How do you go about redpilling people? Too much too fast and they reject it. Too little and they never get the message. What sources do you give them and how do you get them to understand?
Also, redpill information thread
How do you go about redpilling people? Too much too fast and they reject it. Too little and they never get the message. What sources do you give them and how do you get them to understand?
Also, redpill information thread
Don't preach. If you have a conversation with them, try to drop a redpill related to the topic. Be interesting, but just don't be a redpill machine every time you talk with someone.
Dale carnegie book on influence people has good tips.
I personally try to be calm and chill and in certain topics be sad instead of angry.
Let them reveal their power level first; if they even have one. It only takes a single conversation to determine if a Norman is RP'd. Mention key terms completely out of PC context and be amazed
three times in as many days, the Jew problem and the Black problem are discussed; albeit, on egg-shells. Approach the Normans slowly. Turn them into conveyors of information that gets people to think
Casually. Have a normal conversation first and for most. If it's relevant, add a redpills as a neutral position. If your not super confident with it you can frame it as something other people believe so your not obligated to defend it they get triggered and start to make a seen.
Start with something with no racial overtones. Debunk something innocuous, irrelevant. Like Hollywood. Simple example: A buddy was once talking about how great Robert DeNiro was for learning colloquial Sicilian for a Godfather movie. Then I explained why there is an Academy Award for sound editing. Redpilling about how everything on a movie screen is fakery (top to bottom) is easy enough. There's nothing that can be labeled as conspiracy theory in doing so. While gently demonstrating you are a realist, it opens the door of skepticism a bit for them. Once you break the bluepill ice? They may just be hungry for more.
And be nice. If they don't like you, they probably won't like what you say.
i kinda wanna see what the wrong way to redpill someone would be like
Guide to redpilling someone:
1. Know the person. It is impossible to redpill strangers so you are going to have to make friends. If you don't have the social skills to do that, you have bigger issues than dispelling redpills.
2. Act normal. Don't spill your spaghetti and reveal your powerlevel. I once met some guy and during the first 10 minutes of talking to him, he mentions "I'm a bit of a conspiracy theorist." Don't fucking do that.
3. Show you are smart. Don't lay it on too thick but don't pretend to be an idiot. People are much more likely to listen to a smart person than a retard
4. Mention really minor redpills at first. Don't jump into "the world is flat!!" or you will be known as the flat earth faggot. If the conversation leads in some direction, mention something interesting which they may not know. Don't start mentioning 9/11 or Hitler just yet.
5. Act like the redpill is just another fact. Don't say "this shit may sound crazy, but did you know…" Mention it nonchalantly and say you saw it on the history channel, not infowars.
6. Have them wanting more. Don't continue redpilling without leaving them a chance to ask questions, they may not be listening. Give them a little hook to nibble on and let curiosity get the best of them.
7. Take it slow. Normies are sensitive creatures. If you mention something too extreme, they will eject all information you have given them.
8. Have fun.
If you want to redpill people you don't use facts first or much at all really, facts are for arming people with information - creating soldiers. Redpilling must be done with emotion. No one is going to remember the Homicide rates of blacks vs whites in the US, but they will remember chants of "kill whitey" or pictures of white south africans being slaughtered.
If they're christian: Nephalim/Enoch route
If they're Muslim: Djinn/Enoch Route
If they're Buddhist: The Naraca/Life Tree Route
If they're none-retarded Atheist: Blood as God route/Evolutionary route
If they're fedoras: Fucking impossible.
New Age guys are the ones I have trouble with
Glad I’m not the only one who hijacks the sad emotion to ge through to people. Usually get good responses from shit posts on kikebook like “It really bums me out how people hate me for dabbling in right wing politics”. Helps break the stigma and you get a tragedy for people to fall for ;)
I go the conpsiracy rout.
Step 1: Joke about conspiracies (Flat earth)
Step 2: Underlay youer joking with "facts"
Step 3: make people question everything (what the frankfurt school taught us)
Step 4: bring in real redpills
Keep politics and religion out of the workplace.
Avoid getting baited, and stay in your own comfort zone.
Don't drive the conversation; do more listening than talking.
Keep it relevant to the conversation, and drop nothing if you can't feign a touch of emotion.
Don't ever say you read it on the Internet; history channel is ideal.
Let them ask you to elaborate in a subsequent conversation, and get them to start questioning (even you).
Turn it around if need be, by asking if something makes sense to them.
Don't endanger your friendship by pushing too hard too soon user.
This is me, worked with like 3 people in one semester.
Oy vey, first ask them if they've ever considered voting for conservative, if the answer is yes move on, they're already red pilled future neocon jew supporting fellow fashy goys
Do this every day and we win against the leftist muslims
Step 1) Emotionalize and Control:
Use current degeneracy and ironic humor or violent, shocking news in order to disarm people / put them in an emotional state in order to control them later on.
Step 2) Suggestion and Subversion:
It is always preferable that your TARGET names the Jew FIRST. Leave breadcrumbs to the JQ. In their emotional state, your target's mind is searching for an enemy, let them find (((them))) on their own. If this happens you have won this mind for good. I would even say to pull back at this point and bring up the conversation a few weeks later. Maybe hand them a copy of Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy Posted below for ease of reference
Here is where the Art of the Redpill resides.
You must pay close attention in order to understand whether your target is tracking your crumbs or following a different path. Do not put the second crumb down until after she has taken the bait of the first. For example - do not bring up the holodomor, unless your target first brings up the 100 million dead from communism. Do not bring up the 100 million dead from communism unless your target has first displayed an interest in engaging in a historical conversation. Do not engage in a historical conversation as a re-hashing of figures, but as a story that leads them to a Conclusion. Talk about Lenin as an exiled spy. Talk about Trotsky as an American. Bring it around to the tragic execution of the Russian people by a foreign subversive force. Mention that this wasn't ever written in our (((textbooks)))
The slower the game, the better. If they are tracking, you can get a few paces ahead. If not, stop playing the game until a later date. This is much like fishing. Too much activity will scare the prize away for good.
Example of something that will never work:
Example of something that will definitely work if done subtly, naturally and with intent:
debunk peer review and / or their conception of the magic science man 'who lives off in the tower away from the common folk and if only here were here he could btfo a racist pleb like u'
nobody knows what that terminology is
As somebody who was lectured by other cuckservatives during my cuckservative days about why strawman natsoc arguments about jews are wrong, no. The correct route is to establish real people as enemies for good reasons and then to show the person going through the redpill that everyone they know to be the epitome of evil is a fucking kike.
I don't disagree with this.
The difficulty is. Americans are so kiked they will immediately revert to Israel First.
Furthermore, I totally agree with you if your target is in search of truth. Again, it is all about tracking your target and meeting them where they are.
Wait a sec. Which of my points were strawman?
no, I was describing that in my past cuckservatives lectured me by debunking fake natsoc arguments that were strawmen
Fucking kek
It's easy avast a stupid amount of knowledge of both our viewpoint and theirs (who ever it is) though normies don't really break the mold so you could say this has a 90% effective rate. Ask them what they know about WW2, what did they teach you in school about WW2. Let em' talk for a bit, then with a good foundation in what is taught, and the truth you can link them and go from one to the other.
Now the act of red pilling, that more nuanced and you should understand the student's capabilities, how much they can take in one go, how far they can go in general. Every one has their limits. I really don't want to get in to too much detail because it's an art form.
Then there is context and setting, are you talking to random people at the bar or are you talking to a life long friend. You could perhaps just drop enough to get their suspicions going or "carpet bomb them" with facts, the further back you can go (remember keep in mind what they are taught, and the actual truth.)
I often equate jews and whites as david and goliath (what I estimate to be a meeting between an aryan and a jew to be like) and use it as a vehicle to convey their deep envy of us and why they are so driven to not just exterminate us but do it while humiliating us. The jews are a tribe of people that have found success in that they domesticate and get other tribes to do their bidding. Enter Arminius captured by the (((romans))) to be raised a general, to wage (((diplomacy))) upon the Rhine. That failed and so did one of their earliest projects, now the thing about the jews is that because they are so inter-focused they tend to keep track of every thing and write every thing they do down in the talmud, you can check for yourself even, and this vicious inter-focus, never forgetting a debt, etc etc is why they hate us so much, I really wish peace with jews were in an option but one day or another their gona get whats coming to them and no one would be able to stop it.
basically, the more you know.
IME, It helps to gently practice on friends that are intelligent enough to find meaning in what you're trying to get them to see, and that love you enough as a friend that they won't be able to discard you when it gets more intense. You are trying to get them to break through severe mental conditioning after all inb4 Filterman, and that is actually an act of violence they have to undertake on their own part.
You can't be so autistic that you have to "win" every discussion. You have to be able to find enough common ground to agree with them and know when to take losses for the greater goal. The relationship really is more important than your agenda in such cases, and it's really not your business or responsibility in the end how they choose to see the world and what they choose to ignore.
I've been working on my boomer conservative friend who absolutely hates the Left for a couple years now since Trump came around. It's just as much an exercise in banging my head against a wall as the boomer meme conveys, but sometimes I amaze myself with the progress we've made: he marvels at the "It's okay to be White" meme & the Left's reaction, and I remind him it came from the "White Nationalists" and point out the genius of their/your using identity politics against the Left. Whereas before he didn't want to hear anything about being White, he now acknowledges the Left is motivated by an Anti-White animus. He acknowledges there really is something to the pattern of hypocrisy around open borders for the West but not Israel and that it's a White genocide happening in South Africka on his own, but to get that far I had to play along without too much pushback when hearing him revert to "but if they share our values, I don't care what color they are" like 6,000,000 times without vomiting.
I used his love of Reagan's America First to ask him if he really wanted to be a minority in his own country & how when SHTF everything balkanizes along racial lines anyway.
In the meantime I just mostly focus on finding common ground & take the opportunities I can when i'm up for them, but a lot of times I form the intention to not go there while I'm talking to him for awhile. You don't want to come across like David Duke does to normies & if you cross that line, it's really, really hard to go back.
talking about how much I can't stand even seeing Schumer's face on television
Also, he called me an anti-semite once early on when I was pushing too hard, and I said "yeah, I am… just like I'm an Islamophobe, a misogynist, a homophobe and all these other buzzwords the Left wants to use to shut down discussion." He immediately backed down and didn't know what to say because he knew I was right
I got my mother to acknowledge the parallels between Trump/America and Hitler/Weimar Republic & the media's hatred for Trump being a Jewish phenomenon, and I worked on my Christian father through Martin Luther's anti-semitism with some success.
Mainly, I do it because I care about these people & want to share the truth with them and because it's so lonely being red-pilled.
Just my 2 cents, YMMV