20,000 dollar bail vs Stoner

Pennsylvania - Man Was Stoned When He Crashed Boat That Killed Fiancee, Child
A Palmyra man was likely stoned when his boat crashed into the Dock Street Dam on the night of May 7, leading to the tragic death of his fiancee and 3-year-old daughter.

Court records say the levels of THC in Cody Binkley’’s system revealed that he had ingested the drug an hour before the fatal crash on the Susquehanna River. The court records were released Wednesday morning when Binkley appeared in court for his arraignment.

Binkley was also taking methadone to help him kick a heroin habit. Mixing that with marijuana could have a harmful effect on motor-skills, problem-solving and making sound judgments.

The court records detailed Binkley’s bad judgment and lapses during the tragic accident. The documents said: "Because of the combination and levels of controlled substances in Binkley's system, he ignored instinctive, natural, and man-made warnings of the hazard in his path of operation; and did not realize the Dock Street Dam was in front of him.”

The records contained the firm conclusion: “The totality of the circumstances and evidence collected during this investigation of prove that Mary Bredbenner and Madelyn Binkley were killed as a direct result of Cody Binkley's drug usage, negligent and reckless behavior, and violations of the Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Code and the Pennsylvania Crimes Code."

The court records also revealed other shocking details that could all have contributed to the double-fatality in Harrisburg. One of those is the disclosure that on the way to the Middletown boat launch, a tire on the boat trailer blew out, but Binkley didn’t pay much attention to it and instead continued driving on a wheel rim.

His daughter was wearing a life jacket that was not properly fitted or secured, leading investigators to conclude she "fell out of the lifejacket immediately upon entering the water." Binkley may have been negligent in ensuring his toddler daughter is wearing safety gear properly while they are out in the waters.

Binkley and his fiancee were not wearing life jackets at the time of the accident. Binkley was also found to have committed many other lapses and lied about them during the investigation, including denying driving directly into the low-head dam. He said he was pulled in by the hydraulic boil, but video surveillance proved otherwise.

The 26-year-old, who is facing 16 criminal charges, was released on a $50,000 unsecured bail which means he did not have to post cash to the court but would be penalized to pay $50,000 if he doesn’t show up for court proceedings.

Prosecutors filed four felony charges, including involuntary manslaughter and homicide by watercraft while under the influence.


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Don’t operate machinery while high.

Ex weed fag here I can't wait for the thcucks to come in here saying weed doesn't kill

Weed is for losers the thread

kike'd first post

De Herbal jew ruined my youth.
Just smoke it they said…
Its harmless they said
420 blaze it yolo blaze it they said…

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I smoked very rarely from 18-26 glad I stopped

Pod addicts thread incoming. You can't smoke pod without racemixing.

Under rock fag here what the fuck is a pod?

Idiots dying is eugenic


A quick Google.com turns it up

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The herbal jew is only attractive to the most nigger-like whites. You can clearly see the niggerness of this malformed piece of trash in one photo.

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Thread bots spreading Drudge report clickbait again. Sage and move on.

You are an idiot. The fucker is a redneck through and through even has the chubby fiancee and bastard child. Besides, smoking weed simply makes you queer.

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Key Note Speakers at Cannabis Conventions; Weed is yo friend…

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I need to quit but am afraid I’ll just end up drinking more. A nice vape after work and organic chemistry hw is all I do at night.

IMO weed is the most dangerous drug of all because it get's marketed at kids and noones stopping the weedkikes


thc nigger music listening wiggers get the rope first of them all

pothead wigger detected

Yeah dude, it's the weed.

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This is clearly a nigger

Yeah it was clearly the weed and not the state sponsored heroin alternative that affected his judgement.

It's a goddamn shame we had any level of tolerance for opiate dealers. If you saw a photo of this family in any other context you'd get a warm feeling. Good looking white coupe with a cute white child.

You'd think that whale could swim

She dosen't look fat to me.
Maybe the coat is fooling you.


I don't deny that weed is dangerous for its ability to destroy one's ambition, but alcohol is clearly more dangerous overall. Outside the area of ambition, alcohol is far more powerful / prone to making people do stupid or dangerous shit, and far more harmful to one's health.

Look at what happened to the Spanish in Mexico!

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If he was that bad driving when high he would be even worse when hes sober.
I know guys who I wouldnt get in a car with them if they hadnt had a spliff because they get too crazy.

The drug is called cannabis (formal), or weed (informal). Don't call it "pot," or """marijuana."""

Ik zou het liever "troep" of "rotzooi" genoemen

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Its a shame that kid died because her retarded dude weed lmao dad couldn't be responsible.

Don't understand why you fags demonize weed but alcohol and caffeine seem to be fine. habitual users are degenerate but casual use once a month is truly a non issue and probably beneficial

Because isn't that argument just a repackage of the argument usually used for anything else that devolves into the slippery slope?

Yeah. Some people are like that with food but you cant actually stop eating altogether.
The key thing is dont go down the slippery slope.

Absolutely nigger tier he deserves worse

>Binkley was also taking methadone to help him kick a heroin habit.
Marijuana was the fucking least of this guy's problems. The pharma kikes are ultimately to blame for this. Getting Whites hooked on synthetic heroin (Oxycontin) is what they are doing all over the country and it's not about profits. It's about White Genocide. They are churning the stuff out and flooding whole towns with it. I would bet good money that this guy started out on prescription painkillers for a workplace or sports injury and ended up hooked on heroin once he couldn't acquire the oxy anymore. This happens countless times in countless towns across America and is by design. Methadone is a horrible treatment that does more harm than good overall. It's trading one addiction for another (they call it "replacement therapy" which any dope user will tell you is a joke since methadone is nowhere near a replacement for heroin and ends up exacerbating the problem in the long term for the majority of patients); instead of being beholden to whatever scumbag dealer you score junk from you're a slave to the assholes at the clinic until you either relapse and OD (happens all the time) or by the grace of god you somehow truly kick the habit (happens very fucking rarely).

t. addiction recovery specialist

Weed promotes peace, and it is therefore inappropriate in this historical era. How about you be less of a degenerate and purify your spirit with non-nigger-endorsed recreations, like shooting and overland orienteering? Pacifiers pacify, which is treason in the age of White Genocide.

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If weed is so dangerous, why don't we hear more about this type of thing habbening?

The informal name is "reefer", my friend.

I smoked for the longest time and could never stand weed fags. The whole culture is cancer which is why drinking is still fine because at least those drunks have some damn personality

yeah every society that smoked weed was peaceful, surrrreeee. yeah those niggers that smoke it sure are pacified.
i dont give a shit about weed but why are stoners such lairs?

Sitting on a shitty couch as some bitches chat incessantly all while the speakers blare black men rhyming without melody. Dystonic rap about material things and killing. And media tells us that is supposed to be fun?

Because the world was built by men who drank, and they drank all the time, it wasn't built by fags who smoked weed

fuck him and everyone that is a drug addict. the weakest links

They talk excessively loud, they get rough and aggressive when there is no reason to, they try to start fights with people they shouldn’t. They don’t know when to stop being a dick.

What’s Colorado’s crime rate these days?

Kill yourself moshe, take your golden showers with you.

Reminds me of embed related.

What the media tells us is not always true. I would expect anyone on Zig Forums should know this already.

Smoking weed, while it has some very negative psychological after-effects, can be a beautiful experience if used sparingly, and in a non-degenerate setting.

One of the better arguments in this thread.

This, let's all just ignore the fact that this idiot was a fucking heroin addict. I have known one, that shit permanently changes you even if you somehow recover.

Apparently legalizing weed hasn't done shit

That's because criminals from out of state are competing for cheap legal weed to sell illegally elsewhere. Same reason "gun free zones" don't work. As fucked as it is, legalizing weed federally is the only way to deal with that, and to deal a blow to the opiate industry.

Check the tourist rates and locations versus the influx of locations for the crimes.

You might be surprised

ah, moving goalposts I see, classic

Ah, a newfag who doesn't know how to check thread post count, I see. Hard to move goalposts when you didn't have any to begin with.

I posted a fact, you posted an opinion

Facts don't constitute arguments, they support them. So post an argument.

kill yourself SAGE

methamphetamine and fentanyl are the most dangerous drugs. meth because it's the most addicting by far and hardly anybody can quit it, fentanyl because overdose is so easy

they didn't bring women with them

Zig Forums is utterly retarded on the subject of cannabis

Obviously this was the fault of the dock! Fake news media strikes again!

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Pick one.

Marijuana is one of the most evilest things on this planet. Give him life in prison.

Toll paid.

All these shills trying to blame a plant not the Jews that sabotaged the boat and sold a faulty life jacket.

Pick one. kys.

Most valuable post ITT. This was a fucking heroin addict mixing methadone with pot. Jesus man no wonder he couldn't pilot a boat correctly. Fucking kikes spinning this so that the focus is off the fact that their pharmaceutical companies are pushing oxy on White people left and right.

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You can bet your gay "herb" was the reason he got into meth as well.

He was into heroin and was taking methodone as replacement therapy not methamphetamine, dummy. Most likely due to the current plague of pharmajews pushing Oxycontin on White communities, not because he smoked a joint and decided to start shooting heroin thereafter. Opiate addiction doesn't work that way. The reason there's a heroin epidemic among Whites in America isn't because of weed and anyone who tells you it is has an ulterior motive. Learn to read before wasting dubs again, nigger.

Yeah because the weed made them lazy.

nice sliding user, this really needed to be here and not on Zig Forums

I'm rooting for you user, try to give it up slowly where you just use less and less every time. Quitting an addiction cold-turkey is usually much harder.


Sure is objective in here right now.

You cant blame the weed when hes on methadone. Weed AND methadone at the same time are to blame.

Fucking loser, get some self control and stop blaming a plant for your problem.

Weed isnt dangerous, Weed is as dangerous as guns are. Use either wrong and you can ruin your life.


Completely the same! Weed is heroin now, you've convinced me, (((Doctor))) Rabbi. I'm assuming you have a pill you'd like to tell me now?

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Weed is a left-wing drug. The criminal removed his inferior genes from the pool, to which I say thank God.

This. Shame about the kid, but she was the product of this idiotic pair, so probably for the best from a Darwinian perspective. The fiancee was just as responsible as him for getting on the boat.

what a dishonest faggot you are.
cannabis can't kill the user in an overdose because it doesn't affect oxygen to the brain like alcohol or opiates.

You are a fucking fool to think that. Cannabis is a large part of Indo-european culture and humans evolved alongside it. It does not fit into your left-jew right-jew world view.


also where was this whale he was with when the child was not secured with the lifejacket and he drove full speed into a dam, and blew a tire and rode rims getting the boat to water. was she passed out the entire time? why did she not stop him.
where is the whale's toxicology report

What? I posted my argument and the proof to back it up. You haven't posted anything you dumb faggot

He was taking methadone because he was a fuckin heroine addict. But yeah it was TOTES THE DEVILS CABBAGE THAT DID UT!!!! You fuckin kikes never give up.

Fuck off all you niggers and your shiite. For certain individuals this so called "herbal jew" is the only thing separating a Zig Forumslack from a Paddock.

t. Psycopath

Cannabis is actually the flower. And it is a weed. The drugs used are THC (psychoactive) and CBD (pain-killer) which are synthesized from the naturally occurring THCA and CBDA by adding heat.
That is why when you make marijuana edibles you have to decarboxylate the herbs in an oven set to 215-230 degrees before they will bind with any oils or fats. And you want to control the temperature during the binding by using a double broiler to keep the temperature around 212 degrees. You want to use THCA to create THC without exposing it to excessive temperatures that will vaporize the THC.

Millions of potheads drive around stoned every day. Who knows how many accidents they cause. Part of the problem is that there's no surefire way to get them for driving under the influence like there is for alcohol, with the breathalyzer. Usually when you read about people being busted for pot possession, it's from a road stop. The cops don't have the right tools available to get them on driving under the influence, so it goes down as a very light misdemeanor or citation for mere possession.

What are you talking about the places where its legal usually have the age limit set somewhere between 18 and 25?

He means popular culture like movies and television. It is marketed as an acceptable rebellious behavior for teenagers. It is a problem if you become like me and are a burnout who smoked weed throughout their '20s and accomplished little besides holding an entry-level job. I was much further ahead of my peers at one point ("gifted"), but because I was secretly emo I mentally checked out and just went through the motions since middle school. Because I was always high and much smarter than average no one noticed I had serious problems. Turns out being smart doesn't really matter if you have no ambition. Now I am a stereotype. Living with parents with an income at the median so that isn't stopping me from moving out. I'm just not going to ever do anything until I die.
This wouldn't be a weed post if I didn't warn about alcohol. My friends that smoked weed but did not drink irresponsibly are doing fine and have normal kike relationships. I was a huge alcoholic for 3 years and went from a subjective drop-out (just in my head) to an objective drop-out (an anti-social recluse – all my friends were alcoholics as well and when I quit I lost what I had in common with them and became socially isolated).

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potheads, cannabis users get the rope first. correlation between being a stoner and a race traitor is very high.



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If you listen to rap music your mind is too small to care about altering

weedanon here, defend this fuckwit? I walk, or take a bus/cab if I smoke. Fucker got himself stoned and killed his child and the mother. I'm just as pissed the man isn't sitting in jail on a quarter-half mil bail awaiting trail. Glad to see him being charged with manslaughter while under the influence.
If you are going to drink/smoke/ingest, you don't drive, period. Sit in shotgun and enjoy the ride? Yes, but not drive. Or shoot your firearm for practice/funz. Shit does alter your judgment/thought patterns bro, it is, in fact, the reason most ingest it, basically anyone smokeing weed is doing it for funz, not medication.
Applying it to your joints in a cream? Yeah good for arthritis or sore joints, stronger than the off the shelf icy/hot but not so much as to alter your thought patterns, more from relief from the pain than the properties of the weedcream.
I constantly say this, but treat cannabis just as you would whiskey, vodka, beer, whatever your favorite drink is, and you'll be on a more natural track. Have the State keep and eye upon it, and tax it as you would alcohol, and give a tax rebate to the doctors/hospitals/pharmacies prescriptions of the refined cannabis products.