Antifa are about to overturn a major legal victory at Cville if we don't help

What's going on is that Charlottesville is being used as a pretext by leftist legal activists to fully and finally kill the Skokie Precedent and render all public right wing activism functionally illegal.

>This was all already sorted out well before I was born, in the Supreme Court's "National Socialist Party of America vs. the Village of Skokie." case. The local government tried to argue that they couldn't afford to do their job. The local government tried to argue that the leftist radical threats left them with no choice but to cave to the "heckler's veto." The local government attempted all the usual shenanigans, with prohibitive fees, malicious delays, and other clever attempts to achieve an end run around right wing Freedom of Assembly."

Attached: utr.jpeg (2048x1365, 379.45K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I respect Parrott but have never like Kessler or TWP. I've never even agreed making mass rallies as a priority, at this stage in the game. I still think he is right however. We are just a few steps away from being handled like National Action in the UK, and we shouldnt concede an inch.

That might be true, but this isn't the UK. Unlike the faggot face cucks of bongistan, burgers still have guns and trucks. Everyone knows that pushing down on a white burger makes him explode. Pushing down on a bunch will be the 4th of July.

That, like Charlottesville, was a jewish false flag.

Attached: Barnes Review - Frank Joseph.png (480x360 137.88 KB, 7.68M)

That's kikey enough in business cases let alone a civil case.

No thanks, I have no brothers

Why don't you tweet at Trump about it?
He's got more power than us, and he could actually do something about it.

Is it because you know that while he could, he won't?

Jeez. And they are still getting away with crap like this.

Maybe you should use them for a change, not just puff your chest about. Dont get me wrong, we all hope you do and win your freedom, you just have to accualy do it.

The worst part of this is Charlottesville is a provable false flag.

they always use the same handful of routines for whichever false flag they are running.

I don't get why people act like a lot happened at Cville. Okay a car drove into a crowd of people at like 15km/h and no one got hurt save for a lard ass who probably would've died from a steep incline let alone a sudden scare. All Jew media sensationalizm and kvetching aside - I have seen people here talk about it like something newsworthy actually happened. Am I missing something beyond Porky Pig dying and the mysterious helicopter crash? Because why are people acting like CCVille was any different from every other politically charged shitshow demonstration over the past 3 years.

I can't believe I've never heard about this before, not even on Zig Forums. What a powerful redpill, this really needs to be spread around more.

it wasnt normal. there wouldnt have been government SUV trucks parked at both ends of 4th street where the attack happens. it was all a big set up.

Attached: 4th street cville truck.png (2090x810, 1.31M)

Okay again. Let's say I accept it was a false flag. I am saying the actual happenings were so tame compared to other events that I don't get what the fuss was about - once they proved Heather wasn't even hit by the car, what made it anything exciting beyond a bunch of actors, autists and reprobates marching around screaming at each other? Sounds like every day at Occupy.

You must be fresh off the boat from somewhere then. We compare the altright to that collin guy all the time.

Now the jüdischepresse can claim that any White man that tries to stand up for themselves, or their culture and history, is a terrorist that needs to be shipped off to Guantanamo Bay. This was a false a flag by the ZOG to further terrorize people and paint unsanctioned, reactionary White activism as evil. Historical revisionism is one of the tools that jewry uses to destroy the spirit of the host people they intend to rule.

"Bolshevism is the declaration of war by jewish-led international subhumans against culture itself. It is not only anti-bourgeois, it is anti-cultural. It means, in the final consequence, the absolute destruction of all economic, social, state, cultural, and civilizing advances made by western civilization for the benefit of a rootless and nomadic international clique of conspirators, who have found their representation in jewry."

"Jewish World Bolshevism is an absolutely foreign body in the community of cultured European nations. It makes not the slightest contribution to our economy or culture, but only spreads confusion. It makes not a single positive contribution on the international stage of life in Europe or the world, but rather brings forth only propagandist charts of lying statistics and agitational posters."

When did they do that in a court of law?

Just add this to the list that have destroyed and eroded the Bill of Rights in this country. It's almost over.

Attached: 1486220976685.gif (500x423, 559.4K)

Attached: c4740901746b803025a736294d1ae117d05cf259890f58c3830a50b0f29bee0f.jpg (400x400, 113.31K)

yea I know it was tame, but what they do with these false flags. They artificially raise them to the top of the charts. Then they create the Heather Heyer Myth and all that other bullshit they push. the big agenda. Also James Fields literally dissapear from all public view.

it just like those stupid stories pushed by Huffpost about some lame shit no one cares about "totally going viral" it is all manufactured

I showed this video to the woman who does body languages and she said that she hopes this guy becomes famous.

If you showed regular people this video it completely changes their opinion.

This reminds of an interview with Hillary on the NFL issue. Her contribution was that kneeling is actually a respectful position. Even on such a simple issue she can only make bullshit manipulative remarks.


Attached: NatSoc12.jpg (2048x1536, 570.64K)

That's not how it works. Surprisingly.

Every single person in that image is a US military (SOCOM) actor/role player.


Matt Parrott is a CIA agent. So is his co-worker Matt Heimbach.


Good. All public right wing activism is CIA/US military psych warfare ops.

Americans have been saying they'll fight back any day now for the last 50 years.

We're still comfortable.

Attached: 1472615921129.jpg (657x527, 35.5K)

It was these meme train trying to shift into real life. It got totally ass raped by the mainstream and normies hated it.

Thats the thing. If you arent going to fight before the decline you arent going to fight back le 36% nation isnt going to have a white nationalist revolution

I have a solution: the local police need to deputise right wing whites, who would beat the shit out of antifa for free.

How can the city make the argument of violating the rally-goers' & protesters' Constitutionally-protected rights under the First Amendment in favor of preserving public safety when the SCOTUS has already ruled that law enforcement is under no obligation nor duty to protect?
(Yes, I realize this was a psyop, but, bullshit still needs to be called out.)

I remember you from the other thread.
So, you managed to get in contact with Bombard, after all!
Well done.

Once the lights go out, you have 9 meals before anarchy breaks out, and, events like hurricanes Sandy and Katrina have shown just how precarious things really are.
You may still see that hot war of yours within your lifetime.

Dude, the United States has been on a downhill slope since Marbury v. Madison, 5 U.S. (1 Cranch) 137 (1803). Judicial review killed everything that the Founding Fathers bled and died for.

I strongly suspect that certain (((groups))) wanted heavy bloodshed.
Their fervent desire was for some "White supremacists" to gun down a few dozen antifa and BLM idiots.
That is why they stood down the cops and sent in the goons.
Instead, all they got was a White guy fleeing from imminent attack in his car and pushing through a crowd of rioting assholes. Oh, and also a morbidly obese woman had a heart attack and died.
So they ran with what they got, but make no mistake the headline that they WANTED was "Evil Rayciss Nahtzee White Supremacist Guns Down 6 Gorillion Innocent Protestors and Gud Boys Who Dindu Nuffin"
Then they would push for gun bans, speech bans, protest bans, and so forth. Well, even more than usual, anyway.

This. This is part of it.
Blacks riot over bullshit and murder a bunch of cops: silence.
Whites protest the desecration of their cultural and historical monuments: endless kvetching.
They want to make any kind of peaceful White resistance to the ongoing genocide of White America impossible.

Then the FUD comes out claiming that "everything is jewish."
Let me guess, the German National Socialists were all really jews, right schlomo?

And it's apparently copypasta.
Just stay home and do nothing, right?
It's all the secret police and stazi, right?
Informants under every rock, right?
Never talk, never organize, never protest, never let anyone know what you think, or feel, or want, right?
Just give up, right?
Gas yourself.
The USA still has freedom of speech, even if it is under attack.
We will never get anywhere if Whites are afraid to even TALK or peacefully organize towards White interests.
Make White Nationalism Mainstream Again

I don't think I complteley disagree with anyone in this thread.

This reminds me of a document Covington probably wrote "A Brief History of the White Nationalist Movement." I'm pretty sure they did this kind of thing more than once, in the US, but I cant recall specifics.

Something like 90% of Americans, according to a survey at the time, would have preferred to lose WW2 than allow full black equality. You realize how far, and fast, we have fallen since then? We will forever act like boomers, not really caring as long as they don't invade our block or fuck our daughters, and accepting it quietly when they do. Go to a gun show and you will realize that none of these people will ever fight back, its just an individualistic lifestyle choice.

Yea Field's airbag did not go off when he slammed into the car and crowd. I find that really suspicious personally, that is not something you can just flip a dashboard switch to deactivate. I think its possible he was set up to do that somehow.

I don't care about Cville, or the alt-right. Its that we might lose the legal precedent that allows us to march where we aren't wanted. Which, I'm not even sure is a big deal, as there are other tactics (I actually generally disagree with actions that give the far left an opportunity to create chaos), but I respect it if Parrott and other former TWP higher-ups who have been serious about movement building for a long time say it is.
That is Heyer in the black with the ponytail. There is no way she was not punted down the street by the car. She is next to the parked gray truck when he began to hit the crowd.

It is, but how do we win, in time, without it?

I don't like Heimbach, but how is Parrott a state agent? He admitted to meeting with Indiana state police many years ago, but I would chalk that up to autism.

The state of this movement is depressing on every level, and basically always has been.

They ARE still trying this type of shenanigans….

Go Antifa!

I'm not even reading the thread, I already know you guyses secret on this. So clever, lol.

You losers will never leave your houses.
Hitler's acts were defensive.

The Federal judiciary will always have the final say.


Whites commit the least amount of crimes and don't have any street gangs other then motorcycled ones who constantly move around other then that prison there is no actual walking White street gangs like niggers,asians and beaners have.

So they consider niggers,asian and beaner gangs fine even though they are current direct threat to the average citizen. Their entire races are basically made of street gangs. The mexican cartel had killed more Americans through not just violent crime but, opiods then any other war we have ever had.

Can't make it anymore obvious they are trying to genocide White people wanting to call any White guy speaking up against the (((jew))) propaganda a gangster.

I don't post here when I kill, you useless blackpill faggot. Don't talk; do.

It's because of tranny activists like Emily (Edward) Gorenskii. It's best for you to eliminate that sack of shit if you're going to inevitably lose that court case. The subhuman currently lives in Berlin.

It's fiance currently lives in Virginia.

dead hecklers can't veto

This is a good thing as it will dissuade larpers from embarrassing us with their ethnonationalist neo-nazi bs.
This has always been a civnat/libertarian board and we need to stick to the nets, not the streets.

I have pretty much accepted that the deep south and the southwest are gone. The white man will not be taking these regions back for a long time.

A referendum could have saved America from cultural destruction. It's too bad everybody would have had to take a day or two off from work to travel into town by foot or horse/carriage for the vote.

I think there should be more nazi rallies, the right to assembly should not be infringed just because the people assembling are retarded

Not going to happen.
All the "but he's muh cia nigger!" and "he works for the NSA" or "clearly an FBI agen". Are all D&C. There may be random connections but it's used on EVERYONE and EVERYTHING that is ever proposed.

There wont BE an America in 50 years. Just zoomers grilling their steaks, with their mixed race children.

Permits? Fines? This late in the game? I don't think you really appreciate how fucked things are. We're all going to prison and or dying. It's FIGHTING time.

well there were those spook trucks all over charlottsville.

Unless you're dumping an antifa into a pit, it's not going to help.

You know what to do if you want to prove me wrong.