I'm thinking of joining US Army as foreign volunteer

I'm thinking of joining US Army as foreign volunteer.


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Put a fucking bullet in your brain, you goddamn retard.

Fuck off kikey.

Israel won't protect itself.

1: Are you white?(This is very important.)
2: If you answered yes to #1, please proceed. However, do everything necessary to retain citizenship from your home nation. They'll probably need you and the skills you learn in a few years, if not a few months.
3: Don't join the Army unless you want to simulate pregnancies as a male, or you enjoy having sheboon second lieutenants lord their petty power over you and get you killed in combat. Join the Marines.
4: If you answered no to #1, kindly fuck off and work on improving your home nation instead.

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Join IDF instead.

Hi Morrakiu.

2)Not interested in getting green card
3)Isn't that normal in every army

What's IDF?

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Thank you for clarifying your disposition. Please suckstart the nearest firearm. If you do not have access to firearms, please proceed to your nearest busy street and play in traffic until you are struck by a vehicle.

What? Don't you get treated like human trash wherever you serve?

You’ve probably seen to much war movies. If you want to defend Israel’s interests then go ahead

Everyone should do their part and toss change into traffic when in jew neighborhoods.

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Does your country have an army?

Because I see US as pretty much representative of our era, just like Rome was pre Middle Ages. When Rome fell, world was set back for literally 1k years and it looks like US has many enemies at the moment.

lol holy shit. dude you are unstable

Have fun, volunteer.

i heard that trump ended the foreign enlistment program
too many africans using it for quick citizenship and positions are filled up for the unique cultural and language specialist roles that the program was originally designed to fill

It seems to me that you have no idea about what you are looking forward. I would advise you to find a marine veteran to speak a couple of minutes about lovely Somalia. If you are missing the marine specimen plan a trip to Minneapolis (not Mogadishu, it is a bridge too far to begin with). Remember that enlisting in a foreigner army may not be viewed as a nice move from your fellow countrymen. In the country where I live it is forbidden to enlist if you do not hold citizenship, however we do not have sheboons serving. No IDF, somewhere in Soviet Eurabia (still no sheboons).

An era of degenerates, materialism and zogbots? Either youre a poor naive person, or a shill trying to paint the (((US))) as a saviour rather than a global destructive force.

I would not recommend it at all. Or for any NATO member military, especially.

See youtube.com/watch?v=5HoUQ2VuQHI (already embedded in another thread)

dont fucking do it
dont do it
just dont
i i know a guy who did that from the finnish army
hates this shit
and it sucks
you suck
i want my DD214



I have a better idea for you.


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Rome didn't fall abrubtly, you dumb shit. And amerimutts dragged the world down when they destroyed Germany to make room for communism.

Barbarians destroyed the aqua ducts and took over quickly if i remember correctly.


And how did they even take on an organized army of trained, dedicated killing machines?
They didn't. Rome degenerated and respectively the armed forces of Rome.

But to compare muttmerica with Rome is an insult. Yes, Rome was multiculti and was anti nationalism for anyone but their own. But Rome did bring art and science to the world. Muttmerica literally brought up German WW2 tech and have done jack fucking shit ever since.

Fuck off jew.

sage negated, commie loving fuck.

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All you'd be doing is putting yourself in nu/pol/'s crosshairs for now being an irredeemable "zogbot".

they couldn't get any water so naturally the city fell pretty quickly. try going 3 days without water. they just outlasted them basically. no epic battle to depict in a movie.

rome may have been great but we got indoor plumbing and electricity. fuck we got cars and planes, nuclear reactors and advanced medicine. sure our america government has its head up its ass but rome is a thing of the past.
Zeus doesn't got shit on this level of power.

Same pictures every times.

Ain't you going to get tired?

Super retarded idea its nothing worth doing unless desperate for a job

Decide to visit Zig Forums out of habit

Why do the kikes keep making these "go to america" threads, is it so they have more white people to persecute when they give their final oy vey?

Yep, that's reddit for you.

Because it's a wedge issue they are exploiting. Anything to separate white Americans and Europeans. Just watch, I'll be attacked for this post.

This is on par with nigger gang shit

If you absolutely positively really want to join the service, remember the military isn't all infantry, there is way more you can do in the military other than risking your life. However you will still very much end up dealing with the lowest common denominator and niggers, group punishments, general incompetence and other bullshit, and thank you for your service.

At that point why not join the Air Force or Navy? I know two people who joined the service, one is in the army and the other is in the air force. The one who is in the army tells me all about how much he wants to get out, while the guy in the air force tells me how cool it is he gets to fly around the world on missions visiting many beautiful countries all on Uncle Sam's dime. Either the services treat their dudes differently or one can put up with shit more than the other, or it could be both.

As foreigner though OP? Stay in your own country, because your homeland will need every able bodied man it can get when the shit finally hits the fan. The white man can run no more.

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You can get the military training from US or other white military veterans without enlisting in. That's what Zig Forums volks are doing now. Am I right?

Formal military training without needing to enlist would be great, but that sounds a little too good to be true.

If you join don’t be a meat shield and don’t sign anything that doesn’t have the job you want explicitly written on it. If you have an ASVAB above 80 or so you should qualify for the good jobs in comms or tech. Do the contract, learn something useful and get out.

There is an entire industry of headhunters that find military tech rate veterans good jobs. Companies such as Orion group. I used Orion getting out of the Navy as a submarine sonar tech and before I was even out of the military I had a signed contract for a 6 figure job in private industry.

If you are gonna do it, do it right and get something useful out of your time.

that's retarded, US military only fights for Israel, they deserve no respect

unless you are a spic this makes no sense