German camp guard thread 2

Look the point of this is Trump is too busy catering to the zio's to give a shit about us our needs.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Name one thing Trump has done for the White people who elected him.

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gorsuch ? The Supreme Court on Tuesday ruled that part of a federal law that makes it easier to deport immigrants convicted of crimes is too vague.
The 5-4 ruling handed the Trump administration a loss on a signature issue.
Justice Neil Gorsuch, who was appointed by President Donald Trump, joined the court's more liberal justices to cast the deciding vote.

This is food for thought .
Trumpnigger is not following White interests at all and he is a distraction.
If the anons remove their support and engage in punitive meme warfare, Trumpnigger will be history.
Then the commies will come back, and the assessment is: will Whites be able to fight ZOG to death?
Is there a realistic chance to win and create the Ethno State?

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Hi, self-admitted paid jewish shill. You have admitted that Trump has disavowed white nationalism and all forms of white identity. The zionist neoconservative civic nationalist whose entire family is jewish IS NOT SUPPORTED HERE. GO. BACK. TO. REDDIT.

So nothing, then.

Pitiful answer.

Now you're just sliding shit.

You're not even American, stop trying to foment wars you'll have nothing to do with.

lol die

And the guy being deported was a jewish collaborator just like Soros, not a fucking German in name or ethnicity.
For the last fucking time.

Go suck your daddy's circumcised cock, kike.

its the meme that matters, dont sweat the details


I've supported Trump and continue to support Trump but it's dumb to pretend he hasn't been fucking up since 2017 when Kushner and Ivanka took over. It's Trump's own sense of theatrically, his left wing opponents being total faggots and Stephen Miller's hardline immigration policies that have kept Trump above water. He purged all his goy supporters and adapted Paul Ryanism.

be nice, he isn't a shill, just thinks he is being helpful. I always smile at a tard.

That's a lie, just like your assertion that this guy is jewish. Take it back to /r/The_Donald.

Soros' father feared that his little parasite might become a lampshade, and actually offer something of value to the world, so he paid a gentile traitor with a kike wife to claim he was his gentile godson to avoid being interned. That's the extent of his so-called "Nazi collaboration".

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we could be charitable and say he has never a fighter, just a schemer. I fighter will punch till the end, a schemer will fight only to keep the con alive.

Look at his name and prove that he isn't. It's not like you even give a fuck anyway, you're just a leftynigger trying and failing to consensus crack.

we gotta get consistent was the hoax real or a caust? I think it was merely a way of rounding up troublemakers. Of course we know its causation/correlation argument

lol faggot

T_D has been celebrating this travesty all day.

It's sad that they are so close to being redpilled, yet so far away.

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Trumpnigger is against us, it is in plain sight.
Meme warfare is our way.

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Keep chasing the rabbit, OP! You'll suck it's cock gud!

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polvol2 hidden 3 minutes Zig Forums Cleared all local reports for post #12041137

polvol 2 is defending this fucking horse shit.


as far as boomers go Trump is racist enough for me to support.

That isn't how it worked. You made the accusation, now back it up. Based on the fact that you regurgitated the classic Jonestein lie about Soros, I know you won't be able to.

There's no consensus to crack. Just one sad little kike sitting in his office at 666 Fifth Avenue, shilling a baseless accusation against a good a man who helped intern "people" like you.

Yeah, Kushner used Kabbalah wizardry to convince Trump to marry all of his children off to Jews, right?

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Also dont forget that the first thread OP linked directly to a dailybitch article and didn't even archive, and nobody called him for it. This is an obvious leftynigger raid and mods are complicit.
This bullshit behavior is okay when it's "fuck trump" shit apparently.


Fuck, I hate Redditors.

Why do you love zionists so much, reddit?


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Shut your stupid fucking mouth 6ec9e4 you retarded fucking cocksucker. You're filtered already, niggerbitch. Stop replying to every single post calling this gay bullshit out.

Posing with Mandela is true White Nationalism, we just can't understand it because we're not used to 4D Chess.

Attached: trump-mandela.jpg (998x628 64.17 KB, 61.78K)

This is about an elderly man pushed under the bus to please the kikes.
This cannot go uncontested.

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wrong, see his comments on Europe.

It's obvious he holds sexist/racist views (not to the most extreme 1488 level) but he won't come out openly with them because of the bad PR they would generate.

and even beyond that you can not support Israel without being a racist or supporting racists.

our people are waking up in Brazil

Attached: nazibrazil.jpg (380x255, 43K)

Since Trump go elected, our brothers in other countries have started to wake up… they always have been waking up, but now it's more than ever

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i doubt it, we will let it slide. Just like pollard, demjanjuk . . . (this aint gloating )

Fuck off go back t_zognald or cuckchan.

You fuck off you stupid son of a bitch

I wouldn't give trump credit on this. Often we find that a false prophet is put in place to quiet the masses while the train to hell keeps steaming.

why are kikes so afraid of the new generation of nazis and their direct descendants?

Attached: nazi grandchildren.jpg (612x463, 64.74K)


((( )))
How does it feel knowing Nazis' direct descendants are coming for you with a vengeance for what you did to their grandparents?

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Can't handle the facts? To bad hitler pointed it out for you that in a democracy they are on the same side with jews playing on both sides you retard.

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Why do you love zionists so much, reddit? Why can’t you answer any of my questions, reddit? Why should we support Trump, reddit?


spics, user spics. Mixed races will never understand that symbol

So he’s explicitly not racist in any way whatsoever. Got it.
So obvious that literally every policy he has ever implemented is the exact opposite of that. Wow. What a guy. Doesn’t actually believe or act on anything he “believes.” Surely we should support him.

You have to understand that our culture is a bit different than Latin American culture. Latin Americans tend to respect and honor their fathers, grandparents, and ancestors so much, that they would put on the exact same mantle as their ancestors regardless of time.

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Stop shilling for spics.


got it, i musta got confused somewhere about the greatness of your ancestor worship

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Nah, look at SA they are doing it with 9% whites

((( )))
sorry, but we need to honor the progeny of Nazis as we need guidance from people that know first hand what was the truth behind Hitler's Germany. If we will one day fight the kike, we will have to first know what was Nazism really about from the people that created it with their work.

hurrrr: the post

you don't have to bother convincing me anyway.

Trump's pivot to Kushner/Ryanism has probably already driven away the voters that gave him the edge in 2016.

The streets are also dominated by anti-fa with Trump's hardcore base not as motivated so they can go ahead with IMBEACH/arrests on Trump and face little resistance

Not an argument. You were proven wrong.

I voted party line to show trump was right. Not getting that protest vote this time around.

Trumpnigger is not one of us.
Actually he is against us, and without any doubt he will push us under the bus just to keep Netayahu's agenda rolling.
I believe we should reposition ourselves and to meme Trump demise.
We were playing the kike's game all along. Time to plan how to play our hand.

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One of my workers is from Ecuador, and he's a huge weeaboo.

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where are they from? Costa Rica?

Ukraine nigger.



close enough


no need to blackpill pham
most of my workers are voting for Trump

end of the day if white

s are smaller % , poorer, and more divided. If all we hate is stronger. Is trump any improvement on hillary?

Is this this faggot from the first thread. Just report and move on.




google translate must have really fucked this poster up

It is like make up, because he have done almost nothing to dismantle the "Progressive Agenda" and its consequences.
Cultural Marxisms is spreading and he is playing 4D chess for the cheering zombies.
Now Trumpnniger is pushing for another war for the kikes: Iran.

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Brought jobs back but nothing explicitly for whites

what jobs would those be? placing air bricks on that wall?

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It is not.
It is just an factual statement.

Here another proof of the shit around in The_Donald.
The clowns are complaining about a White woman killed by an illegal foreigner, but they are silent as a tomb for thousandths and thousandths of Whites killed, robbed, and wounded every day by niggers among us.
And better don't complaint because that is "HATE" and racist, and ZOG will kidnap you and lock you up.
The link to the gallery of shame:

Attached: Screenshot_2018-08-22T04-24-02.859Z.png (1346x2124, 1.86M)


I wonder who could be behind (((your))) post.

go take your kike worship somewhere else. I dont fear or glorify the jew. We are the masters of our fate.

What has anybody done to track down communist?

Back to T_D kike.
As you can see we are done with Trumpnigger.

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Ok must means well … you either do it with all in your means or you are a fraud to yourself. Dont say shit and think it happens. Dont imagine it and not think you arent corrupting your soul when you do nothing more than shitpost.

You mean jewish?
I dont see hint of jewishness on him. Typical East Europid. West Russia, Belorussia, Ukraine. Not one jewish/ashkenazi trait.
t. classifier

Attached: East Europid.png (550x558 324.42 KB, 268.98K)

Maybe also some West Baltid.
So, East Europid/Neo Danubian, West Baltid influenced would be my final answer.
West Baltid brings him closer to Baltic states and Poland.

Attached: West Baltid.png (1028x707, 293.13K)

t. G.S.

Fuck off you jew cunt.

Forgot Neo Danubian pic.

So what we have here is typical Slav peasant, not some jewish colaborator, lel.

Attached: Neo Danubian.jpg (1179x684, 106.22K)

Sage negated you fucking coward cocksucking mutt.
trump is a filth kike lover and another believe of hollywood nutzi myth.

Oopsie. No more accusation of le kike blood from the brainlets of MAGApedes anymore!

Or do they really think that kikes look like they are from Wolfenstein, lol!

Pic related. Best possible genetics for kikes and still an overbite.

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What does the rabbi's cock taste like, goatfucker?

I don't know. Ask your grandpa with all those ww2 medals. He knows better. Or ask yourself, mutt cuck who had to share classroom with niggers, something your grandpa fought for.

Yes. Bibi is typical Polish ashkenazi jew.
Interestingly, he share basic phenotype with that little Slav peasant. West Baltid/Neo Danubian mix. But he is Armeno Orientalid enriched. Even a child can see he is an ugly jew.

Funny because young bibi could have passed for a wog goy. But the inner ugliness of the subhuman kikes will always show even through their skin.

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