Friendly reminder to vote for Patrick Little 2020. He is 100% our guy

Vote Little, win big!

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Have a semite free first

Why do shills like you and keep promoting this nothingburger controlled op? All he does is sully true white nationalist movements wherever he goes.

That’s a really cute cat


most of his supporters are minorities

P Little is the modern day Rockwell

As a Filipino-German, this is my guy. 100%

lol where are all these so called "true white nationalist movements" I keep hearing shills talk about?
back to nextchan fagboi

i'd support patrick little if he ran in 2024 after trump leaves. thank trump for moving the overton window to the right and allowing someone like patrick little to be an option and move the overton window further. until it gets to where it needs to be.

friendly reminder to check if your voting district has a green party representative running, and if not, apply to be one. its very easy to get on the ticket as a green party rep.
you wont win, or be asked to debate. but you will steal potentially 1000s of votes from democrats.

You are nothing but a mongrel, an abomination.

Welcome to any politician in Weimerica.

Well it's not like he can choose who to be born as.

get a vasectomy asap please.

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Suicide bomb a synagogue.

Bump for Pat

You've been doxed motherfucker
We don't forget
You need to fuck off forever chubs
Tel 0421 565 179 40
Hey chris

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He got doxed too
Chris the flip lawyer

isnt this guy a taco burner?

Patrick Little is good in that he has his facts in order, can express them, and has the will to do so. He also has a background and appearance that would make him very attractive to many voters. But tactically he is engaging with the wrong target audience and does so in a non-productive way.

Think about it this way: Little quit a job that paid him so well that he was able to afford a decent boat with it. The kinds of people that he must have worked with would have high incomes, lots of connections, and even business/political clout. And instead of sticking around, redpilling his fellows, and forming an actionable network of people, he decides to quit that goldmine to basically parade around with a sandwich board screaming about da joos to random people on the street.

Sure, you'll get cameras on you, and you'll get people to stop and engage with you if you are simply inflammatory in public. But what the hell are those people going to do for you? Nothing. Even if they care, they are Joe Schmo, likely hate you due to indoctrination, and won't even mention you beyond the likes of any street preacher or mad hobo. Likewise those watching on YouTube do so due to entertainment and spectacle more than anything else, and won't get off their asses to do anything themselves. Those people don't have power generally, and you need boatloads of such bodies to have any social leverage.

The chances of getting a well-connected, high-asset individual to back Little who approaches the issue in this manner is next to nothing. I've been through enough university to know that those who are in the hard sciences and in business are far more likely to get redpilled, but do so carefully and quietly. They wouldn't back Little even if they agreed with him, save on an anonymous and safe image board. Why? Because he acts like a madman in the eyes of the public, and even associating your reputation with such a man will be damaging simply due to the perception of public pressures.

Little also has a temper problem. Yes, there is a lot to be angry about, a lot of be hateful about. But he can't throw a tantrum or hissy fit when he gets frustrated with pilpul or liars. It looks bad, and reinforces the deranged street preacher perception. Let your enemies look deranged and you calm, and the mere contrast will make people like you more.

Instead his major efforts should be towards networking with people who hold sway over others - pastors, businessmen, local politicians, 'community leaders', up-in-coming YouTubers, et cetra - and in that way build up a support base. For his J-Walks, Little should feel free to make some provocative claim to get eyeballs on him and bring followers to form an initial audience and calmly rile up obvious snowflakes, but also do so calmly, rationally, and record it in a manner that lets you actually hear what the hell he is saying and what his opposition is saying, otherwise it's absolutely worthless and counter-productive.

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I find it interesting that Little has the capability to go around the country naming the Jew without them trying to shut him down. I also find it interesting that he didn’t really start to put himself out there until January and had to do public stunts to get attention. Next thing you know, he’s calling Weev a Jew, Ricky Vaughn a subversive and essentially cutting himself off from successful alt-righters at TRS and the Daily Stormer like Sven, Mike Enoch, Jayoh de la Rey, Alex McNabb, Azzmador, blackacidlizzard, Andrew Anglin, etc. and also Nick Fuentes. If the guy was going to throw everything away just to name the Jew, he could’ve build up rapport with the alt-right, but he chose to take a side in the “optics debate” while not having a strong support base. The only somewhat notable person on his side, who’s also going around the country with him, is…Emily Youcis.

The approach that Pat decided to take has led him down the path of living a volatile lifestyle and I just don’t understand why he didn’t think ahead in the long term. Paul Nehlen was arguably the most successful and accomplished guy on our side, and then he also threw all that away just to name the Jew publicly and the end result was getting banned from different sites, alienating even the alt-right/dissident right, and not winning his primaries recently. What is it with people not thinking ahead with this shit? With populism on the rise, Little and Nehlen could’ve taken a much better approach.

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And if he would have joined in with the "Alt-Right" then he just would've been labeled "kosher" and "controlled".
You autists are never happy.
Just support the mesh, even if it has a few islands.

Hm… in the vid I did see he was pretty calm in the face of shouting kikes and nigresses.
Also; what's the proof on him not having made a private network first?
I do think there has been some networking prior to going public, you don't just learn so much about an (((issue))) while not also talking about it with people you know.

I would legitimately be interested in hearing both of you guys' alternative.
I personally would have also encouraged more cooperation with existing, perhaps more kosher personalities.
But then again, what does it help to rant about this here?
All we can really do is support him.

I want to, but I'm nervous they'll dox anyone who does it

One of the
aspects of a free and democratic election is anonymity in voting.
What are you even talking aobut?

Fucking lol. Next you’ll say that democrats haven’t stolen every election since 1950.

What the fuck.
Voting isn't anonymous!?
Like… people can see what candidate you voted for?
What the actual fuck!

Voting is anonymous shill.

Doxing voters for how they vote would require abuses of power of such magnitude that some nobody voting for Little would be completely forgotten.

What the fuck is this?

What cuckshack did you crawl out of, civnat mongrel?

Hitler hated people like you.

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Well let’s be honest here, the “alt-right is kosher/controlled opposition/glow in the dark” meme is mostly a dead one and was basically a shibboleth that never held water. I personally don’t like the term myself, but we all know what the alt-right actually stands for and anyone who associates it with PJW or Lauren Southern is stuck in 2015. Little could’ve taken Nehlen’s approach prior to him also starting to name the Jew. Nehlen was successful in his line of work and was the darling to replace Cuck Ryan until he threw that away to go on a crusade against Jews. He was an established and well-supported man up until that point. Little could’ve built himself up in that same manner and actually gotten elected into office, but he also went on a crusade. Now the counter arguments for this would normally either be that “optics cucking is bad” or “we don’t have much time”, so let me dissect both of these notions.

Optics cucking isn’t bad if you’re a populist like Corey Stewart who can distance himself from Paul Nehlen and still keep a viable public face. Optics cucking can’t be bad if the far left keeps making itself look unhinged in the public eye while we don’t organize rallies anymore and force ANTIFA to attack Patriot Prayer/Proudboys/other regular American patriots in the streets. Being a “Nazi” in the minds of the J-left means being an American who wants a wall and for the anti-white agenda to end. Then there’s the other notion that we simply don’t have time, which is blatantly false. It’s not like we’re going to become South Africa and enter a civil war once Trump is out of office. The far left have overplayed their hand by censoring Alex Jones and other people who are right of Elizabeth Warren. I’d say that the first UTR was a massive success because now the alt-right can lay low while regular Americans see how unhinged ANTIFA commies truly are.

Tl;dr Pat Little could’ve become a populist and built up a reputation, Paul Nehlen could’ve kept his reputation instead of throwing it away.

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Why would he build rapport with a bunch of worthless paleocon faggots?

I disagree. I had the same fear when I voted for Trump(not Trump shilling). The corruption is so deeply entrenched in everything I wouldn't put it past the traitors and kikes in this country.

Typical civnat hebe faggot. Off to the filter you go.

Nice copypasta. Reported.

That's because a great deal of polling station volunteers are leftistscommunists, jews or communists.

>>>/suicide/ Reported.
It isn’t. Go fuck yourself.
And yet it’s done. And has been for years.

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Yes, my point exactly. If it's not handled by a White, married man with a family I can't guarantee it's authenticity

Go back to Reddit.

How delicate you must be.

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Kill yourself kikey.

Alt kikes blacklisted him and banned all discussion of him on all of their faileocon and Trump cultist podcasts

Reported for spamming in favor of the (((alt-right))).

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I’m much more of a Zig Forumsack than you are, Moishe.

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Don't reply to the hebe. He is posting simply to derail. Filter and hide his posts.
He'd be one of those faggots trying to discredit William Pierce, Rockwell or Adolf Hitler because they weren't centrist enough to "win" or alienated the mongrels, jews and financiers.

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you should get the updated jidf manual

I posted that video in a thread a couple of weeks ago I hadn't seen it even though it was several months old.
I thought it was interesting because I don't follow aut-right drama and didn't realize how much subversive shit went down after Charlottesville.
I checked that thread a couple days later and the video had been taken off of YT.
Really makes you think…

Having talked with Pat myself, I can confirm that he can be trusted. Even in private conversation he can't help but bring up just how much he hates these evil fucking kikes poisoning our world.

Filter these cunts. They're detracting from the topic.

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Like TRS, Dicky Spencer, and the Thai Fuckshack?

weev is an admitted jew.

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Dude got doxed and still posts here
It is my duty to remind him and anons that he can fuck off

Why are you still here?

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I thought kikes were supposed to be smart, low effort. Try again faggot

You’re either a shill, Reddit fag, or not from america.

They don't care because he's a boogieman and therefore useful to their propaganda of, "See the bad goyim coming for you? Give us sheckles to control these ones!" At best. More likely still is that they don't notice him any more than you notice the names of the screaming street preachers enough to stop them.
That's the temper thing. He's hot-headed and impulsive, and he is the sort of person who feels the need to do something, anything, or else he thinks everything is falling apart. That's good for him getting off his ass, but it is bad when it comes to letting some organic growth occur before doing traumatic tilling again.
The people who think ahead are either occupied doing other things to make money, or quietly cultivating things in a way that you wouldn't notice. The most important people in the whole redpilling effort are those whose names you've never heard of. They are the worms in the garden who make the plants eventually grow, but you never see them. Long-term planning is a rarer skill than long-term planners think. Never assume people have it just because they have other skills.

He's calm when he is amused and expecting it, which is good. It is when people catch him off guard or start rhetorically dominating over him that he loses his shit. Or when he is criticized, even with the intention of improving his efforts, he tends to lash out. He needs to channel his anger towards his efforts and not let it spill out and ruin his ability to listen and parse through information or give an opponent the opportunity to make him look unhinged.
His behavior implies it. I'm not one of his volunteer staffers or anything, but when he's going out with a single cameraman, no guards, and blustering around on the street in front of small groups it implies he is not spending that kind of time meeting privately with people and building up support bases. He could be doing it and likely is somewhat, but he should focus on that and keep the stunts for what they are - publicity attempts rather than recruitment efforts.
He should study effective street preachers and how they attract and dominate a crowd. There's a guy named Brother Jed who, despite being a heretic and likely charlatan, has 40+ years of experience riling up crowds and getting real interaction and even conversions on campuses. He came to mine a year and a half ago, and I observed how well it worked. Plus talking with him was interesting. I could make a whole post about it sometime, but in very brief he cultivates a Hate Crowd by tempting them into angrily engaging with him with jokes and insults and topics that they can't help but respond to, then when they are raging he switches to very reasonable and sincerity to speak to the Onlookers who stop to listen just because everyone else is looking at him. He cultivates a particular spot and over a few days, allowing an evolution of the kinds of crowds that form until the end of the week it looks like a bible study group. It's quite impressive. He also works with a partner who goes into the crowd and talks calmly to specific people about it, but only one person is talking at a time so as to accentuate the 'outnumbered' underdog mentality in the Onlookers. Fascinating stuff, and Little could learn something from observing his behavior patterns.
And look at that, his team posted a video showing their methodology just ignore the saccharine bible-thumping stuff, because they know what they're doing.

For their audiences, if nothing else. Some are useful for their various things, though the ones who are not can simply be approached for their audiences and convert some to follow the Little Train That Could.

Nice try, but we're National SOCIALISTS, go shill your Jewish Libertarian candidate on Reddit, or /liberty/

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Because the far-right is a vital 5% - 6% of Trump's voting block. At the very least, if we went with Patrick early in 2020, we would:

1) Put Patrick in a position where his voice we have a wider reach.


2) Force Trump to acknowledge and respond to the issues that are important to us.

That alone Is worth throwing your support behind Patrick.

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I love how greentexting turned into the strawman over the years.

Yes, we shouldn't give these fags power, I was just fearing you were just posting this out of the opportunity to be "lu cultured critique" (if you know what I mean) It's a "Culture of Critique" reference

Yeah, "muh optics" are definetly not a meme, and the "no time" argument is just a push at best and a risk of taking hot-headed action at worst.

All in all; I pretty much agree with you, I am just so tired of waiting and seeing anons here not act either.
Perhaps this sentiment would be quelled in general if we at least partook in some sort of meme/media-guerilla from here.
That is what I love about 8, you don't get banned for calling to raids.
I think there needs to be advocacy for Europeans/European-descended, though.
I guess you are right about the "don't be too brazen about the Jooz", and Little did do it too agressively, but the problem cannot go unadressed either. I think this is where we come into play.
Heck, if there was a group of anons that went through his talking points and made them memetically valuable, then we, as unassailable, anonymous shock-troops of the internet could very well be the spearhead to give the "hulks" like Little a grip to hang on to and climb over the fleshy lie-wall of the kikes/leftys.

Is it even a loli? Sure looks like it, though.
Regardless;…. A CUTE!

This is genius and should be done everywhere

I feel confident enough to say that the recent influx of illegals who vote for the left, combined with those among us who have lost faith in Trump's performance, is enough to put him on a razor's edge.

Or, even if we don't have the voting power, the far right poses a level of cultural influence that's significant. We can just as easily turn the guns in the other direction.

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Patrick Little's statements are about as controversial as Trumps were when Trump launched his candidacy, if normalized to the current position of the Overton window.
I thus estimate that he has as good a chance of winning the presidency as Trump did when he launched his campaign back in 2015.

Pat little is doing God's work.

Pat little is GLR 2.0

No one liked GLR in his time.

Every jew namer has his place, both the subversives who say "Israel" and the atavists who say " JEW".

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but hes a loser so dont put him as a leader. Sure hes ourguy but he needs to be a foot solider not the head.

Hes just dumb, hes not a winner. There is no Trump in this guy. Stop placing him on a pedestal he really has not earned it.

He lives in california that very telling. California is dead

Absolutely this, if you require the jew-owned media to propagate your message you have no voice to begin with other than "CANDIDATE is ANTI-SEMITIC and RACIST…, … … … HATES BLACK PEOPLE".

The difference being a few net worths short of 1 billion dollars to loan himself for a presidential campaign

Point taken, but perhaps this criticism would be much more valuable if it was laid at the feet of Pat, he would sure benefit from the moral boos of knowing, that there are fellow goys out there that are at least mentally with him.
Okay, I guess you are right.
Has anyone started a conve on gab with him about that aspect?
Yes, he definetly has a lot to do in the way of optics.
There are quite a lot of aspects that I find risquee too.
I'd definetly like less provocative signs, as their engagment effect is probably overdsteered by the "on-looker just sees the signs and thinks "oy bey another shoah" and walks off" effect.
Wew. Coming from a Euro country I only ever heard about this kind of stuff from channels like Westboro.
I guess he is a charlatan for simply going along the lines of "fear it and fear hell, Jesus is the salvation but you have to give *me* the money"?
But what you described about the tactics part seems reasonable.
You appear more knowledgeable than me, so I will just cede this to you.

Though I do think we should try to perhaps be more engaging with little?
Perhaps he could benefit if we put our heads together, analyze what we think he is doing wrong and send him a reccomendation?

Whatever you say, fellow Zig Forumsack.

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Most of Trump's promotion was through memes coming from 4chin and here.
His $1B was largely a waste that probably only roped in a few 90 yo boomers.
We can do the same for PL without giving $1B to kikes.

I want to vote for Emily if you know what I mean

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This is what we should be thinking about, not actually having enough % (but this is important too), however we need to realize that the battlefield is much wider than just elections and their run-ups.
The cultural war is perhaps just as - if not more - important than having the % right now - especially considering the demographics, things will only get worse.
We need to reach the people, not the politics, and if we want to reach the politics we need to reach them through the people, our people.

D e v i o u s .

And I estimate you are rapidly overvaluing the speed of the overton-shift.
Also you are forgetting the (((media))), as opposed to the previous accusations of muh holohoax, muh hitler, and muh antisemitism (more liek countre-semtism xD) when Trump ran, they will be much more tangible to the normie now.

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you retard , he had no hope of getting elected. He wasnt close at all. Hes a complete failure

Voting and electoral politics is a failed strategy. Little got the message about the jew out, that's all that matters.

Hello fellow white person!

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No that is Nehlen, Patrick Littles wife is Austrian

Joey Gibson and the Patriot Prayer "good optics" centerist cucks got less of a percent than Patrick Little did. More people want to say fuck the kikes in commiefornia than people who want a centerist hapa in Washington state

He got 1.4% of the vote while running for California Senate, you lying Jew.

Pat claims they just "picked her up" in NYC, I wonder if that meeting they had in his Manhattan J walk was staged or not.

Either way, I vote for her, she is his disarming force and an extra camera person!

Patrick Little got over 90,000 votes in the primary. Bump

Not a chance in hell. Trump was getting his name out there in American culture as far as as the 70's, and at the same time making massive business investments and connections with powerful people. Trump's victory was the result of literally decades of efforts that her turned towards these ends. Little could get great traction if he does the right things and serve as a good local or even State representative if not a powerful populist figure, but not the Presidency in just 2 years of yelling at people on the street. In his own estimation his Senate run was simply to get his issues out there, which is about what he can expect given his current level of influence. He knows that much accurately.

I think he would benefit from private conversations with knowledgeable people. In public there is the pressure to look completely assured and right about everything all the time, which is partly why he is defensive about that. But he must be convinced that some of his tactics need updating.
Probably not, but his audience is small enough now that someone could get ahold of him potentially. Or just tell him to come to this thread if he's not already here. No names, just need his attention to honest feedback.
I've watched plenty of street preachers, and most are dogshit for various reasons. Jed uses powerful crowd-persuasion techniques and does so consciously, and for that reason is worthy of study. Westboro were good at the initial shock, but never evolved their audience beyond that. The smart ones don't ask money from the crowd, but from sister religious organizations after showing them how effective their evangelism is on the masses, something that the amateurs fuck up constantly.
Tell Little to visit here more and lurk in threads about himself, if they are any good. He needs to see the truth of how people are perceiving him in order to make accurate decisions, which he won't get by going onto his personal Gab or livestreams with fanboys and competing e-celebs. That's the benefit of imageboard anonymity, but he needs to stay anonymous and not let himself blow his cover, else it ruins the effect. So it would be best if he just lurked and absorbed the useful bits.

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Just a garden variety white person there, telling it like it "is"

SS tbh.
Fuck shills and fuck unsubstantiated claims.

Holy shit.
This just comes to show that we aren't as alone as (((some))) try to makes us think we are.
Thanks for sharing this fact; I don't come from or live in America, so I am not in on the little details like this.

Heh, an autist like me would be unable to consider that of course. Yes, true.
Can he be contacted privately?
Perhaps we could still try to help him from here and put in our take on it and let it reach him privately, then he can decide without public (((pressure))) (meaning there won't be much for "look at this dude he has no plan xD shills to grab at).
Heh, that would be pretty epic.
Devious and covetous, intradesting.
I haven't gone to Little threads up until now, but I think I will make visiting them a regular occurence.
I am personally not on any social network, perhaps I should finally sign up for it.
I heard you need phone verification for gab?
Hmmm. I mean, it would be cool, but would this man actually come here?
Of course no one can tell if he lurks, but would he even be ready to listen if one told him "hey go to this Japanese-weeb-website inspired page and read this little section of it"?
Maybe if one adds in enough disclaimers about the prevailing autisms here.

What do you want to tell me with that?
I legit don't understand you rn.

My only problem with Pat, is that he's running as a Democrat. I feel like this will turn right wingers away from him and make them confused (and considering Pat is pretty right wing himself, all these right wing brainlets will say "hurr hurr if he's right wing, why is he a Democrat.") This will completely turn them off. Pat can resonate with the right wing conservative voting block, since they're mostly similar minus the antisemitism. He shoul've stayed in the GOP with Nehlen and try to influence the party. Though, I guess this will make the leftist dems go crazy and some good salty tears will be shed

Other than that, I like him. He's doing some shit

>This just comes to show that we aren't as alone as (((some))) try to makes us think we are.
You are not as alone either. I went to university in a liberal bastion in my state. People were openly crying when Trump got elected, and they had a candlelight vigil about it to say what it was like. And even there, as I spoke on issues with enough nods to arguments and ideas derived from discussions here without going full sperg, I found people who agreed with me and would in private tell me all about how they loathed what was happening around them or even talked about their own redpilling. The key is to feel out for them and network with them, and determine ways to find others, because the biggest stumbling block for the redpilled is believing they are alone in their revelations when your fellows are all around you in secret.
I don't know how direct messages work on Gab or much about it, but you could try that. Or whatever email he puts out there or means of contact. The private conversation is one route, the anonymous one is another route. Both will yield valuable information for him.
Hopefully not, actually. If Little comes here, no one should know about it. Otherwise that 'epic' shit gets in the way of honest feedback. Remember that Zig Forums hates e-celeb shit, because this isn't about hero worship. It's about facts, truth, and discerning what to do with them. Little's role here would be to defend his positions or to lurk and see what is being said about his tactics and manner. If he came on here proclaiming, "Patrick is here!", I'd be the first to tell him to fuck off back to reddit - that's not appropriate in an anonymous imageboard for the purposes here. He obviously browses these places, and either he or his supporter created this thread to begin with. If he's lucky and wise he'll sift through this thing when he's got time and get some useful stuff from it.
He advertises here and was redpilled in part due to influences from the chans, but whether he lurks or not is unclear. Some people throw bait out like chum and hope for bites, and others engage in the conversations, and others still say nothing but see what happens. Considering how active he is, unless he's on his boat at night with nothing else to do I imagine he's not fiddling around on imageboards save to review what his chum efforts have brought in. Despite his tactics being in need up updating in my opinion, it's better that he go out into the real world than to sit preaching to the choir. The utility for him here is to advertise, get feedback, test ideas, and get a feeling for general attitudes towards certain topics among the internet's redpilled.

He's in California, and likely believes it would give him better odds with the minorities, as that was in his words one of his stronger bases to draw from. Those voters wouldn't vote Republican. So he is considering strategy, which is good. Just needs to consider the implications and alternate avenues to accomplish his goals is all.

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God I wish.

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You're welcome

For what is worth, here is a video of Patrick Little. However I do want to know what his opinion on esoteric immigrants.

don't really have an opinion about him… I do know he begun to sperg (show all his power level) towards the end

Actually, he failed for two reasons:
1) He didn't used his Muslim supporters more efficiently or louder
2) He neglected immigrants.

Anyways, you need a shield to protect yourself from (((them))).

Kek, fuck, I thought that was just a meme and isolated cases…. man, I wish I had been in the US at election night I was in a ward for major depressive disorder instead; was blackpilled about the state of Germany at that point, but couldn't talk to anyone about it. I love you guys for that by the way.(#fullhomo)
Ah fuck… I wasn't that pathetic at my most depressed, kek. Thanks for sharing (I am reacting as I read, by the way).
Okay, I will see if I can set up a mail for him tomorrow, should I post it here first to discuss wording?
Yeah, I get that, though I would contest the notion of not worshipping heroes.
It shouldn't be a cult of personality, yes, but there is something to be said about having a central figure that people like to reach out to. :^=)
I am of course not implying that #LitPat has to be that person, but having "that person up there" is a way to reach certain stratas within our ranks, it makes things more tangible for them.
Yeah, it's fitting that it all stay under those 9 letters on here.
Woah, didn't know that. Well, yes, that is why I am kinda disappointed with how things are looking here every now and then.
We too could be more active, but perhaps it also has its upsides that this place is acting as a "base" of sorts. I do think we need some more permanent repositories so information and sentiment becomes less volatile on here.
Come on lads, we all know it's basically 2 sides of the same coin.

Lel - wanna have a talk with Chris Hansen?

I’m an indie e-girl 🍑 I produce and *star* in my own smut films. My stage name is Mattiedoll. Find me on Pornhub!

What did you expect? A good wholesome girl with strong morals and character who poses like this for the public?

hes got my vote

Attached: 1531607884645.jpg (850x1230, 424.05K)

trump is our god-emperor, fuck off. if patrick little became president, he would deport all the baste blacks. We love our blacks, don't we folks?

Oh… yeah.
I forgot to mention I am not really all that socially ept and neither do I watch porn, so I didn't know stuff like that would be so blatant on social networks (Last time I was on fagbook was at age 10 playing "Wild Ones").

Here, have an upvote and 8-gold!
Sage for double-post.

Maybe we can get stupid MAGApedes to vote for Patrick as a "prank" to expose the racist Dems as they real Nazis

There are more reasons why he failed, but they are less visual. He had no support team to speak of for instance, and his means of spreading his message while very efficient in terms of money was not something he could scale up with the resources he had.

It was magical. The sullen looks on so many pasty, liberal faces was priceless, and even I took my pleasure in rubbing it in for just a day. They then tried to get me impeached from school government for the next three semesters. but it was definitely worth it.
I think you can just point him towards it and say as someone who thinks he is doing a very important thing, he should make sure to see what his supporters and detractors are saying about him and his tactics so he can improve his efforts, then link to the thread. It's more about the number of people telling him the same thing than the specific wording that matters I think. Just make sure your spelling and grammar is good though.
I agree with you for the most part. The thing about people is that once you attach a name to an idea, it changes how people perceive it based not on the validity or weakness of the idea but whomever it is attached to. For instance, I told those same weepy-eyed never-drumpfs that the Republic system suffers from the representatives getting too far away from the people by sitting in the Senate and finagling with each other, and how that causes the disconnect and eventual rot of the Republic as a whole. They all thought it was quite the insight, but didn't realize that was Hitler's insight about the Austrian government in the early 20th century. Disconnecting ideas from personalities is a key step in determining what is a good idea and what is not, and something that can only really be done via anonymous communication platforms like this one. It's the reason why you'll get more thoughtful posts (more or less) on here than you will on Reddit where everyone is trying to build their reputation for their stupid usernames and get upvotes. Patrick Little can discuss all he wants on here, but he better not say or imply it is him if he and the rest of us want to get the most out of the opportunity.
Zig Forums's purpose is to inform, entertain, and arm viewers with ideas to do something with them. People here come from every sector of society, some being very powerful and others are basement hermits. It's not equipped to directly network people together in most cases (honeypots), but it isn't supposed to. It provides a shared information culture that can be used wherever you are to communicate with others, redpill them, and organize locally or recognize organizations that are redpilled. At this stage in the game it is all about communicating these ideas. When enough people are knowledgeable about matters like the JQ, real history, biology, and the threat to Western man, that is when the capable among those either here or who are redpilled through those efforts will add to the quiet, growing networks in real society that reach from the highest boardrooms down to the humblest kitchens. Everyone here can do that, and it is the tactics of that which should be of interest to Little and everyone else reading this.
They exist, though mods would need to sticky an archive thread linking to all the good stuff. Would take a more organized user than I to have all those links at the ready though.

Attached: bf8e31c647f6e5585160659f3597d33ab2e1a9a79790951afc2b48e4dca75c31.jpg (600x508, 68.8K)

Yes, I know all these concerns come with that.
It's part of why "(((muh e-celeb)))" is right to a certain degreee.
Point taken.
I guess you are right to a degree, perhaps I am just longing for that time when there were still raids on 4chan that I didn't get to experience.
The idea of political vanguardism is good, for a while there was a general on 4cucks that I helped in a little, sadly it died off quickly.
Speaking of 4, I get pretty annoyed each time I go there, it is so hopelessly shilled to death.
I know "raiding" isn't the primary purpose of Zig Forums, but damn would it be nice to stick it up to those (((fags))) over there.
Something like this would be great.
All that stuff is out there, but you never get all things that everyone would need in the place where everyone has gathered.
That would alleviate this conundrum a little.

I have to sleep, see you around, user Saying "Comrade" just feels to larpy, but it would be kinda funny.