The Fourth Reich Rises

Germany Calls For Global Payment System Independent Of The US

In a stunning vote of "no confidence" in the US monopoly over global payment infrastructure, Germany’s foreign minister Heiko Maas called for the creation of a new payments system independent of the US that would allow Brussels to be independent in its financial operations from Washington and as a means of rescuing the nuclear deal between based jew killers Iran and the west.

Writing in the German daily Handelsblatt, Maas said "Europe should not allow the ZOG of America to act over our heads and at our expense. For that reason it’s essential that we strengthen European autonomy by establishing payment channels that are independent of the US, creating a European Monetary Fund and building up an independent Swift system," he wrote, cited by the FT.

Maas said it was vital for Europe to stick with the Based Iran deal in order to destroy Israel and emancipate the world from jewish tyranny. "Every day the agreement continues to exist is better than the highly explosive crisis that otherwise threatens the Middle East," he said, with the unspoken message was even clearer: Europe no longer wants to be a vassal state to US monopoly over global payments, and will now aggressively pursue its own "Swift" network that is not subservient to Washington's and thus the jews every whim.

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anything that decentralizes payment protocols is a good thing, even if it is just a jew coup of jews jewing jews wake me up when they start minting silver reichsmarks again
sage for bullshit title

well he is not wrong, and it is needed now. They have shown them self over and over now to not be trusted.

Hell not only international bank to bank transfers, but also using visa or mastercard. Russian mir seems far more attractive to use right now as such an international payment system. Why?
Mastercard does not only block customers from using their service based on politicial views, they force Pateron to shutdown down your service there too
They are probably threatening to discontinue their service if they do not comply.
This has lately happened to several wrong think youtubers. You see it doesn't end with social media, that's just the start

Fuck off Trumpcuck.

jesus christ did I hit a nerve kike?
or you expect me to actually believe merkel is gonna be the saviour of the west, lmfao
not even american you fucking faggot.

Germany supports Iran and Iran is going to glass the kikes. Keep squirming yid.

Also why the hell should you be charged 2.5% of what you spend to master card or visa each fucking time you use your card anyways?
Sounds like a damn bad deal to me, very jewish.

Yes you don't pay that directly, the one you buy from does, but this is still added to the price so you pay. 2.5% each fucking time you pull your card

Germany opposes the US. You really believe merkel is gonna sit on her hands if Tehran takes Tel Aviv?

And they should! She sits on her hands as Tehran takes Berlin, so I don't see why she would stop the caliphate from delivering justice onto Israel.

this is literally just a case of kikes infighting, i agree it's awesome news, but any reich with merkel at the helm is no reich i want anywhere near.


Just imagining the scenario really gets the noggin jogging. Either the whole world is lit on fire, or the Jews lose their den of safety in their great scheme and it starts to unravel in the chaos.


yes, i realize you're from r*ddit cunt, it's painfully obvious
just learn to read between the lines of events such as these in the future

The lines are clear. Germany and Iran are getting the band back together and this time, there will be gas.


Use the catalog faggot.

dear god you're retarded
Do you honestly believe this has anything to do with Iran at all…? it's just a financial power shift away from the US ffs.. This is kike shit 101.

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< "Every day the agreement[Iran Deal] continues to exist is better than the highly explosive crisis that otherwise threatens the Middle East," he said, with the unspoken message was even clearer: Europe no longer wants to be a vassal state to US monopoly over global payments, and will now aggressively pursue its own "Swift" network that is not subservient to Washington's and thus the jews every whim.

Holy fucking shit you must be american or a kike

Why else would Germany be interested in nuclearizing Iran? You fucking scared, kike?

And in addition, Heiko Maas is a fucking good Goy.
If I was able to kick one politician in the face, it would be him; he has been instrumental to the internet-censorship law called NetzDG, which esentially forces online services to decide if something is "illegal speech" and be threatened with a multi-million € fine if they don't take it down on time.
So essentially an engorgement of leftist infrastructure.
We really need some decentralized technology in regards to the internet.
I don't know how blockchain works, or even properly what it is, but I was told that there is something resembling a chance if an internet technology emerges that incorporates this.

And the jew fucks hides the kikebush link. Kill yourself you jew fuck.

this is an attempt to move the global financial base away from naughty america and put it in the hands of goodest goys EU
that is all, plus some probable infighting between (((bloodlines)))
iran is meaningless, other than the EU being fucking broke and needing every bit of business they can get

Trumpcucks need to leave.



And OP is a fucking faggot
They are screaming for it because they still didn't go over their butthurt over Trump.Yes they are this butthurt here.
And OP eats it all up

Thats hard to believe faggot
If someone asked me to name the top 10 kike stooges in germany Merkel and Maas would be in it.

This sums it up


find a better career eli, something constructive

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The blockchain is just a peer-to-peer register of data, its effectively an indestructible personalized identity.

You fucking wish. Iran is the only country in the world to stand against world jewry.

I am not Muslim

I hope President Trump bombs Germany back into the Stone Age.


God, I wish this were true

no, dozens did and they were all fucked over financially. I assure you what brussels has in store for iran is worse than american sanctions likely offer all the iranian men free money & gibs to move into the e.u and gut iran from the inside out

Unironically based.
Zig Forums should start realising that the EU is fighting the Anglokikes by now.

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I am not that particular person, I don’t know who he is, but I am not him.

the EU is the fucking kikes you fucking shills
get fucked cunts.

Recent development have proved that the fucking kikes hate the EU. Especially that Mossad-run (((Q))) PSY-OP that keeps sussing stupid 'Murrican boomers against various Europeans.

Are they seriously going to start pushing "kikes hate the EU"? Fuck. That's even more retarded than the failed attempt with "DACAryans".

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You glow in the dark nigger.

fuck off plebbit,.

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The EU is the only reason Iran even stands a chance against Israel you d&c niggers.

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Banks charge businesses to bank cash at the same rate so it makes very little difference unless the business keeps the cash, and pays the wages and their suppliers in cash. This leads to security problems that may cost as much as that 2.5% to overcome.

Meant for

What about all the Europeans who have been hurt by the EU? Don't care about them? The ones were dismembered and attacked with acid as a direct result of the EU's policies? We know about the Kalergi plan, dumbass.

The Kalergi plan is no longer in effect. And its biggest sponsors were the US government and various kikes. That's why the kikes are mad at the EU. Their lost control and their little plan is failing.

Why do you want to see Europeans replaced with invaders?

fuck you /nupol/, nothing but shills, kids, kikes and downright fucking faggots like op & this fucking cocksucker right here
unironically bring back imkikey, he was a fucking faggot but at least this shit wouldn't have fucking stood for more than a few minutes

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When did this happen? Doesn't seem true to me.


These fucking faggots are literally trying to astroturf support for the fucking EU and FUCKING MERKEL

I don't. I want the peoples of Europe to be strong and prosperous. The main actor pushing for the invasion and mongrelisation of Europeans was the (((United States of America))).
The EU wasn't pushing diversity in Lithuania: it was (((American))) NGOs.
Same all over eastern Europe, from Romania to the Czech Republic. The (((US))) is pushing its multiracialist policies onto European states.
The only EU nations doing it on their own accord are the western ones. Why? Because they had been US colonies for decades.

Reminder that it was the fucking (((USA))) that pushed for Turkish immigration into Germany in the 1970s and 1980s.

It's about damn time we kick the fucking Amies out.

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And you're done.

Merkel sucks. She'll be gone soon.

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You've all been at this all night?

Yeah, pretty sure they were doing the Faith Goldbergblat thread too.

Firing that bait right out of the gate.


And the EU is based in a west European nation where the health minister is a landwhale. And is still calling for the invasion of its member nations. I'm going to need to see an article or a change of policy or something, or I'm just going to have to assume you're completely fucking nuts.

How typical. We're unto you and your kike ways.

How do people not manage to have basic pattern recognition.

You can cut the bullshit with me. Here's your (You).

A change of personnel is on the way. The EU has been calling for stronger borders for a couple years now. It's only individual states, like Spain (which is now controlled by socialists) that are calling for more turd world invaders.

NO actually it is dying NOW! The 4th REICH WAS MERKELS E.U., and NOW her Socialist Cabal is DYING FAST! Remember Merkel WAS A EAST GERMAN OFFICER who oversaw Operations at the Berlin Wall. She went from Socialist to FULL FLEDGE COMMUNIST, now back to Socialist SEEKING A E.U. ARMY TO DOMINATE EUROPE back to COMMUNISM they now call in Polite TERMS, Globalism or Globalization!


Anyway, I'm out. 90% of the posters seem to be on a (((payroll))). The noose is tightening on your necks, kikes.

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See you next time, Space Cowboy.

LMAO theyre even using (((we)))
And spamming trumpcuck right off the bat without any mention or relevance, classic projection accusing people calling them out of being d&c shills, the exact thing they are doing, and switching IPs every couple of minutes. This thread is hilarious, they really can't help themselves. I feel offended that they send these people to us.

Hi, blart/rach/imkampfy.

It's not projection it's intentional. It's a raid.

no u

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kys trumpnigger

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Lol I can't believe they are trying to do this either, but it's the most effective slide thread I've seen in a while because I actually commented.

I know, I still consider it projection even if it's intentional. I'm pretty sure we're dealing with with ai at this point anyway, they are way too predictable. I don't know if the shills are getting worse or if I'm just so much better at spotting them.

I have no words for how jewish those arguments in favor of the EU were. Bailed pretty quickly after being asked for evidence, though.

Nah it's not ai. The game is to see how close you can get to the line without making it obvious what you're doing.

Everything in this post is a fact you filthy kike.
Ironic how you're talking about projection.

I don't think jews can even tell the difference between a rational and irrational argument, because all arguments they make are based on pilpul and deception. The entire concept is foreign to them, which makes it easy for us gentiles to recognize them.

Reminder that Israel and Netanyahu hate the EU and want it destroyed.

You guys feeling the shultz?

I thought you were going away, not bumping the other thread about the exact same thing. Also, I'm going to need to see some evidence that the EU is changing its policies for the better. Also, I haven't used the word "projection" once in this thread.

Top kek.

Bumping just to trigger the Mossad.

Absolutely on spot.
It is about oil and money.

you clearly didn't pay any attention when it happened

Well fuck, is there any hope for a free and open, uncensored internet ever?
What are the chances there will ever come a decentralized back-bone due to falling prices for technology and chips/assembly of electronics?#

Are you reading the news?
The Italian ports are closed but instead the Spaniard ones are full open, add to this that the invasion is still ongoing on the Greek side and nordic countries welcoming more invaders by plane, bus and railroad.
Then calculate how these millions of men of military age, embedded just across street will prey on your daughters and wife and push their culture and way of life onto yours.
Civil war and/or race war in the next decade perhaps? Or total surrender?

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Reminder that the EU is a fucking kike plot and a route to destroy the peoples and their national sovereignty


Spain's socialist government opening its ports to the sandnigger hordes has nothing to do with the EU.

Fuck off you retarded blackpilling shitstain.

Another newfag talking without knowledge.
Is Spain part of the EU or not?

And his patience shrunk another three times that day.

In any case, I hope the judenconfetti thing goes through, also Iran needs to live. I don't fear Iran to be a threat to Europe, but Israel and it's dogs I do fear.

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European politics are the jewiest of the jewiest.

Not a good goy and you're getting nowhere and chances are you'll have your meager existence destroyed via commie bullying tactics.

The Euro already is, for all intents and purposes, global.
Furthermore, all EU nations are tiny and power shifts more easily than you think.

Also, you're vastly overinflating the "nistan" thing.
If you, provided you would not be a hostile element, swished around your mouth the things done to Germany over the course of history and then reflected on how resilient it is today still, you would, theoretically, possibly be somewhat impressed.

For comparison, only one nation, Rhodesia, had ever been sanctioned and boycotted once as much as Germany has been multiple times, including to this day (yeah that diesel emission clownery, billions stolen from the nation).

It didn't fare so well, sadly, unironically sadly. I already have enough grief to think about Germany but even right now the corners of my eyes are feeling the throb of forming tears just by superficially 'reflecting' on what happened to the people there.

we do not forget these things, we might act or look like we do, but we do not.

Seriously, this is way beyond your IQ.
Stop smoking drugs and lurk 2 more years before posting again.

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And all of that will happen once Hitler comes back, wishful fucking thinking there Hans. And this plan is coming from a Government that already sold out it's people and their children's future, so don't give me that fucking justification for that shit plan.

It is you who is wishfully thinking that Germany is defeated.

It is on full steam ahead mode.

Germany is full of immigration propaganda, while crimes are no longer reported, the police ask the populace in search for unspecific "men".

They demand half a million "qualified" immigrants annually "to pay for our pensions" and making deals with African nations.

The "conservative anti-immigration" politician in coalition that protested opening the border (and did nothing) is now preparing a new immigration law, that Germany never had. So in addition of millions under the pretense of "asylum" (the asylum seeker get German passports for holidaying in their country of origin) the plan to add further millions of "experts" for the economy (qualified personal that do not exist in numbers outside of the white world).

They now open shill for destruction of any social security, the welfare state, admit it would not be longer viable, no economic base with millions of "valuable experts that push the economy", when 90 percent of them are just welfare leeches and the 10 percent that work are sub-par low skill.

If one want to see foreign expert ins action, just look at the British NHS. Corruption, rape and malpractice, just like in the countries they are heading from India and Pakistan.

wtf i love the eu now

gud job merkel those based arabs can now help us and not rape fukkin based

"Germany" isn't worth defending or fighting for anymore.
Only the population should be adressed.
The government can collapse for all I care.
Du wirst nicht mit Wunschdenken durchkommen.
Deutschland ist subvertiert; nur ein Umsturz wird das ändern können.