Maxime Bernier Leaves Cuckservatives to Make a New Party!
Here We Go Leaf Anons
Maxime Bernier Leaves Cuckservatives to Make a New Party!
Here We Go Leaf Anons
Oh fuck, I’m ready. Does anyone know about Bernier’s views on immigration?
We're watching this happen in the US, as represented by the rift(s) between the RINO's, the Zionist/Neocon sect, and the strong emergence of a Patriot/Nationalist inner-ethos which sees what happens when useless wars serve no purpose to this soil; only causing division within the nation, increased debt/debt-service, increased suicides, increased militancy, increased Communism, etc….
We all knew there was going to be a parting of the ways between Nationalists and Neocohens on the North American continent. I'm just surprised it happened in leafland first.
Make this count, Canucks. Go make a party that actually conserves something for a change, and let those closet trotskyists starve to death in the cold. All Nationalism is ethnonationalism if it's done correctly. Don't let this opportunity go to waste. Make a Canadian Ultranationalist party and do not apologize for any of it.
Interesting development but with (((fptp))) any minor party is just wasting /ourvotes/ and splitting off part ofthe right wing vote at this point before next year's election is worrying
Good luck northern neighbors. We may have our disputes but I truly hope both of us can get through this time.
It can work, but only if you make sure and screen the jews out of everything, and I mean everything. Don't take a single dime from jews, don't let them speak for you, don't let them lawyer for you, don't even allow people who are related to jews in, take every opportunity to name the jew, and when the jew media talks to you, ignore them or browbeat them for being lying trash until they flee.
I'll keep it short since I'm going to bed. He's from Beauce, which is where my family is from. One of the families in the village where a significant portion if my extended family lives adopted a few niglets. One day, my cousin invited one over to play and he went to use the bathroom. My uncle actually bleached the entire fucking toilet afterwards.
That's how people from Beauce feel about immigration.
In Quebec, the jews speak english.
he's got my vote.
saging shill thread
How's your multiculturalism doing Mr Sheer, you splendid pseudo-conservative liberal-progressist and destroyer of true conservative values?
Yeah, coming from the guys who would sooner give their daughters over to french speaking Haitians than a 'dirty Anglophone'.
Anglos introduced Québec to multiculturalism, you did this moron.
Probably not a kike but he is a fucking idiot for trying to go alone. We're screwed now since he won't have the clot needed to run an electoral campaign.
Lol, French niggers were fucking redskins left and right and living with them in their dirty huts long before the Jews masquerading as WASPs starting fucking everything up.
Even if this party succeeds, and he somehow becomes Prime Minister, I have no doubt he could stem the tide pouring into this country, but he wouldn't be able to halt or reverse it.
HOWEVER, this is going to be a complete fucking media holocaust with how hysterically sensitive the CBC and leftist news organizations here are, and finally break the taboo of the elephant of the room of Multiculturalism in a very public way and signalling to a giant segment of the disaffected, white rural/blue collar population that now they got a chance to open their mouths.
Party loyalty means absolutely nothing to the majority of Canadians, and his message has pretty widespread appeal outside of the urban sprawl of Ontario-Quebec and other major cities, enough to make sure he and whatever he calls his party won't disappear in the coming election.
Time to finally start driving a political wedge between whites and shitskins/their fans in this country.
You mean the clot from (((the establishment))). Back to the CBC website with you.
This is excellent news indeed. I'll be watching shortly and shilling it to my friends and family if I approve.
If you really can't fathom going against the political grain without the support of the political establishment, you're already a slave mentally.
(((Bernier))) is a crypto-Jew. Can’t believe Pol now defends establishment politicians. Based Jew leaving the based cuckservative Cuckadian Party! Canada is a lost cause, and when we kill all the Jews, niggers, chinks and spics, we’ll annex it and get rid of the whites up there as well.
Nice meme broblue, as white guys we need to understand that Max is our best hope in trudope multiculti hell and him going into the election with no resources and no support will absolutely doom him and ensure our extinction in this country. We must stand firm with conservatives along with max.
East coast natives are not like your west coast natives; jesuits even reported blonde and blue eyed natives in Labrador region and how fair and good looking the natives were, but this being said we have plenty of blonde and blue eyes since we came from Normandie and other coastal French cities, and not from the asshole of Lucifer during protestant wars that freed peasants like you and sent them to the New World to continue their hysterical heresies and kickstart the (((modern))) era. that place the jews and their values in power globally.
But you know all this already.
Hey CSIS-SCRS, what took you guys so long?
Hey shareblue, how are your ZOG emperor threads coming along? Convincing any anons that Blumpf is based yet?
lol those are the same ratity as Haitian Unicorns
This is good news, worst case he causes the Conservatives to jettison Scheer best case the Conservatives get wiped out.
Don't believe the shills, Political parties in Canada get absolutely crushed on occasion. This is one of those times.
Yep, just tick a box every four years and watch the country un-fuck itself right? If you think any asshole that sits in an MPs chair has the capability of turning back the clock, let alone remaking the nation into something better, you are a literal drooling retard.
We're out to break democracy and the political/media/business elites stranglehold on this nation, it has failed us and they have betrayed us. Forcing the system into a hysterical, shitflinging infighting because someone brought up the 'do not talk about' subject and making a wide segment of whites realize that their government actively hates them and seeks to crush them at every turn in favour of wonderful diversity.
Lmao, back to 56%er land where you belong.
So you're advocating for terrorism now? Well, you're a confirmed shill that has nothing but vapid platitudes to vomit all over this thread and to top it off, you shills are trying to get us shut down now. WEW LAD, JUST WEW.
kill yourself
That's right, people still remember what a piece of shit Harper was/is. Scheer is unpopular and already is seen as a cuck. Cons are done.
Poor Sergei
Why are you posting here and not fully committed to this direct action principle of yours?
Yeah retard, definitely do this instead of turning segments of the system against itself, agitating every demographic to get all mad and entitled to force more divisions, encouraging regionalism and the growth of separatist/autonomy parties to decrease the influence of Ottawa and ultimately force this nation into making a goddam, definitive choice about the future.
Remind me what the fuck you adised doing besides 'hurrr vote tory guys, based free-market oriented shitskins'
Yea they not only didn't learn from Harpers mistakes, they doubled down.
This is our chance lads. We can humiliate Scheer and force him into total irrelevancy (from whence he came) and bully Trudeau as a coward afraid of standing next to Bernier.n(Trudeau next to Bernier is Nixon next to JFK 2.0)
At this stage we may have to go local (ppwer level concealed) and pound the pavement for this man and his party.
If we can get Bernier in office and Trump maintains, we can rid all of North Maerica of globalist filth and Marxist tenets.
Too late, it’s already started Jared
From all I have seen he is our only analogue to Trump. The benefit is that we do not share a border with Mexico so shutting down unneccessary and destructive immigration policies is comparatively simple.
Of course, it will be upto all of us to bacl him up and push back the useful fools flooding the streets with Antifa posters and nonsensical platitudes.
We become official enemies of China by supporting Bernier so we need to be ready for an intense propaganda war.
If Macron can build a party in less than a years then win majority and the Presidency theirs is enough time For Mad Max to do this!
regulation of speed and traffick lights from both directions so I can’t hear the person stopping behind the hillside over there.
Not a Jew OP, my family converted.
I predicted here last week he might consider joining Quebec Debout.
Macron had the socialist party sacrifice itself (the PS still alive but very weakened) to be reborn as a pseudo coalition of everyone except the extremes, it was planned all along and done by the globalists…
Bernier is not in the same situation at all.
Because I won’t turn tricks for trash?
Heard the good news today.
Was starting to think it wouldn't be worth voting this time around but things changed.
A reputation for being 'des bon gars' when it comes to work too.
CSIS was the "biker girlfriend" actually. They've been watching him for a while.
It's more of a dynamic fork of the Conservative Party, I'm not exaggerating when I say that most of the base hates Scheer and his establishment crony cuck supporters .
samefag edit: Maybe not hate, but defiantly not happy with, this is Canada after all.
Fascinating. So how do you explain the massive interbreeding in haiti, lebanon and every other french colony that ever existed?
The CBC will be calling him “Canada’s Donald Trump” in no time.
I was looking for this for a long time, thanks for posting.
Max actually has the party in chaos because a lot of the politicians of the party agree with him. Scheer is a fucking kike and I think was going to be leader of the party regardless of how many folks voted for Bernier.
Honestly the best chance we have here is that Bernier will crash the cuckservative party and cause the creation of a new one. This is what got Harper elected…
Yanks get out.
So sick of this fucking picture being posted.
Your constant whining and playing victim is why we despise you. There was a struggle between cultures, and you lost. Your failure to accept this reality has lead to only to your own depression. It was such an embarrassment that your forbears left you to rot. There's still hope, though. Maybe Bernier can make up for two Trudeaus.
And one Chrétien.
You fucking idiots need to wake up for a few minutes and realize we're all doomed if we don't work together to sort out this damn mess the boomers have given us. I'm fine with the idea of Quebec being a nation of it's own if the people wanted that, there is no problem with that in my eyes, and I think any real English fascist will agree with that.
IIRC corectly Scheer won the party vote by (((0.01%)))
I firmly believe Scheer was put in place to lose as he is one of the only men in the world capable of making Trudeau seem authroitative and masculine.
This is the first good news I have heard out of Canada in years
Yeah it was something silly like that. I'm not sure if he was put in place to lose, that could a possibility, but I know his policies echo Harper's.
…At least Harper didn't want rapefugees, Scheer probably does/won't roll back Trudeau's bullshit.
Someone shop the dog into a beaver and also put a moose on the left side.
Somewhat relevant, on this site for their conference, they literally have "Shabbat" from 8-12.
I know the Cons are kosher, was somewhat surprised that Ezra Lavant was banned. I don't know who is jewing whom now.
Reminder that pedofaggot John Baird announced Scheer as the winner a half-hour before the official results were in on Twitter, then deleted it.
Ezra is a moser to them.
The only interbreeding going on is Scottish / Irish and French.
This is great news but a lot of patience will be required. Setting up a new party and gaining actual support & membership (not just retweets and words of encouragement) will take time. I'd like to see him stay far away from the likes of Ezra Levant (wishful thinking: best way would be to go out publicly against Israel).
Ezra is a known quantity to all conservatives. Like (((Norman Spector))).
Literally same number minus refugees.
This goes against Gender Based Analysis+ government mandate and will never happen without dismantling it at every level of government.
Meaningless statement with no way to tell how or what would change. Doesnt solve muslim, sikh, chinese, etc 5th columns and segregation and in-group preferences that currently exist.
Platitudes. Again, cant do anything without dismantling GBA+. Would be racist and it is the defining mandate for hiring, policy, laws, immigration and all facets of government.
Additionally, our "economic needs" are debt - its needed to fuel the fiat system and no kids = no debt, so fuck whites, bring more immigrants in and borrow money to fund it and saturate them with more debt to grow the GDP because thats all that matters in this debt slavery system.
Basically, he's cashing in on anti-immigrant/populist movement and going to be a fringe independent with maybe Bloc-like status/seats unless the 49% that voted for him leave the CPC and join his party, which is a possibility.
The CPC membership ballooned and doubled in lead up to leadership vote. Numbers are back down to normal levels. Without dairy cartel votes that flooded the ballet box, he's almost 100% of votes for leadership from actual CPC members. If they all leave party and go with him, there's a chance for his party taking off.
However, there will be no change in government or policies. That's not how our government works. It's not America. We're fucked regardless of who is in power.
Thanks, I didn't know he shafted the tribe, I don't pay attention to the little weasel.
Trump started it buddy. YOu have no idea how much excitement and growing hope I felt here in Canada at seeing the revolt grow under Trump's bid for office and the insane joy on election night when you all stormed the polls despite massive cheating by the Democrats and their illegal immigrant supporters to grasp a glorious victory that will live on for ever in American history.
Good on him. Burn the party down and rebuild it. There's no hope in trying to change the country with such a group of jews and cucks. Let the liberals run it to hell while we rebuild
Assumed he would wait for the outcome of the 2019 but good for him. He can actually do some serious damage against both cucked parties.
Civnat but hes definitely not in favor of massive amounts.
He is the only man currently capable of bringing GBA bullshit to light and and elucidating people on it's actual purpose. He is also handsome enough to evade being called a "misogynist" or rapist for doing so. He also has the shield of being French, which is politically in Canada like being a Jew in thr USA.
He is our only chance.
I heard he got a Oscar for his performance as a Heterosexual.
When can I join the party?
and it steals the massive base in Quebec instead of them voting for fagdeau. Without Quebec, Ontario and possibly Alberta theres no way Scheer can win.
Maxime almost blew his career away permanently for his liking for the ladies…
Voting for the cuckservative party is 100% identical to voting for the liberal party. Your vote would be wasted no matter what.
This is why Quebec needs to separate. Get these worthless whiny communist faggots the fuck out of here so the rest of us can fix our country. We're being jewed to death and the worthless queerbec shit lickers are crying about white people that speak english. You know you actually has something to whine about? The Acadians. You know who doesn't have anything against english speaking Canadians and also hates Queerbec? The Acadians.
No, Queerbeckers introduced multiculturalism to Canada.
First order of business, then.
Get rid of the Privy Council Office then. Redo the constitutions. You sound just like a concern troll bureaucrat I'm suing.
Whew lads, how does a man act heterosexual? Is there a specific behavior that determines this? If a man willingly fucks another man without coercion, how can anyone even say he is fit to say another man is heterosexual? Even if that man is a tranny, which isn’t real btw, he’s still willingly putting his dick into another man.
That "biker babe" was a CSIS asset.
Vancouver BRITISH Columbia is wall to wall faggotry and drug addiction.
And Trudeau was a fucker it's true but Mike Pearson before him was a communist spy.
Not surprised.
The entire FLQ Crisis was Pierre Elliot Trudeau and the RCMP dirty tricks department as was the FLQ bombing campaign as the MacDonald Commission showed before it was hastily shut down by the government.
No it was perfect here when it was French and then the Anglo jews came in here and shitted the place up. Total disaster.
No creativity, no inventiveness, just sell real estate to the Chinese communists and the Sikhs their fifth collumn of mercenaries they used to conquer and subjugate India.
You guys are too fucked to even know your own history. But now it's too late; you've been sold out by your own upper class who never gave a shit about you. Same treason as Kenya and Rhodesia.
Same treason we're seeing now in Britain itself.
You're too blind and stupid to understand that your anus hurts because there's a circumsized jew dick buried in your ass.
For starters, not being a faggot.
Not you user, just in general.
Just watch this Scheer faggot squirm during the presser. KEK!
Get ready to get ass blasted you feminist.
CSIS is probably going to be disbanded once certain things come out. They're involved in Uranium One.
Some call it soy mouth, I call it cocksucker's cramp.
Anglo kikes and their freemason pets.
What first world country have you seen redo their constitutions/charters? Trudeau campaigned on at least voter reform, but backed out on that when realized it would fuck liberals completely. The CBC needs to be dismantled, the charter of rights and freedoms ripped up and complete overhaul of provincial power and turfing of the prime minister position for a presidential election independent of parties.
The party system is leadership based. Whoever buys the leadership wins. Its most corrupt system possible. You vote the leaders way or you get drummed out of politics - its why 100% liberals vote for M103 despite like 70% of Canadians being against the bill. They dont listen to constituents or vote in their favour - they have to tow leadership line or they are done.
First past the polls and no electoral college means GTA and Montreal areas decide elections. They have over 60% of seats. Atlantic provinces only have about 20 seats total compared to their 160-180ish. Alberta is the golden goose for Canada and basically funding everyone (just look up transfer payments to provinces) and have been fucked since NEP and Pierre Trudeau days. His son continued with Energy East and other oil sanctions. They have barely any say in deciding elections. Not enough seats.
First past poll means you should vote whatever GTA and Quebec are voting - not what your area/MPs are best. Youll get more federal support with leading party. Your vote doesnt matter in this system.
If America had our system, California would decide every election. It wouldnt matter if 51 other states wanted someone else - that's what our system does for GTA and Montreal areas.
Trudeau has this much power over us with a fucking 38% majority. 38 fucking percent. Americans are upset over a fucking small gap in popular vote for Hillary. Trump has so much trouble implementing policies because their system has more power for states in the union. Our provinces are slaves to federal.
There will never be any change. You can sue whoever you want and talk shit online. Pierre Trudeau destroyed this country and sold every Canadian into socialist slavery when he sold our national bank, started multiculturalism, destroyed our energy sector with NEP and ruined our immigration laws. There's no coming back from it now. Our country is too big and spread out to march on capital or establish anything. Media is owned by government and controlled to act against our interests and label us nazis or white nationalists. Muslim Brotherhood and arabs have too much control in our government now. Chinese have too much control in our government and own too much land and are destroying our housing market. Our own government discriminates against its people and silences opposition and aging population dont care - they have their pensions and retired. Canada is dead. Crows are picking at the corpse.
Bernier presser
So excited for the NDP to ruin this fucking country because we're splitting the conservative vote. Just kidding, there is nothing left to ruin.
No one says you cant have fun on the way down.