Crunchyroll got cucked

As a animu enthuiast, I tried to make a thread on >>>/a/, but some Crunchyroll employed cuckmod banned me instantly while sharing my opinion about this 'anime'. While being completely apolitical

It's fucking Thundercats Roar tier cartoon

Other urls found in this thread:

Get the napalm.

They disabled the dislike/like ratio too
They know that they're fucked


Wow look at that diversity, even the comments are disabled.

Crunchy Roll has always been cucked.
t. /a/

Dammit, crunchyroll was my plan for when I cancelled netflix. Why can't I have anything nice?

Still have netflix, plz no bully.


Any group that funds dubs is automatically cucked.


Crunchyroll has shown signs of being cucked in the brain before, but now they're taking it to the next level with this tumblr fever dream. Good thing there's a better spicy show coming soon (and the characters were designed by a woman):


So the goons don’t work for free

only way to directly support the creators is to learn Jap and import. Otherwise you should pirate to avoid feeding the western companies trying to subvert anime.

There's your issue right now, never go to that fucking site. It's full of fucking autists who are way too gay for their own good.
use /animus/, better board. Also, crunchyroll was always cucked.

Or buy merchandise, CDs and art books.

This as well

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CR has always been fucking cancer, mate.
Remember the way they got started was as kikey as it gets.

Until weebs are willing to pay $70 for 3 episodes on a single bluray disc they're not going to have much of an impact.

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Posting on /tv/ is double nigger time wasting.

I don't know why I said /tv/, but this applies to any imageboard.

Seems like you take these chinese girl cartoons more seriously than Zig Forums does tbh.

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Dig through the social media of the writers. Find antiwhite hatred. Mail crunchy rolls sponsors complaining about the bigots. GG. If hatred is banned from society then let it be banned.

Its great that our parents had those wishes for our lives. Just a shame that they had to completely assrape our countries, destroying most of our future prospects. The people that need to make their lives and personalities revolve around an entertainment medium, are already too far gone, they have no identity. People can watch anime without being retarded about it, just like anything else done on your leisure time.

Lol you belong here, never leave.

I'm currently studying to become an electrical engineer, your point?

It's still my problems, my generation and the ones to come has to fix this bullshit. Doesn't change who allowed the kikes to take a stranglehold on our countries.

too bad
why don't you just pirate?

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Sure thing moshie.
That way when there's a ban on something I can get rounded up ASAP.


It can also jack up your dopamine receptors and give you symptoms resembling ADD if you spend too long on here. Still fun though.

Cry more goon.

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I didn't start really watching anime until my mid-twenties, and I wasn't doing anything particularly productive before that either.

Attached: [Chyuu-PAS] Shoujo☆Kageki Revue Starlight - 06 [WEB 1080p AAC] [FDFF028E].mkv_snapshot_16.34_[2018.08.23_17.27.15].jpg (1920x1080, 125.74K)

How about not living in a shithole? Its not anime merch that will get you rounded up, kikes give 0 fucks about some nigger importing loli onaholes. Posting on Zig Forums is a lot worse in their eyes.


I'm an electrical engineer and I've been watching anime for years, faggot git gud

You know what else was co-opted and corrupted? White culture. We should completely forsake and reject that too, right?

Commie got thrown out of a helicopter. At least the artnigger hasn't arrived yet, thank god.

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Why are you here OP?

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I'm literally going to report every ID that doesn't sage this fucking trash thread.
BLAM this shit.


I'm so fucking angry that his is happening. I've been paying for Crunchyroll for two years, to enjoy a legal way to have cheap anime. And now money is going to fat feminists playing in a ballpit so they dan draw shitty Caltech art and push their shit.

I'm considering cancelling my crunchy roll account and just getting my anime through "other means."

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yeah i hate anime

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Your bantz suck, they aren't even witty or entertaining. It isn't even trolling, just shitty insult flinging

What is this social media? LOL faggot you cant even handle words, how are you gonna save the world from jews?

And yet you replied you easily baited clown

If anyone asks this is what whites were doing while the world was over run by niggers.

by making Zig Forums better one thread at a time

Attached: anti gun speech during active shooter.mp4 (720x720, 4.14M)

Yet again there are over 20 anchored threads in the catalog but this thread about Asian cartoons is going to get 500 posts

If you've never jerked off to hentai you're gay

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okay kike you made your point

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Are you actually that artnigger?

Why do you even care about this? You posted a anime that promotes homosexuality you should be thrilled.

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Its a very under rated point, IIm white and ashamed at my peers and how they waste their time. Zig Forums is not white.

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Where do you think you are bitch? Anime is only for the most inteligent people on the planet… WHITES (Even if its made by asians)

You forgot the game FAQs bookmark

Should I be a homeless retard devoting my OS to the third temple of judaism instead?
I have a 50 hour a week job, and in my spare time (and also at work) I drop redpills constantly, and horde precious metals, canned foods, bullets, and firearms.
What the fuck do you do?

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What the fuck nigger, delete that shit right now

It's better than super except the vegeta parts, he deserves to be the main character

I guess you feel like a loser so much you need to convince others you arent. Good thing you have that anime as an escape.

Nice dodge, but you can't shame people here like you can on reddit, buddy.

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I dont even get your autistic reference becasue im not like you faggot. I dont watch cartoons as a grown man

It's really not. GT was just fucking awful all the way through. Super at least has endearing characters in Beerus and Whis, and the Tournament of Power was classic Z.

Itll matter when you are still you in 20 years

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Just go to soulanime, kissanime, or animeheaven. Between the three you’ll get all the shows, even ones CR doesn’t have. Only downside is the ads and lack of a single app to congregate and track shows

Its true, only white people can be shamed.

I hope I didnt hurt your feelings, go cuddle with a monitor displaying your favorite anime character.

Then I guess you don't watch much of anything if something aimed at adults doesn't meet your criteria for being aimed at adults.

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Reminder why unfuckable leftists hate anime so much.

That's a blast from the past.

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You didn't sage your post either. Just sayin. FAGGOT.

Anime (which is what I presume you are actually talking about) is by and large made for adults.

And on the Jap side

And so on

If you want crunchyroll to get fucked, do your part and start stigmatizing them everywhere anime is discussed. Go beyond them to japanese companies. I keep telling f/a/ggots and /v/ermin to start talking directly to japanese companies so they can bypass the "SJW" aka leftist layer that ignorant japanese believe represents western audiences but they never do. If they want japanese companies to stop paying attention to leftists in the west, the consumer has to do their part and represent themselves.

Also, reminder that sony of america and japan is filled with leftists. You don't just have jews in the american division spreading leftism, you have japanese openly calling for leftist ideals. Do the japanese have what it takes to impale these people like they did almost 50 years ago?

I wonder what kind of person could be lurking behind this post.

I don't think I need to prove I love anime but this isn't a fucking Zig Forums thread. Anyway, I have to go to bed, working all night is hard.

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Time to restart the old ways.
Fansubbing with quality for free

I knew it would end up like this when you go with (((middle men))), especially when anime is just aired "for free" in Japan and they make their money on merch, and someone get these free airing and resell them with shitty translation.

You need to seriously reevaluate your life if you are watching things like that past 16

Whether I or you like them is irrelevant, the shows are marketed towards adults.

sage the thread then you fucking obvious kike, god damn

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Reminder that unfuckable leftist soyboys feel intimidated and uncomfortable when they see ripped masculine anime heroes.
I wasn't a pussy beta so FotNS actually got me into exercising and lifting when I was a kid.

I actually think you've nailed it. They feel completely emasculated when they see a hero like JoJo or Goku. It makes perfect sense.

You know who wants anime gone from Zig Forums? Leftists.

It's the "not an artform" faggot, let him sperg all he wants to. The nigger will never stop, constantly sperging and professing his hatred of chinese cartoons, like they somehow are the reason for our downfall.

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Definitely for kids

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Post your biceps

I see /tveddit/ has arrived.

They have the same mindset of the fat pink-haired feminists who feel sexually threatened by cartoons because they subconsciously know they are subpar.

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Do you even know what a cartoon is? It's things like this:

This level of projection is actually just hilarious. Please continue posting at rapid speed

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These are both correct but making a thread about anime isn't worthy of a slot on this board.
Although leftists could never understand the value of shonen or self-sacrifice, that doesn't make it okay to make a thread about pink haired whales.

Who doesn't know what a cartoon is? It doesn't require some special education.

This is true too, anime has a powerful memetic quality that outsourced soros-funded leftist memes can't compete with. A lot of people don't even watch any anime but still save anime reactions and images.

What are you talking about? I'm describing exactly why you trannies don't like anime. Try and keep up.

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