So any time you try to explain science to a hardcore lefty, what ends up happening? They end up rejecting it and call it names, is there a psychological reason for this? What type of thinking process is running through their head? While they're at it, they also seem to reject basic things like human decency and respect and even logic.
Science is the Left's greatest weakness
Its called faith. They are "race" creationists who believe every species of human was created identically in every way except skin color.
I meant the other shit, obviously they wouldn't sit on the highest hill during a lightning storm, you fucking slut.
Jeepers no wonder they're black instead of white….
Simply put, their ideology takes a higher priority than everything else. Its really no different from any religious doctrine or dogma or whatever you wish to call it. If a contradiction exists between their ideology and X, then their ideology is correct and X is wrong.
And their ideology is determined by, loosely speaking, post modernism which is (in practice) simply about destroying all concepts held by society on.. well.. everything. In "art" it means calling a urinal art, or a pair of glasses laying on the floor "art," because "anything can be art if viewed in a certain context." Truth is though, theres no actual meaning to any of it other than the destruction of the IDEA of art, that it should be beautiful or provoke emotion or feelings or ideas or anything else. Nope, the whole point of post modernism is to simply destroy the idea that any of that matters and X is whatever you want it to be, so in this case "art" is whatever you want it to be, it can even be a woman screaming at a crowd then smearing spaghetti-o's on her vagina and masturbating while people watch, because THEY call it "art" and therefore it is art.
And, so, the same applies to everything else. In your example images you can clearly be questioning their ideas on sex, how can they ignore the biological differences between male and female and call someone a woman when they are clearly a man? Simple, because to them a man is whatever you want it to be, and a woman is whatever you want it to be. A 300lb anatomically male person with a beard, beer gut, and balding head, if he "chooses" to be "female" then to them, that person is a female because "female is whatever you want it to be."
Now, obviously they aren't all down the rabbit hole that far, so you'll see some back and forth on what they accept as X or Y, but they are all steadily getting further down the hole so that they accept anything as anything more and more. That is to say, many of them wouldnt accept that example guy as "female" yet, because they'd "shit test" him and accuse him of just pretending to think he is female and what not. But, as more and more of their OWN kind actually start to behave this way, they have to accept it as normal in their minds, as acceptable, and thus not to be questioned lest they be Xphobic or a "problematic" person themselves.
And that is the real kicker when you get down to it, that they cannot question their dogma.. and its why they continue down the rabbit hole more and more. As more crazies pushing the boundaries come in, the boundaries get pushed further out, and you cant question anything inside the boundaries or else you're some kind of phobic or ist or bigot or excluding people or what have you. So they have to lap it all up, accept it, and incorporate it into their minds as within the realm of acceptable. But it does all boil down to ideology. Their ideology is post modernism, the destruction of anything normal or any idea of what X Y Z is
And finally the real question, and the easiest to answer, why do they hold this ideology? Why do they want it? Because they're rejects, failures, human refuse. They are lower than the bottom feeders, lower than the unwashed masses. They are utterly useless people who contribute nothing, who arent even capable of contributing anything if they wanted. They are unintelligent, incompetent, weak, they lack common sense, they are emotionally and mentally unstable and prone to outbursts or depression/anxiety, and so on, and on top of it all they're lazy as hell, unwilling to even attempt to improve themselves. They have no role in society, no place, they are nothing but a drain on everyone else. They cant fight a war, they cant produce a good, they cant even cope with being in customer service without breaking down from "stress" constantly, they're to lazy to dig a ditch if they even had the strength, and forget ever being creative or smart enough to start their own business that produces something of use or merit, the best they can come up with is period blood cookies which is just them tossing said blood into the icing and mixing it up to put on pre-made cookies to resell.
They are 100% a drain on society, they are worth less than nothing, they are a net loss. So in order to try to find some meaning in their meaningless existence, they adopted the idea of destroying everything around them. If "usefulness" is a concept they can destroy, they'll destroy it so they can define themselves as useful despite being no such thing, just as with destroying the idea of what is a man or a woman or art.
And that is the why they do what they do. They are refuse that should have been thrown away, but instead our society stuck all those rotten apples next to the good ones so the whole bunch (our society) got ruined.
I honestly think whites look better as albino.
It's amazing they haven't even figured it out their whole life of all of the basic shit they should know by now.
Way to put some effort into the OP, cunt.
They dont have to is the problem. They're coddled by public schools that just want them to pass and dont care about what they learn. They're coddled by colleges that just want their pale grant money. They're coddled by parents who dont want to have to actually teach them anything and want everyone else to be the parents. They're coddled by social media people just like themselves who tell them they're all perfect "just like you are." They're coddled by a government who hands them welfare money for doing nothing and rewards them with more for popping out babies and not taking care of them. they're coddled by a medical industry who wants to push pills on them and keep them coming back for therapy sessions for their "crippling X Y Z mental disorder." And so on and so on.
They are treated like infants their entire lives and never have to learn anything of value or to be productive in any way, they are constantly being taken care of in one way or another. Necessity is not just the mother of invention, it is the mother of everything. Needs that arent met create the necessity to meet them, and thus people improve themselves or work harder (more often than not, some turn to crime to steal to meet their needs obviously) in order to meet said needs, they improve themselves by learning or growing or whatever. But these people have their needs handed to them constantly so there is no necessity created to meet any needs. At the same time though, that creates a huge void of time for these people with nothing to do because they dont have to work in any way to be taken care of, which itself creates a necessity to fill that time and void. So what do they do? they seek out some place to fit in to society, but they dont fit in anywhere, so instead they end up filling that void by trying to destroy everything about society so that they "do" fit in somewhere.
I'm not explaining it that well, mostly because I'm sick right now, but you get the idea I hope. These people dont HAVE to figure out how to be better people, so they dont do it, instead they feel entitled to "belong/fit in" and when they dont.. well.. this all boils down to one big temper tantrum from a spoiled child .. only the temper tantrum is destroying our society
I think it's about something bigger than this, I think they want people to think these certain things. This is not because it's "easy to believe" necessarily, it's all apart of a major conspiracy to hide something, maybe they are working on a terrible plan. It's got to do with Marxism and the genes and memes.
The Left as fully as any group believe that what you believe becomes reality. They just don't want Christ or God to be any part of that.
Truth, this is all just post-modernist views, it still very much "fits" with everything going on right now.
Truth, you're just a faggot.
I meant with how I don't like how it fits with all the weird stuff user, that's all. I do not support any of the hysterical leftist views.
Science deals with measurable data and hard facts, two things the Left hates.
The same happens any time you try to explain science to the average Zig Forumsack.
Try to explain to Zig Forumsacks what the real shape of the earth is and see what happens.
oh boy, flatheads are back.
Are you idiots still trying to shill your stupid flat earth model?
Have you not been blown the fuck out enough times at this point?
This bullshit has been debunked and identified as a psyop countless times.
Are you guys all agitators or are there some legitimately retardet people with you flatheads that do actually belive this no-brain-theorie and just can't help themselfes from trying to spread it.
In any way, it's not working.
Now go home faggot, be a retard someplace else.
It has been proven without a shadow of a doubt that the Earth is round cunt, fuck off.
We REALLY need to pump better education into these schools that the students go to…
blank slate and equality
Someone's been blown out, but it certainly wasn't me. I've won every single argument i've ever had on the subject. It's lonely at the top, but the last thing i want is the company of retards like you, so don't think for a minute that i am trying to influence you, i am only reaching out to people who are able to think for themselves.
Man, this guy is the top along with the nuclear bomb = fake, every guy is a tranny and every right wingers = CIA.
You can call it the Gang of Four (Cancers).
A Jewish speechwriter for Trump was recently fired.
He wrote a piece for the Chronicle which read thusly.
Come back when you can string a sentence together.
You fully understand what I meant, flat-earther.
Of coursh, rather.
May I present to you a new type of "ology" that I have invented that can entertain all minds regardless of faith or no faith? It is called Phantology, it involves learning the world around them with an open mind without bias and one is allowed to draw their own theories based on research and serveys and studies about the subject of if morality exists, if there is a thing like a soul in existence and along with other subjects.
It brings psychology and biology and neurology into play along with studying the occult in whether or not there is at least some thing that can rationally be explained about "feeling" and what it means to be alive.
Anyways… Maybe this new Phantology could explain more into why the left believe the stuff they do and maybe certain chemical and emotional traits might have a little bit to do with it. As the Greek saying goes "Know thy self".
And no… No thy self isn't reffering to me or anyone, it is reffering to the human body/anatomy.
Back to the subject…. What are tricks we could use for the Leftists to finally stat accepting truth/ cave into themselves while we sit back and watch themselves being engulfed into truth?
Lol, just read this sad funny shit… The left really don't like using normal speech don't they? This is tied to the science that we're talking about, about how they are so distraught over truth and normalness..
No this thread isn't really about my made up "ology" I just came up with… Just science in general…