Operation Alicia MK 10 - Saving the Huwhite Race Edition

ITT: We fuck with porn kikes for great justice and the salvation of a literally-retarded waifu.
CAUTION: A massive shill wave has been detected in response to a magnitude 6.oyvey kvetchquake generated by the content of this operation.
You have been warned.
From the first thread:
>(((Mods))) on cuckchan are deleting threads about this.
Quick rundown from cuckchan thread
Here is a video of her saying they wouldn't let her have her comfort animal with her at a shoot and she had to be hospitalized because of an anxiety attack.




Video with her being on drugs

Thread 1

Thread 2

Thread 3

Thread 4

Thread 5:

Thread 6:

Thread 7:

Thread 8:

Thread 9:
> 8ch.net/pol/res/12051072.html

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Other urls found in this thread:


We are still talking about this skank?

My Queen!

From the previous thread:

Current Owners of MindGeek:
CEO Feras Antoon (Residence in Montreal, Quebec, Canada)
COO David Marmorstein Tassillo ← This jew is a bitch to find. I can only find a pic of him and that's it.

SIZEABLE? You can't even begin to imagine. All the free porn viewing websites (xvideos, pornhub, etc.), they OWN ALL of it.

Attached: DavidtheJewTassillo.png (161x208, 77.03K)

Attached: UhOh!.png (903x83, 21.3K)

No one is going to full for your kike tricks. >>>/oven/.

Attached: halt.jpg (768x448, 169.5K)

Alright boys, stream will be up in four hours. I suggest getting on over there when it's up and supporting our boy JF as he becomes our champion. When you're in there, drop as many redpills in chat as you can about the Hannah situation, but don't overdo it. We don't want to flood or spam the chat. Also, the stream will most likely have a feature open for Superchats/donations where your comment/question will be highlighted to the streamer(s) for some cash, so if any of you cheap bastards has two or five bucks to spare, make sure to send Superchats including redpills about Hannah or asking the streamers about the relation of the JQ to the porn industry. Do the same with other streamers like Nick Fuentes. I'll see you all there.

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shit threads like this provide great evidence that the mod is a shill and so are half the posters

this is hilarious the way a handful of shills try to manufacture the appearance of an ongoing op for a retarded whore. Do youy kikes really think we're buying your larp? If we werem you wouldn't have to post 80% of the posts in your shill threads.

*fall. God damnit Hannah's family grammar is rubbing off on me.

Destroying the porn industry is an absolute necessity if we are to win.
If the trauma of this retard is what sparks the fire, then so be it!

do you really think your reverse psychology works on us?

Attached: psyops fucked piotr.JPG (774x809, 116.73K)

You need a new script, Ezra.

Attached: aliciafamily.png (4444x3333 3.54 MB, 9.79M)

There is literally no plan to destroy anything. A bunch of you have already embarrassed yourselves by contacting this girl (who these threads are ALL about, despite these "for great justice" claims).

Social security database has no records for Greg Aquozarate (whatever it is, Im so tired of looking that up)
Only Greg Lansky that resided in CA has left the state and I believe to be deceased although the death cert has not been recorded (or I may be checking the wrong state)

Anyway, our boy Greg appears to have been utilizing the 1949 Greg Lansky's social security number for personal matters, including a DUI that he was arrested for in LA County.

He is, my friends, an illegal!

I'm preparing the email for ICE

Attached: Lansky_Illegal.PNG (1282x105 23 KB, 13.14K)

this man is doing gods work

i'm calling bullshit
isn't getting someone's SSN kind of difficult?
not a burger so idk

Attached: 254f42c13cd2270228a444026a122575b3b6b38e2c7093f73223b207b3e7ca84.png (809x739, 415.4K)

Who is funding these shill threads?

oh shit, don't forget to email them about the identity theft too

Hmmm, why don't you tell me someones name near you and I will give you a portion of theirs?

stop opening the thread with the waifu line you queer, this is bigger than alicia, and calling her waifu invites correct hatred from real anons

Mate, that's stellar work. Can you imagine the tax evasion he's engaging in if his paper work is a lie? That qualifies for an FBI raid, and then they can take a real close look at what other misconduct he engages in. Dear FBI, I recommend the name: Operation comfort lizard.

George Soros?
Seriously, what does it matter if they are waifuist cucks?
As long as they actually chemo the porncancer for a bit, I'm fine with it.

Attached: poppy wwink.webm (1263x617, 315.99K)

The jew was born on December 12, 1982 (age 35)

I only have DOB access for UK

As evidenced by all the people tweeting her, emailing her, and posting her porn links. She's not going to fuck you.

but can you explain how this is even possible
also gib link to the database

I'll get right on that agent

How did we come up with Aouizerate as a confirmed alias or real name for Lanksy? Is it a dba (Doing Business As)? If it is a dba, dba's are like stage names and perfectly legal. But user's new info here about Lanksy and no confirmed SS is golden. What the fuck is this kike's real name???

Yuropoor here, in our country the similar number used to be pretty "secret"

Nowadays it is bought and sold along with the rest of your identity data

The jew was born on December 12, 1982 (age 35). I think you got the wrong Greg Lansky.

Precisely, my friend!
Think about it….

Bring it all down.

What is ID theft?

He's American. Using a birthdate to get a SS# is not illegal, you can use public records search and get a lot of info if you drop about $20-$30.

What is public records search nigger. PIs use public records all the time. For about $30 you can get info released; SS numbers, tax records, addresses, family etc. Why has no user done this?

She was on monsterfacials or some shit yesterday.

Checked. Nice work with those.

Yes, but not impossible.

Bullshit unless you can show otherwise. None of those 'lookup' sites have socials.

Beta orbiters and their crusty knuckles.

we need to get the FBI to believe he's armed and dangerous if they raid him so they are loose with their trigger fingers

You've got the wrong user, but yes we should pull all the background on him we can.

if you check Aouizerate on corporation wiki you'll see he's the president of a porn photoshopping firm, on top if that he looks exactly like Lansky, and has the same year of birth. Look at previous threads for more info but the pic in the OP should suffice as to proving lansky=aouizerate

You spelled Aouizerate wrong. Give the correct name to ICE as well.
Also mention that he was involved in filming a developmentally delayed girl get raped by a pack of niggers!

Attached: mel.jpg (600x640, 208.02K)

What's the Doheney address for Lansky?
I need it to complete the ICE tip form

No fucking way…I love you user. Kek wills it!

Attached: 742.png (1356x1360, 316.56K)

Stop being a gay beta orbiter, no user here is going to pity fuck you.

Attached: even this guy thinks you are retarded.JPG (359x306, 32.24K)


I just thought about this, but why don't we try to send pepes to Hannah on Twitter with words of encouragment? She likely isn't aware of the meme itself, and will just think it's a picture of a cute frog. She loves lizards, so she might like amphibians too right? What if we get her to start posting unironic pepes?

Attached: DTPXbF7V4AA_UyH.jpg (463x463 167.32 KB, 18.83K)

Where is the Doheney Address? Where is the Doheney Address?Where is the Doheney Address?Where is the Doheney Address?Where is the Doheney Address?Where is the Doheney Address?Where is the Doheney Address?Where is the Doheney Address?Where is the Doheney Address?Where is the Doheney Address?Where is the Doheney Address?Where is the Doheney Address?Where is the Doheney Address?Where is the Doheney Address?Where is the Doheney Address?Where is the Doheney Address?Where is the Doheney Address?Where is the Doheney Address?Where is the Doheney Address?Where is the Doheney Address?Where is the Doheney Address?Where is the Doheney Address?Where is the Doheney Address?Where is the Doheney Address?Where is the Doheney Address?

Attached: 1512623818730.png (750x1334, 1.79M)

So, I guess begin at requesting public records from Los Angeles County?

Many people have been curiously monitoring the death of Zig Forums Pol and this will definitely do you faggots in.

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Ah, I get it. Well this is gold, but I have a thought. Even if he does gets removed, wouldn't he still operate his business at his native country? I would like to see his businesses completely destroyed or image tarnished before ICEing him.

That image is very auspicious, she is holding a Kek's avatar and now is being saved by his followers.


1671 N Doheney Dr, Los Angeles

Attached: Screenshot_2018-08-24 HSI Tip Form.png (1084x613 385.14 KB, 82.9K)

He Pol'd! HE POL'd!!!!!

To be fair, I dont believe shes any more retarded than the average pornstar.

On this FBI no-knock raid idea, he doesn't have to be depicted as 'armed and dangerous' in my opinion. We just need to establish a probable cause that he is fleeing legal pursuit in light of his identity being discovered. Again I note, he stopped peacocking on Instagram the instant our digging revealed the Aouizerate connection, while his Twitter has been reduced to retweets for some days; the frequency of his Instagram posts is days apart, but the FBI doesn't know or have to know that, do they? And I don't think the FBI has a tip system for bad tips, nor should it.

They only have to be hooked by the idea that he's going dark, suggesting guilt and probable cause, which establishes a hook for their interest in his overseas luxury tour through the Mediterranean at the same time as it's being discovered by free actors that he factually operates under pseudonyms and has a fraudulent SSN thieved from a probably dead man, suggesting by all means that he's an illegal alien with glowing connections to the underworld. All things the three-letter agencies probably already know and are complicit in in the corrupt & insulated higher-up levels, but that their boots on the ground don't know and don't know they shouldn't fuck with. Just my two cents.

It begins.

Attached: ICE2.jpg (796x466 49.21 KB, 421.76K)

Checked for all porn stars are retarded and US federal obscenity laws must be enforced to ensure their protection.

Attached: Expertly-Trained Anti-Anxiety Lizard, Beyond Human Potential.mp4 (1280x720, 4.26M)

The goatfucker spergout continues.

This could be legendary.

Attached: topgun.gif (320x240, 2.46M)

They sent another porn whore onto the JF livestream to run more damage control

Probably has Hootsuite. Basically a social media bot that retweets relevant shit and makes mundane posts and shit.

I should specify, those quotes are about Hannah.
JF asked if she saw his video with Hannah Hays. She said "that's actually why I got in contact with you"


Attached: hannah_hays - Copy.jpg (790x462 194.19 KB, 45.38K)

that shits lamewho cares whats some porn roastie says about her site?

I guarantee you all the cucks in this thread have already watched all her nigger porn. These threads are running on pheromones.

DEFEND HER, Zig Forums


Attached: nigger whore 9.jpg (1920x1280 720.48 KB, 190.5K)

Attached: What did you expect.gif (255x234, 2.37M)

That's from pinterest. Just made a screencap because I don't have an acc to look further into. Source was stated as google.se

Attached: pinterest on marmorstein.png (1030x385, 323.88K)


Attached: jew rubbing.jpg (185x250, 2.81K)

Don't even bother with them, just filter them. They know we're just using her as leverage against the (((porn industry))) and they have no arguments, they're just trying to shame people by calling them virgins and incels like the catlady kikes they are.

She already debunked all those theories. But I'm sure if you keep handing her a victim card, she'll let you lick the niggercum off her thighs.


You know, beside the recurring dead eyes & near frowning in many of the images, with stiff-featured and relatively isolated smiles in others, am I the only one noticing how severely fluffy and touched up the images are? And when she isn't dolled up for this or likely agent-filtered twitter images- the JF interview is a particularly good example- she looks and sounds like an absolute wreck of stress. We already know that the tinykike touches up his content severely, everyone in the industry does, but with the GL Web Media connection in 2008, I wonder if he and his cronies didn't start early on the trend of extensive digital touch-ups. After all, 2007 was D-day for all the other normalfag internet cancer, the timeframe fits.

Conjectural point being, if Greg and company started the trend early, and the Vixen Media parented companies are a redlining propaganda slushfund, with BLACKED in particular not turning a public profit, wouldn't they be on the cutting edge of it? We've already seen the advent of digital replacement deepfakes used both for very advanced proof-of-concept videos of politicians' footage being resimulated based on a scanned actors' expressions, and for varying amateurish to semi-convincing total facial replacement porn. What if some of these duped, pseudo-human trafficked jailbait stars that get the Shanghai treatment, the 'modeling job' bait-and-switch, essentially always look like Alicia in the JF interview outside of touched up images for public distribution? What if this uncanny fake-happy expression is 90% computer generated in both images and video?

Look at the lines of her face in image 9 in particular. Her smile is more of a tooth-baring, horizontal. Her cheeks crease and suck inward in a strange fashion. The wrinkles of cheek-to-nose have the makings of a disgust grimace. Her eyes are even after the touch-up work glassy, the undereyes are visibly bagged- but unevenly smeared to look a little more naturally pink, which they couldn't or were too lazy to do toward her bottom eyelids because it'd fuck up and stretch the lashes- while her eyebrows are mostly flat down, barely trying to do a sort of smarm/come hither thing, and the area around them & her forehead is kinda blurry. Her entire face, for that matter, has this less subtle blurring to it than the body even at original resolution, which becomes a bit more apparent looking close at 200% res, see image. And just below her hairline there's this forehead wide line of dark kind of vein-like coloring that looks totally out of place, while her scalp looks almost yellowed, shaded like her hair.

How much of porn consists of near-chattel wage slaves being filmed or photographed unhappily going through the motions and then faking the rest later? The industry already faked orgasms as a scripted thing for decades, used dildo sheaths for some bottom-barrel interracial productions, and has all manner of issues with actors & actresses getting shoved out of their already degenerated comfort zones by not getting told all of what they're doing before filming, so on and so forth, so why not try to fake literally everything else once digitization makes it viable?

Attached: heavily touched up 'fuck my shit up' face, note isolated expressoin, half photoshopped bags, weird hairline color.png (1574x1144, 593.14K)

Yep, that's a prostitute.

Check these posts from last thread.

Greg Aouizerate was named in an earlier thread looking extremely similar to Greg Lansky. Looking up that name Aouizerate brought up two companies. GL webmedia's website styling, GL (Greg Lansky), and their ties to the industry their website says they produce adult content.

Tell them he's armed and dangerous.

we can't save anybody but we can fuck with jews

she's a retard, that you can't argue

help us spread info to the FBI then so ghey raid Greg

also, if you can spread the addresses to stormfront, 4chan, the aryan brotherhood wherever would be great. the AB is already rumored to have greg on their radar

You still obsessing over my leftovers, Zig Forums ?

these addresses might be more useful if you want to submit another form

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Not white knighting here. Doing this to expose tiny jew Aouizerate and hopefully damage that industry as a whole. I refrained from responding to these posts and most likely be my last reply to a post as this because it is not constructive.

One you go black, we don't want you back.

even if you're retarded

especially if you're retarded


Attached: greg lansky - has to go back.png (1567x658, 220.38K)

Blacked girls can only be cleaned by soap made in Auschwitz. There are only a few hundred such bars left, mostly in jewish graveyards.

Zig Forums should make Hanna Hays its official mascot and display her porn video images in rotating banners at the top of every page.

That is a horrible idea you idiot.

How dare you. Hannah Hays is Zig Forums's girl, now and forever.

You clearly want the h'white race to be genocided.


pic related is you

Attached: th.jpeg (415x360, 47.36K)

Zig Forums is always right

Attached: headshot.jpg (468x356, 26.72K)

Gregory Aouizerate, Gregory Aquizerate, aka Greg Lansky

Phone Numbers
(818)710-1295 (323)436-0408 (424)278-1704

1100 Alta Loma Rd Apt 802 West Hollywood, CA 90069-2438
6253 Hollywood Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90028-8275

Fortress Web, Inc.
19510 Ventura Blvd. Tarzana, CA 91356

Gl Web Media, Inc.
1880 Century Park E Los Angeles, CA 90067
12722 Riverside Drive Valley Village, CA 91607
19510 Ventura Blvd Tarzana, CA 91356

Why does one need so many aliases? Is that even legal?

Pretty sure you can call yourself whatever you like. It's using a false identity on a police report and potentially tax filings that might cause Grego a bit of trouble

I am think of writing a poem about how we can rip these kikes new assholes suitable for big dick bigger fucking, any suggestions?