Britain Erwache..! - (to the rising popularity of the Far Right) says Cucked former Cop -

terrirfying ghosts and zombies of outlawed Far Right group 'National Action' still haunt the cucks of England

“For the first time since the second world war we have a domestic terrorist group, it’s rightwing, it’s neo-Nazi, it’s proudly white supremacist, portraying a violent and wicked ideology,” Mark Rowley told BBC Newsnight.

"The UK has not “woken up” to the threat posed by the far right, the former head of the Metropolitan police’s counter-terrorism unit said.

“If we sleepwalk into it, then I think there is a real danger we give them more scope to get stronger. They’re repackaging their aggressive intolerance … and attaching it to mainstream political debate.”

>The Nationalist group that the former cop cites as the cause of his anxiety and worried warning, National Action, was already banned under Britain's anti-terror laws. The ban was announced on December 12, 2016 - - but maybe retired constable Rowley didn't get the memo.

He Fears Credibilty of the Nationalist Message - - & he coins a new phrase, "Muslim Britain"
"Rowley, who was the Met’s anti-terrorism chief between 2014 and 2018, said the UK needed to be alert and ensure extremist groups could not “generate credibility and present themselves as representatives of white Britain or Muslim Britain”.

"National Action became the first far-right group to be banned under terrorism laws in December 2016 and it is now a criminal offence to be a member of the group.

"The group celebrated the murder of Labour MP Jo Cox in 2016, and this summer one of its alleged pre-ban members pleaded guilty to a plot to murder another Labour MP, Rosie Cooper.

"'Antifa Leader says floods of Islamic Migrants result in Far Right Popularity'''
"Nick Lowles, founder of the anti-racist (except for Israel) and anti-fascist (but pro Likud) campaign group Hope Not Hate_, said: "“While Mark Rowley is right in saying that neo-Nazi ideas have not gone mainstream, …what is abundantly clear is that an anti-immigrant, and particularly anti-Muslim (sensibilities) … can lead people into the hands of far-right extremists.”

Attached: National Action per BBC.jpg (720x405, 32.46K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Gone but not forgotten

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I'm pretty sure there was a zionist terrorist group in the UK at one point post-WWII. (I get nazi =/= zionist, but since both are nationalistic, I'm trying to point out how their whole statement is bullshit).

If the government wants people to stop being pissed, they could, oh, I dunno, maybe stop letting so many fucking Muslims into the UK? Silly idea, I know. The government isn't supposed to represent the will of the people, especially not in a country that calls itself a democracy.

It's already proscribed.
Hope they push this meme harder. Let them make neonazis the only opposition to their agenda. This isn't the 80s or 90s, people are waking up. I feel the same way about Azov.

Even if they stopped letting midslimes in, they still have a fuck-ton already raping/pillaging.
I can’t see much of a peaceful solution other than paying some to leave.
I hate waiting. I want a happening right NOW.

Not good enough. Must try harder.

Whites are of course ready to go full ethnonat. You need to speak to them on the streets. The media will prove even with all its constant propaganda it will fail to good organization that assists the people.

All normies hear when they read this is that 5 percent of the population
commits more than twice as many terrorist attacks as white brits.

Oi do you have a loicense for that opinion?

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How many people have those ebil nazis stabbed in the streets, buildings have the bombed, and how many girls have they raped?

"things worth fighting for" is an ancient phrase

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Were they plotting to post on twitter all at the same time?

6 million

Fucking ignorants. And if they fear civnat cucks, what they do if real reactionary forces get traction?

Hello FEDs….

wew cia, you're glowing a bit bright

They can't stop it. The counter-culture of the youth is white-supremacy. The boomer generation even oppose the EU and islam. The only people they have left are university students between the ages 18-21, some graduates until about 23 when they realise the world isn't what their (((professors))) told them it was, and a few 30 year old man children and drugged-up whores.

There's still plenty of work to do but it is near impossible to imagine Britain falling now without an actual civil war against its populace. The no-guns thing does mean that they would have a huge advantage there - but there is also a fair amount of support for the Ulster unionists and if shit really hit the fan, there's a ton of documentation that tells people how to make firearms and ammunition out of basic and readily available items. It used to be spread on Zig Forums quite a bit.

The best bet for the enemy now is to go back to appeasing the Anglo-Saxon whilst secretly having the various institutions based in their lands fuel and fund evil the world over. They have pushed so hard of late though, and seem to be so hell-bent on continuing to do so - that they have made that an impossibility for the long-term as well. All I can say is: Hail victory!

Read between the lines people.
SIEGlarp is not how you bring down ZOG. Providing a system parallel to ZOG why not fucking people eye balls out is how you kill it. Muslims do it all the time, while European have their own like Casa Pound, Golden Dawn, etc

And when critical mass is reached and a Führer is installed, then you can act on your revenge fantasy.

Oh, and fuck the anglos still.

Attached: Brit subhuman laughing at the only chance at salvation for its subhuman people.jpg (748x533 115.38 KB, 136.55K)


*while not fucking people's eyeballs out
Shouldn't have taken that beer last evening….

Britbong here. sry
You can feel it. There is a sort of hidden electrical current running through the country. Or maybe its more like a growing lake of fuel.
British people, white people in general i think, are quite a private people. If you dont know us you would easily think we dont mind or dont care whats happening and some dont. But most of us feel it, its not just anger at the invaders, its a sort of hurt, perplexed sense of betrayal directed at the establishment that so obviously dgaf.

Take the mass rape of white children for instance. The redpill wasnt that the filth did it, although the scale of it was a surprise. The real redpill was the response of the establishment. First they told us it didnt happen. Then they told us it was a 'racist conspiracy', then they said it was being exaggerated, then they said they would look into it, then they threw us a bone or two in the form of a few documentaries, enquiries and hand waving. Then it became apparent that they knew all along and had been covering it up. Then they just carried on as if nothing had happened.

The working class white people of Britain have been entirely sold out and betrayed by our self appointed sanctimonious moral guardians. And so many of us are beginning to become consciously aware of it. There is a massive amount of energy building up that is terrifying to the establishment because they cant do anything to stop it. This is demonstrated by their hysterical reaction to any signs of resistance or dissent. They are so used to getting their own way and just ignoring us that they no longer have any way to reach us besides lowering the tax on cigarettes and alcohol, football and tv shows and making some examples for us to be cowed by. They are making so many mistakes, making so many more of us hate them that if i didnt know better i would suspect them of wanting civil war. Maybe they do.
How many task forces and anti terrorist squads can they deploy at once before they can no longer manage?
Can they keep us all at gun point indefinitely?
What happens when the fear of prison or death is exceeded by our rage and hate?
I dont know when it will escalate to meaningful, direct resistance but its coming and there isnt a single thing anyone can do to prevent it.

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Cucki ist freigelassen. Wer von euch ist schuld daran?

Oh shit :^)

Nah, the anglo will die a pathetic death. Payback for 1945.

Hope for what exactly? Hope that this unethical silly multicultural project will not become a complete disaster? If hope is all they have, that's pathetic and I know where I stand. I was never asked if I wanted this at the expense of my nationality, my country and people. Fuck your "hope" you sacks of fucking shite go fuck yoursleves.

Im guessing your not a German, and your clearly not British so why would . . . oh.

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Can you all just die off quietly please? I'm trying to drink my coffee and read the morning news.

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Very upper middle clash english comment

Godspeed Mr Raymond

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Based NA did nothing wrong.

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Muslims are literally aided by the state you dumb faggot. Nationalists cannot set up alternate institutions. Nationalists can't even run a twitter account without having all their access to payment processors shut down and getting blacklisted by major financial companies. Stop pretending we are on equal footing with the left or Muslims because it is not even close to being true.


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Probably the only good article on what has become of national action.

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Britain, when?!

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Anything to distract from the rape gangs, acid attacks, stabbings, and absolute degeneracy plaguing Britain huh?
It’s almost like one creates the other.
White Nationalist movements are reactionary. If you want to get rid of Nazis get rid of kikes, shitskins, and faggots.
It’s really astounding in a retarded kind of way how the kike media and mainstream (((culture))) allows and even encourages every other fucking ethnic group to have ethnocentrism except whites - in our own fucking countries.
I remember seeing this headline recently and it used “white supremacist” to refer to Whites and “black nationalists” to refer to niggers. Two ethnocentric groups two very different connotations in their descriptions.

PS black nationalists have their own nation it’s called Liberia.

I feel fucking awful for those NA guys still around, ZOG really went out of it's way to fuck with their lives.

Daily reminder that if you think this is a system you can make meaningful change in from the inside, you're a fucking moron.

Good post. It's everywhere. The difference is that leftists pervert it in the same way they pervert everything else, by inverting the good to value evil.

Fretful inspector Rowley - judging from his remark about wanting the best for "Muslim Britain" - evidently feels his primary duty is to serve and protect moderate Mohammedans..

What a distraught cuck he is indeed.

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The Nazis are the REAL threat to Britain!

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How does he keep getting away with this!?

Not wrong.

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"National Action is compromised, fellow Whites! Look at this shitty shillographic I made, NA is controled by the British CIA!"
October 2016.

Quads checked!

Since so many people likes larping, how about anons outside of Poz-stain larpes as NA cells to scare the cucks even more?

What to do about Muslims? - - Whites had it Right the 1st time

Muslims Invading our Lands & Attacking

We had the Right response the 1st time.

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It's you who isn't looking at the context.

Jesus Christ. I'm from Eastern Europe, without wanting to sound edgy, we are pretty much used for rough handling from the state/ex-communist police. In ten years of my political activism, I was beaten by the police countless times, still paying for my teeth-job after getting repeatedly bashed into face with a baton. I'm paying off a debt amounting like a middle-class car for all court payments and fines. I was kicked from the job three times because of police visiting and I can't legally own basically nothing looking like a weapon and work in my field of expertise. But that pretty much pales before that "Western progressive society" unleashed upon these guys.

Wish them all luck and strength. All good is built on blood of martyrs. Hail Victory.

Checking those quads of "ashkenazis and kiked German/ EU oligarchs being the real threat to Britian."
They are the ones bringing in the muslums, after all.
That said, ALL muslums and non-Whites in White countries are the enemy.

This makes the modern anglos even more disgusting and subhuman like.

All I see is anglo scum killing their own to protect their bedtime story of based churchill and bomber harris. And these subhumans will die a violent death by paki rape gangs and their kike loving country will be browned and ruled by kikes until the continentals kill the kikes for good.

Wow, a hasbara jew literally contemplating anuda shoah..!

It's all thanks to Zig Forums :D

Anuda Shoah like this?

Attached: holocaust shrunk yids.jpg (618x883, 59.47K)

Meanwhile sandniggers can rape and pillage all they like, with the cops trying their very best to ignore it so that they can focus on "le ebil Nazis" and so they can patrol twitter.

Tell that to me after your daily dose of harris and churchill worship.

Oy m8, sounds like antihuwite dc to me!

Yeah, that's it in a nutshell. But change is coming, brother.

That great son of England, Charles Darwin, pointed out that beak forms can reveal a lot about a subspecies.

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Anyone but the jew, mi'right?

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Your just an idiot who doesn't understand history. The system is hostile to any ethno nationalist but things aren't as bad as they used to be. No trial fire, you aren't going to be drawn and quartered or your whole family executed.
In those times systems that were hostile to the establishment weren't stupid enough to let themselves be known or seen.
Any successful attempt at regime change needs to be conducted in secrecy with all the protective measures in place. Learn from the success of others, the jews infiltrated, created and supported organizations that outwardly seemed somewhat sensible. But while outwardly appearing to be a certain way behind the scenes they were helping to achieve a far more sinister goal.
If anything one of main goals should be red-pilling as many people as possible. Creating normie palitable news oeganizations like a more sane jonestein. Once the population is up to date nationalist organizations will find far more fertile ground.

Or we solve the problem at its root

Tolstoy's War and Peace covers this theme, what he calls the "invisible force" driving war, and masses if men to do things. When all pf your men are itching for a battle, when their spirit is higher than the enemy, no general can prevent an attack or dorect action. The spirit of the age (zeitgeist) is a changing feeling in the air felt by people who push history forward, and nothing can stop it. They can arrest a few, ban Zig Forums and other political forums, but you cannot stop history from unfolding. Just like Napoleon invading Russia before winter, 200 years ago, the momentum of events in Europe will not stop.

L A R P the post.

So what are you gunna do big bad internet boy? Culturally enriching a few Jews isn't going to solve anything.

The upper classes still believe that the lower classes are too subhuman to figure anything out on their own.

Generation bright eyes will bring a wrath that will burn for a millenia, under the weight of a sole unified consciousness there qill be a reckining the likes of which no redeemer will ever top.

Attached: bright-eyes.jpg (480x360, 13.68K)

It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late,
With long arrears to make good,
When the Saxon began to hate.

They were not easily moved,
They were icy – willing to wait
Till every count should be proved,
Ere the Saxon began to hate.

Their voices were even and low.
Their eyes were level and straight.
There was neither sign nor show
When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not preached to the crowd.
It was not taught by the state.
No man spoke it aloud
When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not suddently bred.
It will not swiftly abate.
Through the chilled years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date
That the Saxon began to hate.

good luck britbong. i will hold out hope for you all

So stop bringing in the subs. Problem solved.

History is essentially repeating itself. The more time passes the less people have to hold onto and the tougher future generations will become.