SRN nazi jailed for six years

Austin Ross of System Resistance Network jailed for arson and graffiti banter

"A man who daubed swastikas and racist slogans across a Welsh city has been jailed for six years.

Austin Ross, 23, admitted setting fire to a Masonic hall and school in Newport and put up posters on buildings which proclaimed "Hitler did nothing wrong".

Ross had already pleaded guilty to nine counts of racially aggravated damage to property, four of racially aggravated harassment and two counts of arson.

He showed no reaction when he was sentenced at Newport Crown Court."

He also set on fire a (((Masonic))) building, but apparently didn't do a very good job of it because he only burned the door down.

Probably shouldn't have done that arson tbh.

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Forgot the obligatory

F to pay respects

Good effort, probably should've had better OPSEC and not tried to burn the (((freemasons))) down

SRN are legit and honourable.


Utterly ridiculous.


Indeed, but arson is regarded as a very serious offence, and gave them the excuse they needed to throw the book at him. He made a major tactical error there.


Absolute madness

6 years? He's young enough to be more radicalized and be under 30.
Let's see he makes the most out of his time

Nothing of value lost.

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His mistake was that he didn't arson the police station/courthouse or the homes of police officers/government agents.

t. lefty faggot
You shills are fucking obvious. Kill yourself.

Dirt on your hands and it was recorded you faggots.

This. The most taboo subject in the neo liberal order is not racist speech. It is white violence, white revolution. It is the single most volatile force in the west. Niggers kill each other by the thousands in Chicago and nobody bats an eye. Heather Hayer was in a car accident and the country is about to rip itself apart.

The migrants are just a symptom. You need to take down the system and its pigs.

Read SIEGE by James Mason

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Id like to see you try and burn down a masonic lodge
I can't because it's a cement building, how the fuck do you burn down cement?

Yeah, the double standard is pretty insane, isn't it? I bet most cucked britbongs defend this sentencing because "muh ebil raciss"

Extremely honorable, got to respect absolute mad lads who are still out there trying to push the overton window in tyrannous Britbongistan

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Just look how Italy responded after Luca Traini went on his nog destroying spree.
The country was on the verge of a full blown revolution.

I'll consider reading siege when you turn that swastika around to it's rightful direction FAGGOT

Keep trying to win a war for your survival with posters, voting, and talking. You can't reform a system built to kill you. It all has to be torn down

The 1933 strategy has to be thrown out. Only revolutionary national socialism can deliver to balance, universal order

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Voting is gay but if you think you can actually build a revolutionary movement without propaganda then you're a brainlet. Nobody thinks we're going to vote our way out of white genocide. It's literally an impossibility.
Even The Order put out propaganda.

Yeah nah you should definitely read it anyway, it's a good book. Read it and recommend it to some friends.

You know the arson thing is kind of frowned upon a bit. Couldn't he have just hung posters?

Watcha doin' rabbi?

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Austin Ross is a member of (((Atomwaffen))), and likely a federal informant like most of that honeypot organization. Sage for promoting glow in the darks, and kill yourself OP.

If you did nothing wrong then stop pleading guilty

SRN aren't Atomwaffen you retarded niglet. SRN disassociated after the satanism shit.

The arson was brainlet level action tbh

SRN has very much distanced itself from satanism and the likes of AWD.

Different situations and circumstances require different tactics and approaches though.

Atomwaffen is an American group and doesn’t operate in Bongistan you retarded and ill-informed commiekike niggerfaggot shill. Now fuck off.

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Masonic lodges in the UK are just are boomer globalist liberals donating to specific charities and funding certain organizations. Legal conspiracy, it seems.

Gee, I fucking wonder.

Absolutely not, the reverse direction swastika faggots are the "read siege" satanist shills. I will not support making a mockery of what I hold to be true, fuck that.

When the migrant crisis was getting started, and "migrant centers" where being built in europe, many in germany, sweden,f rance, italy spain burnt down these migrant centers
If you weren't clapping then you're an even bigger faggot now.
Sage for double post

What is it like knowing that SRN is a SIEGE promoting group that openly burned an AtomWaffen flag in a video and told them that Satanists are faggots?
You're not very bright.

lead by example and maybe the meek will dare

But I thought "the meek shall inherit the earth"?

SIEGE is a good book and was promoted by various Iron March groups before AWD turned to gaytanism.
James Mason was a good friend of Wiliam Luther Pierce and echoed many of his talking points.

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harold covington got sued by the george lincoln rockwell foundation and he got deported out of Rhodesia.

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Well that was a major mistake.. A shame.

Yes. Remember… Hitler didn't really give a damn, a coup, by the books… either was good by him. He spent some time in jail for his famous Beer Hall Putsch after all.

I didn't know about them before, seems like they're legit.

Arson is hit or miss. It scares the shit out of people if you actually burn everything you intend to down, and it makes people really fucking pissed when you mess it up.

Well now that worked out great, didn't it?

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Worked out fine in the places where the men had balls who kept burning down the construction sites.

Pick one.
Every one of those countries is cucked beyond belief, and all burning the camps accomplished was getting their "men" to self-castrate faster in penance.

In no small part thanks to the jews and the american government who put them at the top of the european union with plenty help from CIAniggers and even more jews.

For a white National Socialist you sure seem to show quite the antipathy towards fellow white europeans, why is that?

I wonder who did it!

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almonds activated

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Only Masons and Jews talk about balance and universal order.

Go home cuck.


Fucking Siegekikes

A lot of Jews and fags think Satanism is homosexual. It’s not, in fact Satanism abhors faggotry.

Start Running Nigger

Sounds like someone did something illegal, and just called me a nigger again.

Yes goyim denounce christ and christcuckery. Hail Satan! Burn those churches.

t. (((James Mason)))

James Mason is CI mixed with Esoteric Hitlerism.

I had the members of Cicada 3307 calling me Satan.

Adherence to any dogmatic system of human craft is basic bitch slavery.

Understand they are all telling the same basic story and that idiots along the way distorted the truth and created fairytales to fit their own personal desires and agendas and you’re on your way to being freed from morons.

Fuck off China, no one likes you.

I would have actually gotten the job done. This kid probably can’t even light a match or doesn’t know how fires work.

Dead wrong there, were justice is subverted is ironically, in the court rooms. Go ahead and login to your counties clerk of court website and look how many times *no information filed* is posted on a convicts record which is just the state attorney dismissing the case all together. You'll also realize how many times these people are considered unfit to stand a trial and are committed to DCF, or another mental institute. The convictions are 20 deep for some and they get charged with assaulting an officer and are released on their own recognizance 10 days later. The court system is a sham and you got it all wrong.


that’s five felonies for a single faggot.

How dumb can you get?

Looks like that degenerate jew faggot zuckerberg.

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Kid pops out with full beard
Reminds me of those videos from years back of the full Hasiatic kike kids smoking unfiltered cigarettes like it’s nothing, and trying to haggle for the price of something on the street. Kid couldn’t have been in his teens but was full kike already.

This is public land

The masonic hall practically is the police station.

I Agree.

The 1933 strategy has to be thrown out.
Turn the swastika, we all know the meaning and we don't like it.
Preying on our people is a no go.
Flip it faggot and state your intentions toward White People.

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And the best Mason can do is to come out and to explain about the satanistic aberration that have been taken place around followers of his ideas.

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Kek, that poster is just too good.

You just couldn't help yourself, could you, Moshe? Might as well add something about the "Animal" Assad and how Iran is going to destroy the world.

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Are you gonna pretend Iran and DPRK as earth paradises now because they opposite Israel?

Quit the fucking black and white view.


They're a racially homogeneous nation that opposes jewry, at the very least, I'd say that their system is no worse for gooks than our usurious multicultural hellhole is for White people.

When the jews are genociding, we have to have that black and white view. Once the jews are gone, then there can be nuance.

And going back to your image. Why use the Northwest Front flag? Covington was a serial shit-stirrer, who slandard good like Pierce (who was friendly with James Mason, by the way) and was in the jewish pedophile Frank Cohen's party. see:

As far as the Stalin thing is concerned, I don't necessarily agree with it, but that outlook was pioneered by Francis Parker Yockey, who was arguably the most significant pro-White figure since the war. If you're going to throw the Autism Waffles under the bus for that, then you might as well do the same with Yockey, and everyone he influenced.



If you want a society that is free and homogenous, take a look at Poland or Japan, not Nork and Iran.

Iran is a theocracy shithole and Nork just abuses the fuck out of their own people.

Their own opposal of Israel is purely out of geopolitical and old alliance, not any merits.

That is so fucking dumb, Hitler is about creating 3rd position, fighting for his own side, and even then he sides with the West, not kind of eastern asiatic communist filth.

Nigger, their prime minister is a jewish ex-banker.

Our survival is dependent on stopping these kikes, anyone who opposes them is on our side right now, whether you like it or not.

And the Nork supreme leader is an asian fatso, and the Mullah is a semite.
Iran and the Nork do not stop the kikes, they are both powerless.
So really, are you gonna white knight these countries every times someone point out they are shit?

Reminder that both Iran and the Nork are anti-nazi due to their alliance with the USSR and would put people like you to death.

And? Nobody else comes close to being as much of an enemy as the jew, the fact that you don't understand that is telling.

Iran backs Hezbollah, and the fact that both of them still exist is standing in the way of the jewish agenda.

When kikes are trying to shill for jewish wars against them? Yes.

NS Germany was Iran's top foreign trade partner until 1941, and they're one of the only nations to expose the jewish blood libel against the German people that is the Holohoax.

James Mason was also friends with Frank Cohen.
No one back then could spot the obvious fact that he was a Jew for some strange reason.

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we were doing fine until seigefags came here

A semite is a jew, and an asian, particularly the gook is an asian jew. You are putting the jew into pedestal and ignoring every other kinds of enemies, I think you are doing this on purpose, to make white people support jewish opposition.
In what way? Does Hezbolla stop the jewish banks from functioning? Does Hezbollah stop Israel from colonizing the west bank? Does Hezbolla stop the 3rd world migration?
So talking shit about these two countries = shilling for jewish wars against them? Are you for real?
Iran's government was changed 2 times, you fucking idiot.
They deny the Holohoax so they are our guys? That's it? No need for checking of their own foreign policies?

The current Iran is no friend to the nazis.

Again, it is the obsession with jew that dooms every movement, Hitler had a goddamn jewish butler.

He wrote about Frank Cohn in Siege, referring to him as a "racial alien". Covington was still claiming he was a gentile as recently as 2012.


Your nose is showing.

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Please show my nose then.

Oh wait, in fact, jews love to do this so they can salvage every movements, jew or not.

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Except if you find out the guy who "takes a hardliner position against them and oppose war with their enemies" is a jew, you will say he's controlled opposition and will shill against him, despite his message.

Go on, explain that.

They make it so easy to hate them.

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And for the lurkers, this is the kike in action.

Kikes want people to oppose them, instead of doing shit that they should do.

If the jews tell these people to breath air, they will stop breathing air because a jew tells them so.

Predictable and reaction politics will not solve problems.

Have a clear goal and objective.


Literally do not care about acceptance or not acceptance, it's all about a message.
Kikes want you to ignore the message and always attack the messenger.

And regarding "good jews", are you a christian?

ITT user's are confused about satanism.
I haven't bothered to read the satanic bible, I did watch some interviews of Anton Lavey and Bob Larson, the epitome of christcucking, with Schreck and Zeena. It's interesting how the MSM will twist these people.

"We" are opposed to communism and to all of judendom and it's machinations.


The reverse Swastika was a thing before Manson influences Masons UO logo. IIRC the UO Swastika represents the left hand path or something, like fighting by other means, not playing their system games.

I call them Siegekikes

The obsession with communism has always been a jewish tactic for defection, going back to the John Birch Society. A gentile country that opposes jewry and doesn't impose itself on White people in anyway that follows a form of communism (without getting into the semantic arguments about Juche) isn't an issue.

After the jews are stopped, then we can worry about wiping out the remnants of their economic systems - judeo-communism and judeo-capitalism.

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Slightly off topic, it appears that james mason is a christian. Not a follower but I was curious about the satanism and what it meant exactly.

Here's how Mason described Lavey

He is a fucking retard. Arson may be one of the single easiest things to get away with. Pick your battles and always think five or six times before you sperg out in public.

That is exactly how I feel about it.

Nice try communist.

See? This is literally how subversions start, the lesser enemies try to masquerade as allies against the greater enemies.

Not gonna fly, bitch. Nork is under cahoot with China which is under cahoot of Israel.

Except all the nuclear threats and the funding of weaponry to the Middle east.

Trips checked!