Title is what it is but a serious political discussion, what are the police to you or those who support or are against them? Are those against them edgy commie faggots? Are the supporters bootlickers?
Are the police in your country cucked or based? If they're cucked, should we support shitskins to throw acid and bombs on them until they learn their lesson?
This is an extremely important political issue I don't see enough discussion on Zig Forums and this is despite the fact that we know there are a bunch of Zig Forumsacks in their country's police force who post here because they're just sick of it all and can't say or do anything.
What is the police Zig Forums?
Niggers Throw ACID on Police in Spain
Other urls found in this thread:
If these pigs want to stroll through our streets outfitted like an invasion force, they should be prepared to be treated like one.
Good. Police are anti-White and deserve to be permanently disfigured in agonizing acid attacks.
What some people don't realize is that police are just enforcers of zog. They would try to confiscate all Americans guns if it was logisticly possible, if ordered to.
They would ignore freedom of speech, and arrest anons for "hate speech" if there wasnt a 2nd amendment leading to enormous backlash.
Police is sweden arrest senior citizens for criticising mass immigration, while letting rapists go. Police could easily wikileak the amount of rapes immigrants committed against the european people, they have access to databases after all, but guess what, none of them did.
If police could look the other way when the first gangrape in sweden happened, and let 20 good men completly pulverize the muslim culprit and his brother, dad and uncles, the message would be clear to all muslims "you dont touch european women", but instead the muslim rapist got 130 hour community service and private protection
Here is a good example, they litterly have a van filled with cops protecting muslim rapist who raped wheelchair bound woman. Later police send 4000 cops to squash anti-rape demonstration.
Police is not our friends, neither here in Europe or America.
PS: Cops don't protect white americans from niggers, they protect niggers from the united wrath of whites who would turn the niggerghettos into a graveyard in less than a week.
Imagine no cops. A white woman get brutally murdered by a nigger, entire internet gets lit up and a bunch of white nerds with ar-15, army veterans, fat white 50 year old boomers with shotgun meet up in large groups and just open fire on nigger ghettos.
But instead we have cops, and white people have too much to lose, 10+ years of being educated, property, family, social standing our freedom, all will be lost of white decides to go vigilante and avange the horrible murder and torture of white victim.
Friendly Reminder: Spain asked for this!
assuming the cops aren't terminally pozzed, shouldn't they (by all this antifa and imminigger bullshit) be primed to vote as a bloc for a right wing politician who'll give them power to stop this one and for all?
perhaps we need propaganda geared towards law enforcement to undo 'sensitivity training'
The glorious Romans utilised the most painful, cruel, and dare I say, barbaric method of dealing with criminals and rabblerousers. When I was a child, I used to think it was awful.
Then I grew up and realised that, esp. regarding the Third World refuse, it is better for European govts to be loved than feared. Read Chapter XVII of the Prince, it will take you less than 5 minutes. The only way to win respect from these African invaders is through raw displays of power.
Rather, feared than loved. Stockholm syndrome will kick in and everyone will soon love their fearsome overlords.
Right now your streets are owned by acid-hurling barbarians.
Crucifixion is a human sacrifice to Saturn, a symbolic representation of the hand sickle planted into the ground.
UK Here
Our police are cucked but if the niggers keep throwing acid on them they will stop doing their jobs entirely. Instead they will wait 1/2 a mile away until the criminal has fled the scene so its safe for them to approach.
Vlad had the right idea.
I totally love your photo…made me laugh
Wow, I think you missed the entire argument of Zig Forums…we aren't interested in 'winning respect from invaders' like we want to have them LIVE IN OUR COUNTRIES beside our wives and kids…jesus, man, what kind of drugs are you on?
That's the catch22 they try to catch people with. They're not going to 'learn their lesson', but if they lose the support of the native population, the invaders take over. Commie chaos creation 101. Militarized police are there because of the immigration chaos.
Get rid of the acid throwers, and get your politicians to stop acting like lunatic anti-Christs that created this problem in the first place, or better yet, get rid of them too and the police will fall in line.
"Brawlers and drunkards will be flogged. Thieves will be strangled. Deserters will be crucified." – Lucius Vorenus c. 3:00
Vlad needs to come back. Europe needs him now more than ever.
Well I keep pushing ETHNO-GLOBE and you guys run away squealing like little girls.
Being loved means that people will let you down because there is no consequence for doing so. Being feared means that people will not let you down, as they will be punished for doing so.
This has played out at many places I have worked. When management act like nice guys, try to be your friend etc, there is often work left over. When management act angrily, people suddenly work harder and things get done.
On the refugee issue, it's simply reward and punishment. Australia decided to punish asylum seekers by sending them to an offshore processing facility. The boats stopped coming. Europe decided to let them straight in, give them money, even had NGO boats ferry them straight into port. Unsurprisingly, they kept on coming and in greater numbers.
Why the fuck are you all 'pro-refugee' today Zig Forums…there is no 'life' with this human trash in your nations.
Its about time police start throwing bullets in return.
It is why their governments usually devolve into who is the biggest warlord turned dictator every time in those shithole countries. Reperesentative government simply doesnt work on the low IQ mongrel races. They only know and respect violence or the threat of it.
Police are mega cucked. PC standards have resulted in a police force comprised of old ladies and limp-wristed DYEL-mode faggpts. There would be no shame in simply creating a citizens police force to actually enforce the law.
Have a look at vid related. We could seize power if we get enough of the warrior thug type to support us.
That wasn't pro-refugee, simply pointing out the facts of reward and punishment. I'd like to see a few boats sunk and the footage spread throughout Africa.
french police is kiked beyond repair. it's a political police designed to remove white and enforce privileges for shitskins and kikes
Well how about openly stating that every non-Ethnic European we find in our nation's gets a bullet? That seems pretty crystal clear to me. All this pussy footing around about how we can 'manage' the human trash is just bullshit.
Yeah, that commie nonsense, designed to weaken whomever adopts it, has to go. Warrior thug types don't usually want to do prison time if it can be avoided, otherwise they're happy to wreck the bad guys.
You forgot to add "in England."
they didn't impale them, so no.
Lads would do well to familiarize themselves with Stephen Coughlins' work on Islamic law and jihad infiltration into western governments. I won't embed the utube videos here, but a 10 part video briefing is listed here:
more info here:
More videos on utube as well.
They are actually acting like Christians, which is where the entire humanist ethos comes from. "Love thy neighbor."
To quote an unknown British gentleman from a long time ago…ACAB.
Cops are nothing but capitalistic watchdogs who only clean up the crimes their bosses are committing.
Love thy neighbor, not invite foreign hordes to replace and rape your neighbors then arrest them when they complain.
Choose only one, bootlicking badgebunny.
Am so not taking the bait with this thread.
As of right now, the nigger throwing acid is the king of Europe
Since some of us would rather resist authority rather than be content to roll over like good little bitches, maybe we could make this thread more constructive.
I'll start with posting the IRA's Green Book.
Depressing but true
They've been kicked out.
Thanks, didn't even knew it existed.
I assume this wasn’t the fun kind of acid.
Thought I had read it, apparently not.
It was updated, this one may not even be current.
This guy gets it. My heart goes out to the unfortunate souls that joined ZOG Patrol thinking they'd be able to help people. Fuck the pigs who got acid thrown on them, they deserve it for being non-white. I welcome any ZOGpig to prove me wrong. Do something pro-white and I'll admit I was wrong in your case.
Uh huh. Before the cross was adopted, they used to just spike them to poles.
You really need to fuck off back to wherever you invaded from, woman.
Tiocfaidh ár lá.
Lol I started trolling some unionist bitching about Irish name license plates the other day and he actually started posting goofy pictures of Irish people, exactly like a kike arguing about National Socialism when they post silly or fat looking men in SS uniforms kinda thing. I pointed it out and he got quiet.
The police are certainly anti white. But your opprobrious attitude wont help fix that.
Ultimately there has to be a police force. Particularly in countries like the UK with restrictive gun control, you need someone that you can call when you get attacked by a roving pack of wild niggers.
So the only sensible logic is to push for as many of /ourguys/ in the police as possible.
Without the police there wouldn't be restrictive gun control.
Potatoniggers can handle the bantz just don't take their beer.
southern niggers don't count
TBH the IRA had a pretty reliable street justice system. Kneecappings, tarring and feathering, etc. for antisocial behavior.
Interesting point I never noticed before, they threaten people who give information to Sinn Fein proving that the actual IRA are totally not on the same side as the nigger loving politicians who claim to represent the same interests.
But we are all the same!
Why can't we all just get along?
If we are all the same then there’s no need for diversity
imagine being so much of a rule cuck BOOMER that you actually think the police are there to help you from niggers and they are not the ones protecting the niggers from being genocided
Those look just like moroccans!
0:33 - yep, those poor starving wartorn migrants.
Not true, if you are a right winger or white, they will beat the fuck out of you.
Imagine being an anarchist tranny that doesn't understand that a police force is needed, and it does what the lawmakers and courts decide. You are not fooling anybody.
Here is a video justifying everything you have just said.
Or you could just read the fucking book…
I'll never understand this. Why don't they open fire on the niggers, after being assaulted? There is no thinking necessary. Nigger attacks you, you kill the nigger.
It wasn't needed before the 18th century, which coincidentally is right around the time things started going wrong.
At this point, the left hates the police because imperialism, and the right hates them because ZOG. Prediction: whoever allies and embraces them will win, since they're literally a heavily armed paramilitary body.
Lurk for a bit.
Bots can't think for themselves, only follow commands.
hey isn't that a flipped and stylized version of the 2024 paris olympics?
wonder why they'd use that symbolism?
That's Jupiter
All right, let’s get our kabbalist scholars in here to tell us what this implies.
The german police force is great and pretty redpilled because they have to deal everyday with those shitskins…. the guys in higher ranks above them are the problem really many dumb feminist vaginas there who got their position thanks to cunt quotas and the based dudes get all shut down from the politics if they want to speak out at the end our regime like always is at fault
The eater of children?
It depends on the country really. In Australia, I'm a fan of most individual cops I've met (I've known a few). Most pretty much joined for the right reasons and privately hold the right opinions. The problem is, they're only as good as the laws they're enforcing & the government they protect. If they government is a bunch of shills for (((them))), then the cops however well intentioned individually are on the wrong side. Same goes for the military. So I'm kind of the opposite mind from antifa (funny that) - they think they're fascist pigs and then whine for protection, I like em but want them to stand down when they observe action against provably corrupt institutions.
Kabbalist scholar here. Jupiter represents mercy. In typical form it symbolizes "the king on his throne" providing plenty, happiness and goods to his people. It's the opposite of Mars, which seeks to destroy that which is hampering or unnecessary. Jupiter in its extreme form is evil, for it allows even the most heinous of crimes pass by. Mars in its most extreme form is also evil, for it destroys everything, even the good. If I were to guess as to the symbolism then I'd say it symbolizes the french government's attitude towards migrants in that they want to show mercy and provide for them to the detriment of their own society.
If there's any better explanation then feel free to contradict me.
Acid should be considered on par with carrying a loaded weapon and the moment someone begins to throw any liquid (because who the fuck knows what is in it) the person being attacked should have full authority to put that attacker into the fucking ground. If someone did that shit in the US in every area minus NY, CA and IL (few others) they would be gunned down quicker than shit out of a goose. It is appalling the Euros are letting this shit happen. They should be seeking out and annihilating anyone/everyone who even hints at doing this kind of shit. Enough is enough Euros, if you don't take control of your countries from this kind of shit then your countries are truly lost. Fucking acid to the face… unreal…
did the man boobs come standard issue with the ira?
He's Irish, you racist. Take it back.
Nice, I also study the kabbalah. Unfortunately, too many nationalists and counter-semites think this metaphysical system inherently jewish, when (((they))) simply twisted it for their own nefarious ends. I agree btw with your characterisation of Chesed and Geburah.
What do you expect from the people that fought Adolf Hitler and Germany. This is evidence that we fought the wrong guys in both world wars because this is what we get. But don't worry, PC faggot and the rest of her deputies will only piss off more whites the more clown world this shit gets.
X within our people may hate Y within our people. But when Z from outside our people attack either X or Y, it is not an attack on either faction or group, but the people as a whole.
It doesn't matter what we think about the police. Unless they murder the kikes with power, their golems and the soulless traitors, they are never, ever, doing us any favour, good or boon. Their existence is an abomination.
"They" being all foreign peoples - not the police.
No, that's saturn. Favorite demonic pagan symbol for pedos, in addition to pan and others.
Didn’t Macron declare himself an avatar of Jupiter or something?
This is just the beginning:
"French president Emmanuel Macron has declared he will govern France like Jupiter, the Roman king of the gods, shortly after officials told the media his thought process was “too complex” for journalists to understand."
ZOG in the US will execute Whites at a greater rate, which is not good; but they are on YT often executing useless eating worthless niggers. A lot of LEO's are war-seasoned veterans content with taking lives, no matter the color of their skin. It's bitter-sweet, and they had better get used to it because the influx of niggers will not end any time soon.
-Look at history when farming (specifically) was halted. Food becomes less plentiful, and then becomes impossible to get. People storing food will deplete their supplies and there will be no incoming restock. This is what we seen in S.A. today
-Next, the refugees will declare asylum as "financial refugees", their jew overlords will give them the blessing to live in Whitey's nation, and it will be nothing more than babysitting niggers
Speaking of pedos, sometimes they'll be involved in anti-trafficking organizations (as I'm sure many of you already know) to have an inside track on kids and put up roadblocks on prosecution. I don't have any actionable intel on the particular group below, but I wouldn't trust them as far as I could throw them given what I know about their symbolism.
The Southern Arizona Anti-Trafficking Unified Response Network (SAATURN)
Wow, you weren't kidding, user. They actually joined the pro-Hitler protestors.
German police join pro-Hitler protestors.
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The leak of an arrest warrant which names one of the chief suspects in a stabbing that sparked anti-refugee demonstration in Germany has raised fears that the country’s police may be saturated with cop sympathisers concerned at the plight of their fellow Germans.
The confidential document, which was shared by citizens on social media, names a 22-year-old Iraqi, one of two immigrants arrested on suspicion of stabbing a German-Cuban man to death in the eastern city of Chemnitz at the weekend.
The killing and knife mayhem that seriously wounded two other Germans set off the most serious anti-Merkel demonstrations and protests in Germany for several years.
More than 6,000 far-Right protestors paraded through the streets of Chemnitz carrying flags and placards. Many of the displayed messages expressed disgust of coalition chancellor Angela Merkel and her Bundestag cohorts.
Members of LEGIDA, the Leipzig arm of the anti-Islam movement Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the West (PEGIDA), hold a poster depicting German Chancellor Angela Merkel during a rally in Leipzig, Germany.
Media dubbed enemedia is also in the cross-hairs of indignant protestors. Among the placards and banners, there were many expressing hostility towards The Lying Press? Many demonstrators showed hostility towards TV crews and media journalists.
Police confirmed on Wednesday that the leaked document was genuine and said they had opened an investigation into suspected “violation of official secrets”.
The leak has added to growing concerns that Germans, fed up with institutionalised race treachery, may have much sympathy and sympathisers in the national and local police forces. If so, the state finds itself impotent against further demonstrations.
When during the late 1980s there were anti-government riots and demonstrations throughout the Soviet Bloc the regimes were finally toppled after the police joined the demonstrators.
Police are mercenaries of the state. Right now the bureaucracy of the state is devoted to anti-white neoliberalism and globohomo, so the police enforce that i.e. arresting people over political 'hate crimes', displaying certain symbols, joining certain parties, posting certain things takes priority over dealing with paedophile rapists.
Also normal people don't join the police in my experience. They join the military or something instead.
My only nitpick is that Saturn is generally considered the opposite of Jupiter; while Jupiter is expansion and bountifulness, or in its extreme form gluttony, Saturn is contraction and restrictiveness, in its extreme form famine. Together they make the great clocks of the universe. Saturn is a malefic (bad news) generally but can be helpful in some situations for example in tempering other forces so that they do not manifest in an extreme, often negative, way. Often featured as an old man with a scythe for harvesting or as eating his own children. His Greek name is Kronos, as he is most associated with time.
You are overrating niggers, a bunch of starving spics is capable of doing that untill the (((police))) stopped them.
Lefty memes are always so painfully awkward
Not a leftist, just not a qtard who thinks a Zionist real estate mogul from NYC is doing much more than keeping whitey complacent for a few years and energizing the #resistance for an even more anti-white candidate in the future.
I'm unironically OK with that.
These look like the gothic "A" character.
It also reads as numeral 21.
This. The full out white hate is exactly the type of wake up call whites need in america. Today the white genocide agenda cant be denied anymore.