Another Setback for Kosher Conquest of Asia
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I think the jews are going to impeach him for this.
"Not getting rid of nukes fast enough" is not the same as kim tricked him.
Bill Clinton gave north korea purified nuclear material for fucks sake, and bush/obama were even worse if that's possible.
If this is being portrayed in the media, the Jews wanted it to be.
What a hilarious meme. So funny. The clown makeup really brings the whole thing together. Is that a Metal Gear reference? Wow. My sides. Well memed fellow user.
The jews don't want somebody who sent Trump a dead jew spy to have nukes. They want NK's women to be rapekilled by niggers and their men wearing skirts.
I don’t see that happening. I don’t think it’s the Jews that want that these days so much as the homomafia, which does work with the Jews on occasion.
Kim was never getting rid of those nukes. Whatever Kim needs China will give knowing full well trump will never put sanctions on china.
Bloody hell, it's the Norks' oldest trick.
They've been pulling this shit since early seventies. How can anyone fall for it time and time again?
If the neocon party was pro-western would you start shilling for neocon wars.
Gee, sure played me there. At worst, they'd probably nuke SanFran and do us a favor.
Nuke Isreal rock man!
Trump never lifted sanctions. What exactly did rocketman gain from this masterful gambit? If you weren't at room temperature IQ you'd have long since realized that the NK regime is a puppet state. Korea is the perpetual puppet state. That is their destiny, sometimes they just change owners. The theater we see now is Trump attempting to wrestle control from China by giving assurances and providing a better deal. NK has been interested in this since China is a shit daddy and, once again, Korea is in capable of actually being autonomous.
中國軍隊在北京市中心的天安門廣場肆虐,殺害並逮捕了數千名支持民主的抗議者。 中國政府對抗議者的殘酷攻擊震驚了西方,並引起了美國的譴責和製裁。
Meh, all he has to do is just re-start the SK drills and see how NK reacts
Same difference. See the The Origins of Holocaustianity video:
Pretty much nothing except a country free of jews and niggers. They even offered him McDonald's. How could anybody choose nukes over that, amirite?
He could have had the unhealthiest population in the world. He could have had warehouses in deserts full of Mexican pickers who don't get bathroom breaks. He could be paying a fortune for wars in the Middle East for cheap oil to move Bezos' shit from the desert. Pyongyang could have been modernized into a Chicago, Detroit, or Baltimore. But he turned it all down. The madman.
You don't belong here, fucktard
I see I underestimated the butthurt. Cry more ad hominems for me.
Leftynigger are so fucking un-funny.
You're now aware that you're praising a race of gross bugs on a board for white men to discuss the degeneration caused by non-whites, and you still think you're blending in and making friends. Bonus shekels for thinking ultradank leftist facebook memes cause "butthurt"
I'm not here to make friends. I am here to agitate agent nigger who was hoping for an easy night of posting bestiality here.
Whatever man, as long as they're in their homelands, I'm fine.
And those memes Soros paid for reflect great butthurt just like his shareblue article.
I hate you
Feeling a little insecure there, leftyfag? Myself, I have faith. Faith that, first, this is empty theater and there will be a peace treaty by November (in time to fuck your commie and spook friends running for Congress); and second, that the left will never master memery. You're beyond embarrassing, and I'd be saying that even if you were a NatSoc with such memes. Sage.
First, nice sage there fag. Second, I have no friends in Congress. Zero. Third, I have more faith. That Kim will be merciless with you fags.
Wait, does Zig Forums want a denuclearised NK?
I suspect Lefty POL does. IMO Kim Jong Un should have as many Nukes as he likes and the US should fuck off and leave them alone.
I think Zig Forums niggers like you should leave.
There was never any fucking chance in the world of the Norks giving up their nukes. So the whole thing was just a huge waste of time and money. Billions in tax payer dollars, fucking worthlessly blown to arrange all this shit, to craft this boat of bullshit which shall be rowed to nowhere.
Be quiet Israel, you're gay.
Checked for…
… Dreams…
… and Reality.
Well, he doesn't even need to act anymore.
I just meant on principal. The relationship is being normalised and everything else seems fine.
so did we give north korea anything.
he tired, Ill give him points on just fucking showing up an trying. Where every other president just fucking let their jew military complex use it as a fear mongering tatic.
Trump actually tried to make world peace happen a little.
And now hes pulling back. Hes showing backbone.
Damn can Trump stop winning
Is this sort of talk ever going to stop?
Trump has repeated the same critical mistake as every other US administration, which is relying on the South to help denuclearize people
who were arbitrarily divided from them in the first place by the US, who a significant ideological trend admire for standing up to the US in comparison to the "puppet" ROK, which is regarded as totally inferior in nationalist terms, whose national founder Kim il Sung they regard as the liberator from Japanese colonialism, and whose nukes they aren't threatened by and stand to gain when, not if, reunification happens.
Only State Department communists and those who listen to them, like US Presidents, could think that a people would turn mercenary against their ethnic brethren, whatever their ideological inclinations, for the privilege of hosting tens of thousands of ZOGnigger occupation troops that murder women and rape little girls, and whose purpose is to enforce mass immigration, feminism and homesexuality across the globe.
Negotiating tactic. OP, reduce your intake of dicks before posting in the future.
anti-Trump leftists do not even realise how retarded they look to anyone with a brain.
They are implying that you cannot trust Kim either because
1 He is korean/ asian?
2 He is an actual real live commie?
3 Becuase he is a dictator?
4 Because he has threatened the west in the past?
5 Because he is building a nuclear arsenal?
Their lack of a logical overview of their positions makes them a pathetic laughable mess in the eyes of anyone with an ounce of sense
1 not trusting someone because they are foreign is xenophobic and racist
2 not trusting actual commie leaders while simultaneously pushing for society to adopt commie ideals is retarded
3 all communist regimes had dictators, trying to turn your country commie but not liking dictators is a sign of mental illness
4 isis and many other muslims HATE the west/ unbelievers, but leftists want them in our countries
5 israel has built an illegal nuclear arsenal, where are the complaints, protests and threats of military intervention if they don't disarm? Israel also stole US nuclear secrets and sold them to china. Again, where are the protests and threats of war if they don't disarm?
If leftists don't come round with all the facts that are available out there, do they even deserve to live in our countries?
Yeah, it's retarded. Why would they ever give up their nukes? It was obvious that trump only did it because Israel had been kvetching over best Korean nukes for a while.
That's how it always starts. Korea didn't play the USA. The USA is playing them. Giving the nation outside of banker control nuke material then attacking them later for nukes. It's a setup.