Trump: America Will be Very Poor

Who knew all it took was some tax breaks and a couple of Supreme Court justices to make America great again. So glad we elected a guy who speaks frankly on the major issues.

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He's not wrong. We will be rich in spirit however once the race war starts. Crash it Trump, NO SURVIVORS.

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Love how that shitskin whore retweets propaganda.

Not a matter of if, but when

wow, such unseen circumstances.


We really need Pence!
Pence names the faggy Jew at every opportunity.

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Jews crashing the market if Trump wins and Trump throwing them in jail was a major selling point for me.

Reminder: Pence is a neocon puppet far worse than Trump. We should start memeing Patrick Little for 2020.

wew, you retard shills just keep getting worse

Stay mad moshe.

Isn't he the guy that changed his 9/11 story about his wife as soon as the airplane cellphone calls were debunked?


He fundamentally doesn't get it.
Shitty Boomer Cuckservative Capitalist.


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ebin counterargument shill

Trump is a puppet and you having nothing to say against it because it is undeniably true. Kill yourself

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Impeaching him will not only crash the market, it will probably start a civil war.

Go home kampfy.


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Batten the hatches, there's a roachstorm a brewin.

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People in this country think a civil war is around every corner, sometimes it is, but when Nixon resigned? Hell no. Trump getting impeached would mean Pence taking the reins, which means the same as if a Democrat would be in power, nothing changes. Trump is just one head on the Hydra-Jew beast.

This is what happens when Zig Forums‘s ideology isn’t protected by its own board rules.

This is what redditors actually believe. Fortunately for us, this video proves them wrong.

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Greg Gutfeld started talking about what will happen if they impeach Trump yesterday and stopped himself before he was going to say the deplorables will be violent.
If they knocked Trump out of office I have no doubt a lot of disenfranchised vaccine-injured cis white males go full Sky King.

Boils down to the Standard of Living.
10% Super Poor; do not car if SoL changes, better, great, can never get worse.
10% Super Rich; do not care SoL changes, worse, move, can never get better.
80% Middle Class; Care if SoL changes, especially if it gets worse, especially if it gets better, then gets worse.

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Most of them live paycheck to paycheck or live very comfortably. It's unlikely anybody would risk their lives or starving their families right after cnn/fox jews announces impeachment for [complicated legaliese] unless Trump explicitly call for war and a new nation.


Not if Syria "uses chemical weapons", it won't. We'll have to go "liberate" Syria, instead.

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Trump has set America on a path of regulatory reform the likes of which have not been seen since the fall of the Roman Empire.

OP you will get a noose for your trouble.

Those two things are opposites of each other.

Who the fuck has a family? I know maybe 2 people who are married, neither have children. Everyone else is single and feels desolate. Every date is a disaster, women are completely off the rails.
There is no American Dream for us, even if we save the country. We aren't going to be able to deprogram adult women. The next generation may be saved but we won't be the ones marrying them.

Being impeached doesn't mean you are removed form Presidency. Clinton was impeached.

Removing Trump from office but non-existent crimes would be the establishment telling the people that their vote no longer matters and we have to accept the royal families of Bush/Clinton/Kennedy/etc as our rulers.
Removing Trump would cause a civil war.

Assuming impeachment happens, since the Democrats have been looking for any and every excuse to do it since 5 minutes after the election, you can assume every Democrat in the House will vote in favor of it. Add that number to the traitor RINO #NeverBlumpf fags who only run as Republicans to sabotage them. Whether or not that number adds up to 285 determines whether or not he's removed from office.

I think you're thinking of Ted Olson.

You just saying that by itself is pure theatrics. Nobody gives a shit about that asshole and nothing would change if Pence took control, let alone a Democrat. Less than half the country voted in general which means most people don't care who is control.

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Your vagueness is unconvincing. He was supposed to stop giving Israel billions for Muslim "defense" and give me that money for nigger "defense".



Wtf is the point of not supporting Trump? It was Trump or hillary. I didn't see you running on the platform that if you are elected all kikes nigs and spics would be executed. At least with Trump we get some of what we want.

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You're a naive little faggot, aren't you?

Gee, I wonder.
No, we won’t.
Because you’re not looking, you fucking civic nationalist faggot.

Who cares? No one will do anything about it or kill them.

true tbh, just came to mind

They need 2/3 to impeachment. Not a chance in hell they get 2/3.

Whatever you say.

your greentext drivel is lost on me, sorry sperg


found the kike

why am I the kike?


It's good to see you moving beyond denail and into acceptance.

I don’t have a Jew Star

Kill yourself roach.

I'm not the kike, you're the kike!

I hate summer.

You're not even from here.

RT joins impeachment bandwagon:

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Why not make a new thread to cry about your demotion, faggit.

The Unite the Right rally would have had more people show up on a Sunday afternoon if the right was mostly unemployed, single guys. I guess we'll see when Trump finally calls for war at his next rally.

demotion? save your paranoid bullshit for someone else

ASSAD 2020

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I'm laughing at the shills in here trying to convince everyone that whites won't rise up if their last hope goes down on the lies of the kike media and ZOG corruption.
Pay close attention, you hooknose dumbfucks: the boomers and normies reacted so violently to King Nigger's near-decade of marxist faggotry, they elected a cartoon character as president. If you and jewkin use your swamp fuckery to thwart them, it will be the last straw. Every one of these chubby rednecks and aging Gen Xers is a powder keg ready to bust, and they are surrounded by jacked-up Gen Zs who have grown to hate women, niggers, and wetbacks like hasn't been seen for 100 years. In you hubris, you made King Nigger your hill to die on, and you will die.
Every desperate jewish attempt to shut-it-down has only stoked the fires hotter, sending white men deeper into the web where all the redpills lie. All it will take is one tiny spark, just one more nigger riot, just one more wetback protest, one more antifa attack, and some small group is going to light it up, and drag the whole mess in after them.
Wanna know how I know? because that's how whites have always done it

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Wishful thinking is bad no matter what you're wishing for.

No seriously, save it.

Gen X has 40 years of misery built up. You're gonna see them popping a lot more often. Either they lose it because they were broken by the system, they have a stroke because they were broken by the system, or they start commanding great armies to purge the filth from the earth.

He's lying about the economy too

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But when will he fix the demographics

No seriously, blow me, bitch.

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Not showing up to a honeypot has nothing to do with how people will act once they are pushed over the edge.

The yid system will remain intact becuase it is international. The only thing that'll come crashing down is the American economy which means we'll go to war with some new boogeyman (most likely Russia, for whatever dumbass reason). A boogeyman predetermined by those same yids who control the system.
They need to be surgically removed.

I'd prefer radiation to remove the jew cancer but whatever.

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The point is that you are still playing the game when you support republicans or democrats because they are both infiltrated pieces of shit. If enough people leave both parties and form actual real 3rd part competition in the United States then the political system may be a way to force change. If it continues to be a tug of war between zionist kikes and marxist kikes it's a waste of time to engage in it and keep up the faux aura of legitimacy of the federal government

That's another thing to take into account and to take seriously. They have nukes too, and are just itching to use them.
They have their Samson Option. So someone would need to denuclearize them or disable all their nukes and cripple their nuclear capabilities. As, striking without warning, would be impossible becuase of how much they have infiltrated governments of practically every nation.
How many Jews hold positions within the American government with high level security clearance? And what about those treasonous shabbos goyim?

If word gets to them before the strike they launch first along with all their allies.

stop posting fake news (((user)))
and stop with the bullshit d&c semantics you fucking kikes

He won't because he doesn't care, like every other politician.

If you support Trump then you're from reddit and need to fuck off back there.

ftfy dumbfuck nigger


he made a bad move by entertaining the idea of him being impeached

What to do when the food runs out?

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How can the food run out? I have a rifle and there are animals everywhere

He gets it 100%. Brown people are a living, breathing, violent moat to be used against YOU to defend his capital interests. And when the current brown people get used up and deceived one too many times, they'll get a new source of brown people – which is part of what Trump is doing, actually. Indians, Chicoms, and Afri-Christards are the imperative now. Muslims and Mexicans [unless the latter went through US holohoax indoctrination] come with too much blowback.

How about when the bullets and gun parts run out, and when everyone else loses food to begin with? It'll be an apocalypse for real.

and my family owns a farm.

ohhh that's right…it seems only filthy useless urbanites will die from starvation because they're useless, lazy and unproductive people that hold such necessary "jobs" such as…insurance broker, markting director and accountant

I'm not from the caucuses. I'm only worried about white people. Your time will come soon enough moshe. You had a good run.

Only thing they can affect is other shitskins. Their long-range stuff needs to be prepped and we'd have their sewers sealed tight by that time. Everyone in the region would be using whatever (((they))) put into the air for target practice.
As for the rats in our own chain, we always have an extra hand on a gun nearby for those that are looking to their matzo into the machine.
Just need to glass them and get it over with. Even if they managed to det one on our own soil, we can afford an irradiated California or Jew York honestly.

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He's basically stating that the kikes would bail and pull every asset they have because of the shitstorm his impeachment would cause.

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Zig Forums will be forced to celebrate like the puppets on a string they are.


They really are going to impeach him

Hello (((shill)))

fuck off back to reddit, GOP and Democrats are both jew-controlled, there's your redpill for the day


That's not a shill.


He means South America. Places like mexico or Venezuela.

He meant America.