Keep this picture of the boys on the front page. Thanks faggots. Maybe later we can post pictures of anime kids and jack off to them.
Keep this picture of the boys on the front page. Thanks faggots...
I hate people who pretend to be white on anime image boards. Why do niggers care so much about white supremacy?
You are a faggot, you the loser reading this right now.
this is fun
You are in the wrong board.
Gay niggers watch anime
Fuck off kike.
Im not a pedophile
lmao faggot stay mad and keep your bitch ass off my thread
Kiss the cook
Mods please I cant stop spaming please stop me
Mods pls sticky.
bump in the butt
The front page of /pol looks as it should, gay
thanks for your input reddit
bump but im getting bored
Just make sure it stays on the front page.
Sage and Report these shit threads or fuck off back to cuckchan.
sage negated XD
Lol based
>this is all that Zig Forums is dealing with
And I thought that there was maybe something much more devious, but it all ended with some loser trying to get attention which he isn't capable in social life. Pure comedy.
Those lads look pretty tough.
Come on now, you were supposed to continue with this. Don't tell me that you're already done?
Lol you sound like a gay person