In the vid Idubbbz (Ian Carter) makes a video critiquing "Joke Police" on the left and right. A large portion of that is defending James Gunn's more questionable tweets. He calls them just jokes and not pedo tweets. Idubbbz TV is a channel with over 6.8 million subscribers and a very loyal fanbase. Also I think he has a point, /pedogate/ has jumped the shark with it's some of it's shit
Also I would have made an mp4 but the file size was to big. Anyone who knows how to compress please help out.
Dylan Murphy
I wouldn't care if it wasn't the same shitlibs that blew up when Roseanne made an off-the-cuff remark. The issue here is they're a bunch of hypocrites, who seem to think "racism" is more offensive than "pedophilia". Especially when people like James Gunn, Dan Harmon, etc have a really long string of pedophilic "jokes" that only dwindled around when they started getting famous - which tells me they only stopped because they knew they'd be seen for being the human garbage they are.
Joke policing is definitely a problem, but a line needs to be drawn, and I'd much rather it be drawn with regards to pedophilia than hurting Brown Feelings.
No, you're just cucking out because a jew controlled e-celeb is trying to shame you.
Its funny how they keep their mouths shut when leftists riot, but they start posturing as centrists defending the newly established status quo when the right hits back.
Jack Green
Why even dedicate a video to this unless you're a pedo sticking up for pedos to further degeneracy? This fag is rope tier. Also probably signaling he's ready to sell his soul and shill the kikes agenda for a password to kiddy brazzers
joke about children getting raped? just a joke, funny stuff.
joke about jews getting gassed? hate speech, shut it down.
Angel King
IDubz never mentions that James Gunn is one of those "comedy police" he's complaining about.
Gavin Morris
The non-stop attempts to railroad Jim including killing his nephew solidify my belief he must be made speaker.
Gabriel Flores
He is right and wrong at the same time. He is right in the sense that regardless of what joke you make someone is going to take offense and you cant win. On the other hand he is wrong about this james guy. I can understand a joke here and there regardless of what the content is about even if it is pedo jokes. We have all made one joke that was pretty bad. But….BUT when someone starts to make MANY MANY jokes all about raping children its either because he is an autistic that doesnt know that too much is too much or wants to get away with talking about abusing children in the open. If it was one or two tweets I wouldnt of had an opinion. Everyone says dumb shit. This guy though has made many many many jokes about the same fucking thing which brings a lot of things into question.
Idbubbbz says some shit here and there that i either agree with or dont agree with. He usually is pretty good at calling out bullshit but this is one of those times that either he doesnt see that a pattern makes all the difference, made a topic about people reaching for shit regardless and picked a poor choice or actually sold out (though he would have to stop saying things like faggot or nigger which frankly im surprised why they havent destroyed him yet over it). In any case there are a lot of truths to this. One is that there are people that will go after anything and cant figure out that there are jokes. Two is that it points out that this guy has done nothing but make sexualized jokes about children which is a pretty big red flag (this would of never been a thing if this country was still white). Three, that this has done more to show who is where and on what side. I consider Idubbbz to be a bit retarded but still capable of logical thought here and there. As for the rest of these people they have stated that they side with actual pedophiles.
Thomas Reyes
It was more about holding them to their own standards than exposing Pedowood. If he had made a bunch of racist tweets would these hypocrites let that slide? Of course not, but they are so broken that child sex and other depraved acts get a pass for "being funny". Expose their hypocrisy and double standards first and perhaps slip in some redpills and other questionable activity on (((Hollywood))) second.
Jacob Diaz
He's missing the point. It was never about shutting down jokes. It was about taking their weapon away from them. They have to play by their own rules or drop them. Also some blinds have come out on James Gunn. Apparently he tells people he's fucking to roleplay as tweens. The media knows already but are keeping quiet for some reason
While I agree about the joke police gunn was stupid for being on social media at all let alone bringing that shit home by saying it in the first place. Twitter is the very worst social portal besides Facebook
Gavin Evans
If it were a joke he wouldn't mention NAMBLA or how he felt ok while meeting with them.
Tyler Mitchell
who cares
Jack Green
ok gay i watched it anyway
this retarded faggot doesnt understand that humor is the key to changing culture if all of these niggers are joking about raping kids all the time, eventually it will become a more tolerated perspective
just as when we constnatly joke about gassing jews, it will be a tolerated perspective
thats why they try to shut us down, thats why we try to shut them down
what a dumb cunt this guy is
Jaxson James
He had a point that it was done to further an agenda. Targeting Gunn was to mostly wake up everyone to pedokikes in hollywood. gotta sacrifice some cucks along the way and it certainly stirred things up. If people believe the Gunn pedo shit then its a stepping stone to beliving the actual disgusting ritual shit pedowood does.
Yes, the smarter jews often try to shame people who joke about Hitler. They'll joke about child-rape and Jeffrey Dahmer and Satan, but a gif of Hitler with some glowsticks and they lose their minds.
It irks me how he tries to look as a (((centrist))) and calling out both sides, but doesn't provide examples of the left faggots policing jokes, and only focused on James Gunn's situation. Indeed, joke policing is retarded, but at least one comment there noticed that it's simply using the left's weapon against them. Still, not showing examples on the Left policing jokes makes Ian look cowardly. Joke policing is terrible because the people writing a joke now have to walk around on eggshells, but focusing too much on a subject may signal or indicate something. Then again, these pedo jokes are simply jokes, but if you made many off-the-cuff remarks about niggers of kikes in a friendly manner would make people call you rayciss or Nazi, right?
William Walker
Thats what idubbz left out of his video. No one cared before Gunn talked about Roseanne. Gunns tweets are obviously jokes.
We do not owe it to our enemies to hold them to our ethical standards.
Brayden Ward
Did you moralfag all come straight to Zig Forums? Cause you act like you've never been on /b/