R/K selection and Europe's fertility issue

So, it is no secret that Europe is facing a demographic issue. Not a single country in the European Union has a birth rate of 2.15 or over, which is the bare minimum for a stable population. This can be attributed to many factors, such as wealth and a level of comfortability that the Western economic increases have granted to the citizens of the west. Additionally, the Irish Times has stated the following in their article "Why is Europe losing the will to breed?" (irishtimes.com/news/science/why-is-europe-losing-the-will-to-breed-1.2644169)

"Apart from the social pressures that depress birth rates, our civilisation is also under internal assault from postmodern intellectual elites and their acolytes in the mass media, who enthusiastically embrace moral and cultural relativism, multiculturalism and political correctness and attack our values and weaken our will. We must repulse these attacks, regain our confidence and boost birth rates back up to replacement rates."

Another newspaper, particularly Forbes, has released an article titled "What's Really Behind Europe's Decline? It's The Birth Rates, Stupid" (forbes.com/sites/joelkotkin/2012/05/30/whats-really-behind-europes-decline-its-the-birth-rates-stupid/#3a7a33a3267c)

In said article, the editor noted the following: "A generation ago Spain was just coming out of its Francoist era, a strongly Catholic country with among the highest birth rates in Europe, with the average woman producing almost four children in 1960 and nearly three as late as 1975-1976. There was, he notes, “no divorce, no contraception allowed.” By the 1980s many things changed much for the better better, as young Spaniards became educated, economic opportunities opened for women expanded and political liberty became entrenched.

Yet modernization exacted its social cost. The institution of the family, once dominant in Spain, lost its primacy. “Priorities for most young and middle-aged women (and men) are career, building wealth, buying a house, having fun, travelling, not incurring in the burden of many children,” observes Macarron. Many, like their northern European counterparts, dismissed marriage altogether; although the population is higher than it was in 1975, the number of marriages has declined from 270,000 to 170,000 annually.

Now Spain, like much of the EU, faces the demographic consequences. The results have been transformative. In a half century Spain’s fertility rate has fallen more than 50% to 1.4 children per female, one of the lowest not only in Europe, but also the world and well below the 2.1 rate necessary simply to replace the current population. More recently the rate has dropped further at least 5 percent."

Indeed, the above mentioned articles do a good job of explaining the low birth rates and the suspected reasons for them, and sadly, the future of our continent is looking rather bleak, as shown in the second image, Wikipedia's demographic predictions for 2080.

This brings a whole separate discussion of how to deal with the issue. (((Some))) point to more (((immigration))) and (((integration))), others call for a return to old-school values and incentivising natural reproduction and rebuilding of demographics, and if the latter were to succeed and Europe would have a generation willing to reproduce, we'd come to the question of the r/K reproductive selection. Which would be better for such a shattered society? Would it be to try to 'boom' the population back to a stable level and try to maintain it through the sheer strength of numbers, like would have happened in the past with massive families, or should white societies focus on breeding the best of the best and slowly revitalise the broken demographics?

Another question is of racial purity. Obviously, I think we can all agree that Aryans possess perhaps the most beautiful combination of features, both in terms of colour and physical appearance overall. Therefore we must ask ourselves whether it would be smarter to keep a relatively fragile but pure population of true Aryans, or would it be smarter to future-proof the white population by spreading the Aryan genes across Europe not only to secure its existence in the case of a genocide the likes of which we are seeing in Germany at the moment, with the Greens celebrating the extinction of the German race, but also in an attempt to Aryanise other areas of the world, such as the Slavic European East, and the Iberian and Latin south.

I, myself, don't have the answers to these questions, so I'd like to see a discussion on the issue, and hope we can come to agreeable conclusions.

Attached: population change by 2080.PNG (1066x863 57.03 KB, 67.34K)

The only issue is for financial and economic autists that make projections for the future based on a relatively fixed population growth. Populations go through booms and rapid declines. Trying to manage this 'problem' via policy is disastrous.

Take a modern western nation, put it in isolation from the rest of the world for a thought experiment. Population is declining, in part, because of certain economic barriers to having kids, like the cost of housing, debts from education, the difficulty in competition from getting a new successful career, women prioritizing study and career during their most fertile years, the costs of living involved deterring single provider households, and so on.

So what if the population declines over the next generation? Sure, the kikes and politicians hate it, but the 'problem' is self correcting. Because there is less people buying houses, house prices fall. Less people entering the work force means less competition for high paying jobs, because employers need to incentivize staff or lose them. More money in the hands of young people means they have a higher standard of living and can more easily afford kids. Suddenly the population rises.

Only nations don't exist in isolation. (((Multinationals))) have figured they can rely on importing population to drive down wages and inflate house prices. The generation that would have had things a lot easier is now having to fight for scraps with shitskins.

There is more to the story than that, especially in the realm of demoralization, cultural marxism and globalism, but you wanted a discussion.

Daily reminder that Anonymous Cuckservative, who wrote the r/K selection book, is a Qcumber, meaning he's either mentally retarded or a conman.

Fair enough, I never actually considered the incentive for multinationals to play a role in all of this, but it does make sense now that you mention it. They either lobby, buy out politicians or simply work with powerful institutions through common interest.

Thing is, society is pretty much hooked up on international corporations. Everybody has a phone manufactured in China, a car built in Germany etc. which have been made affordable by the exploitation of workforce in developing areas, and now people are so used to having these affordable commodities, that if, say, a party like the National Socialists came to power in a western nation, and put forth policies geared towards restoration and building of a national infrastructure and creation of national businesses in order to build up the economy, they would have to block out influence of multinationals to allow small businesses to take their baby steps in a much less vicious environment of relentless aggression and competition, and dirty business tactics. Now, if multinational corporation influence was to be curbed, we can only imagine what effect it would have on our modern, largely cosmopolitan society would be completely shocked and could go into chaos.

Man, these decades of subversion and foreign influence have really rendered our societies so dependent on the very thing that is harming them, it would be like suddenly taking the needle away from someone who is hooked on meth 24/7

Look at how populations behave in nature. There is a called the resource rush. You can observe it, in a form, in human behavior, with things like gold rushes and popular fads, but it occurs all across life. When resources are plentiful, populations increase, when they are scarce, populations fall. Common sense, right?

It doesn't mean competition is bad. Competition means that the best, in general, will thrive, or at least live long enough to pass on their genes. That expansion and whittling down of the population over time is what drives evolution.

The world population is in an expansion mode right now. It's not a matter of if that population expansion will fall, just a matter of when and how. Technology buys time. Central planning might buy some time. Foreign aid and wealth redistribution might buy some time. Resource depletion is a certainty, the only debate is the time line. War, pandemic, natural disaster or some exogenous threat like an asteroid might cause rapid population decline.

Anyone selling the infinite growth meme is part of the problem. We're not even off the planet and harvesting the resources of our solar system yet. If whites go extinct, that will never happen.

Maybe my thinking is too Malthusian. Don't take my word for any of this. Maybe it's all part of the 'plan.' Be it Kalergi or Agenda 21. A scarier thought is that the planners aren't thinking ahead at all. That they're just incompetent, short sighted and opportunistic kikes.

Attached: Human-Population-Graph-2050-Title-1024x724.jpg (1024x724, 54.97K)

Jews only think two steps ahead.

It won't come to that. Don't worry.

We don't. Of course K selection is superior, and would be a natural rebound from the insane r selection that welfare leads to in practice.

This is obviously the correct choice. We just need kids. Eugenics can come later.

Why is the race that built the nuclear bomb "fragile". We can literally nuke a nigger race out of existence to prove a point.

This is racemixing and essentially what the jews wants us to do: destroy our superiority that only our unique genetic composition has afforded us.

To add to your point of importing shitskins: they also do it so that they can keep the consumerist economy going. Foreigners show up with 0 debt to their name, while the average western citizen is born with 40k in the hole. They're trying to avoid debt saturation.

Its still a good book and required reading, schlomo.

So just build your own factory lmao.

National Socialism will not rise (((democratically))) this time around fam. It's going to come after the collapse of the financial system. When people don't have shit they won't be too picky about their phones either.

The world is sick, and we are the doctors.

Nah that's just the right level of blackpill that you're at fam. Just get a farm, a cute wife, have 6 kids, and surf the Kali Yuga.

I don't think they are tbh.

This is most likely the case. For however evil their parents and grandparents were, at least they had a telos and a goal. These new ones are just neurotic nutcases on a genocidal road and their spoiled upbringing coupled with being the second generation of taking their destination for granted will be their downfall. Vox Day claims that Soros has reflected that he has failed in his plan, and I would believe that since he is old enough to understand. He is of that older genocidal stock. The new 30 year old anti-whites haven't got a clue anymore.

But we will prevail, we always have. Heil Hitler!

That's the plan. Got the farm, just need to better myself and find a decent woman.

I wish you the best of luck user

The first two (((world wars))) was aside from its primary goals, a great dysgenic initiative. The most able-bodied and bright men (smart men make for smart fighters) slaughtering each other, is the main reason why we're facing this problem. Nu-males should be a rare sight but instead they're our peers, and poor peers lead to demoralization among other things.

The silver lining to this is that low birth rates don't accurately display how nu-males are growing accustomed to living out their childish fantasies and rarely breed. As long as real men are led to having families, the proportion of real men to nu-males should normalize back to where nu-males are rare.

I had a startling realization quite recently where nu-males and their feminist counterparts will eventually be a population of elderly wastes that no one wants to care for. Childless adult-children that brought nothing of value to this world will cause retirement homes to surge and then fall once they're all dead. They'll soon be relics of jewish infantalization.

Just remember when you are looking that your future depends on things like adventurousness and other qualities of the person, rather than their looks (looks fade anyways, for both males and females). I was very young when I married at 17 so I chose someone who was very stable but I chose a little bit too stable and now if I want to hike or go rock climbing or my ultimate dream, sail around the world…he has no interest in these things and he would rather sit and watch TV than go out in the garden or learn how to prune trees or be outdoors or go to museums or engage in politics or learn something new; a new skill or language, etc. Also one of the most important of all things, try to make sure that they share your values of preserving the White Race, my husband honestly doesn't think there is anything special about Whites more than any other people so there is this huge gap between us in our thinking and evaluating everything from places to live to places to visit.
He sees nothing wrong or upsetting about, say, making a major purchase from a spic as opposed to a European; where to me, I don't care about anything other than supporting my own people, so I will drive half a state away just to make sure that I am buying a European car, from a European car dealer owner, with a European salesman. To him this is a waste of time, but to me supporting my own people is everything important.
Find someone who has all your same or similar interests and shares your sense of adventure and dreams. But I think the sharing of dreams or rather the ABILITY to dream dreams is perhaps the most important of all. I love my husband and wouldn't trade him for the world…but at the same time I have had to watch while my options and dreams are killed and unrealized based on his own preference for a sedentary lifestyle. I can tell that you have a dream for your farm and a wholesome life…just make sure that you find someone who aligns with your more grounded lifestyle and isn't going to be soul crushed by a seditary lifestyle.
Good luck user…I hope you find what you are looking for…

A few thoughts:
When White people are told repeatedly that they are the villains of history, then they have fewer children.
When White people are told that having children would make them a bad person because it's "bad for the environment" then Whites have fewer children.
When everything inspiring and uplifting in life is banned and labeled as "hateful" because it is "evil rayciss nahtzee" then Whites have fewer children. Demoralization is a very powerful force.
When Whites are poisoned with atrazine, and birth control pill runoff, and numerous chemicals in the food and water, and shitty diet, and mercury/ aluminum in the vaccines, and fluoride, and so forth then Whites have fewer children.
When White women and men are indoctrinated into feminist bullshit that opposes all healthy traditional values and gender roles, then Whites have fewer children.
When Whites are increasingly unable to afford having children, or perceive themselves as unable to afford to have children, then Whites have fewer children. Also, when both mother and father have to work to "stay afloat" then Whites have far fewer children.
When Whites are bombarded from early childhood with distractions and "unreality engines" such as TV, movies, vidya, and so forth, then Whites become less and less focused on REALITY and thus have fewer children.

"Low White birth rates" are not some mystery. Whites are attacked in numerous ways their entire lives.
However, their is a silver lining. If the invasion of shitholers was stopped and the hordes and jews deported from White homelands, and the poisoning was stopped, then even if nothing else was changed the problem would fix itself over time.
How so?
Those White men most genetically predisposed to seek becoming fathers regardless of culture or distractions would have plenty of children.
Those White women most genetically predisposed to seek becoming mothers regardless of feminism would have plenty of children.
The future generations would become increasingly immune to hedonism/ distractions/ demoralization and so forth.
That said, having inspiring White Nationalism in government and culture would massively increase White birthrates. High morale can also be very powerful force.

Also, gas yourself for racemixing propaganda.
Look at the mexicans or middle easterners. THEY ARE PART WHITE GENETICALLY. Look upon your "future proofed" "Aryan genetics" and despair.
Any "mixing" with shitholers will only create more shitholers.

That's a pretty fucking big "if", user.

I think the problem you are underestimating in a way is an issue with White fathers. I wanted to have a large family 6+ kids but my husband said no…as a matter of fact when I tried to bring it up to him he told me that if I wanted to have more kids I could go have them with someone else. {dryly} I actually considered it for a while…but without another parent there wouldn't have been any purpose in it. So it isn't always women that are your problem, I would say that it is probably an equal issue among European males and females. Women take a beating on Zig Forums but that is because there are so many kikes here…and they love nothing more than destroying Aryan women and little girls.

We need robots and mass surveillance to wipe out all non-white scum. Population is very much more sustainable when we can use artificial intelligence and robots assist us rather than Jews. From here, we focus our own work on the space reich.

We need to use the tax structure to incentivize childbirth:

- no kids after 25: 5% tax penalty
- no kids after 30: 10% tax penalty
- no kids after 35: 25% tax penalty
- every child you have you 10% off your taxes (they stack so 4 kids is 40% off)
- at 3 kids you qualify for 0 down, 0% interest home loan
- at 6 kids you are a "champion family" and exempted from all federal taxation

We can balance the tax structure so not having kids is a brutal penalty.

.gif unrelated

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It shouldn’t need to be said, but it has to be: this is all predicated on an ethnostate and ONLY applies to whites.

Right, of course.

1. fertility misconceptions
2. demoralization of family and life (suicidal people don't have kids)
3. unrealistic prerequisites of parenthood and marriage
i also think we're underestimating the profound effects of generations of boys being told it's okay to have a passive role in many aspects of life

Attached: oz fert stduy.png (636x580, 148.57K)


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Hmm this sounds like some artist in the 30s. He had similar ideas.

but lets structure it in a way as to cull the lower classes

Poison to leftists.