Enough is Enough!!! Self admitted Communist Socialists & Wealthy Oligarchs are trying to overthrow the US Constitution & the Presidency. They are making a coordinated effort to destroy elections, the election process and checks & balances. God, Trump, The USMC, The people with arms who are organized, & the necessity of very public court marshals for those who engaged in PIZZAGATE, obamagate, fusion GPS, uranium one (uranium under the Bundy Ranch too), leaking top secret files woth a private drop box, laundering money to Iran, funding & taking part in Antifa & BLM riots, corrupting the DOJ (including Sessions), FBI, CIA, and DOS, & now 1st Amendment violations by Tech Monopolies supported by public funds. The public needs to SEE them suffer in prison and/or be hung for treason. particular participants in PIZZAGATE need exposed & punished publicly. Show the children victims who are still living that there is justice. America has aborted so many innocent children, made money on their dead bodies, engaged in pedophilia & abused children in institution after institution. At what point do you think G-d says the cup demanding judgement is now full??? Did you know the investigators have not gone through Anthony Wiener's and Huma Abedin's emails yet? They admitted to not doing such completely yet. Moreover, there are question as to where their computer is being held in addition to where Seth Conrad Rich's computer is being held & where the Awan brother's hard drives are. What is the Clinton Body Count now? Enough of covering up. This all needs to be exposed and punished harshly in order to restore the US Constitution, cut out the cancer, & heal the republic long term. If not, America will end at the hands of the corrupt and evil. Look there is no other way you can explain the last presidential election & how Trump was a able to win against all that Democratic Party election fraud. G-d gave America this one last chance with President Trump. DO NOT MESS IT UP.
Civil War, Martial law and Last Chances
Fuck off CIAnigger
All this is pretty obvious. You need a paragraph break btw
Read the post before you reply you idiot
They succeeded in 1913. Fuck off.
while I have every belief that he would be willing to make the decision and act if that was necessary
he would also be the one to tell you to get in your house , lock your door and wait for the military to relocate you. He wouldnt call the general populace to fight, he would tell you hes the president now.
Which I belive that bill was signed by Obama that gave him that power in a particular circumstance.
Have you even worked out today?
For the longest time I have tried and tried to stay within tolerances, I think it was the attempts to censor and silence before the election that really simply was the last straw. Demonetizing did not bother me so much as the silencings. This i not simply about Alex Jones, but so many others. The author of "101 Dangerous Professors" was informed that his 501C3 would no longer be serviced by Master Card and Visa because the SPLC lodged a complaint against him. BTW, you know it was Brock and Alafontis use out of context MM video clips to provide the basis for Alex Jones being banned and sued. It is only going to get worse. Still, they do not seem to go after those Antifa rioters platform presence. They are already call to Do Breitbart and Drudge the way they did Alex.
Do you even know the man you're talking about?
Mattis is a win-at-all-cost strategist. His definition of the "kindest" war is one that wipes out the enemy in the shortest amount of time possible. He leaves nothing to chance and every move is covered 7 steps deep.
Mattis is also the single most self-taught historian I think this world has ever seen. To imagine his power level is not 9,000 is hoping against wish for the jew. He should scare the ever-loving fuck out of them and how he won the senate vote 99:1 is so perplexing to me, that I emailed the one senator that didn't vote for him and questioned her as to why? I never heard back, but just think about how brilliant Mattis is to have gotten a 99:1 vote in the worlds most corrupt bureaucracy ever known.
I think he has the blackmail tapes on every single one of them.
Kill yourself jew.
The week has gone by so fast. Already ramping up for shabbat again. Clockwork.
I did not serve under Mattis. But I did under AM Gray and VanRiper. Is that good enough for you? I have seen more of this world than you know. That is the reason I hold Trump should do what he was elected to do. I voted for him to punish Pizzagate, Obamagate, and HRC for treason. Really punish. As for Sessions, he is just as corrupt as Comey and Brenan. Punish them and all their ilk.
Go away, boomer. Take your retardation to some disqus comment section under a local news article.
That right there. That retarded reply you just made outed yourself as a self-deluded fool.
Have you worked out today? Yes? Yesterday too? Yes? And what tiny bit of difference has it made to white genocide? What difference has it made with big tech censoring pro-white or even conservative views? What difference has it made draining the swamp?
Go shove that barbell up your ass some more faggot.
whats your point for talking?
Another kosher committee of pedos is going to try to overrule the will of the American people yet again. 62,984,828 voters need to be ready to fight when that happens.
Get out you jew, out of here, out of our polatics, out of our culture, out of our country, before we the people are forced to use force where as our long standing words failed.
No, I am an Xer, not that it means anything, The Boomers and their spoiled Millennial "rent a date" are mostly locust eating everything and impoverishing the country. No wonder their spoiled privileged tribes produced the Weather Underground, SDS, OWS, BLM, BlackBlock, Antifa and RedNeckRevolt. Scumbags. If they want Communist Socialism so much, send them to Venezuela where they can fake virtue signal all they want. Please, you go with them too, and write home about how much fun you have. i bet it will be like your last trip to Martha Vineyard.
When it kicks off there won't even be a connection to 8ch for Zig Forumsacks to read a post like this. Check these digits.
I bet you mother was a Marshall Davis other woman on the side so he would not have to pay her or you real Daddy was a member of the Baader Neinhof gang as you were conceived in the back of a stolen German car before a terrorist incident.
America is and has been fucked for a long time. What am I supposed to side with a bunch of necon civnats and lolbergtarians in the “civil war”. There’s not a shred of potential here
The people wearing the Buddhist peace sign at the Peace to Congress rally.
You mean the sorros shills who want Bernie as their president? Sure.
OP left out 911 and the USS Liberty and the USS Cole which was hit by a Popeye cruise missile launched from an Israeli Dolphin class sub.
Why are you using a meme created from the image of a child abuse victim?
You fucking Jew I want to kill every single one of you.
It just means he served in the gulf war. You are old enough to remember that, right ?
Fug you zog nigger.
Glad you are here, though.
yes, your psy-ops worked. it's safe to impeach the goy. we all hate him. don't wait. do it now.
Make sure you go out and get things like contacts and glasses.
Stock up on some canned food and rotate your stock. Start a garden if you can. Own a gun yet? Have enough bullets? Get this shit taken care of NOW before things go downhill because I can tell you what, with interest rates so low, debt levels so high, this economy can crash pretty quickly. And next thing you know no one is spending money and all the businesses existing on the margin start toppling. Governments can't afford gibs and you can be in a pickle if you aren't prepared.
Also, buy some gold and silver. Bitcoin is a literal scam. You are living in a world where there are tens of trillions of dollars in debt, and people have all of their wealth in an overvalued stock market and house. Basically, there is ALOT fewer real goods than there are paper assets. And people are going to find out that cash is the real deal, and people will want cash for their stocks and bonds. And depending on how the fed reacts, cash can topple too.
I don't recommend piutting all of your money is metals, but certainly some junk silver quarters and dimes will be nice to have lying around. Same with lighters, alcohol, batteries, etc. No need to go overboard but remember to rotate your stock!!!!
Who is your insurance agent? A non white? A jew? A boomer? Switch over to a young white man. Make sure he gets the commission.
Thank you. I did not know if I should reply.
So, imagine, unlike others, you are lucky enough to be out in late 1992. You go back to school and graduate in the sciences. Enjoy staying in contact with friends, and photocopying the Resistor, leaving it on shelves around base. You network well. You were at AP Arms during the discussion about setting up shop in Moyock. However, everywhere you apply to work, turns you down because you are a conservative WASP. You get accepted to 3 medical schools, but on probation. Bam!!!! You hit the wall. In 1996, your money runs out, but you get two jobs, one collecting information in a hostile foreign environment, and two teaching in that same place to make it seem like you are nothing to worry about. You make one pay check and the other pays you in cash. Come 2001, you are fluent in the language, tired of the hardship post, decide not to sign up again, do a few final projects creating mayhem so that those who are staying can offer the solutions and mole tunnel further in, and then go on vacation, a working vacation, On 911 you are just arriving back in Bangkok from other countries, a lot of back packing, getting your photos of the narco war developed, and as you just sit in a bar on Khao San Road you see the jets hit on the tv. You say "I am working in the wrong theater" knowing full well who did it and hoping to see them BBusted and Daisy Cuttered. On getting home, you have two gigs lined up one with ATT and the other with BR, but they both fall through. You buddy tells you that the number of contractors were reduced and they are only taking Masons. So you send out 450 resumes, visit a bunch of places in person and get nothing. In the 13 interviews granted you are told that you are not hired because you are a WASP who went to a Christian School. In one interview you are screeched at for being former. On the way out the door, your see a poster for the V Monologues. Your only option is to go into being a First Responder for a Trash City on the coast. You make next to nothing and work for years saving lives until a corrupt abusive replacement Division Head who got his job by who he knew replaces your supervisor with a millennial given instructions to cheat, lie, write up, abuse, and ride all the adults out of the station. I fought tooth and nail protecting myself and others until I had enough, resigned, ran for political office, air the dirty laundry, embarrassed the hell out of them, and got a bunch of them fired or suspended. Now I have purchased a farm to fix up. A number of my friends and form have done the same thing, like a dotted line up the coast and to the Smokey Mtns. We still have insiders and we have forward placed too. We are waiting. After all, we took an oath. My biggest mistake was venting on this low life scum bag site. Moreover, I would go as far as to say that a number of the people posting on this site who attempt to divide are likely Leftists themselves engaged in Psy Op head game. Worry about the ones who object the loudest. The quiet ones will act in concert with you. So have any of the idiot even thought about communications after this crashes? Do you idiots have your gear in cages? Have you distributed your one time use pads? Think deeper. Train better. Be ready to be audacious. Consider 2002 Millennium Challenge for starters.
You are a phony. Probably a Marxist Pol Pott wannabe.
You are a phony as well. Probably an Antifa member and Marxist Socialists of some kind.
Faker. Only an Idiot Antifa member would assume that they can discredit others by pretending to be those others. You are likely a Marxist Communist Socialist. "Me thinkst the lady doth protest too much."
Maybe they are simply trying to relate to other abuse victims who are acting like paranoid retards!!!
Go ahead, admit it. You are just another retarded Antifa member pretending to be your own enemy on this site.
Another paranoid retard and Squatty Potty Night Club Unicorn. Come on admit it. You are a Marxist and simply angry because you want to be a welfare mother too.