Will this redpill catholics or is all hope dead?

I still feel dirty as fuck that i was baptized by a Catholcuck. If I ever find a good church I'll get a real baptism and will be a new man.

Anyways let's discuss the heretic pagan

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Friendly reminder that Pope Benedict (((stepped down))) because he was a member of the Hitler Youth.


He (((stepped down))) in 2015, too.

Just in time for Pope Francis to be installed, and just in time for the migrant crisis!

What a cohencidence, goyim!

Attached: IMG_0543.JPG (699x1009, 98.94K)

Having only 4,445 forgives to give, Pope Francis held one back as he will need it to forgive me for tearing his left arm off, pulling his right arm down his throat and out his ass and recreating a scene from little shop of horrors as I feed his newfound venus fly ass his removed arm rick moranis style.

Somebody found out and he stepped out or what do you mean with (((stepped out))). You mean (((they))) found out?

Nice picture in my head

Benedict was based?

It was a known 'issue' the entire time he was Pope, but it never amounted to anything. However, I find it far too (((cohencidental))) that he resigned due to 'health reasons' - the first German pope in over 400 years, and a member of the Hitler Youth - just in time for the migrant invasion to happen, and just in time for the cockgobbling faggot we have now to step up.

I give Catholics and Christians no more than 1-2 generations until their cults are seizing to exist. Next in line on the Jewish eradication list…Islam.


Until they recognize once again all those saints who were canonized for being killed by Jews, or those who spoke out against Jews, if you are a Catholic you are a bonafide good goy idiot. No exceptions.

Whoa. Afraid to ask, but how long will the current piece of shit last? He scared me from the start.

I told my parents I wanted to step out of the Cathcuk church, but they told me it's not necessary 'cause they give me my tax money back anyway. Should I try again to tell'em? My mother was born in the last years of (((communism))) and my dad is mostly atheistic (what he tells me sometimes, by insulting the holy bible) and doesn't like the pope probably

The longest reigning Pope had 34 or 37 years, the shortest reigning had three days.

It's your religion, you choose and nobody else.

he is a fucking Jesuit. isn't there something saying not to do that?

(((Judeo christianity)))

Attached: original christcians were jewish.jpg (797x925, 224.07K)

Friendly reminder that the point of the third reich was to repaganize germany and cast christianity aside

Oh please I just was in the william luther pierce thread you kike. Europeans are the true hebrew israelites. If you would ever touch the bible you notice the word jew after about 5 books later from the first one and it was about the edomites invading judea and replacing the actual people of the land. sound familiar?

>(((Judeo christianity)))
you must be beyond gay

That's a real funny way of saying Positive Christianity was created to neuter the kike church and Himmler enjoyed his pagan larp

Such a powerful piece of kike propaganda. Funny too, since it makes even less sense than "islamo christianity" would make.

I don't know if you act retarded or actually are retarded

Sound familiar?

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Pope Benedict was a bad ass mother fucker. He pardoned this objective gentleman from excommunication.

You know Francis was orchestrated by Pedesta and Clintons.

Do you enjoy your christian LARP?


Attached: retards.PNG (692x392, 362.05K)

This baby please
Your god is your god that’s why the pope deserves the rope. He’s essentially just a ((middlle man)) who wants to twist your relationship with the almighty to get you in his palm.