Mike Enoch's new Twitter handle is MikeEPeinovich
It was hard to find. Thought you would like to know.
He is not a Jew. You are a kike shill nigger jew faggot if you suggest otherwise. And I will filter you. That is a promise.
Mike Enoch's new Twitter handle is MikeEPeinovich
It was hard to find. Thought you would like to know.
He is not a Jew. You are a kike shill nigger jew faggot if you suggest otherwise. And I will filter you. That is a promise.
Mike Enoch? is there a reason why I should follow him or care?
Judging by your faggot post I dont want to be associated with his fan base
You should not
yeah sure dumbass he's definitely not
He's not Jewish
He's not Jewish
quick rundown on Enoch
Will you ever forgive him for having a Jew wife even though they are now divorced?
antifa and (((civnats))) hate him so he must be doing something right.
I think he's all right and the hate on him is mostly overblown d&C. Zig Forums is gonna freak out at you. I just don't take it all so seriously - he seems genuine to me and all the shit against him not that convincing.
nigger are you serious?
I am serious.
I'm not a boomer but I am in my late 30's
It's a fucking pain in the ass to find opinions I agree with. Which is why I am slumming on this piece of shit internet forum.
How were you able to quickly find out he changed his twitter handle?
absorb knowledge for your family, for you community, for your nation, and for our Civilization
I agree with your statement, but
is that Chinese Checkers board supposed to hold some kind of gravitas for your assertion?
twitter has a search function and he comes up easy since he has a few couple thousand followers on twitter.
haha, xoomer
Good to know then
I thought I tried that but I guess not
He's a half-jew himself, by his own admission.
I don't think he ever said that. I know he is Norwegian on his mother's side but I forgot what he said on his father's side.
I know this is a chan board and people will mindlessly believe any assertion (you're a kike shill nigger jew faggot if you disagree) but could you prove some kind of evidence?
That whole crowd is Jewish. I know them.
Really? What are their phone numbers? Can I call them?
If they hated him he wouldn’t be raking in $500k a year and still have a nice home to live in.
Yeah hold on, I didn't save it.
Filter me
I met them here, along with members of Anonymous, Cicada, Special Forces Psychological Warfare division, and the actual organization that runs this board which surprise doesn’t actually have a name.
If you are going to post what I think you are, I know he's sarcastically said he's a Jew before on stream.
That is not evidence though?
No, they are all Jews. They are Nazbol kikes.
How do you know he is making that kind of money post-divorce and losing his job?
As another poster pointed out, I am a xoomer and I don't know how to do that
I am wondering if I am a shill kike psychop?
Or psyop?
Taxes, that nigger Jew doesn’t pay taxes. He gets paid to be a honeypot by foreign nationals. It’s strictly under the table.
Sorry I meant false flag?
Here. Explain this.
Ok I get you
It is a secret
The things he does
For some end
He’s also wearing a shirt that identifies him as a sodomite in the Jewish circles.
No Mikey, you still owe money you nigger
Providence, there are my digits again. I keep getting the lucky Angels sign everywhere
Just listen to way he talks. Major Jew.
Wait, that’s correct, I outrank you now Mikey
Its not polite to gloat over yourself for your reoccurring digits and thus bump a shitty thread multiple times.
(checked nonetheless)
It’s not polite for you fags to tell everyone I am gay, but you still did.
I haven’t remarried and I am not an Indian, you stupid nigger
there are three utterances that he made at
which are ambiguously damning because they can also be admissions of lacking racial purity for having a jewish wife
which he does not have anymore
so who cares
I don't even know who you are, fags go into the bog. You should post proof of who you are so everyone can take you seriously if you think you are supposed to be well know.
for fuck's sake man, whose side are you on?
I am Kek
Direct bloodline descendant of the Hapsburg Saxe. House of Ouren. Related to the King of Denmark and Windsor’s. The President even knows my name. All of this is already known. Even by the faggot goon you just aent after me for laughing at his choice of operating system.
No one gives a shit about Mike Enoch. He’s a fucking shill running a honeypot for Israeli and Saudi Intelligence.
Go be a TRSodomite somewhere else.
should i not listen to his podcasts and filter through the shitpool of Zig Forums that consists of nigger faggot kike shill permutations as "content" in order to get some kind of enlightenment in this clown world we live in?
Enoch also has a position in the Jewish Mafia, which is I am not mistaken I outrank him in real terms. I know I hold a higher degree than him in the Russian system as well.
do you retards ever take a look in the mirror?
You want enlightenment? Learn how to do physics and go climb a few mountains.
I know who I work for, and my boss doesn’t give a shit if I eat these bitches out. He doesn’t like them either.
Rat, eating is fine with their finer women.
poor word choice on my part
intelligent takes
Nice slide faggot.
i don't know what the fuck a slide is
unless you are taking about a powerpoint presentation or a mechanical device that existed in the public school system before you were conceived
It’s a pair of sandals worn my martial artists that can’t fight with their feet, and they are extremely annoying and distracting. If you see someone wearing them you know they are either a faggot, a Kike, or a weird Joy-Jitsu guy that is bisexual.
They don’t like Martial Artists that wear Jesus sandals, because we can actually fight with our feet.
This is a good definition
And we are straight
It’s the real definition.
What’s the First Rule?
Of sliding?
I don't live in Asia
I don't care about martial arts
Or video games where you wear them with your avatar
I don't know what the fuck you are talking about?
My point of this post was: this guy has a new twitter handle
I would suspect some people here might like to read his tweet based on shared ideology
But you're all retarded? faggot kikes? and shills? or deep state honey pots? Pick your permutation
I live in the US and if you don’t care about Martial Arts you’re on the wrong board, and have no clue what is going on here. What’s the First Rule?
How did you end up on this board and not know what this was? Of course it’s a honeypot. It’s a honeypot designed to teach you how to survive as the world around us collapses. Answer the question.
I am sorry I came to your martial arts forum without permission
I don't know the First Rule
I will ask the nearest sensei
Not everyone is a martial artist. Most of us are though. Some people fight with tech skills and others fight with propaganda and worse.
Right now I am wearing my Jesus sandals, I smell like vagina and sex lube and I don’t recall having had sex in about five years now. The Active Shooter Chad, that’s me. Welcome to the party, don’t be rude, and don’t be gay.
What about being married to a rabid zionist jewess? Does it count?
It is widely known he and fellow alt-righters to be controlled opposition.
Also, what is the purpose of this without content post, beside the "he is not a jew" statement?
Mod, nuke this thread.
the purpose is both to give his new twitter handle and to continue to assert that he is not a jew
he's not married anymore
your facts are outdated
if he is, as you claim, "controlled opposition", who do you claim is controlling him?
how is that ambiguous? it's pretty clear.
None of this shit matters anymore when you consider all Zig Forums has been is an extension of Breibart the last few years, filled with israeli jews calling anyone against their preferred NeoCohen Republikike candidates they push on here, "kike shills"
I hate reruns.
Any1 who still uses twitter is dumb. Support gab.ai instead
Sure, go ahead.
Not even started the thread is already:
Idc if the mossad has an account on gab, it's the only place where free speech reins. You can call them all kikes and not get a warning let alone banned.
I'm sure you have proof to back up this claim.
And that's how you end up with bot that shit our place with our lingo. fuck off go be a normalfaggot elsewhere nigger.
Any other nerds here know what that sponge is used for?
daily reminder that Mike Enoch is our guy and the people shilling against him are jews, leftists and their civnat pets.
Yeah, and you used to get away with all that shit on sits like twitter and yotube. Until they got too dangerous.
Wait. Its gab?
Didn't they ban Pat Little for being unkosher?
Even a broken nose is right once a day.
Are you actually going to prove it for once? You TRS fags never provide evidence for anything while demanding it of everyone else.
A divorce is a legal issue that can take a while to be sorted for various reasons. Are you saying they're not separated? I mean he could be a shill but i still don't see the relevance of whether there's a divorce doc or not.
This is just what I think but I think he is still married and lied about the divorce to try to get the heat taken off him
Germination of seeds that typically are top grown, as in the seeds dig their own rooting.
Reported for paid jewish shill.
Slow day in Tel Aviv?
Hi polvol2
>>>/out/ We don’t support jews here.
Cry more about your buddy being fired.
Woah careful there better not post what he actually says on a consistent basis. Try an out of context 3 year old tweet about 9/11 instead.
It's a solder sponge. Seeds would dry out in the big assed holes.
He is a jew and the fact he wasn't murdered or even beaten makes Americans look bad. The kike should be in hiding. Anyone who retweets or even follows him is at best a retard and most likely anti-White.