Friendly reminder he predicted the Michael Cohen issue ==7 years ago==

Friendly reminder he predicted the Michael Cohen issue ==7 years ago==

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the reason why this thread gets no answers is that this jewtuber himself is a jew who converted to being white.
he does have a lot of interesting things to say, its good to watch him but you should always be aware that he could try to some jew tactics on you.
I personally believe that he will be banned soon, archive him.

sage because low effort 4chan thread

Wow. He must be a genius. Did he, by any chance, predict a sunrise 7 years from now?

Attached: what the fuck you just said.png (1080x969, 640.06K)

Brother Nathaniel was my original red-pill on the jew. I thought he was a nutter who would preach from street corners at passers by, and perhaps he is, but then I decided to listen to his words. That seems so far back in this journey.

Remember; Bro Nate is welcome on the Jeff Rense show, gets interviewed there all the time but Alex hates him, says he's just a schitzophrenic freak in a clown costume.

also Jeff Rense is probably the best site for keeping the Las Vegas mass murder story alive

brother nat is very good at calling out the jew despite being one himself. very questionable motives. perhaps only mentally ill jews go against their own.

Since jews are already mentally ill, that would make him mentally normal.

Mentally defective not ill. Illness can be treated

Isn't it the oldest trick in the book? See goyim there are in fact some good Jews. You just have to find them. Don't prosecute us. Just allows us to convert and everything will be good and proper. When push comes to shove Jews are more than willing to sell their less fortunate brethren out just to survive and continue their treachery. Jews is a race and ethnicity first. What God they worship and what they say is only secondary.

The sad part is he probably regrets not giving Israel more. He must have his top people figuring out ways to double down on the cucking to get the jews to like him again.

Attached: sad.png (400x387, 338.46K)

This guys the definition of a kike.

Yes, but I am willing to let god make that judgment when we send him to the grave. It has to do with reversion to the mean. The jew is incapable of anything but destruction and deviancy when the mean is assessed. The same way that Ethnic Europeans are incapable of anything but productivity and peaceful goodness and high trust society…the individual IS NOTHING it is always about the reversion to the mean when you evaluate a people. Niggers are violent raping pieces of shit who will never be anything other than pieces of shit when they revert to the mean. You cannot judge a nation based on the INDIVIDUAL that is atrocious…and who has the fucking time. I don't. I look at their overall trend in history and judge them nationally. In this case I judged the ENTIRE FUCKING PLANET outside of Ethnic Europeans as being TOTALLY UNFIT FOR LIFE. We are the only thing on the entire planet that has any value whatsoever. Literally the only thing of value that this entire planet has ever produced. END OF STORY.

IF he was good, he would understand why we are going to exterminate him and his people and his judgment would be set before God, if he is not, then he is just one more self interested jew and I couldn't give a shit


True enough. You don't need to listen to Jews at all as a rule.
However, you listen to Jews all the time. MSM is jew controlled. Hell, Trump is Jew controlled.
Brother Nathanial, tho' a Jew himself brings interesting facts to the table.

Brother Nathanael is a Jew who converted to Orthodox Christianity. He may have a reaction formation to being Jewish. He always names the Jew.

Oy vey.
Fuck off, he names the Jew and he exposes what's true.

Attached: Georges-Blind-a-member-of-the-French-resistance-smiling-at-a-German-firing-squad-1944-small[1].jpg (350x200, 29.41K)

Jones hates him? Then Brother Nate must be a JEW!
Oh wait… (pic related).
Stop it. Now there's coffee all over my screen.

The danger is in what he tries and gets you to believe.
Most Jew and Jew stooge speakers, like Shaperio, Peterson, Mike "Savage" Weiner - they all get down to "Good Jews" and "Die for Israel you fucking soulless goy".
If Bro Nate has an angle, I've not picked it out yet, and he red pills me too much… Not sure if he has an angle, but guys like Weinger and Jones fooled me for ages before I saw the angle.

I'm posting the pictures that didn't get uploaded with my other reply. Jones is a Jew shill has been confirmed.

Attached: alex jones jewish ties.png (1605x712 88.55 KB, 52.74K)

At least in my case this is not a 'personal evaluation' of his worth as an individual. It is simply a cold assessment of him and his genetic lines potantial for anything of value. I find jews to be devoid of all value and without merit as a nation. Similar to the Thuggee of India who practiced ritual human sacrifice to 'please their god'. There is nothing of value that we can say ever came from a jew. They claim Christ was a jew (when he wasn't) but outside of one individual what judgment could be drawn about the entire nation? How many hundred of millions (if not billions of humans have they slain upon the earth due to their 'machinations'…even 'brother nathanael' is an operator…you just currently agree with his side. That doesn't make him have redeeming qualities it just means that he is aligned with your own agenda currently.
Look, I learned everything I know about judging nations from the jew themselves…the Bolsheviks to be precise. The Bolsheviks slaughtered 60-100 million Russians as a national purge. Do you think they 'interviewed them' to see which ones had merit and which ones didn't? No they actually selected anyone who was pure, holy or beautiful and slaughtered them. So they judged an entire people and nation based on what they thought was 'right' and made the entire nation 'in their own image' (culling the entire nation in favor of the most deviant and destructive behavior and low IQ among Russians). So they genetically selected an entire people for the worst attributes that they could possibly select for. This has put Russia back hundred or thousands of years in productivity and spirituality. This was not a 'boon' for the Earth.
Since jews felt so comfortable using this measure for the judgment of the nations should it not in turn be used on THEM as well? We shall judge by the reversion to the mean and select for everything good, holy and pure among jews…Oh wait, there IS NOTHING GOOD HOLY OR PURE in all of Judaism. We I guess they are just SHIT OUT OF LUCK THEN AREN'T THEY?

generation of White children.
children. We must use our power to discourage White men and women who still persist in getting together from producing more pure White children. They will be ostracized by not becoming part of the New Society of all races. This will dissuade most of them. We will deal with the less cooperative goyim by murder and imprisonment.
Finally, we will see the end of this White race.
we have it.
Perish Aryan Goyim!”
Who wants to argue with me that there is anything at all worth redeeming of the entire race or of the races that are eagerly cooperating to destroy what is beautiful, pure and holy. HONESTLY, GO FUCK YOURSELVES. WE ARE THE ONLY THING OF VALUE ON THIS PLANET.

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You lost kikefy2.

Get the fuck out of here, Dershowitz. Didn't Ben Carson find you enough goy landlords to bankrupt?

Sets and subsets.
All jews - or damn near all - are traitorous. Do you hear "American jews" calling out Israel for 9/11 or for the attack on the USS Liberty?

It's been that way throughout history. jews opened the gates of Toledo and let the Moors slaughter the Christians within (early 700's). Long before that the Byzantines enacted a law against jews being give a (decision making) position at any city's gate.

History abounds with examples of jew treachery against the host community.

But Irving, you are right as rain about not all jews being lawyers. Sets and subsets.

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