State broadcasters such as the BBC, RT and RTE are funded by money from the attached governments.
They are now subject to state funding warnings on their content on websites like youtube.
There is a risk such in the case of BBC and RT that these outlets can be used as government propaganda.
In my mind any state that has a broadcaster it is authoritarian and very similar to a dictatorship.
Debate on state owned broacasters
There's nothing bad about this.
So you agree with people going to jail because of their opinion
>implying (((private))) media aren't a million times worse
private non profit media is the future
Yes. Communists and jews want to send me to a gulag and have my kids raped, is it wrong I want for them what they want for me or is it only ok when the anti-whites do it?
it's never ok
Lolbergs and communists will be sent to reeducation camps.
Every single one of them are pozzed leftard dipshits even the Japanese NHK. This is what happens when you have an organisation of cunts that live off tax payer or illicit forced commie gunpoint funds and loicenses.
this could one day be used by the nazis and communists against libertarians and conservatives
Wrong. NHK are slightly more left-wing than Abe, which is to say, not at all.
retarded bot
i'm in the UK where conservatives and libertarians are being arrested by the government
yeah, but nazis are good
cons and lolbergs are better than the (((current system))) but still not as good as national socialism
but what about when the authoritarian left start censoring you and putting you in jail
My opinion on this is the same on Monarchy, it's good if the leader of the nation is good
monarchy is fine, it's just when the ruling class start being authoritarian
Yes, as long as those opinions imply those individuals are a threat to the sanctity of the nation, no neocons in my reich
All that matters is that a leader is in it to care for its people first and formost, something democratically leaders don't have
Authority is a good tool when it needs to be used
so you agree with the CIA and GCHQ shills that promote anti free speech material on the internet
contextually yes, you need to keep in mind however that by that I mean free speech shall not be given to racial pollutants of society since they are either too idiotic or dishonest to say anything useful
Why is this not being used by current administration;
the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012 (part of the National Defense Authorization Act) has repealed the domestic prohibition, allowing the government's broadcasting to be directed at/created for Americans for the first time in over 40 years
BBG will provide a free, "local" news source for immigrant populations
All mass media is the work of communists. There should only be local newspapers and anything more should be destroyed immediately.
Are you saying that the concerns of the volk shouldn't be the priority, I bet you like faggots like the George Bushs, Merkel and Turnbull who have no connection to the real world
Ideally, only state media would be allowed to exist.
All state broadcasters are state propaganda and as such will spout whatever lies the government that pays the bills wants them to.
A free press outside of the government is a good leveller, state media outright carries propaganda to those whom never think to criticize it.
in the uk, at least the government line is very obvious throughout the bbc. It is only a matter of time until they have a black churchill smoking a blunt on their "history programs" for children.
Are there any Jews in RTÉ or are they just all Anglos?
Apparently it's just run by Irish people… not even anglo pales. Why are they so cucked? Where does this come from? Must be the the government mostly who suck up to their EU masters and also the women and soyboys who run RTÉ are just genuine lemmings.
Shut up it's not funny stop laffing
Public service media is theoretically better. They are not owned by any (((corporation))), they are not influenced by (((advertisers))) and those ads then also don't rot your brain and with the proper legislation they are in fact independent from the government as well.
The problem is the leadership is still vulnerable to infiltration. And moreover the staff still has to go to brainwashing school to get their journalism degrees. That's where you get the biases. But they still can produce red pilled content which you would never, ever see on private media.
Fuck off kikechan.
The best system would be one that combines Twitch with cryptocurrency. A jewbucks-based "capitalist" system where bankers keep funding CNN despite obvious Israel worship is an even worse system because at least with the authoritarian system people are suspicious of every lie communicated through it.
oh sweet summer child…
Commies are the real nazis anyway.
The first pic needs to be printed poster-sized and slapped all over bongistan.
The distance from the government and/or big business to the state run media is often too close.
Some countries are fairly good, radio france international is still pretty neutral, as is vatican radio.
But deutsche welle is obviously shilling out and to a lesser extent the bbc, sweden and finland are pretty balanced on their international broadcasts as is bbc if you compare bbc world news to bbc america (albeiit not a news service).
Take graham norton, it is mostly a vehicle for promoting hollywood movies for hollywood under the guise of an entertainment program and paid for by the license fee. there is no justification for its existence because the bbc already has a film review show with mark kermode which covers this so it must be a front to push hollywood for free.
Fox news is awful,local fox is fairlly good as they do not do the whole talking heads thing. cnn does the same from the left just as bad but from a more worldwide view.
cbs news is the only real news channel of the majors that is a proper news bulletin program and not a debate show. it just shows the news not how you should think about that news. pbs is the same but slanted like the bbc here and msnbc tries to be like pbs but its sources are their collective asses. msnbc is the same as quoting mother jones.
One america news network is sort of like msnbc of the right and again even though it may have true elements is basically the same as quoting breitbart.
Debate? There's no debate. State broadcasters are psyops.
I'm going to be charitable and assume you're new.
Eyes look similar to eyes, news at 11
nice equal warnings
All media is cancer.
State funded media pushes people to the top which wouldn't survive in the free market.
While private media was to target the dumbest people of their audience to sell ads.
Both is total shit and I think the media should be more controlled, especially when caught lying.
All media should nationalized and purged of Jews and White commies
i literally haven't turned on a TV and watched any MSM in two years.
raise your kids without TV, completely ignore it, breed a new generation of people who have no need for (((MSM))). it's not like they'll lack technology, just no fucking cable TV. get un-pozzed shit off the internet.
just don't be too serious about it, doing something wrong might just be something she might find cute
even if you stress, that's cool, just don't beat yourself up over stuff, that just kills the mood
all you gotta do is enjoy yourself and take care of her
CNN and their ilk are already used for propaganda. Also RT is much more objective and has more integrity than any private American outlet. English-language, at least. Russian-language is kinda meh.