How come we don't speak more about Corneliu Codreanu? I'm reading "For my Legionaries" thanks to the recommendation of an user… and honestly he seems equal to Hitler in greatness?
Here's the link to the audiobook:
How come we don't speak more about Corneliu Codreanu? I'm reading "For my Legionaries" thanks to the recommendation of an user… and honestly he seems equal to Hitler in greatness?
Here's the link to the audiobook:
Other urls found in this thread:
Retarded christcuck reactionary loser.
In fact, at least compared to Mein Kampf seems to be much more redpilled on the JQ.
We used too along with the Waffen SS but there's a lot more important things going on right now. Probably better to discuss it in the book thread or on >>>/pdfs/
JIDF pls go
Read hitler's table talk.
No, you're doing it wrong. The first post is supposed to be kike free, not kike loaded.
It is true. His brand of Christian fascism is completely irrelevant in todays diverse environment. If you don't address the race problem, you might as well not fight. During his era, he was a hero though. Sage for slide thread.
found the siegekike
wtf i think Jews are god's chosen people now!
Tbh while I have an immense amount of respect for Codreanu and the Iron Guard, he's basically become the 'Not Hitler' fascist leader of choice for the autists who cannot commit to National Socialism for whatever reason but still want to keep all the trappings of it. Same as Mosley used to be, Mussolini used to be etc.
Perfect for everyone that doesn't want to fall for the "NatSoc is not a Christian movement" meme
It is because those people were not especially antisemetic
Mussolini- Boned (((Margherita Sarfatti))) every night, Grand Rabbi of Rome was a higher up in the fascisti, many jews took part in the march on rome.
Mosely-thought there were "patriotic" English jews, first wife may have been jewish (according to Arthur Leese).
Codreanu- probably thought that if the jews converted to Christianity, they would be good.
They don't really have the "anti-Semite" stigma attached to them.
Is it pagan?
Codreanu said jews could never be Christian though.
No it's a christian movement
NS Germanys stance on religion was "worship how you want, but if you use your faith as an excuse to be a subversive, you get a nice ride to the labor camp"
I'm Agnostic
Then don't participate in the discussion. When you submit to the Jew Christ, you submit to a Jewish karmic will.
You curse your people.
=Unsere Religion heißt Christus, unsere Politik heißt Deutschland!=
Then don't participate in any discussions.
Enjoy your cancerous thread, LARPagan.
Here's the thing, we look upon these great men for inspiration, not emulation. Even with Hitler, the best of the lot… he was way too much of a softy, he underestimated the cruelness and evil of the jews. And things were a lot better back then, no White nation was anywhere near as invaded as they are now. A new fascist movement must be significantly more extreme than Hitler.
Shit or get off the pot, coward.
Your true colours shine through. Parasite.
Go dance around a fire in bearskins, homo.
I cannot read a book based in the middle east and worship a dirty brown kike as my lord.
Go mutilate your body. Sounds great, maybe I will.
Codreanu was a riotous warrior and definitely someone worthy of admiration. He was the original "Swamp drainer" i believe, overthrowing mass corruption through virtue. I seem to remember something unique about his passing. I'll have to listen to the audio book to referesh myself on him. I remember really enjoing that read.
I'm sorry it's not "modern and cosmopolitan", user.
I did like that he was unfraid to throw down when needed and relied on his fists, blades and guns when brain and words were not enough.
You mean him being killed by the king, an event masked as him "trying to escape prison"?
"For my Legionaries" is the most the antisemitic book I have ever come across in my entire life. I love it.
Equal to Hitler? He is superior to Hitler m8.
Imagine Hitler but not LARPer-tolerating, physically fit, braver and more engaged in physical fights shoulder-to-shoulder with the rest of the Legionnaires. He was also a devout Christian and fought in WW1 for a brief time when he was 16.
Do you want me to tell how I know you're a kike?
Shit goes even deeper. Every time clerical fascism was implemented, race question was ignored and Jews weren't really supressed that much. Just look at Ustashe for example. Poglavnik Ante Pavelic had a half Jewish wife (Maria Lovrencevic). Otto Krezimir, chief of Ustashe secret police was Jewish plus the head of surveillance for the NDH was Jewish as well. Even the marshal of the Croatian Armed Forces, Slavko Kwaternik was Jewish. The more Christian leaning variants of fascism were always pretty soft on Jews. Only National Socialism identified who really pulled the strings behind the scenes and challenged the kikes directly.
I didn't know he used knifes as well in his street fights. I know he clearly punched a ton of commies and killed at least a cop with a gun (I can bet his gun highscore is a lot bigger than that)
Buchstäblich unvereinbar.
This is type of person who reported me.
I think you're right, yes. This was one of my first examples of a false flag / question the narrative type events.
Definitely a good read for a young man who doesn't want to just ebb the tide of conformity.
don't touch children faggot
we don't like pedos around here
The portrayals of mussolini and hitler were one of my first redpills on this subject.
Then I look into it a little, and I find out he was pretty much the mike enoch of the 1930s.
I talk of him but I am a devout NatSoc, he is still a great man
Christians do what they've been doing for two millennia.
Corneliu Codreanu was 11 years younger, not a leader of a wartime nation. Hitler fought in WWI and was fit and maneuvered on the battlefield netting him some impressive rare combat awards.
An appropriate comparison to Corneliu Codreanu would be more along the lines of Leon Degrelle, a combat fighting political activist who led his highly loyal men and even converted communist assassins sent to kill him to join his fight to save Europe.
I agree for the most part. But Codreanu was not like this. His book can sound like a Moonman rap at places, he's VERY jewwise.
Hi, paid jewish shill.
Yeah, Codreanu was a bad ass. I have yet to read the book.
What's wrong with agnosticism? Rockwell was one, but he still loved Christianity. It's alright, as long as you're not an anti-religious faggot
I live in Romania and I actually try to follow his ideology because it is more fitting with the romanian, christian spirit.
But I am not hiding my liking for Hitler either. Hell, my phone ringing music is "Erika"
Hardly think Jews would be larping as european pagans. I do think they will more likely choose the religion which follows the crooked doings of their ancestors and proclaims them g-d(as the like to say)'s chosen people.
Openly calling Hitler supporters pedos. Your board is dead, you've let the christcucks(aka Jews) win.
Have a bump for your good readings.
Romanians are huge scumbags that have always and will always betray everyone who ever allies with them.
My bad. I should have said "more phisically fit". While Hitler was in-shape even in his later years, Codreanu, even though he died young was known for his tall, strong body. He actively participated in helping romanian villages rebuild their destroyed houses by different cathastrophes, he build many buildings.
Those were his "brothers". The normal, devout, loyal village people.
Not the traitor commie romanians he punched. Codreanu said once that if he had an enemy(a jew) and a traitor(a romanian serving said jew by being a commie fag) in front of him, but only one bullet, he would shoot the traitor.
And getting back to modern day, would you love antifa as a brother, when they want to kill you? No. You do the same to them as they want to do to you.
Often times too lightly…
I was very dissapointed to find out what Hman and the rest of the natsoc crew's reaction to the night of long knives was :(
That's because NatSoc is not about hating jews is a worldview. It just happens that jews are wworking against this worldview.
you didnt do shit about it , retard stfu and cry on reddit
Table talks is good if you wanna understand Hitler, but it's not an explicit NatSoc book.
High level of discourse…
There's an audio book. Point me where I can get it.
Who cares? This is a slide thread anyway.
That pic
I hope this isn't what you think Pagans do user.
This. We will have to be more radical than Hitler. There will be no compromise, no capitulation, no relenting towards the goal of Aryan Victory on this Earth.
That's one of my favourite quotes of all time. No anti Whites are not our brothers, however I wouldn't doubt that our strength will turn some leftists to become pro White and work to save Europeans.
it's in the OP
but its that stupid robot voice shit so I can't tolerate it. I've tried, but can't adjust to it for some reason.
This has prompted me to consider making my own audiobooks for Zig Forumsacks. I've been told I give good phone.
The problem with christianity is not religious, it's to do with it's social doctrines which are absolute poison to society. All religions which proclaim they know FOR A FACT what the world is and how many layers are to it beyond the obvious physical are full of shit but stupid people need to be told they will go to places like heaven in order to not sweat at night and live in depression. The problem comes when you feed internationalism, race-denialism, slave-culture, blind obedience to "higher institutions'', pacifism, weakness and so on…
Christianity preaches every form of abnormal behaviour and eventually leads its people to ruination. Thats the problem with it. When you tell a people that their virtue is expressed in them being as alturistic as possible and turning the other cheek to an aggressor rather than impaling him is when you are dooming them to extermination/enslavement because no people can possibly survive with such a suicidal negative mindset. Christianity like marxism has a boner for everything that is rotten in humanity (stupidity, ugliness, failure, inferiority, weakness etc.) and a well-disguised hatred for everything beautiful (power, honor, independence, intelligence, will etc.)
It encourages the most rotten aspects of a nation.
I have to disagree with you here. I still think Benito Mussolini was a great man. Unfortunately he was influenced by Christianity too much, even when he distrusted and detested the clergymen. Up to 1934 the race question was pretty much ignored in Fascist Italy. Mussolini flip-flopped on the racial and Jewish question several times. On one hand, he was concerned with the low birth rates of the White race in contrast to Negroes and Gooks. In 1928 he noted the high birth-rate of niggers in the United States, and that nogs had surpassed the population of Whites in certain areas, such as Harlem in New York City. He described greater racial consciousness among Negroes in comparison with American Whites as contributing factor to their growing strength. In a 1919 speech denouncing the Soviet Union, Duce pointed out that Jewish bankers in London and New York City worked hand in hand with Jewish Bolsheviks in Moscow and that 80% of the Soviet Union leaders were Jews. However, in 1933 he said those famous words: "Race? It is a feeling, not a reality. Ninety-five per cent, at least. Nothing will ever make me believe that biologically pure races can be shown to exist today. National pride has no need of the delirium of race". I think there was a great battle within Benito's heart. The nationalist part of him understood the meaning of race but the Christian part commanded him to be a cuck. Considering that Adolf Hitler wasn't a Christian and thus he had no qualms about fighting the Jews openly and understood that race and ethnic are the most important part of the nation. Even more important than the state itself.
Source? A diary or something?
I'm certain it was in one of his speeches but I'm ashamed to admit that I can't find right now which was it. I just remembered the date but I can wrong on that as well.
Depends on context. If you mean the secular humanist, "refugees welcome" altruism you are absolutely right. However, if you live in a racially homogeneous society and your neighbor wrongs you, which leads to more social harmony: a challenge to mortal combat/initiation of blood feud or a desire for reconciliation?
Tell me, when did the Christian Crusaders, or indeed any other Christian society, embrace weakness, inferiority, etc. and kowtow to foreign invaders out of deference to "social doctrine"? Would such cuckoldry not be more commonplace in an era where full devotion was a matter of course rather than in a relatively atheistic and disbelieving era?
Christianity never worshipped weakness, it simply acknowledged spiritual and moral strength as greater in importance than physical strength. A proud warrior tribe that considers physical power to be the highest attribute will fall apart once it is militarily vanquished; a Christian people may, despite enslavement, maintain their identity and eventually take back their nationhood from their conquerors.
Hey there, kike liar.
It's actually incredible how well the Jew has been able to hide and scrub everything relating to fascism. When it comes to America's fascist book, No More Hunger, it's been scrubbed so clean that I can't even find a .pdf of it anywhere. There's some stuff for sale out there but I think it's the watered down 1960s version that eliminates all mention of an American fascist government but is also missing nearly half the chapters. Why are jews so afraid of that book?
Read his nest leaders manual too. It's great as well.
It aint even that anti-semitic, it's a book that's written by a man unable to speak a lie.
Christianity is okay within the confines of pure White nation. The issue with it is it's weakness to infiltration and literal worship of jews.
It was pagan, germanic pagan to be more precise. They all admited it, stop trying to pretend national socialism was some sor of "muh crusade" movement, it wasant.
Our one weakness was lack of a knowledge of genetics, which led to a belief that Jews could be redeemed by getting them to convert. Had Christians possessed this knowledge Europe would still be pristine.
Christianity is not European. Defending it is a fool's errand.
It's a fascism with eastern-european sensibilities, blending elements of orthodox mysticism and military honor. I for one see it as the only thing that can save us from being sold piece by piece by communists and destroyed by as a people by gypsies .
They actually coined the term "death squad" . But it was named as such not for their willingness to kill, but for their willingness to die for God and the Nation. The death squad is a squad of martirs.
That was by Pelley, right? His whole existence has been memory holed.
Also, I have the chapter that was censored out of the revised version, but not the rest of the book.
Yes, William Dudley Pelley. One of the first tasks of the early (((FBI))) was scrubbing his existence from public consciousness. With good reason, the US had all the elements at the time, to be twice the threat to the world Jew than Germany. They were content with just dragging Ford, Lindbergh and Disney's name through the mud and taking over their companies. But WDP and the Silver Legion?
*poof* into the aether of history.
kys pagan
Even the SS swore their oath on the LORD saying everyone who does not believe in the LORD is an idiot and doesn't belong in the SS….
That's what burgers actually believe…SAD!
Get a room you two.
Proven fraudulent
NatSoc was secular you fucking dumbass
There were no christian crosses in the movement in Germany. It was a national socialist and ethnic movement, not a christian (as naive christian bastards always put their cult over race in the end) one.
There was no explicit christian education in the Waffen SS, but a vast array of noble studies.
I am very much interested in proof of this. I think it is the case, but I have no proof.
And that's why they never achieved power. Because codreanu was so christcucked that he believed "if your enemies kill you, you win." He was like a proto-Trudeau, but all of that loser sentiment comes from christfaggotry to begin with.
It was called the Hakenkreuz the "hooked cross" during Hitler's reign. An alternate version of the Iron Cross.
His quotes on (((democracy))) are top tier redpills.
Oh there’s Bakersfield now. Good luck
*if you take as many of them down with you