I'm sick of living in Burgerland, Switzerland seems like a near ethnostate with equal gun laws to the states. I dream of living there, It seems like the government actually cares for the people (Switzerland seems like the perfect place to be in the advent of a nuclear war). Low amounts of shitskins and tiny amounts of crime. How do I do it?
Applying for Swiss Citizenship
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They don’t want you, coward.
I'm not a coward, I just want to abandon the multicultural hellhole I currently live in. I'm white as can be (not Swiss albeit). Seriously just looking at the Swiss alps makes me pine for something I never knew.
It is full of Albanians and nigs. Please, reconsider your destination.
If you’re European, go to Denmark, especially if you’ve ever denied the holostix on the internet.
Try Montana first.
Oh, they actually don't have a first amendment there. So, you get gun rights and locked in jail for questioning the holocaust. Fucking beautiful country though
Why Montana? What about Washington?
If you’re European and want to move to Europe move to Denmark. You can own guns there, they also don’t really care what you say as long as you’re not violent.
No ocean so it's closer to Switzerland. It's also more white and WA's state government is incredibly pozzed. Idaho is great too.
Utah is legit white birthrate or Idaho or Montana or Wyoming. Yep
Switzerland is the Israel of Europe. Convenient they are always neutral and their taxing and banking systems make them the money laundering capital of the world.
you can't afford it
I'm only European by blood, I'm a burger.
That's why its so perfect, they are untouchable.
Why would I be paying?
Don't be a nigger and roam from country to country like some sort of rapefugee or gypsy.
Trash, you didn't address his actual criticism of you, you just throw yourself to the the only endearing feature everyone here agrees with. Garbage Garbage Garbage Garbage
Switzerland actually gives a fuck about who becomes a citizen or even resides there long-term. Your odds of gaining long-term residency are just about fucking zero and your odds of becoming a Swiss citizen are less than that.
That makes you European. Quit using this autkike terminology. Are you a Jew? Then you’re a European, not a burger. Quit using derogatory terms for who you are, have some pride.
for what purpose dot jpg
Cunt cunt cunt cunt
Switzerland doesn’t want you, and you should suicide bomb a synagogue as penance for your transgression against the white race.
I don't give a shit about that. Why should I continue living under a failing system when I could emigrate? I've seen my local area go from whites and blacks… to spics in the past decade. It's not going to stop. If I don't emigrate to Switzerland, its just going to be somewhere else.
How the fuck do you know if Switzerland wants me or not, Moshe?
Passing on the chance to slaughter niggers spics and jew en masse , yep. Coward
You will never barrel roll anything into Valhalla coward scum
Hispanic women give good head at least.
I was thinking about doing that too tbh. But what the fuck would you do once you got there? You can't just waltz up to a random business and say, "Hey I hate niggers, give me a job." I feel like, as a foreigner, it would be hard to function.
maybe you should stop thinking like a shitskin refugee and stop trying to invade other peoples' nice countries
OP would watch as his entire family got raped by niggers then run away because he wouldn't want to confront them about it.
Reported. Put a bullet in your head.
Maybe that’s what his family is into? Maybe his family deserves it?
You sure have your priorities together.
Good fuck man
Cut it off or kill yourself irl
Not joking
you fucking kike shill faggot nigger jew who i have filtered
why not recommend targets in media
Negating your sage, my head is untouched.
What’s wrong shill? Tired of pretending you’re not talking about me?
Oh no man I'm talking right to you
I'm telling you that spica aren't ok ever ever.
Cut it off. It's comped
Sage negation :)
Bump so anons can know that dudes' dad ass fucked his chihuahua
He's a convicted bestialitist
Hey Switzerland wants to be a bitch, fine.
Don’t fuck real dogs, never go Muslim
You got awful silent when I called you out.
unless you actually have 100% Swiss ancestry and speak German/French/Italian/Romansch/whatever then STAY THE FUCK OUT
if you are a 100% white English-speaking American and you want to do white flight then go to Washington or northern New England
Tell me more about Denmark. No laws against holohoax, you can own a gun……I didn't know it was such a great place.
Shut up kike
I'm sorry, but we're full. As American, it's not impossible to get a citizenship if you're serious about it. Life's alright here.
I am eating right now
these threads are akin to watching a man masturabate
once you have moved and can produce proof give me your bitcoin address and i will help you in your journey
until then fuck yourself
A dick probably
That’s possible, I am Kek and I can’t do anything about what they do to my alter
Buy some land in Washington or Montana instead, if you can afford to live in Switzerland then you should be able to live comfortably in states, make a homestead for your future family and keep it in your family for many generations. Your children will need it when the next ice age hits.
tell me about switzerland
Don't actually abandon your homeland. No Europeans consider that to be a good trait.
Also when it comes to European countries, don't pick them based on things you'd pick a state on. Shit does not work the same. Pick a country you have actual heritage from, chances are you could get in through jus sanguinis. That's the European way, it's not enough to just have white skin, usually you'll need to be able to prove ancestry, or lie about coming from a warzone.
Getting invaded by commieformian scum atm and will be a blue, nofuns shithole in no time
It's fine if you don't go to bern or geneva. Not that many blacks, but some sandniggers here and there. The Alps are great if you appreciate going on a trip in the nature.
So many 56% niggers getting mad that the whites are leaving.
Well I don’t know if any of you anons are from America but shit is fucked here. Not in the sense that theres barely any right wingers here, but in the sense that every right winger is a civnat neocon cuck. There are literally 0 people who give a fuck about politics here, shit I barely even care compared to the 14 words. You guys can actually be excited for a civil war but all we got is MAGA faggots who want to bring back the 50s but no racism versus sorros shills. Plus I used to want to move to the northwest until chinks and beaners flooded them turning them into blue states, even Texas the pinnacle of patriotic America is California 2.0 now. Shit is hopeless here, I have danish and Irish ancestors so I know where I’m going
OP, ignore all the idealogues in this thread saying you're a coward, it is not courageous to enter a losing fight nor is it wise to be a chump. There will be no rahowa in our lifetimes and economic boycott is ABSOLUTELY the low cost/high impact way of fucking over the states stupid enough to allow Jewish tricks. Besides, there are some genuinely shitty downtrodden areas in America that are worth leaving and will NEVER be nice places to live.
I'm a burger and I've been to Switzerland. It's as expensive as Manhattan, which isn't too bad if you're actually used to being from the northeast. However, becoming a citizen is nearly impossible, as are other neighboring countries.
That being said, Switzerland is the most beautiful, clean, naturally awe inspiring country I have ever visited. Their gun laws allow full auto without having to get an FFA for class 3 weapons like in the (supposedly) "free" United States of Israel. Their infrastructure is bar none. The food is fresh and delicious and they are deeply traditional.
I will offer some advice though. There are other nice places to live in America, albeit a little expensive, that have beautiful nature, infrastructure and community oriented. I would look at Idaho, as others have mentioned. It is full of untamed beauty and boise is a clean, safe city, that you can raise a family in. I saw that unconditionally. There are nice cities dotted around the sawtooths, but some are really roughing it which might not be good if you have kids or are caring for elderly parents. However, be prepared to shell out a pretty penny, just as you would to live in California or Colorado.
There are other European countries that are nice to live in, just like others have said. Northern Italy, Austria, hungary, Bulgaria, Norway, etc. But it's important to reflect on *why* you want to go there. For instance, if you love the nature, then consider picking up a marketable skill that allows you to primarily work with nature (bouldering instructor, mountaineering, skiing instructor etc.) and do a temporary working Visa arrangement. If you are interested in the community, you must learn and love the culture, remember you are an outsider and already have a bad reputation as an American. In order to integrate you must fully become their culture. Finally, you must have a degree in a needed field for the country to meet most citizenship criteria.
I am considering, personally, using a service like workaway or even just remote working while living in a European country to immerse myself and learn a new language and culture to pass on to my future children. Most likely Austria, Ireland, Spain or an EE country. If I really love it and can't live without it, I'll consider moving there. Otherwise, I'll probably settle down in America afterwards and focus on my career and raising a family in the USA.
Life really is what you make of it, wherever you make it and 99% of people respond more to non-political things like human needs and hobbies than politics. . .including you. Just good for thought.
God speed user and I pray you find what you are seeking.
In any EU state you can technicaly own a gun. Just prepare for burocratic hellhole and forgot about getting carry licence (except Czech Republic). They can take it from you any moment they want anyway.
Fuck you Ari. You will never be European, Middle East neanderthal hybrid.
I'm sorry that you've been confused by cuckservative/lolberg propaganda.
Switzerland does NOT have gun laws like America. If you shoot someone in self defense (in the American definition) you WILL go to prison for murder. Concealed carry license is very difficult to get and requires psychological examination and fingerprinting. Full-auto are banned. Many weapons that are normal for sale in the US like tasers, stun-guns, basically any knife that is "weaponized" and certain type of "police grade" pepper spray are illegal. Ammo purchasing requires extensive paperwork and that includes the right to allow canton police to surprise inspect your ammunition. "Stockpiling" weapons is seen as crazy, culturally… and you can expect a visit from the Federal Criminal Police.
Luckily police response time is very fast, even in the countryside but guns are not seen like Americans do, more as a sport than protection.
You’re a fucking Mexican
How is wether in Tal Aviv, Mizrahi?
Pretty sure you can't get Swiss nationalize unless you marry someone Swiss. Or if you are a dirty nigger and can get rapefugee status.
Or you have to be really rich, like at least a millionaire.
Unless you're a suit and tie wearing conservative you'll hate your life.
Swiss people hate anyone that's not from their village and they hate Germans who took der jerrrbs even though a large part of their economy jews off Germany.
Do you really want to move to such a place?
Enrichment is also not entirely absent. Albanian mafias are widely present (the most savage muds in Europe)
Fick off we're full.
First question, what's your ancestry? If you answered even a little Italian, you're in luck, Northern Italy is a lot like Switzerland… much more than you'd think… and citizenship through Jus Sanguinis for Italy is the easiest European citizenship to get (for now). And honestly Salvini is probably the greatest nationalist since WW2.
The only thing is… please, please, PLEASE take some language lessons, Americans pigheaded resistance to learn other languages will be sure to anger people in your new home, especially other nationalists.
Learn German.
Get a working visa.
Learn Swiss German while you're there and make sure you get along with the locals. Don't cause any trouble.
Beautiful place, fairy tale even. But it's the kikes playground and hideaway of Europe.
What’s Austria like?
Too bad, at best I can offer is you is Quebec.
Our doggos will tear you apart, neanderthal hybrids.
I'm pretty sure that switzerland is the multicult posterchild hell of Europe I think the Swiss are a small minority of the people born in Switzerland now. They live in 'communities' that are separate and everything is 'ok' unless you wander into the wrong one…why not just move to Detroit or Chicago (at least you wouldn't have to worry about culture and language). They might have gun laws but nobody but a White male is going to be punished for them.
Fuck off yankee we're full.
But OP, Switzerland doesn't accept spiks and niggers.
You can apply but you won't get it. And we don't want you here either.
Unless you're Ethnically swiss or germanic, you should just stay.
This is so fucking stupid.
If you even had a modicum of interest you'd already be looking at the appropriate website and at most start a discussion on here about leaving your own shithole country in general.
As if that is different in Switzerland
Kindergarten where are 40 percent or more foreign language children. They question how children will learn German if they proceed to schools with 60 percent or more immigrants.
That are not few, in schools as well:
Qualität in multikulturellen Schulen (QUIMS)
From the PDF:
Schools in Canton Zurich with more than 40 percent foreign language students
Year 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016
Schools 85 96 110 111 119
Pupils 26'291 29'750 33'758 35'623 ????
Total number of Pupil is around 200000
switzerland is a tax haven for kikes and old guard yids whose lineage and special social networks dates back from the middle ages around the time after the black plague struck Europe, if anything switzerland should either discard the stolen money they have in their borders down the giant bonfire or give them back to their rightful owners, having the kikes lose their vast cash reserves should give the world a kvetching that's never before seen since the dawn of man
they wont take you, forget it.
protect your home country
Stay the fuck out, fight for your land. You pathetic excuse of a man. Man makes the age, age does not make man. Youre being lived by a false sense of defeat. Look in the mirror and see what looks back, i think its a weakling.
Look yourself in the eye, and get that dedication you need to make life better for you, your family and your race. Stop running, start fighting. You filthy fucking coward.
At least have the goddamn courtesy to not muddy proud heroic nations with your weak and cowardice presence.
You do not want to do this even if you think you want to do this.
t. Knower
((( )))