The Jews Behind South African Slaughter
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South Africa is a repeat of this.
Very interesting, never heard of this guy before. I'd like some evidence that this guy is a jew, simply claiming he's one isn't good enough. Either way he sounds like an important piece of the South Africa puzzle, so I'll give a bump.
Blatant chink propaganda. The Chinks are behind the genocide in South Africa. If you doubt that, just look at who owns the mineral rights.
What's going to happen when chinks and kikes fight over conquering apefrica? Surely kikes aren't dumb enough to know the chinks will throw them under the bus right?
The parasites were in china long ago.
Jesuit, technically. Not that there's much difference.
The kikes don't want chinks getting those SA diamonds. We're going to save the white people mines. If Trump gets involved in SA it's because it's protecting jew interests. Take advantage of the shit going down SAnons.
Christ he's pulling an Iraq. kek. All that kuwaiti gold and oil! We gotta help them!
He denies it, but he says that he went to a Jesuit school.
Four years for a grenade murder? Should have been closer to 40…
Are we sure he's Jewish?
I have not seen any sauce that proves or disproves his jewishness.
That's where I am with this. He's obviously a piece of shit though regardless of his ethnicity.
Go look at who Mao was hanging out with during his little warring and early years.
I havent seen any that proves it either user.
This thread is leftypol bait.
Its not like they can't lie.
What's "Indian legs" supposed to mean?
They always go out of their way to hide kike lineage when they can. Note how many known jews there are with parents that are only referred to by their "heritage" but not a single fucking name.
As for the person he killed with a granade
So this entire article is false
THis guy is scum but the guy he killed was a kike and the other a paki
Still an asshole and weirdo but still no evidence of him being a jew
Obviously she made it up. Only Jews think that much about "nazis" and think everyone they ever speak is in on a nazi conspiracy to get them when most of them don't even know they are dealing with jews.
He killed a jew and then a mud. This thread is false.
Then sage the thread, dumbasses.
Going to a school run by Jesuits does not automatically make one a Jesuit.
Jesuits have master or doctoral degrees, bachelors degrees, 2-3 years Regency, then Ordination, then Tertianship, then final vows.
What do you expect from R_TheDonald posters
Leon Degrelle was raised as a jesuit
It's way more than taking advantage, they created this to do so.
Occam's razor.
Jews may be behind a lot of things, and niggers may not be able to organize, but one thing they are capable of doing without the aid of Jews is being lazy, corrupt and blaming their problems on white people.
I don't think the Jews are behind this one. The niggers can handle this one on their own.
He's not a jew.
He's a fascist.
: "I'm a Fascist, and a Nazi, didn't you know that? If I wanted I could pay £50 to men in London to get every Jew in Brighton bumped off" - Nicholas van Hoogstraten.
i only knew about this kike
when i heard it mentioned in "my traitor's heart".
No amount of negroid lazing and banana eating produces a device like this.
"Nicholas Marcel Hoogstraten was born in Shoreham-by-Sea, West Sussex, to Charles, a shipping agent, and Edna, a housewife. His mother was of German and English heritage, his father was reportedly of Flemish and French descent.[citation needed]
His grandfather was a major shareholder in the British-based East India Company, although the value of this interest had expired by the time Hoogstraten was born.[1] He was educated at a local Jesuit school, but is also known to have attended Blessed Robert Southwell Catholic School in Goring-by-Sea."
I dont know, I've never heard of a jew going to a catholic school.
Is this supposed to make kikes look bad? If anything they are willing to kill people with grenades, do jail time, suck resources from plebs and then fuck off to africa to get to the level of Nation wrecking.
All the while the once mighty Whitey is feeling ill and depressed chomping down anti-depressants. I am sick of this we are holier than thou shit. This kike needs killing, but fucking hell Whites need to get their shit into gear and get dirty once in a while. I hear too much about muh honour, but what does that mean when you are becoming a minority? Get that shit out of here.
jews supply and race bait by virtue of their extremely superficial resemblance to Europeans.
The jew must be named every time. Otherwise whites will never react.
Dozens of jewish corporations from around the globe.
• BHP Billiton Aluminium South Africa
• Samancor Manganese Division
• Manganese Metal Co. Pty Ltd
• Everest South Platinum Mine
• Nkomati Joint Venture
• Thistle Mining Inc
• ASA Metals (Pty) Ltd
• Rhino Minerals (Pyt) Ltd
• Samrec Pty. Ltd
• Hoogenoeg Andalusites
• LaFarge South Africa Ltd
• Bayer (Pty) Limited
• Hernic Ferrochrome (Pty) Ltd
• Anker Holdings BV
• Vametco Minerals Corp
• Columbus Stainless (Pty) Ltd
• Alfa Ltd
• Xstrata plc
United Kingdom
• Samancor Chrome Ltd
• Anglo Coal Ltd
• Exxaro Resources Ltd
• Ingwe Coal Corp. Ltd
• Zululand Anthracite Colliery
• Palabora Mining Co. Ltd
• Black Mountain Mineral Development Co.
• Highveld Steel and Vanadium Corp.
• Transalloys Division
• Scaw Metals Division
• Anglo Platinum Ltd (previously known as Anglo American Platinum Ltd)
• Kroondal Platinum Mines
• Marikana Platinum Mine
• Namakwa Sands Ltd
• Transvaal Alloys Pty Ltd
• Zinc Corp. of South Africa Ltd
United States
• Titan Processors
No, I agree, but where do you see Whites behaving like this? We have Trump who isn't ourguy that much. I am not saying to go around and grenade priests, but we need to flex some fucking muscle. If some of us are landowners, we need to tell spics, nigs and commie Whites they better fucking pay up and pay up big. The more money we have, the money we can use to benefit our people.
I had a jewess looking girl come to view a room in the house I was staying at and she was with "du pont" and it took her 5 fucking years to study diamonds. I couldn't believe it, but yeah. She said she was heading down to SA after she finished the rest of her study.
Good question. It seems like a bullshit response, and his being jewish would explain Mugabe's willingness to work with him in the first place given the fact that Mugabe was responsible for taking land from white farmers. Like the kikes on twitter when you call them out for hating their own kind, they reply "wait, I'm actually jewish, so that doesn't apply to me. I was the most oppressed in muh holohoax."
Here is a South African jew in leafland.
Huge difference, actually.
Muh Jesuit shilling is done to take the attention off of kikes.
We had several in mine.
0/10 documentedly jews behind it.
They also cost tens of thousands and aren't easy to buy even if you have the cash.
n-no they aren't! Just watch Lauren Simonsen's new documentary.
Nice job.
Checked. Aren't the Guptas heavily involved, though?
I hear that the afrikaners were the fake white jews that were worming their way into favor with SA leadership. They are now complaining because they look white to negros and are getting caught in the crossfire.
South Africa helped Israel like nothing else ever giving them fucking nuclear weapons and the jews backstabbed them just like EVERYONE WHO HELPED JEWS EVER.
Bullshit it was never finished.
Seeing as all the press were constantly maligning the man (correctly or not) I doubt very much that he is a jew.
In fact Hoogstratten is a name that would instill fear and loathing in jews.
That was the name of one of the main inquisitors in Spain when they tortured crypto jews hiding their kabbalistic ways.
Hoogstratten and Torquemada. Heroes.
Bump. I've been saying this for the longest time. The chinks and jews are using nigs in Africa under the guise of racial socialism to grab land and drive out anyone that would disagree. This is also why they are going after other nigs that are not on board with their bullshit. Ideological/financial war under the guise of a race war.
it's totally the Chinese, user. Notice how all of the farm-murders are of only Chinese. The Bolshevik commies from Russia, are Chinese as well. This is exactly what the Chinese dud in former Rhodesia
Fuck off moshe.
SAnons didn't create this. I'm talking about the SA anons taking advantage of (((their))) fuckup and fight with the bugs. Try and keep up.
Kill yourself reddit.
How do you serve only 4 years total for the murder of two people?
Except the kike 'British crown' was responsible for invading South Africa and trying to perform genocide on its women and little children by putting them in concentration camps and starving them to death while the men were off fighting the (((British))) invasion.
Trump is a descendant of the (((British crown))) do any of you think that A SINGLE FUCKING 'commonwealth' (including the USA who is under british maritime law right now) is going to want MILLIONS OF JEW WOKE WHITE SOUTH AFRICANS in their borders? Top kek man…the jews aren't worried about the boer being 'nigger woke' but they are FUCKING TERRIFIED of them being (((Commonwealth))) woke. They are working WITH THE CHINESE to facilitate the slaughter of the Boer because the Boer have a few 'stories' to tell the rest of the Ethnic European people about who the (((BRITISH CROWN))) really is…
pict is the concentration camps where the (((British or the foreigners/kikes occupying the 'british throne'))) murdered all the women and children you see pictured by starving them to death and just killing them outright. As a matter of fact 'concentration camps' ARE A JEW INVENTION and were first documented used against the BOER.
How do you serve no years at all for the murder of hundreds of millions?
Ask a DEMON KIKE…they are the only ones who can 'explain' their 'laws'…
New term for backstabbed should be cohen'd.
Oh fuck, am I being detained?
Be a muslim in the white western world, you probably wouldn't even serve time for that.
Someday people are going to realize that only Europeans follow the law or have any value for it.
Not yet but make sure to cross yourself and say "strawman" three times every time you see your name written in CAPITAL LETTERS.
What a fucking madman.
Of course. This is why the MSM is laughing at the prospect of whites being killed in SA.
This thread is being slid.
Part of the ZOG agenda for them to infiltrate and get an idea of what is being taught and how people think in every European space they can, that way they can be called on as Sayanim or traitors from within when the time is right.
How do you kill hundred of millions and get away with it? Be a semite/jew/muslim and nobody will ever hold you accountable.
I wish everyone in South Africa would get randomly hue-shifted every time they fell asleep. I would go there for vacation if that started happening.
South Africa, oh… I liked you before I knew you. Yours is such a nation of people with potential unrealized. The best of you keep leaving for greener pastures, and the world benefits. But oh, what is left behind grows only more creakingly reactionary and incapable of keeping up… To blame Jews is pathetic. They have no true lock on morality, but they also have such influence. They are, if anything, slightly better on average than the populations that oppose them. That's why no opposition is ever true. Reality turns towards quality. It is not inevitable or inexorable, but it happens. The march towards justice is built of it.
But South Africa has schools that crumble for bad leadership on levels big and small. South Africa has water infrastructure that barely works and hospitals that look better than India's. It has many villains with good publicity.
Look to the politics for the answer. Detached and noble, ahem mobile, businessbeasts may flee either way. A resilient nation must raise of its own crop the minimum necessities of life in its biome. Care for literacy in South Africa, and the honesty of those who teach. Care for healthcare, if you can; it is so very hard to care for healthcare.
I don't promise it matches my rhetoric in any particular way, but here, have some reading for the info-starved:
Gas yourself immediately.
Your appeal to emotion attempt, you've got the wrong audience, anyone following this aren't of that ilk, you have to destroy the proof it's jews, which you can't.