Operation Alicia Mk 8 - Comfort Lizard Edition

ITT: We fuck with porn kikes for great justice and the salvation of a literally-retarded waifu.

CAUTION: A massive shill wave has been detected in response to a magnitude 6.oyvey kvetchquake generated by the content of this operation.

You have been warned.

From the first thread:

>(((Mods))) on cuckchan are deleting threads about this.

Quick rundown from cuckchan thread

Here is a video of her saying they wouldn't let her have her comfort animal with her at a shoot and she had to be hospitalized because of an anxiety attack.




Video with her being on drugs


Thread 1


Thread 2


Thread 3


Thread 4


Thread 5:


Thread 6:


Thread 7:



Attached: DroppedLizard.png (1422x891, 511.46K)

Other urls found in this thread:


This. So much this. Capped.

This story provides us with several angles to attack the degenerate Kike porn industry, and the new Weimar order. You described a very good one. Another excellent angle is described in the screencaps here . The JF interview provides some golden heart-string moments. We have received an extremely powerful propaganda gift here, and we need to use it to its maximum potential, to fuck up the Kikes and their schemes.

Attached: WhiteKnights.png (1781x802, 405.44K)

I think what is needed next is any and ALL known whereabouts of the people exploiting her, known hangouts, houses, businesses, and such frequented by them, etc.

In other words, paparazzi food. The same way they do to other celebrities. Why not make these people celebrities? They are obviously proud of what they do, so there would be no harm in people being able to know where they were at any given moment for autographs, etc.

There might be people who want to make business deals with them, some of which may be so good they are offers they simply can't refuse!

Reminder that this isn't about saving a coalburning whore, and if you want to pretend that it is, you need to leave.

Any more luck on getting more media personalities to spread this?

They always claim that bad publicity is better than no publicity.

The BASED (((rescue))) marketing campaign continues…


The comfort pepe

8ch really is amazing !
Wondering howlong it will take before all chan's are (((shut down))).


Reminder that what I said stands.

We will use Hannah as a cudgel to smash the porn kings. I'd be happy to see her live the rest of her life running a lizard sanctuary, but the point is to destroy the kikes. Don't lose sight of that.

The masses are fucking ignorant.

try moving out of your mom's basement first

I'm sick of reading this fucking faggot tier beta cuck orbiter shit
i just want to fuck with the porn kikes
get the fuck out with this gay shit you quadnigger

Tor was a mistake.

Then be in time to make the next thread, and edit it out yourself. I didn't write it.

If those porn barons will be taken down, does this mean that Moshe won't get to watch new blacked.com video?

I'm glad to still be working with all you Anons. We won't stop until this cuck kike burns for his sins against the white race.

t. maps and locations fag


What's up now? Has anyone confronted any porn kike in real life, like Lansky? Is this story breaking to the mainstream/normiesphere?

That's not something I have to justify everyday. Obviously the seed has been planted, and soon she will repent.

Attached: haters.png (1186x1254, 1.52M)

No, she'll be killed. Burn the coal, pay the toll. There is no redemption here.

that's what your mom said

How do you repent from fucking pygmies exactly ?

Except it is. It is explicitly what the OP states the thread is about.

I told you to not save burnt coal. Now she's done an interview youtube.com/watch?v=oOnD0PDB9yQ file already exists saying
-she never had a brain injury.
-she enjoys fucking niggers for cash.
-she enjoys her 'work' and isn't being exploited.

Actual Zig Forums anons not the cuckchan & reddit rejects like you faggot knew better.
Things you still don't understand:
Coal is for burning
With jews you lose
You don't give free promotion to degeneracy (like porn) in an operation
You never lie on operations. Truth is paramount
The only thing you'll get by wallowing around shit is smelly as it rubs off on you.

What will thirsty betas like you do on hearing your 'redpill' about how she was exploited the whore whored but whatever ??
1-Thirsty beta will delete his terabytes of porn and never watch it or jack off to it again - assuring the jew porn industry dies.
2-Thirsty beta will check out her videos and have a wank on the sly?
Unless you're a retard you know it's 2, but for your special needs op to be successful it must be 1.

All you do in this thread is sniff the jew's coat tail. Aryan men LEAD they do not follow. Give your views and thirst towards traditional women with traditional views and shun thots, and whores completely.

I'm probably one of the few ITT who can honestly say I've never bothered to look up porn of her

Same, brother. I've been trolling the fuck out of these threads, but the polvol is banning any and all non-orbiters. I quit the pornjew years ago, but I can smell the cum-encrusted knuckles on the beta-posters a mile away.

Shills aren't very sophisticated and tend to use one-dimensional tactics in their responses. That lauded Ashkenazi IQ again, which is more like Dunning-Kruger in action.

Literally not how anything works.
>Now she's done an interview youtube.com/watch?v=oOnD0PDB9yQ file already exists saying
Hey, can you link to the timestamps in that where those things are mentioned specifically? That'll be great to direct link to anyone who claims it IS about saving the coalburning whore specifically.

Pay the toll is when the nigger kills her, and if she doesn't correct course that's what will end up happening to her. It's not optimal to see our people killed or put in a degenerate state. There should be a place for broken women in the world we want to create. She still has obvious maternal instincts, does she not?

Filtered by me, a real Aryan man

Not exclusively.
She can't. She's not a virgin, she fucked outside the species. She cannot correct course.
No. Kill yourself.
No. Clearly not.

So where are all the "you go girl" feminists egging her on?

Seriously, this could be a great consensus crack between the (((sex-positive))) femicultists and the traditional ones.

Stockholm syndrome, obviously.

I really hate people like you, always making excuse for trash people then wondering why we're in the state we're in today.

Take it back to leddit, kike.

It doesn't matter what you think , you are clearly a fool capable of only few word sentences and a reactionary mindset. Still, if you are white, there will be a place for you to carve out a simple life for yourself, no matter the limited capacity.

No it wasn't. Blocking the exits and forcing .onion is since .onion protocol is compromised by design.

Holy fucking hell, white knight, YOU DON'T BELONG HERE. Your lies aren't why we're doing this.
Way to not have an argument. Zig Forums doesn't support coalburners.
No. Coalburners die. All race traitors die. Period.

Don't be so condescending and so quick to call people fools when all it takes for you to forgive some of the dirtiest deeds is a pretty face.

What's the formal name of TinyKikes parent company? Is it VIXXEN?

I'll see if I can get a hold of the corporate financials and check the schedule E for real estate holdings.

I just want to focus in on the "reactionary" part and ask: are you from reddit or trs?

Attached: The Ride Never Ends.jpg (480x360, 24.24K)

Again, you live in a fantasy world in which you have power. You have none, and resort to READ SIEGE FAGGOT rhetoric. Opinions like your are cheaply written and without substance. Under no circumstances will I support the genocide of white people. This is a commie mindset. Hitler turned around a nation full of weakened and degenerate men into something glorious. You don't do that by mass culling your own kind.

What is forgiveness? It's disgusting to me, she's an absolute weed smoking degenerate nigger lover. That said, killing her off like the above retard desires is no win for us. Let her live her life taking care of lizards for all I care.

Blacked is getting all the free advertising they need on late night family talk shows like Jimmy Kimmel. But that probably doesn't bother you does it, bagel breath? Any anons discussing it and getting outraged by it must be the real cucks, right Schlomo?


So do you honestly claim that every single white person has value regardless of their past actions or ideology, i.e. there isn't a bottom line warrenting removal? E.g. commie, coalburner, sjw, whore, feminist, antifa, refugee advocate, etc.

I thought we uncovered the parent company in thread 6 or 7.

Attached: greglanskywebmedia.png (2984x1988 110.45 KB, 3.75M)

Letting people like her and her cohort scot-free is no win for us, it shows weakness.


Keep it up, this is being blanked from usual suspects media, blow it up on Twitter enough that the alt right glow kikes are forced to acknowledge it or lose cred, then keep pushing it and them until someone at the center of broadcast power is forced to respond, pizzagate style. this is gonna take more than ten threads to accomplish…


(tornigger has added literally nothing)

Ok so if anyone was inclined, the above posters are adding nothing but distraction to this bread.
This is an easy-shillkill list for anyone that wants to use it.

click arrow, select filter, select ID
Enjoy the thread anons

For past offences, no. You don't win over a people by killing off their daughters and sisters. Obviously a new regime would make the conduct you cite illegal, which becomes a totally different matter. Also most of those activities you list are organized by Jews.

But should the golem be spared for the terror it wrought? Think of this example: jimmy is your average kid. John rapes jimmy. Jimmy now has stunted growth and is a pedophile. He has two choices, do nothing and surpress the negative effects placed on him or act on those urges. Suppose the latter, i.e. Jimmy rapes Tim. In one sense, all of this is John's fault, he should have the harshest punishment. However, Jimmy did commit a wicked act himself, so shouldn't he be punished as well? (to less an extent than John. Maybe fast death vs. slow death).
If your response is still
Then I guess there is nothing to discuss. Although it might be claimed my example is an extreme one, the idea of the branch of a tree being as responsible as the trunk of the tree is what I wish to get at.

I have only 2 posts

And if you filter Tor, you filter ALL Tor users

458caf is definitely bullshit and should be filtered

I called out one of the shills so I get added to a shill list. What's your problem, faggot?

Can anyone with a LinkedIn Account check out Terracore, Inc out of Georgia and see if you can find any kikey names associated with the company on there? Friends / Attorney in particular. Gerber is the name I'm looking for but a Cohen would suffice.

board of peace




Did not see any company listed by that name in GA USA.

It's not much of a loss honestly. kek

You mean "woman syndrome."
They just go with the strongest, loudest, wealthiest influence in the room.
Thus feminism has worked hard to make women louder, wealthier, and stronger than men.

Because feminism is just "apprentice lesbianism"


Fuck, sorry user. I typed 2 r's above that's probably why you couldn't find


Tell people you’re not gay, they send fags after you anyways

Post your hand then real aryan man.

You need a new script, Chaim.

The only thing these threads do is generate more ad revenue for this coalburner and her kike handlers.

Only coz I'm bored

Attached: Ikillkikes.png (720x1280, 914.31K)

There’s nothing to bump. Fuck you.

You are a paid jewish shill.

Don't forget the ammunition the left will take from all this cuck virtue signaling to use against the right.

No wonder you're orbiting roasties. 🤣

This is what happens when you mention a powerful jewish name on Zig Forums or plan to take action against any powerful kike. A bunch of (1)'s and ((((tor)))) posters show up and slide and shill the thread to hell.

As pathetic and worthless you shills are I hope you aren't doing this for free.

No, this is what happens when cuckchan human waste spills over onto our board.

Compared to your Amirifat super-sized ham-hands, maybe.

The audacity of these kikes
Everyone here is digging into linkedin profiles, modelling agencies and high profile kikes. Literally no one is watching blacked videos here except you. Fucking gas yourself.

I could wrap my hand around your protein-deficient wrist almost two full times, omega.

Nice to see a few of us still browse here occasionally among all these newfags user.
I'm not sure why they're obsessed by it. Perhaps because they're new, so they don't know why kike porn threads weren't tolerated, let alone held ops for them.

There have been constant attempts to keep some kind of porn thread going on the board over the past few months and this seems the kind of psyop newfags fall for. In an earlier edition of this particular psyop some other shill was pumping his porn op thread hard to get traction too.
If these spergs were interested in ruining kike porn never watching it again would have more of an effect than this beta wankfest.


It's either VIXEN/VIXEN angels, or Vixen Media Group.


Lol, they keep replying to my Schindler List!
I love being white

You're a funny guy and that's why I'll kill you last.

Attached: THICC.png (720x1280, 435.85K)

We have a few places of BLACKED filming locations, the jew's address and rented villa in Greece, and I think 2 agents of Hannah somewhere back a few threads. Should we start with basic personal info of these agents and the owner's or owners' of the filming locations as a start?

As if that hasn't been tried ever.

You talking about this Terracore?:

filtered for faggotry

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You're terrified, Levi.



such beautiful real estate, would be a crying shame if a fire broke out at one of these locations


I thought we were all MUH SOGGY KNEES

A site just for you.

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This is on you cucks You prefer playing video games and watching anime instead of talking with girls and dating them. CUCKS

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