ITT: We fuck with porn kikes for great justice and the salvation of a literally-retarded waifu.
CAUTION: A massive shill wave has been detected in response to a magnitude 6.oyvey kvetchquake generated by the content of this operation. You have been warned.
From the first thread: >(((Mods))) on cuckchan are deleting threads about this. Quick rundown from cuckchan thread
Here is a video of her saying they wouldn't let her have her comfort animal with her at a shoot and she had to be hospitalized because of an anxiety attack.
If you weren't interested in the topic, why did you visit the thread? Well, we know why. You're a kike shill running an astroturfing consensus building operation.
She admits her family has drug addicts in the JF stream, the same people begging her for money.
Anthony Kelly
you fucking youd me 3 times you moron lol i just showed up because this shit is funny
Dominic Johnson
Alicia says she knew what she was getting into when she joined the industry, but she has already admitted she was duped into porn by a fake modeling job offer.
Done and done. The thread is alot nicer without all that awful low-energy shilling.
Sure, post it wherever. I think we need to pursue the social media pressure angle more. SOmeone was getting into it last thread, but needs more spreading via that vector. I'm pretty sure the jews at twatter have been alerted to this going on, so use caution and tact if you want to avoid a ban.
Wyatt Johnson
Jesus Christ dude you haven't read a single bit of the thread, have you? Her family is in on it. We have an user earlier on who was trying to get in touch with Tommy Johnson, who is apparently a family member who doesn't look kindly upon her actions. Guess we'll see if that user ever shows up to relay the details.
Leo Cruz
Jack Ross
Social Media is the more effective medium, I'm sure Stormfront similars will pick up the story and spread it amongst their own.
Lincoln Peterson
You are only running these threads so you can have a cache of bbc porn. Bunch of low test cucks. I can't believe the mod hasn't deleted you faggots yet. If I was you, I'd just stop here. Think about your ancestors before you jerk it to more bbc.
Connor Allen
She admitted in the video she does it for pleasure. Let it go white knight, stop orbiting her, she won't fuck you.
I haven't read every thread. I missed out on the family being in on it. Sounds like she (and her family) are dead ends. Unless you have any ideas, then my original point still stands. Attack the porn company/industry
Oliver Evans
Does anyone know who runs FTV (stands for first time videos)? They seem to be the first place these girls end up, so perhaps they are directly involved in the recruiting stage. FTV is softcore porn, but they get the girls to do things like masturbate in public. After FTV, it seems down hill from there, and in a matter of months they are in gang bang shoots with niggers.
I looked up Hannah's FTV vid, and it's very sad. She looks drugged out of her mind and teary eyed. And the scumbag camera guy says, "the allergies are bad, huh". She references the car accident. They have her walking around some university campus carrying a book, and she can't even read the title of it. "What you reading?", "Uhgh I dunnooooo".
I found a link to the full thing online. Make sure you have an ad blocker (uBlock): The relevant part is just the beginning part, in which you can see her state of mind. She also looks quite uncoordinated as she's walking, but perhaps that is due to her car accident.
Zachary Sullivan
By all means, disseminate via any vectors you think have potential.
Social media is defnintely an area to focus on though.
Why not both? I find it really funny how in every thread there's been folks like you trying to tell everyone else what to do instead of just doing it themselves.
Her story is a catalyst for discussion, so it continues to have use. Its a great jumping off point for investigation of the porn industry, and, since you admit you haven't read every thread, you can't possibly realize by now that going after the porn industry has been a big part of it. So, if you want to pursue a given vector, go ahead and pursue it, and maybe others will assist you.
Just don't sit here in the thread spamming kvetches about how others should do something else besides what they're doing, while you continue to do nothing at all, is all I'm saying, yeah?
Jonathan Wright
This Kasey Chase chick might be a good person to get more info from.
Owen Taylor
this is so the complete opposite plebbit you sinful jew>>12051245
Anthony Watson
Definitely an area to pursue, for example. Sounds like an entry vector for the porn industry as goes recruitment.
There is just no chance, at all, this chick had anything close to a 4.0 unless her classes were blowjobs, underwater basket weaving and yoga.
Thomas Anderson
Oliver Walker
Hey Pol, you should probably stop this. It's not smart putting yourself in legal trouble for trolling this guy. The emails weren't funny and basically you're cyberstalking criminals now.
Carson Wilson
You're still at this, eh? SHES. FUCKING. RETARDED. What part of that do you not understand?
She thinks her lizard is a trained anti-anxiety therapist, and that no human could fill that role. You're going full BUT WHAT IF THE CHILD CONSENTS here bro and its obvious as fuck. Is that you (((James)))?
Why does she have phone on table and phone in hand? why 2 phone? I'd go ankles deep in 14yr old vag if it weren't going to land me a prison sentence.
Anthony Hughes
Ah, so, what're you're trying to say is, you've shifted IPs. Neato sport. Enjoy that filter. And a report for good measure.
Justin Morgan
But you know the trolls/shills are gonna use your tactic as ammo to holler whiteknight endlessly. You know they will.
We're on the same side. Do what you want.
Colton Butler
Optics are some alt-right shit, but people have to at least know what you're doing. This all would've been better if all this investigation happened without her as the starting point, alas, people are lazy & unwilling to do anything unless there is something retarded (e.g. coalburner) at the crux of it.
Ryder Lewis
but take this nigga seriously lol
Benjamin Cooper
All the girls that I've seen posted around the tinykike seem to have started there. Riley Reid, Lana Rhodes(cholar) etc.
What does the twin do anyhow? She didn't go into porn did she?
Christian Myers
I am. Why don't YOU do what you want?
Are obvious and laughable. I don't mind them honestly. They just show that someone is genuinely ired about this, because I don't buy that anyone on Zig Forums is actually going to sit for hours like this. We've got people invested in the industry very upset by all this digging, and I'll keep right on doing so.
You should do your part, instead of complaining about people not doing what you want them to do as goes their part.
Camden Walker
I was just mocking how transparent the trolls/shills are
Nicholas Ward
>(((Rob Simyar))) Truly, I am surprised by this. What a shocker.
Wyatt Green
I dunno, look at the way he's standing. He may be retard too?
I think he's trying to flex to look more masculine.
Cool bro.
Levi Scott
everyones retarded here
Nathaniel Carter
Bentley Nelson
Pretty sure she still lives back home in Georgia with the mother and other sister, while they rake in cash from their retarded sister getting pimped out.
Lol, I think youre right. Look how little car is behind him. we now have /MidgetJew/
Jacob Walker
Alexander Walker
Ian Scott
Daniel Howard
For the user who wanted to go after the porn industry directly, maybe consider focusing on their payment mechanisms. This group 'Yavli' was mentioned last thread, and it appears they're involved in adblock-circumvention technology, which is associated with most of the major porn sites.
She's a fucking moron but she's not low enough intelligence to be institutionalized so what are you hoping to accompish exactly? Her family is in on it so just getting them to take care of her won't work. I'm not even saying stop, I'm asking what your best case scenario is.
Lincoln Hughes
He does look fucking tiny now that I check it again, doesn't he? It almost looks greenscreened or something because the fucking proportions are so off because he's such a /tinyjew/.
Henry Robinson
Carson Campbell
Yeah we need to talk to this Kasey chick, she can give us great intel and seems very eager to share.
I often read the name "Chester" come up when I was scouring their numerous "relative" pages (there were tons). In one case a guy said he was low on money and the Aunt said "contact Chester". Whoever Chester is, he may very well have been the one who pimped her out.
Thats the problem. Lets say they do two shoots a week, $8000, to $24,000/month
Thats before whatever their agent takes And before rent (at LA prices, probably 2-4k/apartment) And before food And before the stuff they have to buy for the shoots And before they try to live a glamourous starlet lifestyle, with drugs, alcohol, going out all the time
And before we figure in that most of these women have ZERO marketable skills letalone financial ones.
I've heard interviews where they say that they basically just sustain themselves out there, they rarely end up rich.
Its sad, really.
Aaron Jones
Lying isn't going to get us anywhere. Perky tits and tight ass are attractive. The girls they're attached to, not so much but that doesn't mean we don't look and admire. What separates us from the heathen jew is we control our desires because it will do harm to others. So, long version of what I said previously is if it wasn't going to do harm to the girl and I wasn't going to end up in jail, I'd smash the hell out of teen pussy. But it will harm the girl and I will go to jail so I don't consider it an option.