White Spirtuality

Spirituality is a crucial part of the awakening. The idea that we can believe in powers higher than ourselves has been subverted in modernity. Some outright reject spirituality while others look to make it (((match))) with the times. Others drown and sedate themselves with religion but are no less spiritual than non-believers. Whites in particular have a unique spirit that connects with the ethereal in a way no other race does.

What does it mean to believe in this way? What are ways we can express White Spirituality in a healthy way? What are examples of White spirituality? How can we achieve a common spirituality that unites us, as opposed to arguing over which is the right choice? Should we not be simply celebrating that we know it, feel it and believe in it? How do we spread the message?

Can spirituality be employed as a political agent? I believe it can if one looks at historical examples. How can we harness that energy to fill the void in so many of our lost souls?

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possible slide thread, but have a bump anyways

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If there's something important, I don't want to slide it but I thought now would be a good time for a thread like this. If not, a thread of this nature can be reborn at another time

An oath to the black sun and blood intent

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What do the other dragons say? I have only heard from the other royal dragon.

You dont need anything external to follow a spiritual and righteous path. We all know what the way is forward.

If you master all of these, you have no need for any formal religion, although it lacks the community necessary for one to be whole.

False. Following the guide lines some user post on an image board will not lead you towards a spiritual and righteous path. This path must be discovered by yourself through deep thought via meditation. Unearned knowledge does not make you wise. The only way to truly understand and to believe something is to discover it yourself.

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Is White spirituality dead? How does the Caucasian with so many 1000's of years experience, get duped into self-defeating altruism? It's a real shame that the Caucasian has forgotten the means by which he is here today

I think if everyone knew these things were beneficial and healthy our people wouldn't be experiencing the spiritual decay we are seeing today. I believe healthy diet/healthy body is an understated part of spirituality.

How then could those who practice those methods find a way to unite? The idea that we can know and not engage with the society around us is fallacy.

Self discovery is a passage of rite for those who have become aware of their unknowing, and wish to correct that state.

Why are you here?

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I don’t have duty in this region, taking what isn’t mine in this region is strictly forbidden. Even as a royal it not to be done. I don’t even know who’s territory this is.

The true path is objective. Don't try to reinvent the wheel. I agree that you must assimilate the truth within your Being before you can reap the rewards, but that doesn't mean the axioms change.

I see a lot of anons shilling for meditation. What does it actually do? I always thought it was pushed in order to encourage people to not think (concentrate on nothing).

There are a lot of us who can be so caught up in the rat race, our personal aspirations or struggles or lack the environment to access serenity. For some meditation provides a moment of pause, of feeling and clarity that they don't feel when they are engaged with the outside world. Personally I believe that not everyone gets that same feeling from traditional meditation. You have to find what helps you get to that place of connection, clarity and calm within yourself

Every man must undergo destruction before actualization into manhood. A man who has unearned knowledge is one without struggle (the prerequisite of character/belief/understanding).
final post

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I agree. I believe the stories of these triumphs is a core component of White spirituality

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Is there an answer there? …or do you like to hear yourself?

In the age in which everything has been rotted to it's core and ground under by the void of modernity, especially in relation to spirituality the only solution is a total revolution. Revolution having two meanings, the obvious being the overthrow and replace of the current order with a new one, as well as meaning a complete cycle, a return to the original point of beginning.

Amidst the total collapse of everything around him, with no where else to turn to, the Aryan man, sensitive of the darkness of this age and aware of it's causes, is driven to inward to seek his solution and salvation as all external solutions have failed. He is, at long last, beginning to rediscover and hear the ancient whisper of life and values and spirit that lives within his own blood. He is being ripped from the total submergence in modernity and hurled back in his worldview to the times of primordial myth and vivid religious understanding of the world. Who is awake, and can look at the world today and think it is in it's rotten state solely because of the human malice of jews and servants or material, economic machinations? This is a demonic age of horror where it seeks to tear apart everything normal and healthy and beautiful, and it will require nothing less than a wrath-of-God smiting the wipe it clean.

Read more OP; Savitri Devi, Alfred Rosenberg, Ernst Junger, Julius Evola etc.

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The ogdoad is our religion now.

1) The Ra Material
2) The Oera Linda Book

Wraldaism is SS approved.

Read less philosophy, read more mythology and history.

That's the thing, philosophy poisons the mind.

Join your local mithraic mystery.

It brings everything into focus if done properly. It takes practice, and you won’t get the benefits when you first start out.

I have been practicing a form of Zen mediation for around 20 years now. When I first started I wouldn’t be able to even enter a mediative state or get the benefits. Now I can just sit down in any position and go immediately into the Zen state. It calms you almost immediately and gives control of your emotional state right back to your mind. The only time I have had it not work was about a year ago.

If you’re not a creator then no it is not.

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Interesting, could you tell me what form or how exactly to practice it?

That's a subverted interpretation. It kept me away from it for a while too.

The simplest way to describe what it is really is, is that meditation is calmly observing every thought that passes through your mind. Eventually sending you into a hyper-clear, aware, calm and focused state. Which obviously does wonders for both thinking, and feeling stronger.

But like any skill there is a path.

I am very happy to see this thread. The true Way is not easy to find, and requires a lot of self-control. How many of you would be willing to give up women? Furthermore, it is dangerous. Kyle Odom was telling the truth. However, the spirits have taken pity on the west, and have heard our cries for help. Ask and ye shall receive. Knock and the door will be opened.

Currently reading and taking time with St.
Ignatius of Loyola's spiritual exercises. They were written to give Christian crusaders the strong will power needed to conquer his spiritual foe: muslims and satan. It's obviously a very Christian approach to spirituality, but Ignatius practiced what he preached inorder to fine tune his comprehension of the inner movements of the spirit. At the very least, it has helped me become very serious about prayer. I think regardless of creed, it can help one discover the terminology and tools needed to cultivate a powerful and disciplined spirit.

I have started on being celibate, I don't feel there is a total need to go have sex expect strictly for having children. I want to use all my energy as efficiently as possible, but admittedly I have only started.. any other user's input on this?

I started with what is called laying meditation, and worked into being about to sit full butterfly, which is like the Burmese except your feet are together. As in you put the bottoms of feet against each other.

I have tried lotus, but I don’t like how off balance it makes me feel. The laying position is the only nonsymmetrical position that I can tolerate.

Zen can can be done anywhere though, once you learn how to trigger the state you can enter it at any point of the day without having to sit in a position. That includes being active. If you’re doing a repetitive task, perfect. I can’t even move without entering the state anymore, and it takes a lot of effort for me to remain focused on something. That’s how often I enter the state. It’s almost constant. In fact I am in a Zen state as I type this right now.

My Ancestral families name is the name of the precursor to Tyr and Odin. Oor. I know my Germanic Mythos well enough.

I will read them, thank you user.

I would recommend the Mountain of Silence if you are into the exploration of spirituality from a Christian perspective. It has a monastic and Orthodox lens but I felt it to be worthwhile

I am simply searching for feedback. There are events and phenomena that have been happening to me and to others recently that I cannot explain and will not just say they are luck or coincidence. Earlier this year while I was fasting I became lost deep within the forest. I became aware of how off the path I was and had a moment of catharsis with the world pleading to help me find the way, by God's grace I was able to return from whence I came, but the experience was so surreal and other-worldly it is something I will always remember.

A friend of mine called me and said his father had passed, then a sunny day became one of dark skies and heavy rain. Is this not spiritual? If I praise Kek and then see the smallest of frogs outside, is that not spiritual? If I read about empathy and telepathy and I see a sign that say "Thule" is that not spiritual?

I believe that when you awaken the spirit within God will send you confirmations and you will start to see things you hadn't before. It is the same with pic related, how do know what to make of these triangles? Why do we know they aren't just randomly placed there?

(checked satan)
There is nothing wrong with sex with your wife, but the pursuit of sex for primal release, with no chance of procreation, as is so often the case in society does feel a waste of energy. Chastity is important because it helps you value yourself and control yourself.

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Atlantis, Edda, and Bible by Hermann Wieland is probably the best book we can read on spirituality.

It looks at scientific research in the past 2 centuries, with biblical stories, stories from the Edda, and historical accounts of ancient events to put things into perspective.
I highly recommend this book. It was burned by the allies after the war.

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Ayy, got a PDF fam? No copy on Libgen

National Socialism.

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religion was used to divide and conquer by the 13

PDF is only in German. I have the physical book in english. I might make a thread and put up pages from a few chapters.

Almost every sacred book and religion of india pre 500 CE was created by whites.
Brahmin caste of north/northwest/northeast were almost pure aryans till the beginning of india medieval era.

Several buddhist tibetan artistical renditions of kashmir sages show them was whites, siddartha was white too.

If you are interested in spirituality which unites us you could look into dialectic monism. Everything is ultimately a united whole which is expressed through complimentary polarities. Light and darkness, life and death, creation and destruction, order and chaos, mind and matter. All that is opposite is identical in its nature. Our reality is the manifestation of mind energies and by perfecting our own minds, we will eventually overcome our own perceived limitations and attain godhood. Do not concern yourself too much with whom you should pray. After all the gods are merely immortal men and men are mortal gods.

I don’t think there will be a resurgence of religion or central spirituality in the coming threshold to the next step of humanity (which arguably happens every millenia). I think due to the proxy culture of Christianity and the almost 200 years of postmodernism and individualism, the next order will be centered around nature (both environmentalism and natural law/order) more specifically eugenics since it will be the best way to connect with our roots again.

Europeans aren’t dualists. We didn’t evolve to have a dualist mindset like the sand merchants did. Our mindset is focused on cycles

Heathenry. It's the only parts of Christianity that are palatable, too, and which will remain when the rest of the jewish paintjob people had to accept just how people have to accept corrupt governments today, has rotted away completely.

Thus spake user on this Thors day.

The polarities and twin natures exist for a reason. I like a post that gives me a new word to look up

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Firstly, dialectic monism is not the same as dualism. It basically teaches that everything originates from the same source but is expressed in dualistic terms. Secondly, there are many dualistic cycles. The pendulum swings back and forth. The sun rises and sets. A man that is born and will eventually die.

I disagree. Spirituality will always be with mankind because man himself is a spirit. Order for the sake of order is oppressive to the spirit, likewise chaos for the sake of chaos makes the our existence meaningless. There needs to be a spiritual path in life which upholds the delicate balance between order and chaos so that our world can prosper again. This will not be achieved until the lie is uprooted from this world and that is not fated until the end of this age.

I never said spirituality won’t be existent. I just said that the next social order won’t focus on an organized form of religion or spirituality. I think eugenics will be a huge contributor in finding who we are and how society should work

Dualism isn’t a cycle. It’s beginning and end. The sand people have evolved to have that mentality since the desert has a linear time. Europeans have evolved to adapt to the cycles of the seasons.

Kikey 2.0 gets purged and the fagposting disappears? What a coinkidink.


It opens your mind to influence. Which is bad in exactly the same way that opening your abdominal cavity is bad for your health. Why would they push it so hard? For the same reason they push any other of their harmful "medicinal" practices.

The "black sun" is also the "black cube". It's the very same force that the muslims, freemasons, and talmudic jews all worship. You're a fool if you pledge yourself to it.

Remember that predatory spirits can work signs and wonders, too. Be on your guard. Not everyone who says they'll help you has your best interests at heart.

Bullshit. Ugliness is not necessary to beauty. Evil is not equal to good. Evil is parasitic perversion of life and nature.
People instinctively know this, which is why everyone yearns to be free from death and disease and hates injustice–unless they've been hopelessly demoralized and perverted. It takes a masking layer of lies like your "dialectic monism" to get people to abandon this truth. Evil wants nothing more than for us to believe it's indispensable, so we'll remain its bitch forever.
Fucking lol. March right off that cliff straight to your annihilation. You're no god and you never will be; you're being used, sucker. It's the oldest trick in the book.
Are the ones who taught you this trustworthy?

The mystery guzzling sluts crawling all over this thread want you to whore yourselves out to demonic forces like they have. Now that they've razed your spiritual foundations, they've come to offer up subjugating poison to quench your thirst. Don't drink it. Open your eyes and see it for what it is.

Babbling like a fucking jew.

We can be as gods, for gods are our ancestors.

Neither your nor my ancestors are gods.

I spoke to soon.

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Your aren't, our literally are.

Fuck you kikes and take your religion with you.

(kek'd and checked)
I just wanted to make a good bread user

Yes we can, and Jesus, the greatest sage in recent history of the west, taught as much. Do not conflate the teachings of Jesus with Christianity. He only spoke to those with ears to hear, and cannot be understood without knowing the Way.

What Jesus really taught is not in the bible. Gautama Buddha, Lao Zi, Mohammed, Zoroaster, and Jesus all taught the same thing, and it wasn't a system of ethics.

Have you baked your 60 pounds of dough, and kissed your 72 virgins? With regards to the teachings of Jesus,

Don't have loyalty to one religion. Steal from them ruthlessly what they have to offer, and toss the rest aside.

What the hell are you talking about? I thought the black cube was Saturn, but the black sun was Jupiter? Do you have any evidence to back that up or are you just saying that because they both start with black?

You need to divorce the notion that anything remotely dualistic necessarily implies linear thinking. Cycles can be dualistic in the terms of their polarities.

Meditation sometimes helps me sleep and that's it. I just focus on my breathing.

Fuck off retarded shill. The black sun is a symbol of 4 overlayed swastikas. And the swastika is an indo european sun symbol. The sun is the giver of life. Slavs have one too - The kolovrat.
The more you type the more you expose yourself schlomo. Clearly you're a christcuck. That's the real older trick in their (((book))) or should I say your (((book)))

He's clearly a conflaglator. They are entirely distinct things.

The black sun is asscoiated with the 12+1, or 13th perfection, the resurection/transmutation of christ consciousness, the 12 of the zodiac/desciples (which is the 4 elements/seasons/directions crossed with the triplicity of mutable, fixed, and cardinal) rotating in higher unified harmony around the vortex, toroid, zero point, black/white hole-singularity; "the point which is invisible but from which all energy flows, the well of power which can not be seen but is everfelt, that which we are pulled through and reborn by, well of Tartarus, the place where only gods can stand, for all lies are burnt away. Only one that is truly aligned with one's godself and one's higher path may stand, etc."

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This is why I believe in the concept of Progressive Revelation. Inb4 the Bahai's aren't /ourguys/. The idea that God continues to reveal himself and would continue to, in a way, update his message for the times makes a lot of sense to me. Religion is for community. There's a reason theologians see patterns and similarities in all the religions, it's because they are there on purpose

Don’t get caught up in esoteric nonsense.

This went from a thread about spirituality to about esoteric cult bullshit. Esoterica is not spiritual, it’s literally a codified language that retarded cult members use to communicate and program their slaves with. It’s almost exclusively bullshit.

The sun that was found on the floor of that castle was representative of the round table.

This and that. Oera Linda Book is amazing, it's like Mormonism: Doggerland Edition.

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Cosmotheist Pagan hybrid. Get on it or I will.

my hero. just take pics of the pages and upload them i dont care ill organize them.

To concentrate on nothing it to relief circuits that are stuck and to be re utilized elsewhere. Miracles, unless on is born with such power, can be witnessed should one take that path through meditation. Belief is a requirement and doubt the great dragon. A life of ego and sin will leave one with very little faith, but overtime with proper practice, one can grow to do and witness some pretty amazing things. Pick up on the many perspectives across everything and even create peace or sow strife without ever being known by the spaces thereof. Meditation, if anything, causes one to think even more, the goal of putting those aside to focus on a singular point is to sharpen perception, make growth unseen, and to allow gnosis. The mind is more like a radio receiver/transmitter and the things unseen your audience. Do you sway them to buy new sneakers, to cause war over false beliefs, or to show them the way?

Meditation and the importance of it can never be grasped without honest seeking. Who we are will interfere, but who we are is not what we are. Am I who I am when the fear of death is present? Or I am who I am when there is nothing to fear? Through a lack of fear while being aware of fear, miracles can occur, but much like , taming fear is like getting on top of a wild stallion expecting it to obey. There are ways, but which ways yield proper fruit?

Keep in mind when you listen to your "hunches" the difference between fear and intuition.
From the possession of Grandfather Fire invoked in a shaman it was revealed to me the simple distinction that fear will always speak as "Don't do that." Whereas intuition will always speak as "Do this." Recognize the difference and follow the specific flavor/sense intuition feels for you. It's weird at first. Don't pay attention to what it is for others, that will only lead you astray and set-up limiting assumptions on what you are. Remain thinking anything is possible in this initial regard. Every single person is different, every brain is wired differently, every path will be different, every God will appear and interact with you differently. Thus, beyond basics of clearing your mind you can only develop your own unique way of working with the suggestions of your intuition through observance and experimentation. You need to know yourself. In absolutely every aspect and dimension. Traumas, blocks, kinks, principles, ideals, joy, strengths, ect. Until then, like in the Art of War, you still don't know the enemy or the terrain and will suffer for it. Unaddressed, lurking problems in your psyche will be hurdles to overcome in your path, but each monster slain bequeathes you with the hard-earned blessings of it's head resting on your hip as you live your own myth. Self-discovery is more powerful than any book and knowledge from self-discovery is perfectly tailored to you via your own form of processing.

Practicing a quiet and still mind in meditative observation, paying attention to your sensations around and in your body and bringing those skills out into the waking world, especially, will greatly assist you in developing the inner ear to hear your spirit's guidance. It always knows what the next step for you is. It will not reveal the over-arching path for you, neither should it. Life is a roller-coaster and where's the fun in spoiling the necessary twists and turns. Life is to be experienced, not meta-gamed. Just know you can always check in and call the "Nintendo Power Hot-line" for help along the adventure of experiencing your own myth.

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Directing Life book was fascinating

Did you mean to say "conflator", meaning "one who conflates"? Or perhaps "conflagrator", meaning "one who brings destruction by fire"? If it's the latter, I'll take it as a compliment, because I relish the thought of your enslaving system going up in smoke.

Back to the question at hand. There are many, many names to refer to this force. Different "truths" for different levels of initiation, different religions for every nation, and a different flavor for every kind of person in the world. Applying one of these many distorting lenses, they can claim these names refer to distinct things. But take a step back and examine the lenses themselves, and you'll find that (almost) all have the same themes and the same message, because they all come from the same source. That source is what I'm referring to.

It claims to be light, but it demands its followers spread darkness and ignorance. It raises up depraved priesthoods and psychopath cliques to prey on the common man. It's the reason wicked men think they have the right to deceive, rape, and kill the rest of humanity–because it tells them they're superior. They're the "chosen people". They're "enlightened". They're "gods". And the masses deserve to be led astray and slaughtered, because they're no better than animals. Sound familiar? It's the root of every slimy, conniving group of shitstains in history. Anything that grows from that root will be as rotten as its predecessors.

I made an implication in my previous post that I want to correct. All the distorting "lenses" of the occult come from the same source and are merely different takes on the same path. But there is one lens that is not obscuring, but clarifying. The source of this one is not the same, and you'll know because the message is radically different.

This message isn't "pitter patter on the wheel in your cage and maybe you'll become worthy of freedom". Instead it says, "you don't belong in a cage. I've opened the door. Come out."

Sound familiar to abrahamic religion, Christianity included.

Is that your point?

This faggot speaks in riddles.

Sign of dishonesty.

No need to update. Jainists sum it up best when they say,

"Jain" is what the Jainists call "Tao," which is what Taoists call "God," which is what Plato called "The Good."

True, but not 100%. It's dangerous to be a mouse in a world of humans, but some are bound to find un-trapped cheese. Likewise, it's dangerous for a human in a world of demons, but some will still find the Way.

…which is what E. Micheal Jones calls "Logos."

Tao is the way, not god, you goddamn philistines.

Honestly, Zig Forums has a big goddamn problems with pseuds nowadays.

It's easy. The jew infects you with cuckstianity and destroys your spirit slowly and thorough until you willingly kill your own brothers for a dead rabbi's words and you trust a kike to tell you he's white.


You're bread is just dandy, user.

Thought of a better way to explain this.

Say people are telling you to eat McDonald's. I'm telling you not to eat it, because it's the same as Burger King, Jack in the Box, and Taco Bell: it's all garbage fast food.

They claim that McDonald's is completely different to Burger King. Sure, they have different logos, different menus, different locations… but that's not the point. They're both shitty fast food, and you're no better off with either one.

5 star post user. Self awareness and self understanding is an understated part of spirituality. Once we have attempted to make sense of our selves we can consider the other powers that also exist. Anything is possible, I still believe that to be true.

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We need an ethnoreligion.

That was the intention I had behind making this thread. Our people desperately need a spiritual common cause. If there was a way to make our survival a blatant spiritual endeavor( I believe that it already is) that would be the ethnoreligion. Perhaps kindred souls like you and me are already forming it. I wonder how much of religion lies in the rituals. You can go to a church or a temple and you fill find many members, but very few believers. The spirituality and discovery elements have been stripped down and removed for rote memorization of verses and moral codes, it feel like school to a degree.

I believe the religion may come as a byproduct of anons finally creating the lore our people need. We haven't seen true White/European lore created for some time now. Lore with White/European values and lessons. Perhaps once we start telling the stories people will come to understand how they must be, what it is to be strong and virtuous for one's people and to give them hope not just for the world to come but this world as well

The most powerful meditation a beginner can do is called "inner fire". People are mostly unaware it exists.

1. First sit in an upright and comfortable meditation posture: back straight, chin tilted forward, mouth closed, tongue resting against the top of your mouth, eyes either intense and fully open or relaxed and half open.

2. Visualise yourself as hollow, like a balloon. Your skin is glowing and brilliant and on the inside there is only empty space. Take a few moment to strongly establish this visualisation.

3. Visualise a ‘central channel’ about a 1cm thick from your perineum to the crown of your head and two ‘side channels’ going in through the nostrils up to the third eye or eyebrow level and then going down either side of the central channel merging at just below the navel. All the ‘channels’ are hollow like plumbing pipes. Take a moment to establish this visualisation, it does get easier and even instantaneous with practice. See image.

4. Even if you cannot do the former visualisation this next step is the most important in generating the blissful energy: Take a medium sized breath and, as you exhale, imagine your breath energy going down the two side channels and merging into the central channel just below the navel (about a few cm in front of the spine). Imagine a very small and very hot ball of light in the central channel and your breath ignites this fiery ball and makes it extremely hot. Now exhale completely and hold it. Hold your exhaled breath, your lungs empty, there in that ball of heat at the navel, for 5-15 seconds (experienced yogis can hold the breath here for several minutes). WARNING: stop immediately and breathe normally if you get dizzy or lightheaded.

5. This next step is optional but helps to generate even more heat and focused attention: As you are holding the breath inside the central channel at the small ball of heat just below the navel, draw energy up from below and down from above and lock and trap it in the ball of heat. Draw it up by activating the perineum muscle (like you are holding back from urinating), hold this muscle and lock it in. Simultaneously swallow some saliva down to get the feeling of pushing down on the ball of heat at the navel and lock it in. Experiment with this. You may wish to lock it in by drawing up from below first and then push down from above, or vice vera. Do what feels best for you to get the sense you are locking in a tremendous amount of energy in a tiny space at the navel.

6. Now release all the energy you have created – straight up through the central and bursting out the top of your head like a fountain. As the energy rushes up through the central channel it blows away any blockages in all the chakras from the solar plexus, the heart, the throat, the third eye and crown chakra. this energy cleanses and purifies your entire body mind system. You can also imagine releasing the energy into parts of your body you need to heal.

7. Repeat steps 2-6

…try Inner Fire Meditation for 2-5 minutes to begin with. Do not practice for extended periods of time until you become familiar with the practice and feel confident and strong enough to do so.

This may have sounded complicated, but it is incredibly simple to practice. For an easy and modified version simply exhale long slow breaths right down into the navel area and hold it there for a short time and release it, this can also be enough to generate heat and bliss.

You forgot the image.

nufags don't know we already have our religion on Zig Forums and have for half a decade.

I would add celibacy. There is a reason why most major religions recommend this, it is THE major desire and when you give it up, well you will find God. Indians use the term Brahmacharya, basically going after Brahman. Christianity recommended this too of course.

done see video

done see video

done see video

Clears your hardrive of junk data

Out of date
see video

Same difference, naturalism forming, creating, the river of time… see video

Kike alert!

kike alert

Prostate cancer candidate.

Lots of retarded mistruths in that statement. Polarity isn't light and dark. Light is a electro-magnetic process and has its own ploraties, darkness is just lack of enough light, not actual light, there is constant radiation.
Mind and matter are the same thing.

done see video

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religions recommended celibacy as a way to destroy procreation efforts. thriving white societies encouraged procreation. Greek society would even encourage young bucks breeding with married woman although i find that kind of degenerate. German tribes believed in the sanctity of marriage but as long as things were agreed upon by the man and woman sexuality was open and not considered sinful.

Read Julius Evola, William Walker Atkinson, Swami Vivekananda, and Franz Bardon.

Also, real spirituality isn't some culture thing you share and form a common identity around, it's a source of actual TREMENDOUS power to influence circumstances, conditions, etc. and it begins with the quest to transform oneself to be able to comprehend and operate at a higher level of understanding.

Once you are spiritually mature you'll see people's intentions, see where they are at in their development, and know what it is you can say and do around them for their benefit and the benefit of your race.

Just take all the goodness inherent in white culture and add in self protective mechanisms. Become the new Luther. This would change the world the strongest. The pope is under attack and protestants are filled with LGBT pastors. Make a monotheistic religion that is unapologetically political.

White culture positives

Add in protective mechanisms

We need a righteous monotheism, we need a God that is a father. A God that is loving but strict. A God that is intolerant to subversive evil. A God that loves everyone, but when certain children do better (develop a western civilization, don't cook dogs alive) he loves them more for it. We need a religion that sees the separations of nations and people's.

Notice I didn't say Christianity because of the degradation that has been attached to it. But you could make a very effective domination that people are searching for.

This new religion needs to focus on individual improvement and worldly knowledge, and self sustainable, not using stupidity and the bible as a crutch. An enlightened group of overmen.

Do you even understand separation of church and state?

Celibacy doesn't matter if you still jerk off. And virgins quickly go insane. Your body wants to fuck alot at age 15-30, denying nature is not healthy, but also being hedonistic is very negative as well.

According to varg vikerners (yeah i know), Christians were clever people who built a system that lowered birthrate amongst the aryans, shaming sexual desire, making the good genetics vow to celibacy/monkhood "for god" (so they wont procreate), destruction of female godesses that promoted fertility and other dysgenic policies.

We should have children by age 22, peak health age.

Personally I dislike this type bullshit. My sister got fooled into this meditation nonsense, now she collects shiny rocks "crystals" that she claims heal her. She practice some nonsense called reiku where she can send healing powers to people through computers, she exhibits alot of bizarre behaviours after getting involved with meditation crap. People who enter this spiritual nonsense, whatever the name, start talking about chakras, go vegan, go insane etc

Avoid spiritual nonsense. Taking a deep, off-road wood walk can give you a natural lucid high and clears your mind.

There is actually a word for this spiritual (mumbo jumbo) in pagan terms, it's called something like "Egarie" I don't remember, there is wiki about it as well. It's considered a feminine traits, demasculating and men were recommended to not delve into these areas. It was for women.

Basicly people like varg are too "Egaria", pagans would have shunned him for these traits, notice how he starts talking about placentas and similiar shit.

No, white people don't need to get lost in indian poo-behavior with chakra, meditation, "healing phrases". We need a type of religion that promotes honesty, hard work, ethics, strict punishment & zero tolerance for corruptive elements, such as deception, relativism, twisted perversion etc

We should have higher ideas viewed as Holy traits that every man instinctivly strives towards, a national movement, promoted in many faucets of society. (Jews naturally destroy these pillars of strength and replace them with their twisted creation)

Instead our young boys want to emulate these weak, faggy, drug addicted degenerate music artists that jews put forward as idoltry. Christians are opposed to idoltry, I agree due to celebrity worship, but perhaps idoltry is not wrong if we idolized great men like Megas Alexandros, Ceasar, or perhaps a divine god. We need to establish a world where these people get beaten to death at an instant:


Trump is legit the only strong white man & rolemodel that exist in our world, millions of young white boys are learning true lessons from him, and not some pinkshirt wearing queers lessons about bisexuality and feminism, not faggot "chad" zogprostitute actor like brad pitt with pc talking points, or degenerate tatood dude bro, and jews hate that. Generations with no male rolemodels leads to quality members of the white race, turning into wannabe aids-eminem

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This is your mind on (((subjectivity))). This is why leftists fall for jewish lies about other subhuman "cultures" being "misunderstood," because they're the same as ours but just in a different way. Deconstruction so you can make things sound similar or synonymous is essentially intellectual multiculturalism.

I seriously hope more people see through your bluepilled foolishness.

meditation is a cure for ADD. it's needed more than ever now a days

Nope. Spirituality is all bullshit and things crucial to the salvation of our people is the truth and righteousness. You are a charlatan for spreading your witch doctor mumbo jumbo. Fuck off!

I do, but can you answer the following questions. Are you still in control of your government? Are you in agreement with your religion and leaders? What was the language like in laws pre 1965 immigration?

There WILL be a spiritual awakening, it WILL involve both Christianity and Paganism, because the European needs to both respect his ancestors and acknowledge the sacredness of his own blood and God's but the European also needs to know the ways of the Jew and how Christ refuted them. There WILL be another prophet who will take up the same mantle that was worn by Christ, Odin and Shiva, and he WILL bring about a new golden age of the Aryan race. That is all I know from dreams and visions.

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No, we can literally just fade it out if people stop cucking for it.