Get Joe Rogan to watch "The Greatest Story Never Told"

Joe Rogan's podcast "The Joe Rogan Experience" has almost 16 million listeners a month.

At least half of them are either followers of our causes OR ready to be bent our way. Joes become increasingly kosher friendly as of late. The pot and float tanks robbing away his individuality.

Rarely does he have any right-wingers on, but he loves to talk about how open minded he is. He's also spoke about the Holocaust and "Muh ebil Nazis".

Let's see if we can get him to watch TGSNT by rapidly messaging his various Facebooks, spamming the group with socks etc. At the least we can hope he'd say the name on his show "Can you believe these crazy Alt-Right guys have been spamming me for days to watch "The Greatest Story Never Told"?

Worst case he watches it and is affected by it.

Who's with me?

f-b .com/JOEROGAN

j r .com/contact

To send quick anonymous e-mails:

To create a sock account on F B: Just go to G mail, make a new e-mail and sign up. Takes like 5-10 mins.

Video link: y t . com /watch?v=M8FZTNc_3SA&bpctr=1534984173

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Fuck off back to kikechan, faggot.

Get Ryan Dawson on Rogan's show.

What is with all the joe rogan lately
He is married to a kike
Some of his best friends are kikes
He activly tries to prevent one kike friend from killing himself
Fuck joe rogan

Because he reaches 16 million people and motivates folks to eat healthy, do martial arts, lift weights, hunt etc.

He preaches our ways, he's just cucked up by California living and all the beep beep lettuce m8.

He motivates people to smoke and in general bevtatooed de generates.

Fuck this idiot. His following is the enemy. Anythung less and you are a taitor. No sage time for war

Not worth a thread. But I'd get him to watch first instead as its shorter.


No, I get that this is breddy gay. But OP, the level of kvetch this would bring is too good.
What should we do.

I think nothing but good could come of it. Even if he comes out and directly kvetches against it, that's 16 million people who will hear the name.

He's part of a kike think tank you idiot. He is anti-white and knows exactly what he is doing, just like Zion Pete.

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You will never be able to wake up the masses. Everyone who had the capacity to seek out the answers already has.

The so called "intellectual dark web" isn't a think tank. It's a group invented by the New York Times to describe white public intellectuals who expound controversial opinions.

I would bet he has already watched it along with hellstorm and woudln't touch it with a ten foot pole.He plays dumb for a reason from what I seen of his shows, similar to jonestein and instead of mis info he hurr durs- like wow dudes it.

Fuck dudeweed joe rogan he is an enemy race mixing liberal drug addicted degenerate who made his career by sucking jew cock and promoting degeneracy on tv.

Fuck off.

I was just explaining the origin of the term. The New York Times coined the term.

fuck off you rogan cuck. Rogan is a satanist that's fully on board with the jew globalist plan. You're an idiot for thinking anyone here but you gives a shit about that little asshole.

Interesting, my post disappeared

I bet he smells like stale weed and kale shakes. I can't be bothered watching that homosexual drool over half naked men and pot. Fuck the nonsense

i dont understand how someone can post a thread like this and not fucking kill themselves

Maybe the shitposting will make mods take notice faster and ban whoever's responsible for this cancer.

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never happen

Rogan always takes the "explain this to me" approach.
But when George Soros or the Rothschilds come up suddenly he's an expert and makes every defense/excuse in the book for Soros/Rothschilds

He's bought & paid for

He’s already seen it

Wow, kikes I know would mock the dude until he killed himself.

Satanism is literally the survival of the fittest. That’s all it is.

aa aa aa oo oo oo ahuaahuaahuaahua mupmupmupmupmup sqeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee aa aa aa

there are those who understand very well how violent the big fish become when they are irritated.

and there are those perfectly fine with selling out

lol, dude joes been running with team j for 20 years, i used to work at the comedy store in the late 90s, early 00s he was one of two soy goys out of a team of 10 hebrew homies.

Holy shit OP. Very good idea. Some would say this would create a point of emergence.

that's one kosher fucking wife Rogans got there

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I've always wondered how jewy the comedy scene is? Can they keep gentiles from making it, or is it if someones funny they can't really stand in their way?

Jews are self proclaimed the funniest people. Do you think that's on merit or nepotism?

Every (((Woody Allen))) degenerate snorefest is a comedic bombshell according to (((critics))), what do you think?

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Look what happens to real comedians like Sam Hyde. he got kicked out of Adult Swim (although that was a jealous nigger) and he's been banned from Kiketube again. There are plenty of funny white people even on Kiketube, but if you're not kosher as a bagel or an actual kike you won't be filling stadiums in comedy. The only controversial opinions you're allowed to have are the ones they give you.

good luck

That's not how those things work, and we all know it, (((pharma))) fag. Go peddle your pills elsewhere.

Joe himself has the political acumen of a 12 year old.

He's the useful idiot Bezemov warned of, when faced with irrefutable proof of the jq he'll try to rationalize it away.

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Ask yourself when was the last time you heard an actually funny Jew joke out of a comedian. Now, remember that Netflix literally shoahed its own rating system to protect (((Amy Schumer))) from negative reviews.

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Joe Rogan is married to a Jew, dummy.

Yes, anons, this could be the awakening

He won't do it. Or he'll do it and shit all over it and turn it off.