Trump says 'Israel must pay'

Trump: Israel will pay ‘higher price’ in peace talks after embassy move
US president says recognition of Jerusalem will help negotiations: 'Palestinians will get something very good, because it's their turn next'

>US President Donald Trump said Tuesday night Israel will pay “a higher price” in peace talks with the Palestinians due to his decision to recognize Jerusalem as the Jewish state’s capital.
Speaking at a campaign rally in Charleston, West Virginia, Trump said the Palestinians “will get something very good” in any future negotiations.

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Stop you're messing up the tone shills are trying to establish on the board!

Reminder that we’re being raided by redditors. Reminder that Trump’s entire family is jewish.

Who could have guessed there'd be chess involved
Niggers show up to sage bomb the thread.

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Its gotten so obvious lately, makes me wonder why they waste the midterm money.


Double kek

Attached: Woke Yid.png (500x485, 369.47K)

lol, remember when retards were calling giving israel this meaningless gesture because he'll expect something in return later 4d chess?

guess what niggers! its 1D checkers. what everyone saw coming, came.

Come back when he actually does something. Words are meaningless from Trump

only if he's placating you and your liberal fantasies.
still salty trump didnt ban guns or keep daca?

i would be too if i was a low-t democrat kike like you

So israel keeps winning but you're somehow trying to spin this as a win because they have to pay a bit more money? This totally doesn't seem like desperate grasping at straws my felllow megapede :^)
Assad curse is coming for your kike puppet faggots, and there is nothing you can do to stop it

Attached: r_donald faggots.jpg (494x496, 113.59K)

so, what benefit does israel have in having moved their capitol? that palestinians dont have a say anymore as if they ever did? or the fact that major muslim countries like turkey have since become enraged and hostile towards israel…

but yea, israel is totally winning. their diplomats have to drive somewhere else to go to work! wow! such a benefit!

Attached: bypass.gif (621x618 1.18 KB, 283.84K)

We're definitely not stopping once we end pissrael. You're next.

Shit like this gets deleted so can i really trust OP?


The kikes are sweating.


Shit, fam. Go to 3:46 for the oy vey.

I'll believe it when I see it and not a moment before.

Oh, wait, nevermind, its literally just a clickbait title amounting to Trump saying "OY VEY DAH POOR ISRAELIS WILL SUFFA BECUZ OF MAI BRAVE ACKSHUNS!" and its trash.
Utter trash.

Reported for clickbait.

Your entire "trump is a kike folder" just got obsolete didn't it?

Attached: gEFv2Mq.jpg (859x679, 113.18K)

You have no argument.

So, you're telling me, we're going to do favors for BOTH Isreal and Palestine? WOW, so great! I love doing favors for people in the ME.
They already are
It already was, and, since jews are enemy #1, the U.S. staying out of it would lead to he jews losing. It's easy to rally the U.S. to go against palestinians, not so much jews. So, let the palestinians remove the jews, then the US could remove the palestinians (assuming expansion was the US' desire).

Don't mind me just a humble salt miner earning a living wage.
You have some high quality salt right there son.

Attached: continuousdigger_lge.jpg (709x705, 86.12K)

You haven't convinced anyone of your kike lies, shill. Will you finally kill yourself now?

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Maybe just plain old "checkers", user. Checkers requires at least two dimensions to be feasible.

She shut that kike down good and fast. Hahah.

What ever happened to "lock her up"?

Dogwhistling GO! He's the biggest kike we've ever had. This place has gotten so great hasn't it? Oh boy, wew. Between this and the coalburning worship threads, I'd say this is the final nail in the eh… bed. ;)


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It still gets bandied about at rallies and so forth, mostly by the crowds. But in reality it's a pipe dream. Until a significant proportion of thoroughly entrenched corruption is purged from government, Clinton is untouchable.

Mad? Re-read my post you illiterate nigger.

Yes, Im mad, should I not be?

Trump's job is to lull the goys bwck to sleep while the USA continues to fall apart. People claiming that jews are against Trymp are kidding themselves when you have Trump saying over and over again on record that Israel is our greatest ally.

And no, it doesnt count if some liberal kikes complain about him. Their job is to divide Americans along the artificial gop vs dems line. Even though both parties are corporate zog whores and work together to destroy America.

This should be painfully obvious to anyone with an IQ above double digits.

You have no argument.

You have no argument.


They aren't confident in you anymore, are they? They just can't bear to cede the ground to opposition completely. You're Microsoft holding on to the Xbone just to say they're in the industry. You're Google trying to make YouTube profitable. Going nowhere, but can't chance somebody else making it work.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. You pathetic hangers-on.

Attached: 2018-08-22 18_03_14-Welcome to 8chan, the Darkest Reaches of the Internet - Pale Moon.png (1007x325, 23.6K)


Hello again Avi, you impotent jew.

Reminder that Trump’s entire family is jewish.
Reminder that Trump has done absolutely nothing in policy except for the benefit of the jews.
Reminder that Trump publicly disavows white nationalism, white identity, and all forms of exclusively white behavior and grouping every single time he gets the chance.
Reminder that Trump openly admits to being a zionist and civic nationalist.
Reminder that there are still 50,000,000 illegals in the country and no meaningful deportations have happened in two years.
Reminder that the wall is not being built despite all funding already allocated and all laws saying it should have existed decades ago.
Reminder that no one in the government has been arrested, least of all Hillary.
Reminder that we are still in NATO.
Reminder that we are still in NAFTA.
Reminder that we are still in the UN.
>>>/reddit/ Go home. We don’t support your zionist here.

Quick, tell me who we should have supported in the election, or who is lined up to take Trump's place should he be impeached. :^)

We do not want you here, the_donald. You are all from reddit. You are all incompatible with our beliefs.

I'm not sure I understood your post, Avi. Perhaps using some redtext would help?

Well then? What's your solution? What should we all have done, Avi?

No, it just got stronger if anything.

Ugh, reddit. Go away.

You should have done what you did do.
The point is, once it was done, the circumstances changed, and yet, you keep ignoring that while trying to reference back to the initial choice to justify continuing your behavior without recognition of the change in circumstance.

Do you remember the shit-sandwich meme?
I made that. It was very popular during the election, because it was true: We had a bunch of sandwiches wheeled out before us, and we were told "All these sandwiches DEFINITELY contain, or are made out of, human shit. Its a fact. Now, this sandwich MIGHT contain or be made of human shit… But you won't be able to tell until you bite into it. You must eat one of these sandwiches, so which sandwich do you want to eat?" and rightly so, the correct decision to make was to take the one that MIGHT not be made of or contain shit.
Because the possibility of not eating shit is better than the certainty of a shit sandwich (is how the meme went).

Well, we bit into the sandwich.
At first, we thought it might be a real sandwich, didn't taste too bad at first, those few first few chews.
But now we're halfway through chewing those first bites, and the taste of shit is flooding our political mouths. Because the sandwich, it turns out, is just as full of shit as all the others - or at least, its as full of shit as matters for it to be defined as being a shit sandwich, just like the rest.

You, however, want us to keep chewing aggressively, while proclaiming that the sandwich, actually, doesn't taste THAT bad and the shit is a good kind of shit, as opposed to an especially nasty type of shit, so, ya know, its okay. Its the best we could do. We should be glad we didn't get it worse.
That's what you say, while chewing on a mouthful of shit.

And your shit-stinking breath as you screech these words only make it more obvious that you are entirely full of shit. Just like the sandwich we're stuck eating.


Kill yourself jew.

Attached: Holy Moly.png (640x360, 100.67K)


Go back to reddit. No one here supports trump. You are not welcome. Go away.

Reminder that Trump’s entire family is jewish.
Reminder that Trump has done absolutely nothing in policy except for the benefit of the jews.
Reminder that Trump publicly disavows white nationalism, white identity, and all forms of exclusively white behavior and grouping every single time he gets the chance.
Reminder that Trump openly admits to being a zionist and civic nationalist.
Reminder that there are still 50,000,000 illegals in the country and no meaningful deportations have happened in two years.
Reminder that the wall is not being built despite all funding already allocated and all laws saying it should have existed decades ago.
Reminder that no one in the government has been arrested, least of all Hillary.
Reminder that we are still in NATO.
Reminder that we are still in NAFTA.
Reminder that we are still in the UN.
>>>/reddit/ Go home. We don’t support your zionist here.

What about the estimated 5,000+ pedos that have been rounded up the last 2 years?

What about them? Nice whataboutism, by the way. Everything I said stands.

shalom /tv/ fag, we meet again


Never been there. Why can’t you account for your zionist’s behavior? Why should Zig Forums support him?

Imagine being this transparent at subversion.

Attached: trump.jpg (1484x1026, 152.71K)


Reminder that Trump’s entire family is jewish.
Reminder that Trump has done absolutely nothing in policy except for the benefit of the jews.
Reminder that Trump publicly disavows white nationalism, white identity, and all forms of exclusively white behavior and grouping every single time he gets the chance.
Reminder that Trump openly admits to being a zionist and civic nationalist.
Reminder that there are still 50,000,000 illegals in the country and no meaningful deportations have happened in two years.
Reminder that the wall is not being built despite all funding already allocated and all laws saying it should have existed decades ago.
Reminder that no one in the government has been arrested, least of all Hillary.
Reminder that we are still in NATO.
Reminder that we are still in NAFTA.
Reminder that we are still in the UN.
>>>/reddit/ Go home. We don’t support your zionist here.

slide thread

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It's good to see mods finally telling off the unwelcome Trump shills, hope they keep it up

What the fuck are you talking about?

Not one of which has been anybody who matters.

ZOG is still a pedophocracy, nothing has changed.

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I guess it was a good move after all

Shove your votes up your ass, m8.

You parasites are gonna be drinking toilet water soon haha

Already living in sewers.

The only promises that trump kept were those he made to kikes.

Trump has not merely forgotten his promises, his administration has embraced Washington sleaze with unprecedented gusto. Not only has he failed to prevent former administration officials from lobbying for foreign governments, he has had current administration officials lobbying for foreign governments. There has never been an American presidency so easily manipulated by (((domestic and foreign business interests.)))

This is correct and anyone who says otherwise is a shill, a kike, or a civ-nat plebbitor



Nice try. I bet you are sweating.

refute a single statement made you slippery little kike.

Are the dreamers deported?
Is hillary in jail?
Have the kikes been removed or had their power over our laws decreased?
Has the funding been removed from sanctuary cities?
Has obongo-care been repealed?
Are our troops still in afghanistan?
Are we still in NATO?
Are we still a part of the UN?
Has NAFTA been scrapped?

Try again reddit, and this time tell me with specificity what trump has done to secure the existence of White children?

Attached: get a load of this faggot.gif (155x173, 948.13K)

Same kike every damn time, might as well call Hitler shit because he didn't remove all jews and communists as he promised.

Guess what you fucking spastic. There's absolutely nothing wrong with the Jews. You and your based sandmonkey dictator your worship so much can fuck right off. Trump shits on you stormweenies.

Attached: Trump-Israel.jpg (592x434, 87.45K)

you have nothing to add.
You know that the dreamers are still in our streets, the kikes still in our congress, sanctuary cities are unchanged (unless they've gotten even LESS White. We are still guarding poppyfields in afghan land more than we patrol our borders. And Trump has no true intent to get out of the UN NATO or NAFTA.

You bought the snake oil… we all did user. But its time to face facts. Your 'god-emperor' is a civ-nat who is going right along with the kalergi plan. You are either a D&C kike, or on the kushner-idf

Attached: !discarded85.jpg (605x395, 28.31K)

OK, user, now propose what we should do instead.

Jews rape kids.
If you're ok with that, than so be it rabbi.

to stop blowing kikes and their shabbos goy would be a good first step.

Which means as real action as…?

Fuck off. Catholics rape kids as well. Blind antisemitism is what prevents the right-wing from ever becoming relevent again. Besides, Israel is the only shield stopping Muslims from mass emigrating into Europe.

Attached: trump on islam.png (960x960, 957.1K)

Catholicism has been subverted just like everything else and the pope wears a yarmulke.

The jews are a satanic people at war against nature.

Nigger please, that was Lybia, and that was stopped in 2012.

Funny how 2 years later, the migrant crisis happened.

That really is a cowardly answer and you know it.
You're doing this bullshit wherein you pretend that because we expect SOMETHING OF WORTH for our people out of this guy that our people put in power, that's equivalent to expecting 100% solving of every problem overnight, and that's just a bullshit cowardly response your behalf.
If you had to give a grade, based on what you wanted from Trump, and what you expected from Trump, relative to what you got from Trump, how do you rate him?
I wanted 100% solving if possible. I expected maybe 50-60% solving, if not less.
What I got was 0%. Nothing. Zilch. Nada.
What I got was a million non-Whites streaming into the country, while meager catches of 30 here and 200 there were touted as being the equivalent of solving anything at all. Its like a dog catcher standing before the community and holding up 3 mutts to show his accomplishments while some dog-eating gooks smuggle a truckload in behind him and an old woman is mauled in the road at his feet. Its pitiful.
Its weak.

It was semite shit from the start bro.


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Israel hasn't taken in a single fucking refugee, and they've been a big part of the people helping the muds.

Attached: 1462912588264-2.mp4 (640x360, 2.16M)

Accept that the kosher sandwich exists and that Trump is a part of it.
Whoever you like I suppose, but it won't change anything.
This user:

also had some insight.
In terms of real action? I mean, what do you expect to hear user?

Attached: Jews - Multiculturalism, Refugees.jpg (640x360 3.96 MB, 2.22M)

OK, user, imma keep voting Trump then.


Some fuckin' shield…

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (1944x1311 3.51 MB, 3.22M)

See, that's precisely what I'm talking about. Just because some Jews are bad doesn't automatically mean all Jews are bad. Trump has Jewish kids but they are alright. What do you think about that smartass?

Attached: bibi on trump.jpg (500x500, 99.56K)

Cool. Have fun with that.
But realize that he's still going to demographically replace you, exactly the same as any other candidate you put in power. And he's going to help Israel every step of the way as he does it.
Granted, you don't have another option that won't be equally-as-shit, so, there's that.

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (1975x1384, 2.6M)

There is no such thing as a good Jew.

“Hypothetically there could be a good Jew, but the cost of finding this out would be enormous.”
Very much this.

I am reminded of something from Starship Troopers, wherein the teacher of the civics class is talking about value.
Basically, he comes to the conclusion that the phrase “the best things in life are free” is both technically true and inherently false, better phrased as “the best things in life cannot be bought with money”, on the basis that those things can only be bought with blood and struggle and hardship, and its never cheap.

By the same token, “there are no good Jews” is technically false but inherently true, because while a good Jew may well exist, you can never know that a Jew is a good Jew or merely another in the long line of malicious subversive Jews until its too late, and the cost is too great to justify embracing the technical falsehood in favor of the inherent truth. I would likewise conclude that a better statement would be “there are no Jews whose embrace can be justified on the potentiality of their being the exceedingly-rare good Jew”.

… And yes, good on Mike for bringing it up… Granted, a bit ironic that the first thing that comes to mind after the “no infighting!” rants was “now let me counter-signal Richard Spencer on his embrace of this Zionist Jew in the Trump admin…”

Attached: Starship Troopers - Value.jpg (656x1348, 448.07K)

Now that last bit was a typo due to copy-paste, but lets see if he picks up on it.

Top Fucking Kek.
The Republicans suck Israeli dick all day every day, and the kikes are shipping muds into the battleground states of import to directly fuck them.
Pure pottery.

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Shipping Jewry world-wide.

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there are no good jews reddit.

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