So in September Bavaria will vote for the new state gouvernment. Whom shall I vote for? The obvuious AfD? Are there better options and are their candidates trustworthy or (((agents))) ?
Democracy is a farce but I fell that I still should care and waste my vote on one of them…
First pic is the loal candidates in my electoral district in the city of Munich, the other pic are the "Spitzenkandidaten" (top or leading candidates).
Every incident you hear about the NPD is just german feds doing a "hey fellow nutzi, whatcha doing". How much do you hear the NPD doing real terrorism but rather made up news about le skinheads?
And the NPD tells people to vote AfD first and do NPD second. Are you illiterate?
Andrew Green
Not necessary. Hate crime or beating up niggers is bad enough for the public.
That is and will always be counterproductive and will work as a repellent for people to vote for a party endorsed by the NPD.
Thomas Jackson
This fall, you stupid imbecile. We will see some pretty good numbers in Hessen/Bavaria this time. The pendulum has moved quite a bit in the last year.
Yet those hate crimes don't even mention the NPD, because they are either made up or as said, feds doing a "whatcha doing". And since the NPD is a legal entity, they can actually sue for defamation and honeytrap if the state does it.
I don't think you even understand anything. The NPD exists to show that NatSocs policies can still exist in Germany. Since they couldn't have been entrapped and did literally nothing illegal, they are this huge boogeyman and thorn in the ass for leftists and kikes.
You don't know fuck about Germany, do you? Being an AfD supporter can already be extremely dangerous for your career. I witnessed it first hand on campus. Idiot.
David Cooper
Meine Fresse, cucki, stör uns hier nicht.
Nathan Gomez
Stop talking about them. We all are going to vote AfD. You 79iq dipshit.
Brody Smith
Oh, cucki, wir sind hier nicht amerimutts. Wir wissen wie das System hier funktioniert. Ich kreuze einen für AfD und einen für NPD. Und du kannst gar nichts dagegen tun :^)
Josiah Moore
was ham jetz der kubitschek und der lichtmesz damit zum tun? samma a bissl am gaslighten?
Dear Juan Tyrone Rodriguez I am from Germany. KYS
Isaiah Foster
Warum ned zwoa für'd AfD?
Jacob Brown
Dann weißt du dass sie nicht feds sind.
Bist du blind , ALTER? Gibts nur einen Kreis jeweils. :^)
Try growing up and enter the real world working enviroment. The AfD is nearly 100% normalized with blue collar workers, so we will see some pretty numbers this election.
Why pretend, there is still too many hanging on to childless 'Mama Merkes's teats. She has laid a geas on the German people Wir Shaffen Das. A challenge if there ever was one. And can Germans resist a challenge?
Jordan Scott
Weil er ein behindertes Kind ist, das "trollt". Kann man ignorieren.
Jayden Roberts
Campus… Bernd I just can't…
What is it with us Germans that we think something but do the opposite. There are so many who secretely are in favor of AfD but seem not to vote for them or speak about it (the latter I can understand)
The AfD is the new choice of the German worker that's why the union has gone into REEEEEEEEEEEE! mode long ago
Aber cucki, ich dachte wir larpen nicht? Die Welt besteht nicht nur aus "blue collar workers". Deine Präferenz für englisch ist aber sehr verdächtig, cucki. Hast du aus deiner englischen "Bildung" gelernt, wie man seina muttah eine Fotze nennt? kek
Ich glaube du hast deine eigene IQ Grenze getroffen, cucki.
Camden Price
The fact the burgers jewed bavaria from returning to a monarchy in the 50's is the real reason the US needs nuked
I don't think Weidel would like seeing you posting such homophobic stuff.
Evan Nguyen
Tichy, Achsedesguten, sezesssion, etc, we are growing steadily.
Nathaniel Collins
Who cares, she will be gone, if she doesn't comply with the shift to the right of our party, like all the other faggots who rushed to the top to get some power.
Michael Long
How is that guy who addressed the reichstag with a full list of gender pronouns doing
Adam Gutierrez
Still going strong
Jace Morgan
Well, not completely. Here's what I "heard" about them: Their shit was funny and good for pushing overton/gaining controversy, but in the end the attmept to ban them was a hilarious clusterfuck. They were running into so many feds, it wasn't even funny anymore. It's not "Extremists" and Feds, it's Feds and "Extremists". So basically you'd be voting for the few remaining top-personalities in the party. Top kek. My take: Seriously, you don't have to vote for them but their existence is a giant middle-finger - it shows that there is still the ability to stray far from the (((established order))).
This man speaks the truth.
I can't bear the cuckholdry, though. I live in Bavaria, and this shit is unbearable; I don't interact much with people, but damn, the faggotry is flaming here. Even my coworkers still cuck for the rapefugees along the lines of "oh they can't help it" or "they are just poor and idsadvantaged; that's why they can't get work" and other bullshit.
Robert Hill
Try read a book and educate yourself (on the NPD stuff etc.), you come off dumb as shit.
Also this is thread is about the AfD and not your godfucking larp loser fed party (npd).
Aaron Nguyen
Welches Buch von welcher Quelle? Kannst du ein Beispiel davon zitieren? Wieso sprechen die Medien kaum mehr über der NPD? Hast doch genug Geld für VPN, cucki? Ist aber gefährlich, diese monatlichen Zahlungen, wenn du dich nicht stabil und beruflich beschäftigst :^)
Hudson Murphy
Ist wahr aber reich nicht.
William Hughes
Ian Ward
they stopped making their netztagebuch didn't they?
>De oanzigen de man no' lesn ko san de vo' (((pi-news))) >Tichy, (((Achsedesguten))), sezesssion, etc, we are growing steadily. Hallo Broder, wollen sie nicht nach Polen zurückkehren?
Ach ja, unser weißer Bruda, der scheißpole. Alles geklärt. Saugst du uns immer noch an?
Jose Kelly
I've never seen anything burn so beautifully
Jacob Sullivan
You should starting your lithium again…
Anthony Young
Looks rad as fuck, that's how you know the paradigm shift will soar in EVERY western country. We are in for a wild ride.
Jaxon Lee
Wilder than 1933?
Logan Miller
Let's hope for someone more competent than last time. No one needs another failed painter who takes his personal schizoid ramblings a bit too serious.
Dominic Thompson
* his art is good * you're a retard * he didn't do anything wrong * lurk 2 years * the question is not why Hitler hated the jews, the question is why the jews hated Hitler * fuck off
Julian Rodriguez
Stop your larping you godfucking larping faggot. I am German, and I know how big of a fuck up he was. He ruined it for us all.
Daniel Jenkins
his only fuck-up was losing the world war, and given what he was up against, i can hardly fault him.
cucki, langsam werden deine VPN Dienste extrem teuer.
cucki, danke für die Klärung deiner Position.
Parker Harris
Christopher Martin
cucki liebt die anglo Sprache und ich befriedige ihn. Hast du Probleme damit, alter? :^)
Michael Perry
So this thread is basically to discourage people to vote for AfD and fracture their votes to other parties?
Nicholas Miller
Absolutely not, the AfD is our best bet for the moment but not the be-all and end-all since they're basically the same the CDU was 25y ago. They're still part of the cuckservative spectrum like that guy here.
Bentley Brooks
Why?! How are they still somewhat popular when they've been driving Germany hard for years? Not even German but live in the Bavaria area, would be cool to see AfD win
As much as I'd like the AfD to win, CSU has an unbeatable voter base in the old people who continue voting for them because that's what they did for the last 50 years, and based Seehofer will surely fix everything this time and not back down almost instantly like he did every time before.
Juan Foster
CSU is going below 40%, maybe even below 35%, which will hit them hard. Very hard. The pendulum is swinging, and we will see the end of it all. What a time to be alive.
0/10 low effort What are you? 12? Try educate yourself and read what happened since 2015 till now.
Jaxson Rodriguez
That guy's nearly half the posts itt, you can easily identify him by his filenames and the few phrases he always uses. Maybe you remember those strange IB threads we had a few times already where one sperg always insults everyone and never makes a argument besides "you dumb LARPer child, kill yourself"? That's also him.
Ryder Kelly
Afd is the best choice but already incredibly infiltrated by (((them))). Infact theres a huge pro israeli push on multiple right-wing sides.
Thats because Weidel and others are openly Civnat, they were asked by german citizen regarding the nongerman birth rate in Germany, (take note in the 2000's Germany adopted the cuck law of if youre born in germany, you are german.) and Weidel said she doesnt care if a german is white or brown.
(((Weidel))) is a former Goldman & Sachs employee after all.