat

323 number won't ring for me
818 should be woodland hills - rings to busy signal. will continue to try



We have nothing to lose by doing this right now, its only a matter of time until her (((handlers))) shoa'h her social media, and possibly try to scrub that of her family, or at least her connections to them.

The goal is to turn the family against the porn kikes, which will turn the kikes against her beloved family. This will turn her against the kikes.

She deeply loves her family, always talks about wanting to see them, and seems to be supporting them with the money she "makes"

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Refresh thread, sometimes things get borked.

I think it's allowed in certain states if you have a private investigator license.

I get that they would desire these girls, but what is strange is that they seem to book all the pretty girls. They're either using extreme cohenrcion, or paying very well. I think we know it's the former.

← Kek, gotta watch this.

Attached: JF.png (1322x278, 60.12K)

I think you guys need to hone your jew-dar, that face screams yid



we don't gain anything at all by contacting her relatives. waste of energy. spend energy digging into jewpin porn faggot, not doing whatever the fuck you're doing with this coal burner

I hope you are calling him from a different phone number.


You guys got played. We are going to extend this to eight threads and conclude the current topic there. There's going to be some sick BLACKED promos coming out after all this so I suggest you keep checking. I'm talking the finest white asses in the business and rest assured they know how to ride a good dick. Thanks for your participation in our marketing campaign.

I know that's bullshit but I believe it.




If they're renting/leasing/borrowing any of them, there is a real chance we could get the realtor or broker FUCKED by the state of California or some real estate board for supplying them with houses.

If you want to go deeper, you can find out who actually owns these houses and enlighten them to the activities that happen/have happened there.

Additional locations and info:

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Oh look, another pro-porn psyop thread. The kikes must be enjoying the additional views this free advertising is bringing them. Let's see… about 60 posts in and already a dozen lewd pics and 1 link to porn posted. Oh but I guess I'm a kike for pointing that out! SHUT IT DOWN!! :^)

I agree digging into Lansky/Aouizerate is more productive, but I think getting her relatives involved isn't a bad idea

When did Zig Forums become White Knight HQ? As tragic as it is to say, she is tainted goods and way beyond saving. She's already burned the coal, why waste time on her? Still we should use her as a warning.

I'm at the point where I can justify going 1 for 1 with the jew. I wouldn't be bothered if they showed up, so long as I got to take one with me.

Nice try OP
Have a bump on me.
I've been following this since March…
When you got b& from 4chan/pol for your BS..
Then in April when you thought 4chan/r9k would care
Let's not forget how many times you tried to do this on 4chan/pol and finally you recently got perma b&…
I read the last 6 slide threads, anons have pointed out over and over that she is tired of your white knighting..
She made a YouTube video about you…
All lies kike shill.
This is how you get beta cucks to play along, ya play on their emotions.
She is completely normal and healthy.
She is the adverage girl from Valdosta GA..
She willingly does porn.
She likes doing porn.
She was in a car accident and has issues related to this, she has a comfort animal to help her deal, like all betas do….
This whole thing started when she was told not to bring her fucking reptile to the set.
She blows shit out of proportion like a invalid does a missing wheelchair ramp on a beach…….
Beta white knights circle jerk for 6, now 7 threads about how they are going to have a beta uprising and take down the whole (((porn))) industry.
All this sperging and no one can come up with an understandable letter, or a person that would give a shit if they received such an autistic mess of a letter, without laughing their asses off.
All cam whores/porn stars are mentally unstable/brainless..
Do I really need to link the video again, where she asked you to quit stalking her, to quit messaging her? What is your deal, she doesn't want yo sleep with you…


she is a waste of time, but if we can use her story to take down a huge porn kike, then something great has been gained

why? what does it accomplish?

You faggots are worse than christcucks.

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I think the fact that her agent got her out there to go on JF's show, shows that we're making an impact. One thing to note about the porn industry, is that they have always been very tech savvy. These threads did not go unnoticed.

if she leaves the kike's studio, perhaps others will follow

I've combined all the Allouche info I have into this compilation. Anyone have more to add? Whats the signifigance of this data?

Attached: allouche infographic.jpg (3600x5400, 3.68M)

killing Jews

If the kikes studio doesn't exist, they all leave

dig dirt up on lansky then you troglodyte. I agree that the cucking for this girl is out of hand though. fucking OP calling her waifu, absolutely disgusting

these threads are the most pathetic thing I've ever seen on Zig Forums by far. it's literally worse than falling for the god emperor blumpf meme

they pay like 10 times as much as anybody else. they're definitely not making a profit, (((somebody))) is funding the operation

Wew, she is truly special, and these videos of her speaking for extended periods of time are very telling.
I love this poor slow girl and hope that she will be freed from the lies and abuse soon.

get to work mr. molotov

how the fuck does getting her relatives involved kill a single jew?


Attached: BLACKEDmap2.png (1324x612, 1.82M)

Yep, I doubt that stream was of her own volition. They may be feeling the heat. Something is here, I can feel it.

That's the thing, user. Everyone already knows how fucked the porn industry is. Anons don't need to play private eye, when former porn stars come out discussing the evils of porn.

You faggots can't stop strawmanning, can you? This isn't about her anymore; it's about taking down porn kikes.

Anyone notice that bear behind her in the interview? Looks suspiciously familiar. I wonder if one of these tricky kikes was toiling with us.

that's gay dude, you shouldn't love her even if she has an excuse. those goods are beyond damaged. she is a retarded coalburner, and she needs to be nothing to you save for a propaganda piece to push.

Nice try schlomo, but even if it's fake, there is no harm in propagate this into the mainstream media so that it helps that both the right wing and the left wing agree in fucking with his kike agent and make a negative image of the porn industry that it is actually own by the kikes.
It's a win win situation so fuck off, rabbi.

Nigger have you read any of these threads? She is a lost cause at this point. Do you not see anons have addresses, office locations, phone numbers, business names?

I'm a scientist and conducting research and need to know who's in that picture?

You’re not going to find much on (((Lansky))), at least not his personal information. You fucking faggots are raving over finding the addresses of his many enterprises and businesses, even though it’s publicly available information. That little kike is probably laughing at all of you for giving one of his clientele a ton of attention and money.

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>(((They))) will throw her away like a piece of meat once a new victim has been found

And it was all because she agreed to suck the BBC.

Attached: Alicia.jpg (552x636, 36.51K)

if it becomes knowledge that they get literal retards to do porn, then I think that'll do more than pornstars saying they regret their whorish ways

So? worst case scenario we piss off yids, who gives a shit

Hey Lansky, didn't know you'd pop up here.

Hey nigger. It's not about some nigger loving whore. Did you notice 4 porn stars were killed this summer? Think about that Jew.

Kek, orbiting beta faggot.

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