Fingerprints on unfired bullets in Vegas

Illegally Produced Ammunition Linked to October 2017 Mass Shooting in Las Vegas

>During an interview with investigators, Haig told investigators that he reloads ammunition, but does not offer reloaded cartridges for sale to his customers and none of the ammunition recovered in Las Vegas crime scenes would have tool marks on them consistent with his reloading equipment. Reloaded ammunition refers to ammunition that is manufactured from component parts, including previously fired cartridge cases. Based on a forensic examination of rounds recovered inside the suspect’s rooms at the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino following the mass shooting, Haig’s fingerprints were found on reloaded, unfired .308 caliber cartridges. Forensic examination also revealed that armor piercing ammunition recovered inside of the shooter’s rooms had tool marks consistent with Haig’s reloading equipment.

Interesting development from Vegas. Possible glow-in-the-dark ammo supplier?

Attached: Glowinginthedark.png (802x854, 114.4K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Wew laddie

why would someone with those resources buy reloads?

Also, I claim avatar status tonight and nominate the bitch I threw the fries at earlier.

It is what his handler set-up for him.

Attached: theyGlow.png (844x495, 23.02K)

Harder to trace thousands of rounds of armor piercing rounds if you "know a guy" one might suspect.

Not really there is a still a chain of custody for the rounds, unless this guy is making them right there on his property, which isn’t likely that requires enough equipment to be noticed by any regular law enforcement. The cops would have know he was making these rounds, and the Feds would have known if he was ordering them unless he’s buying them from the illegals. Which is likely.

Bullshit hoax altogether to ban reloads. We need doxx on and slings around their wobbly bobs.

They knocked on my door and I passed on that career.

she had abso-fucking-lutely NOTHING to do with this, user. Shame on you!

Bakersfield is less than a day away, don’t make me call them over to fix your attitude Fredonia


could be big

Sure, but specifically if you walk into a gun store they are at least gonna look at you funny if you order by the crate.
Not invisible but if you are producing your own there arent necessarily stock sheets being thrown around.

meingott they glow in the dark

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From Fox Jews

>The criminal charge filed against Haig in Arizona mentioned Paddock extensively.

Not in Arizona.

there seem to be one to many of these niggers popping up during vegas. the first tweet about the shooting was some ex military aerospace dude

False flag to regulate ammunition?

no guns please….

officially it's all classified until october
looks like some spooks with similar cover identities jumped the gun
probably a play to regulated tracer and incendiary munitions or at least the chemicals in them

yep that's exactly what it is
body scanners can reach a wider audience with school shootans so they will create order from chaos and utilize the tenant that opportunity exists on the fringes of chaos and use it to regulate and tax otherwise useful chemicals for a niche purpose with a known patsys alias

Who's dog is getting killed?

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Fuck off fagmax.

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Since you made the thread, can I get a list of the witnesses/survivors/cops that died months after the shootings?

Since when do you need a fucking license to load ammo in America? Lots of us reload our own spent casings after a range day and there are "brass Jews" who scour the ranges for spent brass to sell to reloaders.
Lots of us have diy reloading setups and there is lots of equipment for at home reloading

You need a license to sell it.
You need a license to produce AP.

Never the less:

Area 51 is not far away from there. Just saying. The plane that takes spooks there leaves from Vegas too.

this girl was my favorite. She help found the High Desert Phoenix Foundation which is connected to some bizarre murder of her two friends. the story of the murder is some spooky stuff.

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.30-06 AP pulled bullets and reloaded into .308 cartridges.

No funs, please.
If you don't order by the crate you aren't training (because firing a box of 50 rounds of pistol rounds and a box of 50 rounds of AR isn't exactly every two day isn't exactly "intensive training". Just like a 20 min jog everyday isn't training for a marathon…) or you have to go to the gun store every week or so.

Kikes and their shabbos goy puppets kill people. Always have, always will. There's no motive for them to go through the trouble faking an event of that scale with actors, creating so many loose ends, when they could just kill goyim, which is considered a mitzvah to their "G-d".

Attached: On 'Kill even the best of gentiles'.jpg (776x914, 458.47K)

Parkland and sandy hook were full of these chabad jews & those were fake shit

This Fucker is on point!!!
Why doesnt he have more exposure?
Now all that crossed with posidan style news and music.

Live 1/2

Live 2/2

The hundredth monkey effect is a hypothetical phenomenon in which a new behavior or idea is claimed to spread rapidly by unexplained means from one group to all related groups once a critical number of members of one group exhibit the new behavior or acknowledge the new idea…

Boomers scientifically CANNOT learn the new memes and abilities…

The young first teach their contemporaries & immediate family, who all benefit from the new behaviour & teach it to their contemporaries 2. If the parents or their contemporaries (or their parents) are too old, they do not adopt the behaviour 3. Once the initial group have children, the dynamic changes from teaching previous & current generations, to the next generation learning by observation. The behaviour is no longer actively taught but passively observed & mimicked

They want to poison your well of knowledge and STUPIFY MANKIND

Watch this Based-Bellagio masterpiece


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where the perp's brother works?

where his cousin works?

There are several logical reasons for buying reloads and/or custom loads.

1. Reloads cost less because, at a minimum, the cost of the brass is eliminated from the cost of goods sold balance sheet. When you're buying ammo in such enormous quantities, a 5-10¢ per round savings really adds up. If Paddock was really just a lone nutjob shooter (as unlikely as that seems) cheaper ammo means he could afford more of it. If Paddock was a black market arms dealer (one of the better theories) then cheaper ammo means he can afford more inventory to offer to his customers and/or he can increase his margins.

2. Better quality control. The acceptable tolerances for things like powder charge eeight and bullrt weight are fairly broad with commercial ammunition. Since relosding is a manual process, the reloader can ensure greater consistency in powder charge and bullet weight. By "binning" bullets like CPU manufscturers bin chips, one can reduce the variance in bullet weight from, say, 55 grains +/- 1 grain to as small as 55 grains +/- 0.1 grains. That makes a huge difference in vertical "strining" accuracy that would he very beneficial to hitting targets at the range Paddock was shooting from. Reducing the vertical variance between shots means more concentrated fire on a smaller area.

3. Custom loads. As referenced in the article, Paddock purchased tracer rounds from this reloader. Tracers are hard to find on store shelves but very easy to make if one has the equipment. You can tailor a round to fit any sort of niche use case and remove your dependence on the availability of niche commercial rounds.

Paddock is/was a millionaire.

Considering the way the FBI lies nowadays, I simply don't believe it. I think they fabricated the evidence to take down someone on their shitlist. Honestly, who would trust the FBI nowadays?

Civil war is a comin, soon, alphabet-fags. Never doubt that you yourselves helped bring it on.

Even the FBI doesn't trust the FBI.

None of this should be a crime.

If Paddock was penny-pinching, he wouldn't have bought 33 guns and brought them to his hotel room. He was a millionaire.

Stephen paddock is some fake alias. Like Peter Lanza. that guy has 3 aliases: Peter Delcore, Peter Buhrmaster, Peter Stack. All of those aliases are real people who you can find on Facebook, but they are all totally different people who have connection to General Electric.

Are you a lazy nigger incapable of reading a full post? He gave reasons why buying reloads can be preferable other than just cost savings

In fact, that's one of the more plausible conspiracy theories I've heard, that Paddock worked at Area 51 and had it out for his boss, so he waited until his boss was at the concert. Making it a case of workplace violence.
Because you just know that the government would NEVER admit that they have disgruntled employees at Area 51.

No shit, faggot. I don't have a problem with the rest of what he said. I was just pointing out that money wasn't the issue.

that is so dumb

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No one's mentioning that API (armor piercing incindeiary), tracer, AP, and other specialtiy ammunition is not illegal, and it and it's components can be bought off the shelf anywhere in the country. Armor piercing ammunition is only illegal to produce for handguns, and only for us peasants, gov can have all it wants.

nigger must not have read the thread

so obvious

I have to know why somebody wants that many rifles. I can see having a few AR’s in different calibers, but having that many rifles just tells me he wasn’t an active shooter. Most active shooters only have a single platform they shoot off of. Active as in regularly shoots, not as in shooting up schools.

Dipshit, the point is the charges they're filing against him are bunk anyway, since if he DID sell them to the guy, it was legal to do so. It was legal to load them, legal to sell them, and he didn't even need a license to do so unless it was his primary source of income.

people with money buy things


What fucking .308 are they talking about? All the rifles in the hotel room that had 100 round magazines were 5.56 so the .308 ammo didn't go to any of them. This leave a few options as far as I can tell.

1. Other guns we weren't told about.

2. A second shooter.

3. Loose ammunition inside of Paddock's bags.

4. Planted evidence.

I don't know what's true here, but I do know we're being sold a bill of goods.

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He bought reloads because they were black tip AP .30-06 bullets pulled and reloaded into .308 cases for the AR10 to take pot shots at the oil tanks.

Paddock was Murdered.
He was pinned to the ground, shot through the mouth, and the gun was MOVED OVER THE BODY and then TOSSED behind his head.

Normally in suicide the gun is either in the hand, caught on the trigger guard, or thrown from the body IN THE DIRECTION OF THE RECOIL.

I did amateur forensics on the LEAKED photos that show his body.

Furthermore his body was disturbed, there are two blood flows from his face (mouth / nostrils) ever got a bloody nose? same thing happens with oral-cranial gun shots
the first blood flow was over the left side of his face, meaning his head was TILTED to his left. At some point it was disturbed.

Oh yea, he's got a rifle UNDER him, and a bipod rifle OVER his leg.

Paddock Was Murdered

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most people who know anything about guns said that it was not a bumpfire ar-15 that was heard in the vids from the shooting since the fire rate and sound was wrong, most common theory was that it was a gun shooting 7.62 nato at roughly 600 rpm like an m240 lmg for example

my new dick and sack name

I suppose the rifle with the bipod looks like it might be .308. Which would lend further credence to the 2 shooter theory.

am I too late to inb4 earlobes?

Screencapping this, good dig user.


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edit: made image posting mistake on last photo

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no one ever mentions the earlobes if someone posts them they are conveniently ignored

So basically, if he didnt "sell" the ammunition, paddock was comped once again - no crime here, keep it moving people.

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Sorry for the reddit spacing, did it to pad space and get my post noticed. Here is a composite of all the pictures. Notice the rifle UNDER his buttocks…. IFF Paddock actually shot himself, this would have to be chain of events;
This means that the gun moved 9.2 feet in the OPPOSITE direction of recoil!

If Paddock really had shot himself, the gun should have been found at one of the SIDES of the body, along a trajectory with his hands.
Imagine you are at a firing range and instead of a proper stance, you hold the gun in your palm with your thumb on the trigger. You stand with your left shoulder facing the target and you hold the gun very lightly and pull the trigger.

Where Is the gun going to go? It's will want to move in the direction of recoil. It will land AWAY from the target, or, the recoil will move it with the hand, making it move to the SIDE along the arc of your arm's movement.

Now imagine your back toward the target, and you shoot the revolver with both hands, shooting over your shoulder toward the target.

Where is the gun going to go? Its going to move AWAY from the target, assuming both hands keep hold of it, it will be at your feet, or if you fall back, the gun will be on your lap or at your side.

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That's some good stuff, but let's approach this another way. What were the lasting effects of the Vegas shooting? Who benefited?

they change his story a couple times. there was also the police officer who said he saw paddock shoot himself

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mfw buy ammunition by the pallet load.
mfw lgs doesn't give a single fuck

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IFF, Paddock truly acted alone in a rage against country music. Then only Paddock.

But this is where it gets difficult to ascertain the perpetrators IFF Paddock was a patsy. I don't think this inductive logic will lead us to the perpetrators.

One big thing about the Vegas Shooting was the media, WAS NOT PRIMED for it. Remember that there was no overt political reaction. Of course there were sound bites about gun control, but the media wasn't prepared for it. Look at the official narrative.
If I was a Democratic Senator, wanting to keep the wall from being built, and trying to encourage mexican immigrants, I would turn that guard into a BANNER for mexican immigration!
And the media would turn "Campos" into a household name! Did that happen? No. Which means that Campos wasn't a hero at all.

Here is my theory, you asked, "Who Benefits?" I say it was damage control for the government. I think Paddock was probably part of either gun running or FBI gun stings. Like the one that caught senator Leland Yee. This one went bad, the targets killed Paddock for working with the feds…. Imagine for a moment that this is true, that the FBI botched a gun sting that directly lead to a massacre of US civilians.

AT LEAST the FBI director would have to resign, and the whole Federal Government would be under scrutiny for at least 4-5 years.

This is why we will NEVER see the full security camera footage of exactly who went to that floor.

I've been to Vegas, even back in 2008, they have cameras EVERYWHERE. There are cameras hidden in the trees on The Strip! I guarantee you, that EVERY ENTRANCE and EVERY ELEVATOR has a camera, they have cameras in the casino niches at the super markets!

That's obviously impossible…
CNN is blatantly lying.

Here is another hiccup to the theories
This is a sledge hammer found next to the busted window. Now whoever brought it could have had a different purpose for it in mind, or it could have been planted after the window was shot out. But in either case this shows premeditation to bust out the windows. OR setup a scene to look like there was premeditation to bust the windows.

Attached: Hammer 9.png (1049x1247, 600.67K)

While the FBI was certainly very active in the cover-up don't forget the CIA has domestic operations and recruits Americans to do them. As long as the stated target is foreign the CIA can operated anywhere. Look into the National Resources Division. It coordinates with Law Enforcement and Big Business among others operationally.

they did the same thing during sandy hook. Police clarify to the news media that it was they themselves who shot the front glass window out. Then they change the story later, and that clarification slowly fades into obscurity

Yea, either FBI or CIA, they're virtually the same by this time, I just say FBI because they are more focused on "domestics" than international.

Except in this case we have photographic evidence that contradicts them
Can people see my posts?? Am I shadow banned?? I went through alot of work on those pictures and I barely get any response.

im just pointing out what was out there in the news. I cant remember when cnn said this, but it is on video somewhere and I think it was before the Jesus Campos story line, but I am also not one to believe that dead body is even the same man they show on TV

Lots of potential actors there.

This is why you wear gloves and wipe everything down. No prints, no problem.