Alex Jones caught jerking it to Tranny Porn

Alex Jones caught jerking it to Tranny Porn


The Video

Attached: 1535150923292.jpg (1125x644, 386.43K)

Other urls found in this thread:

the fuck is going on here today…. why are there no stickies?

Attached: youtube wtf rat tricks.jpg (542x579, 24.76K)


Attached: ##.JPG (640x360 9.43 KB, 6.11M)

Mods went back to polmeta as board because they were getting btfo in the thread too often. Stickies went too.

Attached: Chaim Fails.jpg (1024x803, 185.55K)

Why the sage though

"Who could possibly be shipping all these mudslimes into my country and destroying white culture?"

Makes sense.

Attached: Sheenie GRIDS tranny.png (600x446 487.88 KB, 39.88K)

I aint clickin tranny shit you feral fucking hiarball

Can you post a link to the Jonestein show that isn't a torrent?

Here's the exact moment.
Don't blink.

Attached: n2jEWlgxVkB1.webm (852x480, 2.01M)

Any better quality of video?

Attached: 1500032590214.jpg (1182x966, 89.03K)

So Alex is either jew or /b/tard confirmed?


Almost too perfect.


Attached: ClipboardImage.png (604x604, 260.52K)

I bet he jerked him off
I'd bet it
Right now you and me , I got like nine bucks in ltc up for it my man

I'm not seeing it.

It could maaaaybe be porn? How do you get tranny out of it…

Attached: 3f747f6d218c65b9cee47848e0194df74b285bacddb08782dbf4d535cb625941 - Copy.jpg (1280x800, 123.57K)

This could have easily been edited.

I just checked today's episode, it is there. One sec, will post.

I'm not even fucking seeing it on the source vid!

At least if I saw it I could say it looked a bit too lowres to not be photoshopped, but I CANT EVEN SEE IT.

Bitchute has garbage quality, I don't know if I can do much with it

Didn't Alex's ex-jew-wife (not to be confused with his current jew escort wife) insinuate that he was fucking men on twitter?

It's legit, and according to the cuckchan thread, that Ron Gibson faggot pulled the video after people noticed.

The absolute state of this board.

I'm grateful I don't into bitchute
Sounds degenerate tbh

itt male watches porn
kikes made the mobile porn box for this exact reason
thought it was cool to be a degenerate
but then they shame for degeneracy
what a fuckin world amirite?

It's speculation at best.

I took this screenshot at 2:21:23 from the live feed. The only alteration I have applied is a rotation.

Attached: tbabe.png (836x1314, 1.11M)

Where is the tranny porn supposed to be on this? I don't see shit.

Quality is too garbage to tell: Check

I've seen shoops in my time: Check

Porn is fine anyways, goy: Check


Attached: alex jones tranni porn tranny infowars.png (1125x644, 2.78M)

It's funny regardless
Picture it in your minds' eye. Ol filterman himself jerkin it to tranny prono This fucking timeline

Please make a mirror of the raw footage

Attached: naughty.png (854x480, 384.76K)

Attached: jonestein tags.png (893x34, 3.51K)

Alex Jonestein confirmed kike controlled opposition. Good thing his fat ass already got deplatformed, just another jew shoahed.

All of you should, because he'll deny it otherwise. Then he'll switch tactics and say, "ugh well… the globalits have implanted this filth into my phone… but this is an office phone, so maybe, it wasn't me ughhhh".

Send it to his wife too, ask her to confirm if this is his thing.

Q predicted this.

Attached: cb65fe2f070fbce69d681ce9a2450112cd6a4846baa345c6a145f00ed097dc1c.png (137x286, 67.76K)

Currently making a local copy.

surely you are not the kike


Attached: done.png (1554x314, 92.65K)

His easiest out is to say he was doing research into what is turning the frogs gay.

i don't see anything

could have been edited
also, could have been an intern. no proof it was his hand.

See above for the stills. What I don't get is how the original user found this. Eagle eyes for sure.

It's available on his website, you can download it yourself.

My sides, my fucking sides

Attached: lol face hitting earth.jpg (500x375, 45.45K)

wew lads

Please make a high quality cut and be sure to include the part where he says "looking at my little iPhone".

Kek willing only

I got 7 minutes left on the download.

He spotted open tabs and then investigated them. Just like with Kurt Eichenwald.

you're on a different level

Attached: Million Dollar Extreme Presents World Peace - Nick Hosts a Wine Party.mp4 (1280x720, 397.53K)


No, no, super hetero vitality

Alex what are you doing?
Even Kikenwald has better taste than you.

Attached: too many things to say back.png (527x314, 69.93K)

Definitely prime water-filter-man content.

Unpopular opinion. Benis and vagina…
The video is straight sex, just with a man with titties.

wrong video

You hear that moshi? Now you got Bond on your ass too. Nice get

Attached: BearClap.gif (193x217, 15.79K)

did you test how the site handles - or did you just assume it?

This is the DHS. We have collected the IPs of all involved in this raid. 12 members of U.S. descent were caught.

2:21:23 from the stream on his website, no denying it.

Attached: naughty tbabe.png (1276x716, 1.05M)

I have to say it looks like this is legit. The filterman has worn out his use anyway. Let his weak sauce civNat message die out with him.

I think the servers are either under heavy load, or they intentionally made the second half of the video more difficult to download.

No kidding, don't use the magnet link unless you're under a vpn

Ah yes, the DHS protocol: warn the anons with a shitpost.

Is that stupid shit still around?

tbabe Marissa Minx

Attached: 1535151861873.png (824x746, 98.32K)

Attached: alex tporn jones.mp4 (768x432, 6.3M)

Enjoy my European VPN.

It's called kike eichenwald
Or kikenwald
Or kikeonthewall
Either way jew and tentacle porn redansscy

Who's going to be the detective who figures out which video it is? The one in the OP is a tranny fucking a girl, hopefully the actually video is full-on fag porn.

*actual video

Who do we send this to now?

Attached: 1508656110624.gif (319x258, 2M)

the title contains an - but not in the alex jones video. same with url and title of video (title is used as title of "previously visited site").

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (1534x804, 754.97K)

Good Job user.

Hehehehe he heeeeee haw
Big guy , good fuck filterman
Stop masturbating Alex Jones. I'm Zig Forums and I'm right 2000% of the time
Renounce porn. STop masturbating
2 years and 9 months here
Tell the world a internet Nazi troll told you to literally stop masturbating

Seems like I was right. Jonestein is a sodomite, 100% confirmed, even though only a degenerate faggot would watch any porn that features a tranny.

Attached: fucks a guy.png (438x314, 264.21K)


BTW, was it a livestream? Or could he have edited it out?

Attached: tbabe Marissa Minx.PNG (402x234, 101.48K)

Someone send this to media matters. They can be our useful idiots for once.


they'd just run a typical "homophobes are gay"

Wow, create for yourself a mental image of my astonishment. Anyone who ever took this no-neck faggot seriously needs to just off themselves. He babbles on and on about interdimensional lizards and vampires but won't ever name the jew. Didn't this faggot say the fucking ChiComs run (((Hollywood))) the other day? I mean come the fuck on, this guy is doing Olympic level mental gymnastics to not name the kike. He pushes his snake oil and water filter trash and pulls in all kinds of money still. He got kicked from a few major sites but what do ya know, he can still do payment processing to rake in more shekels. Nothing he does even remotely wobbles the apple cart, let alone upsets it. He's as much a tool of the jews as any antifa or other leftist or neo-con cock muncher. Him beating his three incher to ladyboys doesn't surprise me in the least.

Attached: tenor.png (512x480, 114.42K)

We have to identify the exact clip and archive the url.

At least Jones can finally say that he is not transphobic.

Nope. Frogs are trans and transphobic at the same

Not sure if tranny but thats porn for sure


For those just entering the thread

I work for Infowars and I find body inflation quite attractive. REAL WOMEN HAVE CURVES

Attached: a06.jpg (680x559, 60.41K)

I'm gonna start watching him now.

yep yep yep

Attached: alex jones infowars tranni tranny cuke.png (1125x644, 2.78M)

You better follow Q user. EVERYTHING HE SAYS COMES TRUE!!!! WOWWWWWW!!!!!

The memes just write themselves.



It's not exactly same video or at least different upload.

What does it say under the image?

??? ????? t - girl Marissa Minx fucks a guy?