I found you nazis via Vice.
The racism here is truly horrifying.
The Trump tweet about South Africa really opened my eyes to how influential white supremacist media continues to be. Originally, I thought that the far-right's hatred for people of color only played itself out in insular communities, and occasional acts of terrorism by extremists, and while this is bad enough, the fact that government policy is being influenced by essentially Neo-Nazis has made me concious of the fact that we are living in the Fourth Reich and this is a direct result of letting this ideology fester. I, as a Jewish female, have had experiences with anti-Semitism in the past, but never have I feared for my safety until this. No one in a Western country in 2018 should have to be concerned about their security because religion, ethnicity, gender identity, and sexual orientation, as I now am. According the Constitution, we are ALL entitled to the same rights as any other human. Diluting this immortal declaration with fascist rhetoric, even jokingly, will only cause more pain and discourse for not only minority groups, but white people too. Equality is the only path to a truly happy and successful world. Now, despite all things, I don't dislike anyone here as I've been taught by the Talmud to love all, I just hope that you learn how dangerous your behavior is. Consider yourself in the shoes of a person of Jewish descent and how you can't escape the racism (and sexism) even on a political discussion board, and while I know that sounds really cheesy, it is a helpful exercise if you take it seriously. Ending here, I want to thank everyone who actually took the time to read this even if you are a troll, and to POC in particular, I apologize on behalf of all white people for these embarrassingly outdated and insensitive posts.
I found you nazis via Vice
Other urls found in this thread:
Your trolling lacks subtlety and panache. I'm afraid you'll just have to try again.
Maybe you can pack up your antiwhite racism and take it somewhere else. It's disgusting how you folks are good with the genocide of ANY people. Don't come here with your hate and lies and pretend to be good, you folks are murderers of the worst sort.
What kind of person supports nailing 3 year old babies to tables and then raping them? That's your folks, Op.
Kike free first post. But what the fuck is this? no link? no archive? no reference as to what this emotional word salad is supposed to mean or directed to. Try harder OP to suck less nuts.
The only thing you have open is your brown eye.
Also we're much much scarier than nazis madam
Pls post this screen cap in your article for jimmies rustled
No such thing as "racist" or "racism."
LOL, we have a category on (((Vice)))
I know this is a concern troll, but still. Shock and gore thread?
Racism is aggression directed against someone based on their perceived race. Ie. all the hatred against me for being Jewish.
*ffrrttfrrtttfbbbb* "Fuck my ass up, Zig Forums" *frrttttfrrttttfff* *smacksmacksmack*
Fuck off back to isreal Goldman whatever your name is.
Our outrage at this happening in South Africa is what this Jew girl hates.
This is what she's supporting, we're supposed to be good with this kind of genocide.
That we're not good with it, that we just won't accept white genocide and horrific atrocities, is why she's scared.
Any decent human being would reject this savagery, but this Jew demands we not even QUESTION it.
Bullshit. I attended the seminar on talmud translations and how they go over the fine points of translating hate passages like "Dirty Pol, Thieving German". It's a hate book and I was shocked to see how openly it was discussed in a university seminar.
This bait is so bad Trump is going to kill extra niggers in South Africa.
Come on man, the Vice news reference was pushing it, but now you've blown your cover completely
I give this a 4/10 troll, not completely awful but could do with more subtlety to get it into the 6+ area
Come here, support white genocide, hate white people.
Oh please. You picked the fight.
Brutal murders are terrible but they aren't genocide. There's no evidence of any genocide or any plans for genocide. Murders of white farmers have actually gone down in the past 20 years.
Read this:
It's about god damned time , there are far too many of the vile monkeys running around
Daily reminder that Israel has walls too kike
The digits of truth, OP thinks shit does not stink.
Goys, I have some bad news…
Oh my fucking gawd, you're one of those jews who think all goys are soulless beast who should be killed.
70,000 dead!
You're amazing! A literal stereotypical racist goy hating jew!
You failed at the first line - if you're going to come here and shitpost at least have the decency to be subtle about it. 2/10 Because you can at least speak English.
You hate the truth. It distresses you. That should be a warning sign.
Truth is beautiful
Truth is a Lion
Truth doesn't have to make up kikery to defend itself cause it's the truth
Truth is what brought me and my brothers here
Your kind is over. Spell it with me , O V E R
Every time you post a thumbnail, Trump slobs a jewish knob.
Wait, are you talking about the white genocide in South Africa, or the fake holocaust where 270,000 died (not even all Jews), mostly due to typhus because of body lice, allied bombing and a lack of bathing habits?
He seems like a good lad , if a bit nerdy
That's a big sword
Make sure you include me in whatever article you're writing for whatever rag it is you work for.
Been a while since I made the news.
That's bullshit and you know it too
slide thread
Look at that huge text someone edited in. Lol
Sage for shit tier but kind of amusing thread
Literally in our faces with the white/not-white bullshit.
Excuse me, but you can take your platitudes and shove them up your fucking ass. Don't play the minority games up here because they all know who is behind all of the god damned subversion and chaos, and if they don't, then they will soon enough. You can bet your fucking ass on that.
You know as well as we do that you’ll never do a goddamn thing.
Holy shit, that reminds me, I had a nightmare last night that I had a great-great-great-whatever ancestor which was a Jew. I remember being so scared, doing the math, finding out I was 3% Jew, so glad it was just a dream
Still haven't refuted Jews being the bigger rayycists by the fact that their own holy book in which you said you adhere to says that non jews are to be labeled "Goyim" and taught to be lesser creatures than the jews. But you'll keep side stepping it cause your schnoz is picking up a scent somewhere because it's about Blood libel time Tel Aviv.
For you.
You will be captured and gangraped by blonde, blue-eyed, ethnic German "nazis" and forced to bear litter after litter of beautiful goyim babies who will then suckle your bountiful Khazar milkers to grow big and strong to repeat the process, bagel whore.
Even the old admins are posting
The level of trolling is beyond anything known.
It kind of reeks of something kampfy would pull.
Yeah, those are translations.
The holocaust was invented to scare jews into Israel. The whole transfer agreement thing.
You think you're smart in doing this fool the goys shit. You have no idea how your Rothschild masters are going play the end game.
reminder this is what the Talmud teaches
Abhodah Zarah (22a) it says:
"A Jew must not associate himself with gentiles because they are given to the shedding of blood."
I am part Jew and I don't talk about it, I denounce Judaism, or at least refer people to jewsforhitler.com
Your smelly cunt has probably never heard of r/K selection theory and you have no idea you the disrespectful things in the Talmud. r-selected abundance and prosperity under peaceful matriarchal rule always make smelly cunts barking mad. You have embarrassed yourself with your excessive sensibilities and predatory kikery.
Abhodah Zarah (15b) it says:
"Animals of the masculine sex must not be left in the barns of the Gentiles with their men, nor animals of the feminine sex with their women; much less must animals of the feminine sex be left with their men and of the masculine sex with their women. Nor must sheep be left to the care of their shepherds; nor must any intercourse be had with them; nor must children be given into their care to learn to read or to learn a trade."
This whole treat others as you'd wish to be treated comes rather close to being a concept as abstract as Karma unless you're talking within the context of a very tight-knit community where operation is considered a norm.
The world isn't fair, nothing guarantees good deeds will be repaid in any sort of fashion, much less that they'd work towards deterring someone from inflicting harm of any kind upon you simply by, say, letting them know what a good person you've been to to others in the past, the world isn't that nice.
translation: what is good for thee is not good for me, but I don't want you to know about the second part, or about the racism of israelis
Abhodah Zarah, 22b:
"Why are the Goim unclean? Because they were not present at Mount Sinai. For when the serpent entered into Eve he infused her with uncleanness. But the Jews were cleansed from this when they stood on Mount Sinai; the Goim, however, who were not on Mount Sinaim were not cleansed."
Alright, this thread is boring now.
Kikess, please, at least give us some credit.
Next thing I know, you'll tell me the fact some shifty kike wrote about his supposed experiences in a genocide camp and how he survived being gassed a dozen times means it actually happened and I should unquestionably take his word for it.
Uh, yeah. Bout that talmud…
Whatever happens to the Boer we're going to do to you, you ugly kike whore
I bet your filthy cunt smells like a salami
No they're edited in to make it look real. Deliberate disinfo.
Godspeed, Sky King.
hahaha mason/pol/ is now basically just cuck/pol/ 2.0
How did you know? What led you to uncover our clever ruse? Were you able to tell by the pixels? Have you seen a lot of shops in your time?
Yet, you could spot it and couldn't figure out that the English in large text was translations from the German.
You think all goys are stupid or what?
So where's "The Real" documents and figures Goldfarb?
What is this horrific shit?
22a "Animals must not be allowed to go near the Goyim, because they are suspected of having intercourse with them. Nor must women cohabit with them because they are over-sexed."
Think about the shekels kikey.
I miss him and I never even met him
Pardon me while I bawl my eyes out again
Kikes will never barrel roll a turboprop into Valhalla
22b "…because when Gentile men come to their neighbors' houses to commit adultery with their wives and do not find them at home, they fornicate with the sheep in the barns instead. And sometimes even when their neighbors' wives are at home, they prefer to fornicate with the animals; for they love the sheep of the Israelites more than their own women."
I'm sure it just a (((coincidence))) the type-setting is the same and there's a blurring over the text to make it look like part of the document…
If they look real, then how were you able to tell they're fake?
Are… are you a magical kike priestess of some sort? How much child blood did you have to drink before acquiring your powers?
Anons, why are you taking this bait. user, I am ashamed.
Sage for faggotry.
No cans to kick and jews make funnier noises.
Now you're just being stupid on purpose. The English is the translation and added later. The document itself is in German.
if you think the racism is bad now, just wait until more and more social justice spreads across society.
every time you shitlibs open your mouths, you create a new legitimate racist.
According the Constitution, we are ALL entitled to the same rights as any other human
Jews are no human to begin with.
WTF! You are no even White. You are a satanic jewess.
GTFO disgusting being. Your time here habe been denied.
Hey! You take that back about salami!