Im not a faggot. I need somthing feminine

Im not a faggot. I need somthing feminine.

Attached: th.jpg (474x710, 42.09K)

God I love she dick

I would let her cum in my mouth


Is this the impotent revenge of (((polvol2)))?

Those tits are fake.

Your politics are fake


bumped again

wew bumping


Looks more like a half chub.

you are right, this is getting boring

post moar feminine penises

For a second I thought that was another Umaru.

Oh yeah this is much better than kampfy

Ew, tattoos on traps are a real buzz killer. I prefer my traps untainted by ink.

What do?

Attached: Screenshot_20180820-141602_Snapchat.jpg (1440x2560, 85.71K)

oh my gawd it's a twanny!! me angrey now!! good troll.. you have won

Are you punishing us by showing us cute traps? You realize we're all gay, right?

Science has gone too far.

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (462x566, 429.17K)

I got b& 4 this- in context/ parody farce 4 spamming gay prOn-

Attached: 1518076686148m.jpg (833x1024, 64.83K)

Or not far enough?