Celibacy doesn't matter if you still jerk off. And virgins quickly go insane. Your body wants to fuck alot at age 15-30, denying nature is not healthy, but also being hedonistic is very negative as well.
According to varg vikerners (yeah i know), Christians were clever people who built a system that lowered birthrate amongst the aryans, shaming sexual desire, making the good genetics vow to celibacy/monkhood "for god" (so they wont procreate), destruction of female godesses that promoted fertility and other dysgenic policies.
We should have children by age 22, peak health age.
Personally I dislike this type bullshit. My sister got fooled into this meditation nonsense, now she collects shiny rocks "crystals" that she claims heal her. She practice some nonsense called reiku where she can send healing powers to people through computers, she exhibits alot of bizarre behaviours after getting involved with meditation crap. People who enter this spiritual nonsense, whatever the name, start talking about chakras, go vegan, go insane etc
Avoid spiritual nonsense. Taking a deep, off-road wood walk can give you a natural lucid high and clears your mind.
There is actually a word for this spiritual (mumbo jumbo) in pagan terms, it's called something like "Egarie" I don't remember, there is wiki about it as well. It's considered a feminine traits, demasculating and men were recommended to not delve into these areas. It was for women.
Basicly people like varg are too "Egaria", pagans would have shunned him for these traits, notice how he starts talking about placentas and similiar shit.
No, white people don't need to get lost in indian poo-behavior with chakra, meditation, "healing phrases". We need a type of religion that promotes honesty, hard work, ethics, strict punishment & zero tolerance for corruptive elements, such as deception, relativism, twisted perversion etc
We should have higher ideas viewed as Holy traits that every man instinctivly strives towards, a national movement, promoted in many faucets of society. (Jews naturally destroy these pillars of strength and replace them with their twisted creation)
Instead our young boys want to emulate these weak, faggy, drug addicted degenerate music artists that jews put forward as idoltry. Christians are opposed to idoltry, I agree due to celebrity worship, but perhaps idoltry is not wrong if we idolized great men like Megas Alexandros, Ceasar, or perhaps a divine god. We need to establish a world where these people get beaten to death at an instant:
Trump is legit the only strong white man & rolemodel that exist in our world, millions of young white boys are learning true lessons from him, and not some pinkshirt wearing queers lessons about bisexuality and feminism, not faggot "chad" zogprostitute actor like brad pitt with pc talking points, or degenerate tatood dude bro, and jews hate that. Generations with no male rolemodels leads to quality members of the white race, turning into wannabe aids-eminem
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