Seattle Antifa Draws Gun In Front of Police

Just wanted to drop this in here. It's part of a project I'm working on. Better, edited footage (with audio) coming to a Zig Forums theatre near you. I'm planning on creating content on a regular basis just for Zig Forums since jewtube is no fun. Zig Forumstv? ;)

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dude in the background goes

"oohhh whats happening"

the cops know the law, antifa knows the law. Basically antifa person was checking their gun in front of the officer to make sure it was secure in the holster.

officers stayed calm , that person is still a psycho. life goes on


Drop an anonfile link with the sound version.

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I thought the left hated guns? Why does the left have guns?

So they can murder whitey, I mean """"""""""""""""""""nazis""""""""""""""""""".

They don't hate guns. All that gun control stuff is nothing but lies. They want everyone else disarmed so they won't get killed when they try to take over and murder everyone who doesn't go along.

I don't know, its not like they lie or anything.

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Was the Antifa masked dude a police cadet from the academy? That's how they do it in Canada with the Black Bloc

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Antifa arelegitimatley out there doing things while faggots here are just posting and watching anime.

USA institutes nationwide psych test to own a gun. Antifa, niggers, jews and spics all disarmed.

More news at 11.

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Blame the voteniggers.
Every time anyone does anything other than shill for a neocon politician the redditpedes dox them and hand the info over to leftypol.

That is just the absolutestate of the modern amerimutts. Their granddaddies wanted this, their parent do and they too.

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You know it.

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Anti-whites will get shot

The site admin removed one of the mods because he wouldn't bury the camp guard story.
Get ready for a (((crackdown))).

Screaming like lunatics, waving communist flags, and throwing sucker punches, all caught on video. Just shows the world what clownish no good scumbags you are.

I wonder what the odds are the antifag is related to the officer.

Oh shit, you saved my edit.

I've got video of the guy that threw the rock. Standby.

I'm still editing what I have. Unfortunately, I had issues with my recording gear this round.

Double standards like always.

Refraining from posting the video since it contains data I'm using in my investigation. There were a few antifa with numbers written on their wrists and legs. I originally thought they were phone numbers for lawyers but it turns out they are phone numbers for antifa organizers/handlers.

I do hope so. Too bad the like of trumpkike and teddy roosevelt and wilson and roosevelt and et. all got off scotch free.

Here are some screens for you. If you can come up with anything I'll paste sauce.

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Damn the bitch was fat

Very true. Gun control is for disarming rightwingers so you can destroy their nation.

only for others user

Mainstream useful idiot Hillarybot progtards aren't the same thing as far leftist fanatical shocktroopers that are reading communist and anarchist literature. There's a difference psychologically between the two poles of the left in that one wants a kind of pacifying safeness and racial colorblindness utopia, whereas the other end wants a violent revolution to overthrow "the oppressors" (whites), and so obviously they need guns to do it. Both these elements of the left serve the same (((masters))), so if they disagree on tactics it serves the same goal of either dispossessing whites slowly, or just getting niggy to rise up and kill us.

4chan/Zig Forums cross posting faggot.
go home

Orly? Where is the thread? Go back to 4chan nigger faggot shill.

So let me get this straight, you have footage of what appears to be antifa colluding with the police, and you post a soundless cuckchan webm instead of the real deal becasue you want to tease us about your upcoming film school project? Fuck your ego, you glow in the dark nigger. Drop the goods. Gex (pbuh) would never cocktease us like this with his vids.

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Watch the expression on the surrounding police officers' faces when it pulls the gun out. They are prepared to get its ass, but they are still protecting ANTIFA. They are probably getting their orders from their libshit faggot overlords.

You heard the man, my job is done

Try Blender's Video service for uploads.

Obongo spent millions of our and Soros’ money to train more radical antifa. Maybe weapons training was part of it.

If his approach to militia training was anything like his approach to healthcare it would explain a lot about the sorry state of Antifa.

This is pretty much a freshly printed licence to kill antifa on sight.

You subversive fucking rat

Pure kikery.

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That's a female, user.

This video is useless on its own. We need more context.

Without context I'd say this antifag was probably "Reenacting" a scene for the officer during the explanation of a story. Real dumb move to whip out a gun like that in front of a bunch of cops. For none of the cops to so much as put a hand on their weapon I'd reckon the antifag and the cop he's talking to probably know each other.


Why post here? I am done

Shut you traitorous piece of shit

Sorry, reddit. You’ll have to do better than that.

I don't understand, if I even so much as acted like I was going for a gun near a cop they'd fucking shoot my ass.

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100% undercover police office dressed as antifa rouge

So you're pigmentally challenged?

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Where exactly is the source for this video you colossal faggot?

The thing in the burka playing antifa is either a flaming gay or a woman. Puny, short, limp wristed and running out at the mouth.

For those who don't remember, this is how police and military assets pose as Black Block masked agitators who join protests to disrupt and put disrepute upon lawful protesters..

If anyone else did this, they'd be tackled or dead

I had faggot ass border patrol take my gun, run the serial on it, unload it, give it back to me and tell me to load it 1 mile away from them down the road

The law doesn't allow for brandishing like that. Especially in seattle, someone should have flipped out and been offended enough the cops should have arrested them. He's working with them, hence even the rest of the cops after the initial twitch just let it go. They realized it was one of theirs.

Thanks for 8 seconds of no-sound and no context. Excellent work OP, this helps greatly.

And (((who))) makes the test? (((who))) administers it?(((who))) grades it? Psych tests for gun ownership will only be another do not fly list that's even easier to manipulate and put people on. Fuck off commie. 2A= Shall not be infringed

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1) you live near white people where law still applies, dont be jealous , be thankful

2) in big cities the general patrolling police are like peace officers than law enforcement. they know they fucking go hard on that one idiot they will have a full blow riot on their hands. Basically the big liberal cities are just insane asylums that can generate some capital.

How long is it going to take for you to realize the cops work for the Jews? They enforce the laws which are written by kikes. The cops never have been, and never will be our friends, that is until we're the ones writing the laws.

No kikey, you were removed for causing problems and shitting the place up.

I know and I agree

He's right, you know?

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I did a lot of dropping on the nebraska and twin cities chapters of antifa, and even have mapped out some of their support infrastructure. If I can be of assistance feel free to ask. Also, post the vid with sound. It doesn't look good, but I'm sure the audio will clear it up.

Seriously? They're even worse than civilians at handling weapons, and half the military looks like shit to me, too. I guess they needed the training to be able to hold it at all.

The left loves guns, they just want to be the only ones who have them.

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Got PGP?

Really nigger? That's gonna be your spin on this? Are you high?

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I'm nazbol and I have a ton of guns.


Pick one.

Its not illegal to bear arms faggot

I love how even with a gun he still isn't phased, as if these people only pose a threat when in large groups and using hit and run tactics.

brandishing is though

Christ, lefties are such scrawny little faggots.

That begs the question, have there been many, if any right-wing governments in history that have disarmed their populations? I know every left-wing government has.