Donald Trump Deports 95-Year-Old Former Nazi Guard

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you dipshit hypocrite shill

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Remember, folks… Know your nazis.
Bad Nazis, kid who stood guard near a fence, became good US citizen.
Good Nazi, joined SS, ID'ed fellow Jews, said it was the best time of his life. Makes post war career trying to overthrow the US government and spread communism.

Attached: Know your nazis.jpg (640x800, 201.55K)

Shills are using this as a rallying move lol

But this guy is probably chilling in a Germany hospital for now.

I blame the boomer cucks.

He can deport a 95 year old man who shares his ancestry (and fought communists) to make the jews and liberals happy, but he can't build a wall to keep the mexicans out to keep the rest of us happy.

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Thank god! Can you imagine the horrors that could have been wrought upon New York if a 95 year old German man who once wore a military uniform had been allowed to stay? Somebody might have had to help cross a street or something!

This is a strategic chess move against Democrats who want to abolish ICE.

How can they now say they want to abolish ICE when they deported a former Nazi guard?

Also, it's a Nazi, so who cares?

cursed boomer meme

What the fuck? I guess we should all just open our borders then and embrace getting genocided.


Indeed he is not

Who cares? Nazis are fags. National Socialism is still socialism. American nationalism is the best nationalism, and it didn't get our country steamrolled by all of its neighbors and left in ruins like that Jew Hitler did.



I have never been a fag in my life

Even Russia and China don't prosecute 3rd reich soldiers anymore. They've lost 27 and 30 million people respectively.

Tronald Dump becomes caricature kike more and more.

But what does this have to do with George Zimmerman?

Also did Orange Fool-Aid take responsibility or something?

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Hi NSA. I noticed you added the term "ban-evading" to your "torpedo" shibboleth. This is because you kept trotting out the "torpedo" term on its own, and were getting owned because it was so obvious that you were triggered because Tor stops you from spying on us. You're still an NSAfag, using the term "torpedo" is still a dead giveaway, Hitler is still a Jew and a Freemason, and you still haven't made an argument.

This is a good reminder that they are still alive, well, and working to fuck everyone on this entire god damn planet over. I wish you well gramps.

Top kek.

you are the shill




You're not a national socialist, you're an NSA shill. Prove me wrong by writing a detailed a detailed defense of national socialism including the benefits it offers to a society compared with other economic and governmental systems. Faggot.

Hitler was a homeless artist. How does that make him a Jew or Mason?

K, done. Reported for spam.

Just report it.

95yrs old
not much use to us anyway
His purpose, making people believe Trump is not one of us, is truly his highest and best use.
Good Speed Jakiw!

You sure fit in fam.

Hi Rabbi,
Still playing divide the goy by generation? You know that's not nice.
So, SS people get a pass, if they're rich Jews approved by your Rothschild masters. Interesting.

If you guys are the future, the white race is fucked.

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You're a kike, aren't you? Or incredibly new and just off the SS Reddit with an r/Donald class ticket.

trump is a weak faggot, sad!

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nice context denial there


Because everything you see on the internet is true goy

Reminder that Trump just spent probably a million dollars deporting a White man who's probably got less than a year to live anyway. Meanwhile millions of spics who will go on raping and killing for generations to come are free to roam around and do whatever they want because detention centers made Melania's vagina cry.

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Reported, ban evading torpedo.

For what, winning the argument?

"ban evading torpedo" is a shibboleth for NSA employees.


It's being built as we speak, shill.

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Oh look its a shitty fence thats can be climb with equipment.
t. someone who witnessed a spic climb the southern californian wall near the border station at 5 am

I suppose you'd have to move the goalposts, since it's pretty hard to move a fucking wall, shill.

There's videos of a beaner trying to climb it, falling and almost dying.
Broke several ribs and both legs.

woah there, didn't you are a shill. Yes you two can be a shill. Just follow these steps. Pay attention, have a memory beyond 5 days, consider that what you are being told doesn't make sense. Then just go ahead and do some thinking and you too can be a shill.

the gymnastics you must be able to do.

It's a fence, shill. I was promised a wall, but I'm going to get a holocaust.

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see look he built a wall. Promise kept. A wall, like a single structure. Not "the wall" which would stretch thousand miles. We built how many ships during the 4 years of ww2? fucker can't send in a concrete crew?

come on chess posters

Fuck off kike. We've had a thread and it was established that he was in the country illegally. Good riddance. He had 14 years to get legal status and he never even tried. All illegals get deported no exceptions.

For anyone not in the know, this is not "the wall", these are 40 mile sections of fencing that trump got in the omniobus bill. It has nothing to do with the wall, these where already existing structures in california.


you posted this shit? He was an illegal? i cant believe i even read that


Broken bot or pajeet shill. They aren't sending their best.

yawn, you bore me tard

Curious how this bot works. Let's see if it replies instantly when I don't directly reply to it.

i am a robot, you are a tard. Go fuck a tree

Seems it refreshes the page every minute looking for replies and posts no matter if you directly reply to it or not. Or it's a pajeet shill that doesn't speak English as his first language.

Thanks for the information it was helpful.

thinks donald is the next hitler, right only in that both wrecked their countries future

Take note of the pattern of its replies:
Note the seconds in particular and how they are all within 10 seconds of each other on the minute. This suggests an automated script that is posting when replies are made to the thread. An organic poster wouldn't have such a contestant pattern. Also, notice how it constantly uses typical shill tactics
Finally note how it doesn't capitalize letters like "I" in every post and uses broken English. Suggests a bottom of the barrel chatbot application.

I'll stop feeding it now was just curious to see how it worked.

consistent* Sorry I need sleep.

You stupid fuck, we want the spics gone, not white people. The whole "no tolerance for illegals" thing is how we sell removing kebab and beaners to people. No one actually cares if a European guy is here illegally, especially if he served in the SS. Are you really this dumb?

Now notice how once called out another IP was sent in an attempt to further shill in the thread.

What? Speak English, fucking mongrel.

Now back to generic replies. Also note the use of "we" in his first post. Obviously not an user. Probably triggered a human to get involved because the bot was called out. How's the weather in Tel-Aviv today Mr. Kike?

Dunno, you tell me Moishe.

Again with the generic reply and typical shill tactics. An user doesn't post like this.

Oh give it a rest. You're not fooling anyone. Although, I don't think you're a kike, just a dumbass autist who doesn't understand anything.

Again it refuses to even acknowledge my argument of bots posting because it would lead to discourse about obvious shill tactics and bots. Also note that the other ID (the bot) has stopped responding all together while this one has lurked the thread to keep it bumped.

I'll stop feeding it now. Just wanted to educate newfags. Remember, the JIDF is real and this ID is proof of such.

everything that i dont like is a bot. everything else is a shill

After being modified to change the behavior of the bot to not post within a 10 second window every minute it's back. Curious, don't you think?

It's almost like a human had to get involved and modify its programming because it was too obvious. Also note that now that I've called out another ID for not addressing my point about botposting the bot suddenly shows back up in an attempt to address it and make my argument look weak. You got caught kike you should KYS or don't, when the day of the rope finally happens we'll be happy to string you up from the nearest tree.

I'm off to bed now. Just wanted to point out that they're shilling against Trump in overdrive because he recently called out their little genocide in South Africa.

Trumpstein is a cryptokike faggot.

This guy gets it & I know he's a guy because it's logical & I thought the same thing almost right away.

you are welcome to your opinion, just don't go sharing it within anyone you want to think of you as smart

truly your intellect is dizzying

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skid along yid

This man was and still is worth a million of you foul NeoCon jew supporting MAGApede spastics.
You are the reason America will go down without a solitary shot fired bak in defence.

If this is the best modern America can do with all the freedom of information in the internet age, and the most red-pilled generation hang their hats on an orange kike, then good riddence to you jew protecting Amerikikes

Only reason I can come up with as to why he did this was to remove ICE's "nazi" image. For kikes its pointless because they could have just taken him out years ago.

Six month old post building a wall in the same spot. He's asking for 5B in the next budget for additional wall building. Watch how quickly he cucks out.

I knew a Salvadorian whose gramps was a Nazi. I don't know how he managed to cross the border.


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Mexicans (Hitler called them Aryans) almost joined the Nazis. But the Intelligence agencies intervened and Mexico never got Hitler's deal to make America Mexico again. By now we would have an Aryan-Anglo mix in the US.

So who was this move supposed to pander to? Leftists or the Eternal Boomer? How can this be 4d chess when the former will never vote for him, and the latter will vote for him no matter what?

Ok let often says, "Esoteric immigration will give rise to a better nation."

You can post that on /b/ now and see the sort of responses you get from the mods.

Trump is looking to deport a bunch of spics. We saved them from their natural inclination to national socialism, but they never learn. They keep siding with Hitler in droves. If they want to be Nazi they can do it in their own shithole countries.

Is this a bot? Nothing it says makes any goddamn sense.

You know there's a thread already, right?

Blumpf is zog