Polvol2 is so salty butthurt that he outed himself as a spammer...

polvol2 is so salty butthurt that he outed himself as a spammer, by being stupid enough to never use a VPN or proxy or anything that he now has to spam porn to feel good about himself.

Post your face when you're not polvol2

Attached: lol.jpg (225x225, 10.67K)

At this point I think all the mods on Zig Forums are kikes with an agenda to flood the boards with porn due to their sponsoring the normalization of nigger porn with their Hannah Hays agenda.

It's all so transparent.

you realise it's common knowledge at this point that kamfy subverted the board and was banned, right?
shitposters will always go the route of least resistance, and they smell blood in the water at the moment. try to reserve your thought when the mods actually had time to respond to what essentially is a raid.

There's 9 threads now, it shouldn't take that long for you to realize what the point is. (((polvol2))) was probably the nigger porn spammer.

Please put this in one of the existing meta threads. There are two already.
In fact unless we get an australian mod there will always be spamming and shilling during these few hours.


Might as well just kept the roach.

He probably has petabytes of gay porn on his HDs. == SAD ==

Yeah I figured it out yesterday after yet another banned AGAIN for posting this to his nigger porn OP

Attached: Hannah Hays with Nigger Sauce.jpg (714x626 319.1 KB, 169.01K)

you can tell when it's the mid morning in tel aviv, the kikes get mighty haughty

i told yall polvol 2th were done spamin the board up what happen? why you no listen seen as i already sed yous is worse as i is worse cause yous done listen

Look look, he runs damage control for himself. He can't help it.

The amount is not what i find impressive, but the speed and agility with which the shill can post SO MUCH cuckold blacked porn while pretending he's a hardline Zig Forumsak and national socialist(that for some reason keep a lot of cuck blacked porn in hard to spam)

it's about 11:30, just checked

It is part of the agenda…I wouldn't be surprised if there was a team as mod…the first part of building a psychopath is to encourage VOYEURISM…then animal torture…then human torture.


I think (((polvol2))) was interested in spreading cuck porn in the Hannah threads to derail them, he wasn't even doing any research. Just spamming and rating like a retard.

Not sure about that, since they were the ones banning me every time I called out the OP's as cuck porn…and why would they do that unless the OP was THEIRS and they were encouraging psychopathy via voyeurism. There is something more going on here on Zig Forums and it isn't above the board. But the root of it right now lies with the mods and the fact that they are compromised by kikes or kikes themselves.

The true mod of Zig Forums is the site owner tbh.

I guess we just wait and see. For all I know, vol1,2,3 are the same person, or even multiple people in rotation. It's certainly healthy to be suspicious though.

Man, when people doubts power corrupts, you can point to the shit here.

It's just an internet position and they get so fucking mad.

Roach spotted.

It's actually pretty funny how they respond to being called out as "No, YOU'RE the kike!" GOT'EM. Everytime.

That's the sign of a fragile mind. He probably lost a board argument and decided to enact his impotent rage in the form as spam.

*of spam.

He lost his fucking position.

He is most likely a goon. Have seen simmilar behavior over the years from leftist old school BBS posters who are most certainly goons. Fits the mo.

No, (((polvol2))) outed his ID in one of the recent threads, and his entire post history was shit like, "It's not about saving the girl!" "We're doing it guys, keep digging!"

Pretty sure the gay porn is just what he happened to have to hand.

Attached: PolVol2.jpg (255x254, 12.97K)


How's the weather in Tel-Aviv?

another script lol

Bingo. He was arguing with an user about that, see . The first sentence is quite prolific. I wonder if that is what set him off? He went from having no power, to… even less than none.

I was think more along the lines of a team of users all using the same IP…so five or six kikes or shareblue all rotating in and communicating with each other in the same room. The kikes and pajeets and worthless subhuman trash used to run this scam on internet poker sites. They would all be in one room together but chatting and coordinating the agenda.

Looks like he called his boyfriend to help him. Awww.

Look at how angry he gets when you I named the Jew.

Attached: Tuxedo-Obama-laughing.jpg (640x480, 56.49K)


Likely. I'm wonder how much of those porn threads was organic i.e. how retarded Zig Forums might actually be these days.

Attached: 1.32520251627E 12.jpg (746x814 98.27 KB, 81.24K)

The only angle I can see that (((outside forces))) would play, is to put enough dox on there about Lansky, so that they can swoop in to say that Internet NAZIS were planning to kill an adult film producer, we mush shut it down. Otherwise, I put it down to the combination of summer and a general disgust towards predatory porn pimps.

I'm a newfag (luck more; right) but it has really slid since I got here. I think people considering a more radical approach (ethno globe; which is DEFINITELY not in the jew masonic agenda for the Earth) to the jewish problem has caused an increase in 'the jewish problem' here on Zig Forums.

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (680x678, 438.46K)

They could dry up the porn industry completely if they would just stop watching it. But like I said and got banned for in the Hannah cuck porn thread that no one on Zig Forums wants to make porn illegal, they just want to spin their wheels on that coal burning ADULT whore, so that they can feel good about themselves while doing nothing.

The kikes are just ass-salted because their meddling in all forms of entertainment is being scrutinized, and when they see the conditioning being broken it makes all their grooming for naught.

So what the fuck happened?

What is it about Zig Forums that attracts mentally ill freaks like kampfy and polvol?

I am pretty sure they were expecting it. How else can we rid the planet of demons if we don't eliminate all the crypto and open jews. The funny thing is that despite 6,000 years of prophecy they think they are going to survive. It doesn't actually bode well for us either as our own prophecy has only two (a breeding pair) of our own surviving as well. But at least we win the Battle for spaceship Earth and no longer have to share it with demons. That is what I will be fighting for when the day comes. Clearing out the disgusting subhuman filth so that no one except our own are left alive.

Zig Forums is owned by a CIA/Pentagon spook. How do you not know that?

I meant something beyond that as an issue. Something brewing.

This. All major chans are honeypots

I think it is even the smaller ones. I was on Endchan the other day, browsing and they had this ridiculous graphic up that was basically 'pro-multiculturalism' (I didn't save it, just thought "fucking cuck" in my head and moved on)…anyway it was all about the importance of standing up against ethno-globe as an idea, which I was like "WHAT?"
I mean outside of CIA Red Ices push for m-m-m-multiculturalism to support their kike daddies I haven't seen that much overt pushing against the only logical solution for the planet. Fucking degenerate kike agenda to black/retard the entire planet except themselves with their favorite biological weapon, the nigger.
I guess if we wipe out all the other races there will be no place kike blood can hide and resume their parasitic predation on Earth. Anyway, just noted it and moved on…doesn't really matter what they do, Ethno-globe has been prophesied for 2,000 years as the only viable solution to the problem of the Babylonian demons (kike international bankers) so it doesn't really matter if they 'like it' it is what has to happen for the Earth to survive.

/thread. calm down faggots.
then again this was my captcha

Attached: Screenshot_20180824-054736_Chan Burauza.jpg (1440x2960, 1.09M)

A Zig Forums groomed Trumpnigger mass shooter?

Nice false narrative there kikey, if you weren't such a massive deceitful spergfag the board wouldn't be in this state in the first place nigger.



Remove polkike2

Why does everyone in Israel have electric stove tops?

Zig Forums internal affairs department reporting in

Attached: 109820395821.png (1762x1767, 919.92K)

here's (((your))) (you)

Attached: 10978u24982c28793c912y894712c80c.png (988x459, 384.46K)

Attached: 1449711521944.gif (480x360 289.11 KB, 5.28M)

Oh lookie, the trash threads are being purged and someone seems to be mad again.

How much CP you hiding in your multi-terabyte smug grills folder, rabbi?

Find a cliff.

Remember to filter.

Attached: 1464343719325.gif (471x361 826.64 KB, 341.33K)

I don't know why white knights fell in live with that coalburning little whore. Do they dream about marrying her later on even when she was fucked in every hole by dozens of men? Before doing porn she was already a whore. Sex outside of marriage isn't something new to her. She was, is and will most likely continue to be a slut long after she quits doing porn.

Attached: 1532773503590.png (757x469, 388.01K)

Anime is not NS

Absolutely no-one was advocating to watch porn, we do want to see an end to the industry, but to achieve that we first have to turn public opinion against it. Alicia is a perfect propaganda tool for that purpose - which is why you're shilling this pathetic "forget about the worthless coal-burning whore, you're giving them free advertising" routine in every thread.

Try harder, kike.

Attached: PepeWaifuSmug.jpg (960x720, 62.65K)

I always get the "removed for copyright" whenever I post lewds

Attached: image.jpeg (696x1500, 195.98K)

You fucking weasel, youre posting this pilpul everywhere because you got outed for being a literal anti grumpf shill

Attached: f49bab0f9e40f9442120a2f0f64e82f88ccbde2d5c5ad68776ac3f3a18ceb924.jpg (875x9211 87.56 KB, 1.97M)

I'm not seeing any lies in that screen cap?

Fuck off rabbi.

and my point is that he didn't get removed for refusing to ban trump criticism, he was the one posting it kike.

Who are you quoting?

Oh excuse my autism user, I was referring to this poster's claims:

cuckime incel

This never happened. Codemonkey, on the other hand, did post porn on Zig Forums.

This isn’t the_donald, you stupid faggot.

That’s correct. Because you don’t have to fellate Trump here. Because this isn’t the_donald, and imkikey was not in power. Now? Who knows. He could easily come back and ban any dissent of Trump. But that’s what YOU want, isn’t it, reddit?

Acting like a parody of LE MARGLEBLUMFFFFF tier retards while you are doing it should be banned. It makes all legitimate criticsims of trump (jew grandkids, Shabbos goy, no wall yet) get lumped in with the LE DRUMPFELLLUF idiots.

Sure, right that is why every single thread…which I skimmed quickly, made a few comments, until I got banned (again), were FULL of nigger porn…I mean FULL OF IT and those people didn't get banned. Did they?
Try harder you fucking kike to justify your attempt to normalize your disgusting nigger fucking agenda among people who are trying to retain racial purity. This was a jew psyop start to finish with jews pushing nigger porn on Zig Forums.

The 'white knights' you guys are talking about are just faggot jews posing as people who supported the nigger porn psyop not regular Zig Forums commentators. It was nothing more than watching them 'work the crowd' as in the typical group dynamic feeding frenzy of a mob. But with the filthy disgusting fucking kikes leading the charge just to see if they could play you like a fiddle. Guess what?
You (Zig Forums, not you, personally, because you are a fucking kike) let them manipulate you so hard it was PAINFUL for an outsider to see you spun like that, but I kept trying every time the ban expired to let you know that you were being played YET AGAIN by an organized group of kikes.

It is bad enough that they FLOODED Zig Forums with miscegenation porn (which has absolutely no effect on me in the slightest, other than to disgust me and make me want to vomit; a visceral reaction to something I find absolutely disgusting) but that they soiled up the boards with filth and that you all feel for it that hard…that was absolutely fucking brutal…so much for Whites fighting back when you can't even see you are being PLAYED THAT HARD ON THAT LEVEL.
Zig Forums = politics not /PORN/ if you jews want to run your nigger psyops go do it someplace else not here in a WHITE NATIONALIST board. Or do you think this is really my first 'run in' with you faggots? I am a FUCKING EXPERT at watching you run your covert ops and paid advertisements 'on free boards' at this point. I have been watching them come across as 'interesting agendas' for years…but they are all run the exact same way with the exact same style in the exact same manner.
You jews fucking disgust me completely you are VILE disgusting trash.

Like the criticism that was posted, you mean?
Worst part is that the rules say they can’t be dealt with.
Zig Forums isn’t a white nationalist board. It explicitly does not protect white nationalism in the rules, which is why it looks the way it does right now.

Give it a rest, polvoljew. Its over,



This is too funny. I bet you hate the guy above who wants to get rid of the white knights in the coalburner threads, too.


Sorry, where’s the strawman?
Not what was said.
What are you even talking about?
Can you even read?

Being against touchingwallwtihdick.jpg and MARGLEBLUMPF tier critiques=/= being against all trump criticism
come on, give me another (you). You just cant help striking out, just like a dying animal

These plebbit faggots are so used to their hugbox that they think anyone with a legit criticism or their zog emperor is a bot or a kike.
Please learn the difference

Yes, the thread capped did get spammed, but it got spammed with the truth in response to you brainlets.

There is no meaningful effort from anyone in our collective (((governments))) to secure the existence of White children not even Trump

Trump is an admitted zionist who was actually one of the first to fight for jews and niggers to have equal rights to visit mir-a-lago. His recorded track record is that of a shabbos goy democrat until just before the primaries. He's used (((imminent domain))) to screw folks while building golf courses. He led the jew parade through the streets of jew york. He is (i believe) the only 'american' to make a tv commercial for netanyahu's re-election. Trump has married his children off to jews, and Ivanka dated a ROTHSCHILD. Trump has denounced White Nationalism publicly numerous times.

There has been no effort to do anything he promised. No meaningful wall progress, no major widespread deportations, no major changes to DACA NATO NAFTA or the UN agreements. He walked back on china as a currency manipulator and NATO being obsolete.

Exactly why should I still, at this late date, support this obvious shill president?
this is the point where you ignore my entire post, respond to none of the points made, and call me a kike a shill or a bot
so predictable.

Attached: 3d6e19f92fc989400bdfb34bd9ae8aa62425b40a9f2993e932f75cb11c326386.png (564x635, 155.54K)

lol is this how they hope to stop us from fucking over Greg Lansky?

Its not about that, she's retarded so that can potentially be used to bring down some of these porn companies because its illegal to fuck retards.

Best you can do, huh?
>Trump is an admitted zionist who was actually one of the first to fight for jews and niggers to have equal rights to visit mir-a-lago. His recorded track record is that of a shabbos goy democrat until just before the primaries. He's used (((imminent domain))) to screw folks while building golf courses. He led the jew parade through the streets of jew york. He is (i believe) the only 'american' to make a tv commercial for netanyahu's re-election. Trump has married his children off to jews, and Ivanka dated a ROTHSCHILD. Trump has denounced White Nationalism publicly numerous times. There has been no effort to do anything he promised. No meaningful wall progress, no major widespread deportations, no major changes to DACA NATO NAFTA or the UN agreements. He walked back on china as a currency manipulator and NATO being obsolete. Exactly why should I still, at this late date, support this obvious shill president?
You’re clearly a paid jewish shill because you said that. We here on pole love those “based” african-americans and those redpilled mexipedes. Jews are our greatest ally, don’t you know. If you disagree, you will be banned. Just watch.