The Storm will arrive before the midterms

Add it up:

–A big ego who likes winning
–He knows he has to win the midterms to succeed
–A fan of Sun Tzu, and thus of strategic deception, which he used making real estate deals
–One of his books has a whole chapter on revenge
–Federal cases can take years to build
–As Alabama AG Sessions was known as "the Silent Assassin"
–40,000+ sealed federal indictments
–The GOP has four times the ground game for these elections than they did in 2016

The Storm will hit before the midterms. Democrats will not take the House or the Senate.

Attached: Trump-laugh-logo.jpg (960x651, 100.32K)

Other urls found in this thread:

This is completely false. Sessions didn't have to recuse himself, it is not a criminal investigation. Sessions is so stupid he didn't even understand the law he claimed he was evoking when he did recuse himself.

lol these q filler threads

honestly blow your brains out. i don't really wish death on anyone, but the q larp is actually dangerous. it is making americans remain fat stupid passive idiots as we descend into south africa corruption and white genocide mode

"trust the plan guys, Q predicteth dith!"

can we sticky this thread. Its only going to be like 1 month… this storm better hit now

An exercise in wishful thinking? I hope notI hope said storm is so stormy there aren't midtermsthere is only violence

Attached: bullshit_believe_it.jpg (720x439, 42.05K)

The Republicans will sweep in the Mid Terms. But it will be ineffectual hidden cucks who get nothing done anyway.

Kek. Sure he didn't.

I'm not a Q believer. This is a separate analysis.

Interesting hypothesis, but it fails because of a false dichotomy other than "Q-user bullshit" and "Sessions is an idiot". There is a third possibility: Sessions is an agent of the Deep State and got close to Trump and asked for the AG position to firewall against Trump taking action against the Deep State; the "insurance" Strzok of which spoke.
Good things never happen, only bad things. The best bad thing right now would be a bloody civil war and that simply isn't going to happen because of copious amounts of bread and circus

Fuck off leddit.

Correct. Sessions WANTED to recuse himself so Trump would have not reason to fire him for the witch hunt; Sessions made up a fake reason.
Sessions is the firewall that keeps Mueller and Rosenstein from being fired. And the Rinos in the senate, who either take the money or are blackmailed by Rosenstein, back up this plan.

I won't be holding my breath for "The Storm."

thank you user. I agree but you put my thoughts down much more eloquently.

Looking at this wrong
Prepare yourselves to let everyone know what a false flag op is and what fools they were to belive in such trivial LARPing.

You do realize Q called out the jews, right?

Of course you do, that's why you posted

Reported for Q-LARP spam. You have a containment board. Do not post your proven jewish hoax outside of that board.


This is some seriously stupid Q larp shit OP. Gas yourself.

And I know it's not Q, but it might as well be. Sessions didn't HAVE to recuse himself, he just CHOSE to and has defended the railroading of Trump ever since.

Fuck him and fuck you.

No. It didn’t. Ever. Not once. “There are good jews.” It explicitly said that. It promotes civic nationalism. It promotes the Oded Yinon Plan. It promotes zionism. It disavows white nationalism. Get the fuck out.

When nothing happens will you boomers finally commit mass suicide?

But nothing has already happened. Q-LARP said ‘hurr durr arrests in november’ and that was 9 months ago and it didn’t happen. They’re just clinically brain damaged. They will never admit they are wrong.

No, there are still a few natural resources and cash reserves left to plunder and waste.

It will be a landslide. Democrats already figured out through preliminary polls that they are losing very badly. And they don't have Obama's help this time.
If you want to see how scared they are just see the gathering of media giants in Cali and the censorship. If there was a blue wave coming they wouldn't be doing such drastic steps that expose that they are all CIA controlled.

Yeah for kikes like you that know that their time is up. Funny seeing how much you kvetch about the guy. You probably brought more people to look for his posts than the opposite.


We don’t support proven jewish paid shills here.

You guys are so fucked. Lol
I won't touch your corpses for fear of infection, but I'll piss in your jew mouth.

Attached: Q_MOS_Callout1.PNG (428x115 22.64 KB, 8.32K)

Yeah, there are Gamergate-levels of pushback to anything which remotely could be seen as Q-related. Sometimes the lady doth protest too much.


That means that Israel will be the last nation on Earth not destroyed.
Wow. It acknowledges that mossad exists. Congrats. Doesn’t name the jew, though. Explicitly says good jews exist.

If Q is real, why can’t you substantiate your claims? If Q is real, why can’t you answer any questions that someone asks about the credibility of his statements? If Q is real, why can’t you answer any questions that someone asks about the MERE CONTENTS of his statements? If Q is real, why did nothing he said in the first half of November come true? Much less any of his longer-term predictions. If Q is real, why would he ALERT HIS ENEMIES about a mass arrest on a public venue? If Q is real, why isn’t he using this public venue (again, alerting all of his enemies and exposing him and his coup attempt) to DIRECT PATRIOTS AT A LOCAL LEVEL? Because he isn’t. If Q is real, why did these alerts begin MONTHS before the actual events? Do you have any idea how quickly these traitors can mobilize and flee a country?

If, as Q-LARP says, there are more patriots than traitors in the government, why did they let the last 70 years happen? If, as Q-LARP says, Obama went to North Korea, where is the evidence? If, as Q-LARP says, the CIA/alphabet agencies were responsible for the 11 minute Twitter takedown of POTUS account, where is the evidence? If, as Q-LARP says, elections no longer matter, where is the evidence? If, as Q-LARP says, martial law is inbound, where is the evidence? If, as Q-LARP says, mass arrests of the government are inbound, where is the evidence?

Still waiting for that martial law, by the way.

what's funny is they're over there scrambling waiting for instruction on how to respond to getting BTFO

It's fun watching the witch melt, I must admit.

Go on cam with me
prove your not a jew

You have your own board. >>>/qresearch/

Thanks for admitting that you cannot answer a single question about your proven jewish hoax.

gay schizo jew

You're limited on options and I'm not. That's the difference. I'm here of my own volition and you're here for shekels. You get irate when anyone brings up anything q related, switch IPs like a fucking degenerate, post from 5 different accounts in reply to yourself and spurge the fuck out.


I'm wrong and you'll go on cam with me right now and shut me the fuck up. SHUT ME UP JEW!

This is Zig Forums not /qresearch/ go back there and take all these insane anti-Q kikes with you.

Attached: komputah.jpg (640x480, 70.73K)

If Q-LARP is real, why can’t you prove it? Why can’t you answer the questions?

Just like all that "pushback" whenever anybody claims the Holocaust happens or that they're are good jews, right?

The Q LARP is a shitty knockoff of David Wilcock's "Drake" hoax from 2012.

Attached: 36cc23b8f876b47e81ddf0cbc9cbfa15c8facd77f7b1c8fbffc52ebc4cabda31.jpg (640x358 204.77 KB, 15.73M)

Hey dipshit
I just did prove it's real with your help

take care now, master race IQ9000

Literally kill yourself mentally ill schizo

Thanks for admitting that you cannot answer a single question about your proven jewish hoax. Thanks for admitting that Q-LARP is a proven hoax and everything it claimed is false.

Remember to sage the Q-LARP thread.

It's a zionist psyop. Why do you think people like Corsi are involved?

Attached: Corsi Q LARP.jpg (738x289 715.28 KB, 62.82K)

Attached: TRUMP_DANCING_ANIMATED.gif (360x360, 3.23M)

Reported for mass spam. You have a containment board, paid jewish shill. >>>/qresearch/

are you still upset about getting demodded?

shoo shoo polvoljew


Reported for mass spam. You have a containment board, paid jewish shill. >>>/qresearch/

You are the mod because you don’t believe a jewish hoax.

How long can nothing happen before you boomers will accept that you've been had?

Attached: Qike shirt.png (1080x785 219.83 KB, 1.49M)

i dont believe the q shit, but i do enjoy seeing others take to it, especially normalfags. once normalfags start taking on alternative information even like alex jones, it sets them down a trail to find the truth.
how many of us used to say the illuminati? or the banks? … before we figured out that its jews,

this kind of shit is a better sign than everyone just listening to cnn and fox.

The thing that sets off the shills more than anything is 1. spreading information and 2. white congregation and nationalistic idealism.

I don't pay enough attention to Q to know how jewy the team is, but I love getting involved in these threads because it brings the shills like no other subject and they are so easy to prod.

Oh look, it's Jamal the spammer again.

Q-LARP spreads proven lies and civic nationalism. You’re fucking insane.

Why, moishe?

holy shit stfu faggot

The moment Trump found out what Q was he banned it from his rallies so that pretty much ends any chance at that being real.





Attached: thirdworldpushers.jpg (1000x1173, 357.33K)

Reported for bumping a shill thread.


Very interesting theory user.
I don't want to spread this because I'm worried I'll jinx it, but it does sound like something he would do.


You've been known as a retarded spammer for years, Jamal. Kill yourself.

That's not how reporting works

Your thread’s already destroyed.

This is how retarded redditors actually are.

This is how retarded you sound

Just like any "Q" thread on this board, one or two faggots will sagebomb it with pilpul and unfounded claims until it hits bump-limit then mysteriously vanish.

(20) now, will go much higher than that I warrant

nigger hotpockets bumplocked the thread, fucking faggots

Nigger, the Q LARP is explicitly pro-jewish, and makes excuses for zionist foreign policy.

If Q is real, why can’t you substantiate your claims? If Q is real, why can’t you answer any questions that someone asks about the credibility of his statements? If Q is real, why can’t you answer any questions that someone asks about the MERE CONTENTS of his statements? If Q is real, why did nothing he said in the first half of November come true? Much less any of his longer-term predictions. If Q is real, why would he ALERT HIS ENEMIES about a mass arrest on a public venue? If Q is real, why isn’t he using this public venue (again, alerting all of his enemies and exposing him and his coup attempt) to DIRECT PATRIOTS AT A LOCAL LEVEL? Because he isn’t. If Q is real, why did these alerts begin MONTHS before the actual events? Do you have any idea how quickly these traitors can mobilize and flee a country?
If, as Q-LARP says, there are more patriots than traitors in the government, why did they let the last 70 years happen? If, as Q-LARP says, Obama went to North Korea, where is the evidence? If, as Q-LARP says, the CIA/alphabet agencies were responsible for the 11 minute Twitter takedown of POTUS account, where is the evidence? If, as Q-LARP says, elections no longer matter, where is the evidence? If, as Q-LARP says, martial law is inbound, where is the evidence? If, as Q-LARP says, mass arrests of the government are inbound, where is the evidence?
Still waiting for that martial law, by the way.

Put a bullet in your head, paid jewish shill.


Keep over-kvetching, yid. Nothing quite like unabashed ass-hurt and overuse of buzzwords to out you.

Thanks for admitting that you cannot answer a single question about your proven jewish hoax. Thanks for admitting that Q-LARP is a proven hoax and everything it claimed is false.

Why would jews be against a kosher LARP that pushes for regime change in Iran?

Hey Cerebralsaurus Rex we really don't give a fuck one way or the other. We just like use threads like this to red-pill normies to the fact that you shills really do spam these boards.

Trump could fire Sessions and Mueller and Rosenstein anytime he wants. Sessions is one of Trump's first supporters. He's a squeaky-clean guy who is not a Swamp creature.

Speaking of CIA control, the Democrats are running lots of ex-spies this year.
