How could it be shut down?
Or Are Saturn and the Talmud just too strong?
How could it be shut down?
Or Are Saturn and the Talmud just too strong?
Put a bullet in your brain.
Gas yourself.
Breaking up Google would be a pretty big undertaking, but it's possible. If you separated Youtube from the other services though it would go bankrupt in a hurry. I don't think it has ever made money.
They just need to keep up with pissing off their content creators and it will happen naturally.
Strictly speaking, YouTube is not a monopoly. There are other video upload services, as few and far between as they are, so they have competition. The problem, and the big reason YouTube is so prominent is that video upload services like YouTube typically run at a loss; it's nearly impossible to actually make money on the platform at all, so a lot of people fail because there's little to no incentive to actually do it. Google succeeds partially because they have the financial capital to run it at a loss and partially because they can utilize their own advertisement services for minimal cost, since they aren't outsourcing or contracting advertising services.
However, the biggest reason Google runs YouTube in its current state, despite their tireless efforts to 'properly' monetize the service, is that they are also paying themselves in analytics and creating a platform for propaganda at the same time. YouTube sees more and more customers every day, despite their constant efforts to try and penalize wrongthink, and too many hapless people are constantly going to them for everything from guns to video games to news and politics to cat videos to pedophile pandering.
This thread is shit, and you should feel bad, but at the very least, people should walk away from this thread a little more aware.
Strictly speaking, they have government funding and exclusivity agreements, so you’re 100% incorrect and should be killed.
Jew-controlled platforms, which also ban anything that go against the jewish narrative.
Can YouTube be sued under the civil rights act of 1964 for discrimination of white owned channels being constantly purged daily vs channels promoting how to say border cross or join Isis that still make money But obviously violate rules?
My question is,is there a way to Jew the Jew or do we need a Jew to do the jewing?
No,we see what happens with final stands and I'm not an outwardly voilent person unless in defense. I'm just wondering if there's a way Alex
(free speech retards) ever be allowed on YouTube and I guess the only way to know if he's really a shill is if he sues or not….hes already divorced thouroghly redpilled and has nothing to lose.
user, please.
And I will enjoy every moment.
Nothing is stronger than Aryan will, op.
You are right but can you not see the pendulum beginning to budge the other way?
It's these blackpilled faggots that keep fucking shit up with this stupid mindset.dont continue the trend.
Boomers fucked us and now their almost senile out time is perfect and now
This is why Hitler hated defeatism. Failure starts in the mind.
Yea this is why incels exist
Them not breeding is just nature running it’s course.
The best men get the best women, and the incels either smarten up, and make babies, or they continue to stew in misery.
when Jewnstein, the pied Scheister, shills so hard for the ashkeNAZI Jew that he is basically a Goy role-model/Disinfo-Misinfo-agent and gatekeeper butt still gets his shit pushed in by the Jew