As if you were there the first time. Even if you were, Russo-Chinese mission will land first on the Mars in mid to late 2030's.

Inb4 that fraud, Musk.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Kill yourself.

they're probably use Musk rockets since they're the cheapest and american

no you won't.

jews made sure that humanity picked diversity(eternal conflict) over progress.

Jewlet's on the Moon by 2024!

Wow. The moon. How great. SS Major Von Braun did that 48 years ago under a 10 year plan with slide rules, adding machines and primitive computers.
Now that we have "diversity", even with super computers and new technology, we can almost do it in 6 years. Watch, a Negro lesbian transgendered pedophile "man" will lead the program


Yeah I'm sure shaniqwa and her gang of 7 rocket scientist nigglets will get us there

This is all the Trump admin has done in two years with like maybe five or six exceptions, one of which is deporting a fucking nazi that can't walk. Wake me up when they do anything. Anything. Jesus christ, anything at this point.

Quit fucking around with rockets, build a space elevator.

Bring back the unending space elevator general threads. Make Zig Forums great again.

As if I care.

Reported for admitting to it. Get the fuck out and go back to reddit.

Me. I'll be one of if not the first man on mars. Space Force here I come
Red planet is going to be the White planet

Lambos on the moon

Welp, perfect time to buy a sailboat and avoid this pile of wasted (laundered) shekels.

Good, this means that one we can escape to Mars.

I am on Mars right now

You can't do that on earth. I did the math. I probably have the paper somewhere on a back up disk.
No known material, not even carbon nanotubes, can be used to build a space elevator on mars. Not even possible, much less practical to build
But there is another way that's even better.

Is that a new strain of pot?

If nasa was going back to the moon it'd have happened years ago.

SLS is a lemon. If you're going anywhere it's on a falcon heavy.

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I wouldn’t know, I don’t actually know anything about that stuff.

Arizona is called Mars.

So he's going to fire all the worthless diversity hires at NASA and change NASA's primary mission to actual space exploration instead of "diversity" as it has been for decades?

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Maybe they could fire the diversity hires into the Sun

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This is what vodkas are building.

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Kill yourself with your retarded avatar spamming.

Just stop it with your retarded avatarfagging already, what do you expect anyway?
To become "famous" as the "makoto user"?
You are not important nor special, get it through your thick head.

Yahweh is good and merciful.

Kids these days, so sensitive.

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lel so kerbal xDD
hullo xDDD

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You're sensitive, and the others are right. Fuck off.

That's the entire purpose. Just dangling emotional carrots and asserting things. Meanwhile, on pretty much day one the administration cut fuel efficiency standards on automobiles and followed it up with a federal gasoline tax hike a few months later. In between, Carl Icahn was allowed to personally draft drilling regulations that favored his in-the-red shale plays.

Kill yourself, avatarfaggot.

Here are the calculations demonstrating the tethers can be constructed out of existing materials like kevlar, and even steel:

You're probably thinking of the conventional space elevator that goes out past geosynchronous. This is an orbital ring in low earth orbit with the tethers going from the ring to surface. The video explains it pretty well in layman's terms, and it is entirely within our technological capability today. Has been since the 1980s when those papers were published.

At to practicality, the ability to place payloads into space is worth thousands of dollars per kilogram today. Reducing that cost to a few dollars per kilogram would create a veritable golden age from the new space economy. Asteroid mining rare earths will reduce the cost of electronics and solar panels, and putting the panels in space will allow generation of nearly-free energy (99% reduction from current costs of our cheapest power generation). So, for perhaps $100-200 billion if you put the rings up with a mass driver, you get nearly free electronics and energy.

Gotta love how certain "shit threads" get deleted but not the ones made by a vol. I guess some (((things))) never change on nu/pol/.

it's way easier to build a space elevator on the moon. if you can build rockets on the moon all you have to do is ship people and supplies up there which is trivial.

Moon-landings? Again? Seriously, on a scale of 1 to 18 billion, how fucking gullible are you people?

The moon landings were real but the footage was faked.

It's called the space fountain.
Another possibility is the "launch loop."
Either of them MAY be possible, but whether or not they are advisable is separate question.
And, yes, under any known or currently hypothesized material a space elevator on Earth is NOT possible. Even if it was it would be far too dangerous to actually build. Catastrophic failure would be inevitable and nuclear-bombs tier destructive.

A more plausible near term launch assist technology would be railguns. Build a giant railgun up the side of a mountain, put rocket on railgun, launch rocket, ignite rocket towards end of rail, continue ascent with rocket. The railgun would be easily reusable and rockets would require far less fuel percentage to reach orbit. It would, however, introduce other problems to do with stresses and so forth.
Indeed, the space cannon is still a plausible technology for (assisting) launching non-delicate loads. It would still require a rocket on the load, though, which, again, has stresses and whatnot as issues.
Another even simpler technique would be to put the launch sites on top of mountains. Obviously transport would be a problem, but the height and thinner air would substantially reduce fuel mass percentage requirements for reaching orbit.
The ultimate solution, however, is BETTER ROCKETS. This means rockets using non-chemical means to propel the spacecraft such as nuclear pulse propulsion. The foreseeable ideal would be aneutronic fusion rockets.

Any effort towards space travel in this diversity shithole will be doomed to failure.
Part of how NASA succeeded in the past was by putting the German NatSoc rocket scientists in charge.
The only way to MAGA is to remove ZOG and MAWA.

One of the most infuriating parts of this whole shithole society is the lost opportunities for White America.
If we had removed jews and non-Whites in the 40s from the USA we would have colonized Mars by now.

jewish fairy tales

Kerbal space program. Good times.
It's a good way to gain a general understanding of how orbital mechanics and space travel actually works.
Adding on the "kerbal engineer" plugin gives access to more orbit and rocket data, which also helps with the learnings.

Sounds like catastrophic failure to me.

The moon landings happened.

The funniest part of all this is that Earth is spherical, but the moon is flat.

The russians developed an airbreathing ICBM that cut launch mass by 70%. I'm actually suprised that technology hasn't been adapted for other purposes. 70% is mind boggling and would really cheapen space travel and allow much larger payloads.

Mars has been colonized for a long time. But the colonizers can no longer be described as "american". They are a rouge state within the state, a breakaway civilization who thinks they are above everyone else.

Eisenhower warned you about this. JFK warned you about this. But you didn't listen.

yea pretty amazing how he managed to do it without a space suit

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bullshit, fuck off back to reddit with your comfort lies

Holy shit the shills are butthurt over this.

Fuck off kikey.

It is easier to build a space elevator on the moon… once you have people and supplies on the moon. Which costs more than building a space elevator on earth that you can use to send the people and supplies to the moon.

I don't care at all because by 2024 the US will be minority White.
Fuck you Pence, you Zionist stooge.

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Yes, it is. You build the orbital ring and then hang a tether of maybe 200 miles off of it. Easily done with existing technology.

More dangerous than liquid fuel rockets? Ask the families of the Challenger victims about that one.

You haven't explained any system that would fail and cause such a failure. In the event of even a total failure including all failsafes, you would never have "nuclear bombs tier destruction." The rings would burn up on re-entry as would most of the tethers. There would be minor damage around the tethers themselves (assuming the parachute systems failed) which is why you would place them away from population centers.

Great choice to put the material for the orbital ring into orbit, since most of it can handle high g forces.

Also, you're repeating a bunch of lines that get used whenever we discuss the space elevator. You speak authoritatively, but everything you say lacks substance, explanation, or sources, and you're wrong on half of it. I think you're a shill. If you aren't, stop acting like one.

It's going to be proven to be unnecessary once the next wave of space tech is revealed. Remember, the government never retires a capability unless they have something better in place already.

By "easier" I mean "possible at all".

oh yes you just casually throw together 20000km of "ring" into orbit. easily done. if only you had a space elevator.

Fuck off.


No, user, just no. It's a chicken and egg thing. You need the space elevator to get the ring material up to build the space elevator.

An elevator on the moon is not impossible but stupid. So, you have access to a big, lifeless basalt rock that has very little carbon and water. Being a carbon based life form made mostly of water, it's kinda a bad place to put humans, and earth has plenty of basalt rock.

Why do you say the "footage" was faked?

Red text all caps is forever going to be kikey's now.

If kikes hadn't made Rome into ZOG and spread christ insanity throughout Europe, Mars would have probably been colonized a thousand years ago.

You aren't even trying to explain an actual flaw in the design. This is just pilpul and Jewish tricks.

KEK. No you won't. Trump cant even scrape together 5B for a fuckin concrete wall or keep subhumans raping and killing americas after crossing the border.
Kikes will make China become the next space leader. This will be the crowning achievement once they've completely taken over the planet.

Space elevator, motherfucker. Do you build it?

Besides, the race to the moon was only done to justify outrageous levels of spending for satellite tech.

Anti-space is anti-white. Remember that.

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Good luck Americgoys in landing a man on the Moon for the first time in 2030.
Meanwhile you've just elected ZOGs agent who will send whites to the annuls of history for his jewish masters, keeping the most retarded blue pilled normie species of whites busy fantasising about jewish science fiction.

Way to go, golems of the juden!

What about space niggers?

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Its blackademics son.

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You alright lad?

Schlomo, be less obvious. You've got multiple employees in here running the same script.

Clearly the subspecies "black" and not nigger. Looks like my accountant.

The challenger disaster was caused by a failure in the solid fuel boosters. A solid fuel rocket is more dangerous than a liquid fuel rocket because the entire rocket is a high pressure vessel. In a liquid fueled rocket the high pressure is limited to the engine. Liquid rockets have other problems that makes them unsuitable for military purpouses, thats why they are so rare outside space launch business. Its worth noting that the first mass deployed SRBM, the V2 missile, was a liquid fueled rocket.

Boldens white-like facial features implies he is either a mutt or an Ethiopian, or perhaps even one of those really dark skinned poos or pacific islander.

No, you fucking niggerkike, the whole "space program" from top to bottom is a scam to funnel money into secret weapon programs and bedazzle the public with oh-so shiny SCIENCE (tm). Not only the US, all other "space" countries as well. Get a fucking clue. NONE of it is real.

Ask me how I know that you're a mason.

As much as I love the idea of space exploration I would rather use that money to deport beaners and ship niggers back to Africa.

Is not it curious?
When criticism and doubts about Trumpnigger's campaign promises begins to rise, suddenly and out of the blue, his (((handlers))) put forward "based" Pence making grandstanding announcements?
It is also notable how the parallel Q PsyOp just paused to realign with the landscape.

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Did they learn nothing from the Nova explosion?

Or newly-elected President Oscasio-Cortez will just shitcan the space program in 2021 and repurpose all the money for gibsmedats.

Yeah they've done their research well. Current whites (both left or right) get off on signals, moreso than action.

In 6 months time, they'll announce a new plan to build a starship and people will eat it up.

Stanley Kubrick went to the moon to do research for 2001: A Space Odyssey. I thought that was common knowledge



You mean the N1? Nova was a US series of concept rockets designed during the Apollo Program.

Falcon Heavy has 27 engines and flew just fine. Modern electronics and so forth make it a lot easier to manage multiple engines.

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N1 was actually an early attempt at an aerospike, and it would have worked if they had computers. Also the individual engine from an N1 is an engineering miracle.

There is no reason to be using dangerous, expensive rockets when we can use decades-old technology that will reduce launch costs by several orders of magnitude and dramatically improve safety. Once again, back to the important point: space elevator = golden age. Anyone who is not talking about how to develop a space economy is a distraction.