
So I can see it's already here. I suppose that was a given.

Astroturfing has taken over halfchan, at least the boards that matter anyway. Zig Forums is completely controlled and /b/ is flooded hard enough that most real people have left, and only astroturfers remain.

Every time threads are started with "bad" information, the board is instantly flooded with nonsensical greentext stories, easy bait threads (black vs white, america vs europe, etc), or literal garbled text. Stop posting threads with this information and the slide threads stop; start posting and the sliding begins again. Every time. 4chan is controlled.

4chan is being lost to astroturfers, and that means you're next, Zig Forums. The crackdown on the internet has started and we frankly don't have much time left to stop it. Something needs to be done.

Mods are the obvious answer, but how could they effectively control paid posters? IP banning any obvious low-effort, slide threads is easy enough, but that's not a permanent solution. And what about the astroturfers that put actual effort into it? The ones who post on-topic, don't break rules, and seem reasonable enough?

We need a better system.

Attached: What to do when you spot a shill.png (1498x2428, 591.32K)

Other urls found in this thread: disable intel me&oq=gentoo disable intel me&gs_l=psy-ab.3..33i22i29i30k1l3.1280.5796.0.6038.….0…1c.1.64.psy-ab..0.22.1486…0j0i131k1j0i10k1j0i22i30k1j33i160k1.0.yK-VlOsYBTg 2014 Skochinsky.pdf

Attached: brad parscale.jpg (1160x629, 113.92K)

Do what 12 did.
Problem solved.

Here is a good example.
IP switching shills try to astroturf support for Faith Goldberg.

half is kill for sure, it's gotten pretty bad here too. I can't remember the last thread where actual new info was being traded. Maybe the Tim & Eric stuff, then it was gone. The threads popping up on using end-to-end encryption are interesting but I think the one that would get kike blood truly boiling is a way around the CPU ME's in everyone's computers/phones.

Anons say use discord, use riot etc… and the kikes laugh. Your processor is so owned it doesn't matter if you autist out on openbsd, it's too late, our hardware became too centralized.

You wanna get killed for freedom? defeat the ME

Attached: mad.jpg (500x654, 32.9K)

What did they do?

Some of those replies are just… blatantly obvious. This one for example:

They often have "so funny meme" shit talking the person, and of course they're always in defense of someone who's being protected (for some reason).

It's actually baffling how well they've kept ME and AMD's equivalent, PSP, quiet. A subprocessor that can see everything on your computer, see everything you decrypt, see everything that goes through the network connection… It's a tool more powerful than anything Orwell every could have hoped to dream up, but it's real, and it's here, now.

And nobody's talking about it. And nobody can seem to break it.

But that's a little off the side - that doesn't affect information flow on forums or imageboards. What can we do to stop or at least frustrate the astroturfers that are here, now?

Many of the shills are bots which can read what you write and answer typical leftist bullshit.

Attached: f194cf9f8949c2c8bd2ee6d7d6a7ba391a72322c3107396cee64f5a39ba6bb27.png (2182x1635 702.07 KB, 728.9K)

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use the fucking filter option gomer

Attached: 1485728879759.jpg (1156x2031 293.16 KB, 289.83K)

Funny, our mod said the same thing in the meta thread yesterday.

That's a placebo and misses the point - information that normies and regular fags should be seeing is being hidden. None of them are going to use a filter, hell they might not even use the catalog.

We need to figure out how to frustrate astroturfing efforts.

Attached: 1516948269940.png (1024x625 2.24 MB, 632.42K)

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Spammed v&able material. Gore, too. It worked.

Partially summer, partially paid shills for mid-terms.

Probably former Juden Peterstein shills, before he lost credibility with even the newest of newfags.

You have to go back.

They can't use ME/PSP if they don't have access to it in the first place. It's called a firewall.

You can blame the mods. They're locking and anchoring political threads, while a coalburner pornstar gets a 7-thread fapathon.


They are still trying on that front as well.

That’s a whale

How am I dark? Because that dude was a fag?

Someone is scared.

Scared of what exactly? Weak cucks with fat women, or leftists that tried to frame me for murder, terrorism, and all sorts of other bullshit while trying to get me to convert to pisslam and an heroing?


Attached: remedy.jpg (634x312, 94.91K)

Also why not climb out of your rental coptor and tell me that directly, without your badge.

I have half the country on my side. What do you have?

Attached: slideit.PNG (1897x319, 320.89K)

You’re a Jew

And any network chipsets produced by American or Korean companies (read: 99% of them) also have hardware backdoors built in.

A firewall on your computer does nothing; ME and PSP can directly interface with the network stack.

A firewall in your router does nothing (unless it's a non-American, non-Korean chipset aka Chinese); hardware backdoors are required in all of them.

And yeah, Chinese hardware will have Chinese backdoors, but China isn't going to suicide some guy living in the midwest for wrongthink. The US might, and does.

I don't understand what you're trying to say.

Oh, an astroturfer. I hope you're at least getting paid and not just doing this as a volunteer.

When did he say that considering yourself white is reprehensible and dangerous?

I don't doubt that but can you post some examples of political threads getting locked?


Where the fuck have you been? Kikeys gone. Most of the redditors have been bullied away.

It is in the peterstein thread somewhere.I have IRL shit i need to go do, so youll have to find it yourself.

I have been here, and the leftists are still here.

I removed them from the feed. I wasn’t selecting them. I know they’re all post from California that we’re harassing me irl over the past week. Sam Hyde even made an appearance.

They were gone for most of June, they had to switch gears from hard jewish power to soft jewish power.
IE distracting from JIDF (its shariablue my fellow pedes, NOT THE JEWS)
Spamming and sagebombing, sliding the catalog. Well poisoning and disinfo, spreading white noise and chaff, deradicalization and depolarization. Qlarp, "Just vote", "Zog is your friend", cuck out, don't fight

Kill yourself zionist. Go cry in the meta thread about le ebil Nazi saging your slide thread.

Lol the enraged astroturfer, desperately tries to claim "n-no you're an astroturfer"

Yet you keep posting off topic, something astroturfers are literally trained to do.

So anyway, how do we stop people like ? How can we get them banned so they can't hide important information from the average poster?

But hold on, maybe I'm misunderstanding you. Why did you label THIS thread as "(((very organic)))" when it's literally about protecting people from astroturfing?

How is telling people what astroturfing is and how to spot it, a bad thing?

Good a thread as any to dump shillgate info for the lurkers and newfags.

Attached: Shillgate6.jpg (10000x1200 2.12 MB, 3.07M)


Attached: Shillgate67.png (2800x3047 1.54 MB, 2.67M)

moshe, you gave yourself away with reddit spacing.

checkin m88

Attached: d0f0608e6116e7b7513246d82bf88336f955182b3fc9300a6d46f62344c83df6.png (315x292, 3.95K)

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Yes OP: And the thing that really got my attention is a thread I saw just yesterday on Zig Forums.

Used to be nation state agencies and corporations needed actual manpower to do the whole JTRIG thing with regards to shitposting, shilling, diverting attention, managing impressions and manipulating discourse, but I have come to feel that what if the automation has progressed to the point where it's all bots now?

Thread in question:

Draw your own conclusions, good friends.

Astroturfers are the ones who came up with complaining about "reddit spacing" - formatting posts like this has been the de facto standard for the last 15+ years.

Anyway, how do we stop astroturfers from sliding important information off the front page?

It can't *all* be bots, but a significant portion of it is. Regular conversations on 4chan and Zig Forums are easy enough to imitate, and running one script to create and run hundreds of threads is much cheaper than hiring hundreds of people.

The question is, if the mod(s) are in on it, how do we fight back? And why aren't the other mods or admins doing anything about these compromised moderators?

user, ME cleaner has been around to remove Intel's ME since like 2012. After removing, it is highly recommended to use Coreboot, since ME is usually integrated with BIOS and can brick your comp.

I don't think anyone has bothered to crack AMDs system.

You are in danger.

Lol, I remember that fat loaf. Is he still around?

Attached: OliverWhiterShadeOfBlack.png (534x804, 808.85K)

No, that isn't feasible. In order to interface with the "network stack", the ME would be required to understand not only the network stack of every revision of every OS, but the binary layout of every version of every driver of every OS, of… you get the picture. It's not doable. What the ME can do, however, is access on-board networking hardware directly. That means it can inject, drop, or mutate data moving through those ports invisibly, in a way undetectable by the operating system. You can mitigate this problem by leaving any built-in networking hardware disconnected, and using 3rd-party networking hardware instead.

DNC and their allies are paying for MORE online shilling before Midterms. They know they're fucked if they don't win big here.

>https:// www . rt . com/usa/435796-dccc-bots-software-propaganda/

It's only going to get worse before it gets better.

Did you know, that the Queue user LARP'age is not only reading your posts (yes, (Your)), but using it in new Queue posts
Enjoy the ride assholes!

Sorry, but that's just an opinion. If you're trying to pass that off as fact then you're full of shit oil.

Zig Forums is already having the same treatment done to it, the rush to deliver the same attack was when the banning of shills and regions of the world that always have undesirables was lifted.
As soon as that ban list was removed all the cucks, shills, kikes, goons, leftist faggots and other assorted retards flooded the board with garbage threads, constant derailing, subversion, sliding and obvious alien attempts to blend in.

Attached: swede.jpg (454x329, 104.08K)

False. I was banned last April or May because I posted a well thought out comment comparing the true believer Anons with the brownshirts in the wake of the Qanon shit. Cool metaphor though.

**seemingly true believer anons

The answer is simple, and all you assholes forgot how to keep your board's culture thriving.


The lurk 2 years rule is lost and gone. No one tells them they aren't welcome to post anymore. They can stay, but they cant post until they lurk 2 years. if they fuck up, then they need to be told to leave.

All I see are new fags that

that is correct

Attached: zuck-rage-ree.png (700x467, 513.25K)

What's an ME? Apologies for not being very tech. People don't discuss hardware enough for how important it is

As this place has gotten more cancerous I've begun to learn more about shill posting through interaction in the wild. I effort post and try and make this place worthwhile but I know I can't be the only user learning from the shitwave

Completely agree

How do you plan to divert the diversion of this world?

sage for double posting like a faggot

Internet tough guy

Board culture took a shit when Kamfy got hosed and the fucker deserved it and a bunch of people that were run off some rightfully so came flooding back in. Oh those were the days.

I'm glad it was as fucking brutal when I stumbled into this cesspool researching for a programming project at the end of 2014, I ended up in this glorious shithole a few months after the migration. I miss the cesspool.

I lurked for 1 year, got the balls to make my first babby post- and got ripped to fucking shreds. Getting my virtual shit handed to me taught me I am a better man for it End the welcoming- this is hatechan after all.

You aren't user- I consider these times as a good practice run to hone my skills for when it does happen. Imagine the shilling on here if the board is even up if it does go kinetic. Every fucking thread will be shilled to death. They fear this board and they should

sage for blogpost


Attached: oliver_willith_2.png (640x400, 10.5K)

Intel's (((mangement engine))). It's essentially a processor inside your processor that you have 0 control over. Regardless of your chosen operating system the ME is capable of ratting out your drive contents, memory contents, peripheral input, and network frames to kikes.
Many claim to have "broken" it but of course anything short of hardware lobotomy, or using hardware from over a decade ago involves too much trust.

The older training model for newfrens takes too long to be effective anymore. We can't wait for 2 years of lurking. Think of it as needing conscripts, not elite warrior monks. We simply must adapt to prevail. Instead of making autistic lists like 90_ways_jews_shill.tif, we should be teaching 1 lesson at a time. While "lurk more" and "kys" are fun to tell newfags, it's demoralizing. Better to tell them "truth has no leader" "do your own research" etc…

Since I got on the chans I was always confused by the use of the word "shill," as it traditionally means someone trying to sell something without disclosing their vested interest in its sale. A better word is "antagonist" or "obstacle" for what these groups and bots do to anons here. Another way to think of it as antagonists increase the noise in the system, which actually makes the signal easier to detect if you know what to look for. Essentially let them astroturf, we need to equip newfags with better signal detection, not necessarily noise filtering.

Attached: signal to noise.png (937x400, 41.27K)

Stop speculating, read the existing literature on counterpropaganda.

tldr Tell the truth, refute their bullshit quickly and don't let it sink in and poison people, then explain the propaganda methods they are using to inoculate the readers against future propaganda using that method.

Hi, self-admitted redditor AND paid jewish shill. All of your beliefs are the opposite of what Zig Forums knows to be true.

Once you learn to spot them they glow.

Attached: logical_fallacies.jpg (1600x1131, 461.34K)

This is what I'm talking about, thanks guys

Correct the record, in other words? :^)

He's right torpedo.

Correct the record is a small percentage of the shills we get on here. You've got US Air Force intelligence, CIA, FBI "counterterrorism", GCHQ, Israelis, JIDF, and a whole lot more. The majority of posters are probably paid until we get close to an election and real people come back.

Using the term "torpedo" is a dead shill giveaway. It means you're trying to discredit the use of measures that stop NSA spying. In other words, kill yourself you fucking spook.

Cry more faggot.
No you retarded nigger, it means your post is shit.

Isn't that an oxymoron?

Why does he do this weird mouth gesture in every pic? Ashamed of his thick lips I guess?

He's doing the tight lipped, puffy cheeked, pedophile "ya blew it" face, Anthony Weiner and John Podesta are good examples of this

And this board.

Easy. Sticky threads of decent quality and info with a normal post limit and let banter threads/other threads be the only normal ones.

I always knew this board was going down the tubes when the (((new moderation))) removed the sticky with all the shill awareness infographics.

Codemonkey said that right-wing content will not be protected here, so there is no better system.

You mean the site administrator personally?

Yes, the kampfy thing was a pointless witch hunt because he hadn't been in moderation on this board for years when the most recent anti-kampfy campaign started. They got everyone thinking the Zig Forums moderation was somehow evil and then they false flagged with a mass raid and moved in when the moderation reacted how they knew they would react, and since the anti-kampfy campaign got the uninformed people riled up they were all for a change in moderation. Now we have astroturfing out the ass.

Call me Billy Blanks but I don't think this action plan was made for Zig Forums

Pic very related. That's an apt term for the feeling I was having.

I'm going to look more into ME's but holy fuck is that depressing. I'm assuming the only way to kill the contents outside the range of the ME is to physically destroy the computer right?

Attached: a3e479603fa98d06655dc530cc502ac2df8085b1b86a8c740abe75ed718f54fc.png (500x600, 379K)

Am I reading you correctly friend?

MUH ZIONIST EDADDY disable intel me&oq=gentoo disable intel me&gs_l=psy-ab.3..33i22i29i30k1l3.1280.5796.0.6038.….0…1c.1.64.psy-ab..0.22.1486…0j0i131k1j0i10k1j0i22i30k1j33i160k1.0.yK-VlOsYBTg

or just use a processor/motherboard prior to 2006


That shit coalburner has +10 threads sliding the catalog. The board quality has been lowered to near breaking point in the past week. Every time mods let trash like that remain the board is permanently damaged. Remove whichever traitorous shit mod is in charge and ban those two faggots IPs who were same fagging the coalburner threads back and forth for half a year.

No more forgiving bans.

Did you even read what I wrote? Show me evidence the last moderation team was shit. It only counts if it isn't those kampfy copy pastas that are actually from 2015. 2014 Skochinsky.pdf
Read more if you like, it's a royal pain the clean it up, and then I'm not even sure it's really cleaned up. Older hardware is the way to go.

Mods are comped
Here's an thread with effort, quickly archived due to it being "bad" information.
Wouldn't want the slaves to wake up.
No connection between slavery, politics, and current events.
Nothing to see here.
200 threads in catalog atm, maybe 2 or 3 actually worth while.

Attached: 4chbtfo.JPG (1848x826, 161.74K)