Baltimore klan leader sentenced to four years for shooting at a deranged nigger with a flamethrower

And yet burgers say America isn't cucked.

And yet you burgers say America isn't cucked.‘unite-right’

(note for some reason didn't want to archive this link. Hmm, I wonder why?)

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Sage and report for D&C and not even trying.

I wish he had shot that nigger but he didn't do that, did he? He pulled out his gun and shot at the floor.

I remember this guy shooting. Was surprised he didn’t get arrested on the spot but chalked it up to something like stand your ground

🔥🔥🔥🐒🔥🔥🔥🤺 I TRIED

I look this guy up, find 1 article about him from 2013. he formed his little larp group in 2011. absolute nobody. he is related to someone named Karen Scheuerman. she sound jewish

Well, he was sentenced to four years with another four suspended. Goodwin was sentenced to 8 years with another 2 years suspended (a total of a decade) while Ramos was sentenced to 6 years with another 3 suspended. Borden hasn't been charged yet but he's facing 20 years down the line. You know he's going to get the entire sentence.

This is why you ALWAYS plead guilty immediately to avoid the case from going to court. Because when you're in liberal districts you are inevitably going to get thrown under the bus. Do not EVER let it go to court.

All posts made championing America as some kind of bloc of White power is deescalation plantation shilling.

he was part of the act.

Every gun owner with a room temperature IQ knows it's illegal to fire warning shots.

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So useful idiot gets jailed. No great loss.
Lame meme. A jew probably came up with it, just like calling germans "krauts"

Not self defense if you shoot AT them. Oy!
Fed down, fed down! Klan in distress!

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No warning, just straight into her fartbox.

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Scheuerman? German for "Barn Man" sounds jewish to you?

kike klux klan can die

we dont give a shit about these jew extremest. They are not white. They are degenerates.

OP you are a faggot who promotes people that dress in hoods. Antifa also covers their face. Both groups are unamerican degenerate fags.

Hey want to see more of them die. I hope theres a thread like this every day. We dont give a shit about your kind. Im enjoying this thread. Learn to tie a knot faggot

probably unrelated, but what can Zig Forums do in prison?

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Flamethrowers aren’t for self defense, they are for bonfires and entertainment

Who isn't entertained when a nigger is set on fire?

I wouldn’t know, I have never set anyone on fire.

You're dumb. Pleading guilty to avoid trial will ALWAYS cut you a lesser sentence. To give one example, in 2009 there were two guys who were arrested for an alleged assassination plot on President Obama. They were facing 75 years but since they were smart, they plead guilty to avoid a trial and were instead given 10 and 14 years.

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Tasty quads.

not one person in the crowd flinches when he pulls the gun out. they dont even give a shit. it must have been in the script. Best part is when sneaky jew is spotted in the crowd

Enjoy your ban newfag

sneaky jew. this guy is at like every happening during cville. like some jew wizard

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Yet Deandre Harris gets off of everything, and gets fundraised. Even though he was on tape attacking with a maglight.

Fucking bots

why not redpill convicts?


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White men in jail already know the score, the rest are niggers, spics, and sand niggers.

to piggy back off this
this is a common occurence
the color purple and large groups of nigs behaving in paramilitarey style
in certain areas there's "troubled young boys groups" led by reverends and very glow in the dark looking nigs who you definately would not see stealing your tv because they brainwash the younger ones to do it
it's great to have young nigs off tha streets n unifying but soon as a white man tries to start anything exclusively for men of his race in pride of his race it's racist, white supremacy, and that just needs to stop
get ready boys
they're really not hiding anymore
sage for double postan

Wait, you mean that's actually illegal now? When did that happen?

He discharged a firearm in a school zone. They will always find a way to Jew you.

It' funny because quads and true.

Where was Antifa?

Purple Klan

I did. Was to be the kill move to end what I did to the nigger before. Fun fact! they turn pussy pink afterwards. Not so fun fact, pigs can get your fingerpints off burnt items like tins of lighter fluid.

How much did the Nigger get?

Where are the Black Churches, the Black Trade Unionists, the Black activist, the Black Anti-Racists, the Black students, where are the Black left-wing groups protesting against this?

Where was ANTIFA?

Can I get this on Youtube, I want to write some nasty things?