Possible organized, international pedophile ring in Poland

Let's finally have a proper thread about this topic.
Quick rundown

Websites of the organization in question
their fagbook: facebook.com/Euroweek-1400991546832947/
their official website: euroweek.pl/en/
polish version of their website: euroweek.pl/pl/ it has more contact info
Mastermind behind this has not much info about him online and there are no photos of him. His name is Adam Jaśnikowski and he is a member of organizations such as European forum of Youth.

It all smells like a Soros funded program to spread multi cultural propaganda in Poland and give pedophilles a nice hidden spot to prctice their deviation at the same time. What can we do about it? How do we stop (((them))) from killing another society?

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Other urls found in this thread:


for those in doubt that it has pedophile undertones

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One of the places where the """camps""" take place, looks shady as fuck to me

Attached: 169-mi-dzyg-rze-dom-nad-wodospadem.jpg (600x450, 61.3K)

Oh and I forgot to add in the original post they are planning expanding their operation to other countries they are already in the Czech Republic.

To the fag of the last thread:
Why not ask her (maybe in a round-a-bout manner) why she chose him. It probably has to do with things like: sympathy towards inferiors=cute, pajeets try to seem studious even when not=intelligent, shitskin=diversity bonus+not white bonus.

last thread got rightfully deleted so I have no idea what the fuck you are linking and the person you are referring to probably doesn't either

Bump fuck cucks

Spal węgiel, zapłać za przejazd.

kek, they aren't paying yet though

Monitoring this thread.

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Do it for her, Polebros

Attached: Mermaid of Warsaw.jpg (360x480, 50.77K)

Likely installed by the US military.

there won't be much development unless someone starts digging deep in the records of this organization or some absolute madman infiltrates them.
Sadly I don't really have much time to dig right now.

one of the worst legends in Polish folklore tbh

in 1994?

Soon as the wall came down, I'd wager. The entire blueprint during the second zionist war was pump the niggers in, in, in.

The fuck is this revisionist bullshit? She stayed there for eternity as the guardian of the town out of gratitude. Why do you think she's seen with a sword and shield to begin with?

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Please. Poland hates you, almost as much as they hate themselves. It's a borderland thing that you wouldn't understand, but tl;dr no nation that's had a Chosen leader can ever fall victim to your stormderpian ways. Fuck off with your racist bullshit.

So, OP. I actually do a lot of opposition research for a major political party in the U.S. and can likely solve this little riddle for you - but I'll need you to do some translating for me, starting with pic related. Open it up in Paint or something, crudely slap the translation over it in a textbox, and repost it.

Most importantly, what is the significance of "Fundacja"? Is it "foundation"?

Attached: Fundacja.png (531x381, 19.64K)

This is not a pedophile ring. It's a standard setup for a color revolution. It's most likely funded by the US government, funneled through an NGO for plausible deniability. 75% of the time you see something about teaching youths to be globalist homos, it's funded by the USA and aimed at goals of American imperialism.

impkampfy pls

If you're not taking this seriously, it's QTDDTOT material tbh fam. I can get you names, or point you to the government office and specific form to file or pyrsyn to talk to in order to get those names, and you're just here making a driveby "LOL LOOK SOROS DESTROYAN MUH WYPIPO NAYSHUN xcept rly idc lol bai" shitpost?

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Lol wtf are you doing? I don't get it, you're not even hiding the fact that you're a shill, and yet you expect OP to save, edit, and repost an image so you can get info on him? Wouldn't it work better if you at least tried to pretend to fit in?

I remember it this way from when I was a kid. She promised that she will protect before the city before swimming away but considering Polish history she isn't particularly good at it.

have you read captions under instagram posts?

on it give me a sec
Yep fundacja means Foundation, the whole nonprofit bullshit

Hey, come on. Its their first day.

no it's almost 3am here, give me a break I will be back tomorrow

Ignoring the overtly pro-EU tone of their About Us page, it really seems like a much more recent project. Listen to this:
Not volunteers from around the world and now in Poland, but less than 30 people currently spread throughout the globe. Doing what? What could under 30 people possibly do that requires 3 - 5 hotels simultaneously?

So over two decades of growth and they've yet to hit 30 "volunteers"; given how many people were likely involved in this group's actual founding, that's a rate of maybe one new vol per year. It reeks of sex ring tbh fam.

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Lol it's imkikey, he came crawling back for some reason. He posted a maddow pic after my post.
He won't stick around long though, since he has no power here anymore. Sage for off topic.

Back to Reddit, both of you.

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I really doubt it's an organized pedophole ring. Almost all niggers are pedophiles, so it doesn't mean anything. Any program aimed at getting white children together with grown niggers will be packed with pedophiles just by probability.

Well in that case, we're good.

And in that case, we're even better, because that means the list of names I mentioned earlier a) definitely exists, b) is publicly available according to Polish law, and c) might even be available online, though I'll need you to help me navigate the relevant websites.

Guess I'll be back ITT tomorrow, too.

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I know.
This is what they say in their about us section in Polish version of the website.

Where did you get the number of volunteers?

Kampfy's back already?

So, imkikefy finally admits he is a literal shill.

who is he? I don't lurk enough to recognize individual anons.

Better job than I thought you'd do tbh. I'll let you rest for tonight though.

I know - I read the English version, and they make the same claim. My post implied that they are lying about their history. It could be real, but more than likely, to me, it's fake. The website wasn't created until 2016 (shortly after midnight, oddly).
Now lrn2read, stormderp.

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He was the mod here who was removed because he would give everyone thousand year bans if they did not suck Trump's dick hard enough.

Kampfy and his butt buddy Skeletor never left. They're still here, derailing as Anons, and banning/censoring/autistically stickying under different names.

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underrated post, kek'd irl

meh he is an avatarfag but he seems harmless and rather helpful in this thread so I won't filter him, I will keep an eye on him though.

oh no the retard is back

I have never and will never pretend to be impartial. I hate Drumpf and all of you racist, white supremacist stormderps. I work for the Democratic Party and have stated publicly on Zig Forums that I have done extensive volunteer work for Democratic candidates for office (exclusively womyn and minority candidates, because fuck manpigs and fuck wypipo).

You stormderps neither need nor deserve "fair and balanced", you need a red pill suppository administered daily and that's what Nurse Rach is here to do. Now bend over, fascist.

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Don't reply to imkikey, this thread is too important to derail.

This site is really weird. They have the most nebulous and vague descriptions of what they actually do.

Here's my theory: a kike made a "summer camp" type program as a way to make money, and is paid by globalist Jews to ship a bunch of African and middle easterners to European hotels for a week of unsupervised access with young European girls, because they are the supervisors. Naive European parents send their kids to it because they see the vague references to "improving English" and "skill building".

Another important note: the English and polish sites ARE NOT the same at all. And the Polish site can't be translated to English directly, suspiciously. The Polish site seems to have actual names and contact info to mine, whereas the English site is made just to throw off suspicion.

good for you, my dude, at least you are not doing it for free

Could you larp any harder?
Is this some persona trying to psyop us into supporting trumpstien via reverse psycology?
As if you faggots spamming the board with MSM outrage for years wasn't enough.

Focusing their efforts on young women + decline of catholism + excelleration of feminism = typical tricks


I found sometime similar that could be pedo ring. I found a Flickr account of a man named (((Lev Berner))). It says he lives in Haifa, Israel and has really shady pictures of little kids. Check it out. Maybe we can start a thread on this

but he stays on the topic when he isn't talking about himself. You can all ignore him but I will keep interacting with him as long as he stays on the topic, don't give him too much attention or this will turn into a thread about him and I don't want that.


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I still remember the election threads and you breaking character several times, assisting in research that was beneficial to Trump. Now you admit it was your job.

I dunno this theory
seems more likely to me

So I'm right then?

holy fuck stop talking about him here, I don't give a fuck, make a new thread about him if you have to

This didn't tip you off? Trust me from the people that know, he's a kike.

Anyway to get back on topic, it may be worth making a few threads on halfchan as well, yeah it's cancer but they have additional eyes even if the treads will be astroturfed.

Ok, that's fucked up. I'd recommend making another thread on it though, as it doesn't seem to have anything to do with this organization unless I'm mistaken.


there is an autistic brit spamming threads about it all the time there. They are
tier threads though

please remod him, I love imkikey threads

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Before pedophilia even comes into play, the nigger should die for laying its hands on a white child.

Ah yes if you need more proof that there is some shady shit going on check out this instagram tag
It is full of photos of adult shitskins with underage girls with questionable tags and poses

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They still do.

Why is this board filled with absolute blue-pilled faggots? I see no evidence of sexual attraction to pre-pubescent children in this thread. That is the real, scienfically correct definition of paedophilia. Not the politically correct definition of sexual atraction to anyone under a feminist-backed, government-created "age of consent". I bet if the government raised the age to 40 then some of you faggots would call a 40 year-old with a 39 year-old girlfriend a "pedo".

Just looking through the translated polish page, and wanted to share this item of interest:

Also these are found on the main page, some links to look into. I believe the "man" suffix is the Jewish form of "Mann". Could be wrong.

OP, your country's terribly fascist government has a shitty, labyrinthine web design, and its cabinet ministries are weird.

I'm off for now as well, but post ITT if you know which ministry I'd want if I wanted to register a) a domestic corporation; b) a foreign-based corporation for operations in Poland (i.e. if Walmart wanted to open up a store in Poland); c) a domestic nonprofit. It'll make the opening rounds of this roulette game go a lot quicker if you can provide any answers.

As an example of what I'm talking about: Researching any of this in the U.S. is simple, as it's always handled by the same type of entity, the Department of State for each state in the Union. The way your government is set up, jurisdiction over the areas of corporate law and nonprofit law would seem to be claimed by multiple entities, making it difficult to discern which to expect to have the information and public databases we want.

Also, can you find me the resident services section of the Swednica website?
The English version has all the good stuff taken out, as a non-Pole wouldn't need them. Specifically I want to know if they have any of the following records in database form available for research:

Now I'm gone. Be back tomorrow. Cap this thread; it'll probably be purged or heavily censored before then.

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That was quick. Just found this from szkola-liderow.pl/?lang=en
Which is the school of social and political leaders website. Could also use some digging here.

Because he was the mod, and was paid by kushner to make the board a trumpcuck echo chamber

Some more info from the site:

Some activities and workshops

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You're a fucking faggot but you can be funny kikey.

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>Make the world the safest world for (((us)))
Yes, that's the whole point of this mass immigration thing innit?

I suggest We cleanse the world in nuclear warfare and kill the shitskin and nigger survivors

I have been getting youtube recommendations of videos from black expats discussing "racism in poland" for a little over a year… weird. Of course there's none on there now so i cant provide an example.

women are such garbage for even being willing to associate with those subhumans
maybe islam and old patriarchal christianity are one in the same, minus the stoning and garbage bags
of course we've lost our way and feminism dominates everything so there is little chance of christianity saving us, and this is poland a supposedly christian country

Just niggers and coalburners. Legal consent age is 15.

Hi jew

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Starting off with a look through the instagram tags #euroweek, there is also #euroweek 2016 as well as #euroweek2017 and #euroweek2018 and #euroweekofficial which look to be worth a look as I will later:

It seems to be a globohobo indoctrination camp, I looked on their social medias and there doesn't seem to be any suggestion of any sexual angle

Still worth looking into, the best you'll get of this is some nice infografics you can post on Polish normie right wing internet sites to make them aware

I can confirm. I went to one of their events (they told me it was a trip to the mountains for free so why not) back when I was in high school. It's a multiculti indoctrination camp. They show you all of these Powerpoint slides about how all cultures are equal and we shouldn't fear (((diversity))).You do all of these stupid dances and they show you the "beautiful sides of every culture". There were people of all races and it didn't look suspicious to be honest. I received some kind of certificate for "completing the course" I can post proof later if necessary. I'd have to go through a lot of papers. I DON'T THINK it's anything more than that, but I'M NOT SURE.
One thing I'm sure of is that they're committing tax fraud in one way or another. Some people had to pay for the trip and the organization wrote them a receipt which stated that these payments were "donations". I don't think it's legal but I didn't investigate any further.

YES this is the place. 100% sure of it.

Also if you want to ask me any specific questions go right ahead
Sage for doublepost

Polack here. While it's obviously not normal here to be an ultraleftist, it's not common here to be highly aware redpilled and whatever either. This country is really vulnerable to subversion simply because homogeneity is just normal here so people don't even have a clue what could be in store. Western Europe is pozzed and all, but at least plenty of people there are waking up by force due to reality hitting them hard in the face if they couldn't see the facts by themselves earlier. I was studying at the university not so long ago and even though our higher education might not be full of commies and hardcore feminists running around, I've met too many people my age and younger who are pretty enthusiastic about tolerance and there's a growing number of leftists who have the brilliant idea that if we adopt everything Western Europe did, we'll become just as prosperous as them.
In addition, this was discussed in a previous thread - the right isn't that great here either. Racial awareness is pretty rare, a lot of civnat shit going on. Basically the right and the left just keep flinging shit at each other trying to prove "no, you're the racists!". While in other cases many marching nationalists don't have any strong beliefs whatsoever and are just trashy people looking for an excuse to start a brawl.

Lets not pretend that it has to be either one or the other. I'm sure sexual abuse is a part of the globohomo hazing

Many Poles hate niggers and sandniggers because they associate them with the mudslime cult. The Catholic Church is actively shilling for black Christian rapefugees though

William Pierce said in one of his broadcasts that Poland was (((their))) main white slavery hub, so I am not surprised.

The head of the sex trafficking in Poland has historically been Auschwitz

I think he made reference to that as well. The NSDAP seemed to have a flair for poetic justice at times.

Polecamy się na przyszłość:


Attached: czas.jpg (567x434, 35.78K)

I wouldn't suspect this camp to be related to pedophiles but it certainly isn't ordinary summer camp for children and teens.

It's an EU-backed program aiming at degenerating Polish youth and turning them into liberal brain-dead zombies fighting for (((their))) cause. One of the main aims of the camp is to promote multiculturalism and tolerance.

If you find anything interesting about the organizers let me know. Maybe we could somehow put these camps to stop. Maybe we could use the fact that there are hell many of niggers who could sexually abuse girls to redpill the parents?

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The hundredth monkey effect is a hypothetical phenomenon in which a new behavior or idea is claimed to spread rapidly by unexplained means from one group to all related groups once a critical number of members of one group exhibit the new behavior or acknowledge the new idea…

Boomers scientifically CANNOT learn the new memes and abilities…

The young first teach their contemporaries & immediate family, who all benefit from the new behaviour & teach it to their contemporaries 2. If the parents or their contemporaries (or their parents) are too old, they do not adopt the behaviour 3. Once the initial group have children, the dynamic changes from teaching previous & current generations, to the next generation learning by observation. The behaviour is no longer actively taught but passively observed & mimicked

They want to poison your well of knowledge and STUPIFY MANKIND

Watch this Based-Bellagio masterpiece


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Sam wypierdalaj. What "pedo" is in this story? Both from medical and legal point - nothing. High school coalburner that will soon pay the tell.

This some type of Polish honeypot to capture holohoax deniers in Poland?

"Stupefy," faggot.

I'm just saying it is probably not organized for that purpose. Literally all niggers will fuck girls like the age of those in these pictures. It is a logical side effect, not the purpose of the program.

No, it‘s about brown babies in polish wombs.

You can draw attention to it. Most people don‘t like such obvious pimping out of young people. Even in Sweden or Germany were similar initiatives have become known.
There sure is some (((international))) planning behind. If one thinks the plan is limited to just some countries, you’ll be surprised. They are very systematic. So expect similar attempts all over the EU, particularly place not already as pozed as the UK or France, Belgium.

Of course this might have the adversarial effects that some people eventually react with violence, which would be unfortunate because we are a board of peace.

This one too, but this school girls are way to young. Color revolution is for students.

Combining the useful, indoctrination, with pleasure, virgin poon.

It is intended.
One of the killed girls in Germany (Kandel) met her later killer on such a occasion (organized by the socialist mayor of the town).

Bring this to the attention of Polish nationalist groups and anons. Archive those links before damage control starts.

If possible, identify the location(s). Share them, both on Pol and to Polish nationalist groups.

1) Identify those girls.
2) Identify their parents.
3) Contact their parents.
4) Inform the police (Poland isn't Britain).

Nah polish anons in this thread are probably right, there is not enough proof for pedophilia. I will spread awareness about this topic among polish nationalists but I won't get police involved.

Not enough evidences but would still make many normies suspicious. Don't forget the parents.

Lots of jews in Poland so yeah, probably. They do trick women there and in neighbouring countries to visit jewland under the pretext of some good job then take their passports and make them strip then become whores.


did they try to make you love any sort of hell-dwelling creature that atheists don't believe in the existence of while you were there?
how many people there would you say have a nose that hooks downwards?

I was the oldest person in the group, but most people were between 12 and 16. They were, for the most part, supervised by their teachers all the time.
There were no kikes present; a few spics, a pajeet, a nigger and a few Whites from other Euro countries.

Their location is near the Czech border.

They must be crypto because the 2011 census states there are 8k kikes in Poland.

There is not enough proof (as I said, these kids are supervised by people they actually know) but it's not unthinkable to be honest. Who the fuck knows. Nationalists should raise awareness also because it smells of Soros. As I said earlier, they're trying to brainwash you for 3 days straight. I didn't fall for their tricks but I know that a friend of mine left the camp with a more pro-multiculti attitude (she's a woman, what do you expect) so I can see younger kids being brainwashed even more efficiently.

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Op means besides the Catholic Church?