Can we get some discussion going on the newest book from the author of Fight Club? I plan on picking it up after work today if the local (((bookstore))) has it. Anyone read it yet? So far what I've read on it is that it is essentially a meta-meme in that the book's plastic cover can be taken off and underneath is a blue book with gold lettering that says "The Adjustment Day by Talbott Reynolds". Well inside the book, Chuck talks about a book that is being passed around that redpills them into having a violent purge of (((politicians))), (((journalists))), and (((scholars))) and it is by a guy named Talbott Reynolds. Also, the book details America becoming a sort of balkanized state split into three sections: Caucasia, Blacktopia (he literally mimics the WE WUZ KANGZ meme in this part by talking about flying pyramids), and Gaysia (where fags are converted back straight in concentration camps). MSM kikes are already kvetching about how anti-pc and horrifying it is. Could this be another Turner Diaries for us?
Adjustment Day
Other urls found in this thread:
From everything you just described it sounds like the entire point of the book is to kvetch about how divided we are politically. And from mainstream cucks the solution to that is never actually "Let's make ethnostates so we can get actual political representation!" But just more "Oy vey! Wuddabout democracy goy!" You are really going to have to substantiate your claim that this is "Not PC" Fightclub came out a fucking long time ago.
He’s obviously a reader and likely a poster here.
*And to ridicule the renescent Nationalism movement that is sweeping every state, tribe and race on the globe.
Could be scaremongering poison for leftists. Palahniuk is a gay, and he lived for a long time in gayland Washington.
You are goddamned right about that.
chuck has always been pretty based, I hate that fight club had to become a meme movie that played up the schizophrenia/brad pitt shit to overshadow the aspects of the book being about the alienation of men and masculinity in feminized modern society
Shows how much you know about Washington.
Must say I've enjoyed all his books, especially the one about the rabies guy and how the he could tell what the chick ate by eating her out lol.
the author is a confirmed sodomite
I was thinking that too
Source please? You saying confirmed does me no good
Have fun.
He's gay, dipshit faggot. He came out on his own website and has a partner whom he met while working for Freightliner.
search: "Chuck fight club gay"
he's confirmed to browse stormfront
watch the jew rogan video with him that just released. in the first 2 minutes he says he isn't white
Do you have any clue how many homosexuals read and post on here regularly? Let me clue you in, most of them.
Dude you're my fucking hero. Any right wing propaganda PDFs you've been wanting? I might have something you want in exchange lol
Kek ya that's pretty accurate. There are a lot of fags here.
Faggots from Vancouver are heavily indoctrinated.
They typically travel south in weekly, sometimes daily excursions to fagville portland.
Furthermore, he's self described as a blackpilled faggot.
That's heavy hours in Portland, again, more faggotry.
If he were country Vancouver that spent most of his time in Vancouver or EW, he would be on here.
I wouldn’t know, I am straight.
meme it faggots
Great idea!
The writing style is garbage, but the content is lulz worthy.
Ya plenty of memes can be made with this shit lol
I like it.
just pirate the PDF you fucking fag
Is he really a kike? Show proof
Fuck off, I just downloaded it from
Some of us prefer the real thing rather than staring at a phone or computer all day, fag
i read rant a long time ago, it was pretty good but i was young. blogpost incoming
funny story, my wife also read it, it was part of common ground that brought us together when we were first dating, thanks faggot chuck.
checking my digits, timestamp bonus digits, jackpot. fuck books.
In Colorado, it ain't the nigger stealing your bike.
If you read that book thinking it's going to be "Turner Diaries", then you know nothing about the author, his work, or literature in general.
Palahniuk is a fan of The Daily Stormer.
Why do you want to read propaganda books created by faggots and Jews?
Fight club, Turner diaries ect are propaganda to induce the weakminded nigger whites to start acting like niggers
Just a bunch of hot topic lvl retards buying "death metal" is what you are
Alt-Right confirmed. I guess he really is /ourguy/
Hi Chuck
Ah so I guess you guys are "muh optics"-fags. Extremism has its place here in the Kali Yuga just as all the other "movements" do. You have contributed nothing to this post. Begone shills.
He's a fucking faggit
Zero contribution to the thread. Maybe talk about how he is one or maybe what you think of the book? Stop shilling
Did you even read the Turner Diaries? The motivation for the characters in that book were they were wildly oppressed by their own government. It had nothing to with mindless hatred. Go back to whatever cesspit you crawled out of.
Exactly. These shills will be hanged on the day of the rope as well.
Pic related from halfchan
You're literally shilling for a book you haven't even read.
PDF where? when?
So, Day of the Ear?
Not shilling for a book I haven't read. I'm asking for discussion about it and telling what I've learned about it so far. These shill fags who I rightly accused of being shills were being shills because they were making claims with nothing to back them up and contributing zero to the thread just as you are so you're a shill too. Discuss the book and stop being a fag.
Right here bud
Lol right?
I gave my opinion of the book. The problem is I don't have a good opinion of the book, so you think I'm a shill. Because YOU HAVEN'T READ THE BOOK!
You literally cannot discuss a book you haven't read, which means you are literally shilling by every definition of the word "shill". I highly suspect you get some sort of commission for selling the book through this thread, which makes you a shill.
The level of paranoia you have is frightening. Do you hear yourself?
Ok here I go, im gonna give it a DL, hopefully it's not infected with a virus
Lol as far as I can tell, it's not.
That's likely on purpose. The book is written by the character Talbott Reynolds.
>>if the local (((bookstore))) has it.
You know their jews and yet you still give them your business? GTFO faggot.
Sounds like lazy, uninventive bullshit to pander to faggots like you OP.
More or less joking assumptively because I'm referring to Barnes and Noble and they're most likely kike owned but idk for sure.
Zig Forums is fight club of the internet, but with more schizo-autism.
Day of the Gank.
Fucking youngfags never played Diablo 2 pvp.
The book is about being a gay homosex and raping dudes/getting raped. He put an underground boxing ring spin on it so good goys like you would gobble it up like so much kike semen.
This book is serious. He's tapped into something deep in the psyche.